Have default selected value in Angular 5's Material Autocomplete? - angular-material2

I need to have a default value selected for my autocomplete function. I can't seem to find any documentation or property like "selected" for mat-option. Thank you.
<mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete">
<mat-option *ngFor="let srd2 of stockreqDetailItemList" [value]="srd2.itemCode">
{{srd2.itemCode}} {{srd2.itemName}}

I don't know if it is relevant, but what worked for me with Angular 7 was to set the value of the dropdown in the class of the component with the 'setValue' method like so:
public dropdown = new FormControl();
this.dropdown.setValue({name: 'test', email: 'test'});


AMP Add a class after an event

The only relevant thing I have is the "toggle" event, but nothing related to just add a class when I trigger an event in AMP.
I have a form to submit, and I want to add a class to a father element to change the color of the background so that I can show a different "look" for the success than the form.
How to do that?
<amp-state id="className">
<script type="application/json">
"changeClass": ""
[class]="className.changeClass == 'newClass' ? 'afterclick' : 'beforeclick'
">Hello World
<button on="tap:AMP.setState({className:{changeClass: 'newClass'})">Click</button>
When u click to the button it will look for the changeClass varibale to ClassName state and assign the newClass value to it .
And that value will assign to dynamic [class] and change the class value to new value.
it is pretty simple.

Kendo ui list view losing focus when changing data

I have a kendo ui listview with a template the conditionally hides elements based on the underlying data. An example would be as follows:
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="template">
<div class="product">
<img src="../content/web/foods/#= ProductID #.jpg" alt="#: ProductName # image" />
<p>#:kendo.toString(UnitPrice, "c")#</p>
# if (Discontinued) { #
Discontinued Product
# } #
If i modify the underlying dataSource items to set Discontinued with the following code:
data[index].set('Discontinued', true);
If the index is the currently selected item then that item looses focus and is no longer selected.
Please see the following dojo example http://dojo.telerik.com/UlOze, select an item from the list and then set it to discontinued.
Has anybody found a solution / workaround for this issue ?
------------- FINAL SOLUTION --------------
Following on from dimodi's answer below I pieced together the solution.. For this to work the dataSource must have the schema -> model -> id property set.
1st capture the currently selected data item:
var selectedItem = $(listElement).find(".k-state-selected");
var selectedDataItem = list.dataItem(selectedItem);
2nd: After calling .set re-find the data item and set the k-state-selected class. This is nessesary as the list component is regenerating the uid's.
if (selectedDataItem) {
var newSelectedItem = list.dataSource.get(selectedDataItem.ProductID)
var uid = newSelectedItem.uid;
jQuery("[data-uid='" + uid + "']").addClass("k-state-selected");
I've updated the original dojo to show this solution, incase it helps someone else.
When a data item is changed, its corresponding ListView item is re-rendered to apply the changes. As a result, the selection is lost, as it is a purely visual feature that is not persisted across rebinds. You can check if an item is selected before using set() and then restore the selection manually by applying a k-state-selected class to the element afterwards.

angular js template logic to remove repeater item

I have a repeater that looks like
<ion-item ng-repeat="obj in data">
which displays an item list of the numbers 1 through 10. When an odd number shows up I want that particular item to be hidden. Is this something I can do within the view it's self? Regardless what's a good way to do this?
You have to control your data set in your controller:
$scope.ProId = "";
$scope.HideOdd = function (){
-- create a function to hide DATA
and on your ion tag ad ng-hide="HideOdd"

How to clear selected value from Bootstrap FormHelpers SelectBox

How does one access the various options for the bootstrap formhelpers library?
I have tried every way of accessing them, but get an error every time.
Specifically, I'm trying to clear out the selected value in a bfh-selectbox
see How to reset value of Bootstrap-select after button click
Its hard to clear the value of a select box since its a dropdown. Do you mean setting the dropdown to a specific option?
For your specic question: You can set and get the value of the bfh-selectbox with JQuery like this:
<div id="selBox" class="bfh-selectbox" data-name="selectbox1">
<div data-value="1">Option 1</div>
<div data-value="2">Option 2</div>
<div data-value="3">Option 3</div>
Get value:
var output = $("#selBox").val();
Set value:
$("#selBox").val([Replace with valid option value]);
BFH are great components, but their documentation is really lacking.

Form select box in Backbone Marionette

I'm trying using Backbone.Marionette to build an application. The application gets its data through REST calls.
In this application I created a model which contains the following fields:
I also created an ItemView that contains a complete form for the model. The template I'm using is this:
<input id="model-id" class="uneditable-input" name="id" type="text" value="{{id}}"/>
<input id="model-name" class="uneditable-input" name="name" type="text" value="{{name}}" />
<select id="model-language" name="language"></select>
<select id="model-type" name="type"></select>
<button class="btn btn-submit">Save</button>
(I'm using Twig.js for rendering the templates)
I am able to succesfully fetch a model's data and display the view.
What I want to do now is populate the select boxes for model-language and model-type with options. Language and type fields are to be restricted to values as a result from REST calls as well, i.e. I have a list of languages and a list of types provided to me through REST.
I'm contemplating on having two collections, one for language and one for type, create a view for each (i.e. viewLanguageSelectOptions and viewTypeSelectOptions), which renders the options in the form of the template I specified above. What I am not sure of is if this is possible, or where to do the populating of options and how to set the selected option based on data from the model. It's not clear to me, even by looking at examples and docs available, which Marionette view type this may best be realized with. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction.
In other words, I'm stuck right now and I'm wondering of any of you fellow Backbone Marionette users have suggestions or solutions. Hope you can help!
Create a view for a Select in my opinion is not needed in the scenario that you are describing, as Im assuming that your languages list will not be changing often, and the only porpouse is to provide a list from where to pick a value so you can populate your selects in the onRender or initializace function of your view using jquery.
you can make the calls to your REST service and get the lists before rendering your view and pass this list to the view as options and populate your selects on the onRender function
var MyItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
initialize : function (options) {
this.languages = options.languages;
this.typeList = options.typeList;
template : "#atemplate",
onRender : function () {
this.renderSelect(this.languages, "#languagesSelect", "valueofThelist");
this.renderSelect(this.typeList, "#typesSelect", "valueofThelist")
renderSelect :function (list, element, value) {
$.each(list, function(){
_this.$el.find(element).append("<option value='"+this[value]+"'>"+this[value]+"</option>");
var languagesList = getLanguages();
var typeList = getTypesList();
var myItemView = new MyItemView({languages:languagesList,typeList :typeList });
Hope this helps.
