Extract pictures from a table in a PDF - image

I would like to write a small program, or script, to extract a set of pictures from a pdf.
I have several PDFs, they each have a table of pictures. I would link to have one picture per file. Therefore I need a way to extract them. Due to the nature of the PDF (A table/grid), it seems that it would be much easier to write a program, than do some manual method. However I have no idea what tools are available.
What libraries are available?
Preference Python, then C# or Java, then maybe some other language (My C and C++ is rusty, I have not done them for years).
I am on Debian Gnu/Linux, so have a wide choice of tools.

I went with pdfbox (an Apache project, so Free Software) it is a java library and a command line tool (the app module). I then scripted it with a bit of python to process the extracted text (yes it did that as well), and rename the image files.


How can i make an basic GUI application in PostScript

I have searched in google regards the GUI application for postscript. I was redirected to this page https://www.whoishostingthis.com/resources/postscript/
And got some tools name which is mentioned below:
1)ImageMagick-(Installed successfully,But not working)
2)Pslib- Library
3)Gnuplot- A command-line graphics and data visualization tool
4)Cairo- Library
5)GNUEnscript-Tool which is used to convert ASCII files into PostScript files
6)GNU a2ps- Any to PostScript filter
Please Guide me from here,To make an GUI application in PostScript
Thanks in advance..
There are a few options and a lot of caveats. As Ken rightly says, PostScript has a limited scope for interacting with the operating system. There are a few technologies that extended the basic PostScript environment for GUI applications, namely NeWS (from Sun) and Display PostScript (from Adobe). While these worked somewhat differently, PostScript was primarily intended to be an output-only component of a larger application using the C API.
Some options for a similar kind of setup would be running ToastScript as part of a larger Java application. Or maybe scripting ghostscript with TCL or Python.
Without a lot of extra work, you can use ghostscript for graphical output as long as the input comes from the terminal. Eg. my Mandelbrot Set program.

Convert *.dwg between versions

I am using an off site drafter for much of the drawing work that I have done. My office uses Autocad 2012 LT, while the off site drafter produces files in the 2016 format. In order to edit the drawings I must first convert the files from the newer autocad drawing format to an older format using DWG Trueview. Is there any way to interact with an API to complete this task?
The only programming language I know is python. I know comtypes can interact with the DLL's so its a matter of hooking in.
You can already convert drawings in batch using the DWG Convert tool provided with DWG TrueView, and so in my opinion there is very little benefit to be gained in investing a significant amount of time attempting to automate this process further.
Simply follow the detailed instructions & video tutorial provided here.

command line program to list layers in a DXF/DWG file

I have a CAD file and I'd like to do some scripting with it and was hoping for a little software program that could just give me a list of the layers. I tried (on mac and windows) to get CAD::Drawing from cpan working (perl) to no avail.
Could somebody point me to either a library (more or less any language is fine) or a software program that will allow me to accomplish this. Platform doesn't matter I have access to Linux mac and pc.
For standalone applications, the two most common DWG libraries are Teigha and RealDWG. DXF files are text files that can be parsed fairly easily without any special libraries.

Scripting language that can produce a small, independent, Windows EXE?

I'd like to do some light data processing - a little binary data manipulation followed by conversion to text serialization. The result is written to a file, and processed by an external program (run by my program). The data processing is more than I'd care to consider doing in batch files.
I'd prefer to use a scripting language, but not have to install the language first. The target computers are mostly older Windows boxes, which are disconnected from the network (no updates, such as PowerShell)
I'm not familiar with the various language's tools for creating EXE files. Which ones have solutions that work well and don't produce huge files? (i.e., whole interpreter package plus my script.)
For my money (its free) AutoIt 3 is exactly what your looking for. AutoIt produces relatively (250k is the standard overhead) small stand alone exes. It has a full perl like regex engine so your light data processing should be a breeze (I've written some pretty heavy data processing scripts in it myself). When downloading autoit be sure to get the full version including Scite this makes compile to exe a one click operation.
I know I might get flamed for this, but VB 6 is a viable option. Since XP SP2 (I think, possibly earlier), Windows has come with its runtimes installed. Not sure about vista.
Theres also the Windows Scripting Host that uses VBScript and JScript.
Lua is an excellent choice for that kind of stuff. You can integrate it in your executable or use the standalone Lua interpreter to run your scripts.
While waiting for answers I ran across Shoes, which can make Ruby .exe (I'm most familiar with Ruby) I got it mostly working, although the size of 2.4MB was a bit larger than I'd like. However, I found that it would crash when changing application focus.
I switched to a 'regular' terminal script, and found rubyscript2exe, which, after working around a problem with rubygems, seems to work, and creates a ~700kb file.
I did rather like some of the options presented, but it's not worth redeveloping at this point.
Python with py2exe. Depends on what you mean by small though.
Would using PowerShell script be something you've considered. The data processing might be richer there.
Why not knock up a .NET application? There are free editions of the IDE, and the Framework comes with Windows as a standard component (which also includes a C# compiler, as it happens.)

What is the quickest path to writing a lightweight GUI program on Windows?

I want a small (< 30MB) standalone Windows executable (a single file) that creates a window which asks the user for the location of a directory and then launches a different program in that directory.
This executable has to run on XP, Vista, Server 2003, and Server 2008 versions of Windows in 32-bits and 64 bits on x86-64 architecture as well as Itanium chips.
It would be spectacular if we only had to build it once in order to run it on all these platforms, but that is not a requirement. This is for a proprietary system, so GPL code is off-limits.
What is the fastest way to put this together?
These are some things I'm looking into, so if you have info about their viability, I'm all about it:
Perl/Tk using perl2exe to get the binary.
Ruby with wxruby
Learn MFC programming and do it the right way like everybody else.
What about a WSH script? It won't be an exe, right, but to ask for a folder I don't see the need for an exe file, much less a 30Mb one...
A 1Kb script, save it as whatever name you like with vbs extension and run it. This, in case it's not clear, asks you for a folder name and then runs calc.exe from the system32 subdirectory. You can of course do a lot better than this in 2 or 4 Kb.
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
win = InputBox("Please type your Windows folder location.")
If Right(win,1) <> "\" Then
win = win & "\"
End If
WshShell.Run win & "system32\calc.exe"
To add a Folder Browser dialog instead of an InputBox, check this out.
Clear benefits are:
Simplicity (well, VB is ugly, but you can use JScript if you prefer), no need to compile it!
Compatibility, works on every windows machine I have available (from 98 onwards)
I'd use .NET and WinForms. The idea of scripted solution is appealing, but in practice I often find you end up jumping through hoops to do anything beyond the basic case and still don't have the flexibility to do everything you want.
Quickest way on Windows for a lightweight and fast GUI? One word.. Delphi! It lacks the 64 bit support for now but then FreePascal would come to the rescue.
Having a small stand-alone application and developing it quickly are, I'm sorry to say, usually conflicting requirements.
To be honest, given how incredibly simple the application is, I would write it in C with direct Win32 calls: one call to SHBrowseForFolder() to get the directory, and one to ShellExecuteEx() to run the program. Even MFC is far too heavy-weight for such a modest application. Set the C runtime to be statically linked and you should be able to keep the size of the stand-alone executable to less than 100k. A decent Windows C coder should be able to knock that up in less than an hour, assuming you have one to hand.
Python with either wxWidgets or Tkinter should be able to do this with almost no effort at all. Runs on everything, and py2exe will get you a standalone executable.
Tcl/tk is one solution. You can have a single file executable (including custom images, dlls, etc) using something called a "starpack" -- a virtual filesystem that is both tcl interpreter and application code. I think it would weigh in at maybe a couple megabytes.
From your specifications it would take me personally maybe 15 minutes to get a first working version.
Tcl/Tk has a BSD license.
For all of its flaws, Visual Basic has historically been great for super-simple apps like this.
I agree with the Tcl/Tk answer above. For more information about the starpack that he refers to, see: http://www.equi4.com/tclkit/ it's a Tcl/Tk interpreter available for various OS's all in about 1MB. In the past there apparently has been concerned about the look and feel of Tcl/Tk UI's, but this has been addressed by a new framework named "Tile" that supports the native look and feel of the user's OS.
For a quick and dirty GUI program like you said, you can use an AutoIt script. You can even compile to an exe.
For an GUI example of AutoIt, you can check my stdout redirect script in a previous answer here
wxWidgets; it's cross platform, free, open source and easy to learn
You could do this in MFC and have an executable in under 100k. In general, if you want to keep the size of your executables down, you can use UPX to perform exe compression. If you want an example, take a look at uTorrent. It's a full featured BitTorrent app in less than 300k of executable.
I use HTA (HTML Application) for quick-and-dirty form & script applications. See Microsoft's HTA Developers Center for details and examples. This basically uses HTML for the form, and any HTML-accessible scripting language for the script. Normal browser security is bypassed so that you can get at almost all OS internals. The above site also contains links to several tools that nearly automate the scripting part for you.
PyQt works really well for this. Binaries for Windows here:
A good book here:
And you can freeze these using various methods if you need exe(s).
Similar to what Vinko Vrsalovic said, you can use a HTA application. It is as easy as building a webpage with windows scripting host functionality. I have built a few utilities with jscript and it is really easy and quick
These responses are unbelievable.
Visual Studio Forms editor lets you draw out WinForms and autogenerates the boilerplate GUI code (which is a pain in the ass at best for most other languages and toolkits). Then you can use C# or any other .NET language. .NET has stock widgets for file pickers. I could write that script in 20 minutes and it will run on every one of your target platforms for free. Draw out the GUI, drag-n-drop a file picker, fill out maybe two hooks to do the "launch a different file than they wanted" thing, done.
I suggest Autohotkey (AHK) or Autoit. Both support win95+ (with caveats for certain functions). They can be compiled into small .exe without external dependency (besides native DLL's).
small size
easy to write code
useful for simple - complex operations
can create GUI easily
learning curve (as syntax is unusual)
30MB is pretty huge!
Qt (C++) may be the best choice. It is portable, quick to develop and relatively fast to run. With UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) your program will be 10M+.
Qt (Python) is OK too, but will be slower.
If you want it less than 1M and/or you want it quick, you can write it in C with win32 api, or use Delphi.
