Why do I need to set the lambda capture? - c++11

I have not much experience in using lambda's - I was hoping someone could explain what I did below in 'layman's terms' (if possible).
I have a std::vector with a number of objects (or none). Each object has an id. I want to place the object with the id I am interested in at the back of the vector.
I did that like so
std::vector<my_ob> l_obs;
[...] // populate the vector
auto l_elem = std::find_if(l_obs.rbegin(),
l_obs.rend(), [](my_ob const& ob){ return ob.mv_id == 8;});
std::iter_swap(l_elem, l_obs.rbegin());
I am using a reverse iterator as I expect the match to already be at the back of the vector in most cases.
The above worked fine, until I moved it into a method and instead of trying to find '8', I wanted to find a value passed as a const int parameter. The compiler told me that the parameter I used was not captured, and that the lambda had no capture default. So I changed the lambda to
[=](my_ob const& ob){ return ob.mv_id == _arg;}
and this all seems to work now.
Why was this = sign needed?

Lambda expressions produce closure objects, which are function objects (similar to a struct with an overloaded operator()).
In order for closures to use variables in the outer scope, they must know how: either by copying the variable into the closure itself, or by referring to it.
[=](my_ob const& ob){ return ob.mv_id == _arg;}
is equivalent to
[_arg](my_ob const& ob){ return ob.mv_id == _arg;}
which roughly desugars to
struct LAMBDA
int _arg;
LAMBDA(int arg) : _arg{arg} { }
auto operator()(my_ob const& ob) const { return ob.mv_id == _arg; }
As you can see, _arg needs to be available in the scope of the generated LAMBDA function object, so it needs to be a data member of the closure.
When you were using a literal, no captures were needed as the generated closure looked like:
struct LAMBDA
auto operator()(my_ob const& ob) const { return ob.mv_id == 5; }


Ruby C extension : How do I know that a ruby VALUE generated in my C code will be correctly cleaned by GC?

I'm trying to write a really small C extension. So I don't want to make a whole ruby class, with initializer, allocator, and so forth. All I want to do is add a static method to an existing class, method which will run an algorithm and return a result. Unfortunately, all documentation I find only speak about wrapping a C struct into a VALUE, but that's not my use case.
What I want to know : if I create a ruby object (which will allocate memory) inside my C code, and that I return it as the result of my function, will it be taken care of properly by the garbage collector, or is it going to leak ?
Example :
void Init_my_extension()
VALUE cFooModule;
cFooModule = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Foo"));
rb_define_singleton_method(cFooModule, "big_calc", method_big_calc, 1);
VALUE method_big_calc(VALUE self, VALUE input)
VALUE result;
result = rb_ary_new();
return result;
Will the array that was allocated by rb_ary_new() be properly cleaned when it's not used anymore ? How is the garbage collector aware of references to this value ?
Yes, You code properly clean memory if You using rb_ary_new().
In my opinion You need answer on other question. How create you own object.
first You must create rb_define_alloc_func(cYouObject,t_allocate);
similar this
struct stru { char a; };
void t_free(struct stru *a) { }
static VALUE t_allocate(VALUE obj) { return
Data_Wrap_Struct(obj,NULL,t_free,m); }

Reimplement insert iterator to make easy work with "related types" to the one stored on the container

We have the following lightweight classes:
struct A {};
struct B { A get_a() const { return /* sth */; } };
And let's suppose I have an ordered container of type A, and I want to copy objects from another container of type B to it:
std::copy(b_cont.begin(), b_cont.end(),
std::make_insert_iterator(a_cont, a_cont.end())
Of course, it won't work because a_cont and b_cont have different types, and classes A and B don't provide conversion operators. The most obvious solution is to call the function get_a for each B object on the range [b_cont.begin(), b_cont.end()), so, lets write a custom insert iterator:
template<template<class...> class container>
struct ba_insert_iterator : public std::insert_iterator<container<A> >
using std::insert_iterator<container<A>>::insert_iterator;
ba_insert_iterator& operator=(B const& o)
return *this;
template<template<class...> class container>
ba_insert_iterator<container> make_a_inserter(container<A>& c)
{ return ba_insert_iterator<container>(c, c.end()); }
Just an iterator that receives an object of type B, instead of another one of type A, and a function to create them easily. But when instantiating the template:
std::copy(b_cont.begin(), b_cont.end(), make_a_inserter(a_cont));
It says that it doesn't find the operator= because the second operand is an A object (as expected), but the first operand is an std::insert_iterator<std::set<A> >!!, so the compiler is "casting" the iterator to its clase base, which of course lacks of a method for receiving B objects to insert.
Why does it happen?
You inherited operator* (and operator++ too, for that matter) from insert_iterator.
And those return insert_iterator&, not ba_insert_iterator&.
For obvious reasons, std::copy dereferences the output iterator before assigning to it.

Trying to use lambda functions as predicate for condition_variable wait method

I am trying to make the producer-consumer method using c++11 concurrency. The wait method for the condition_variable class has a predicate as second argument, so I thought of using a lambda function:
struct LimitedBuffer {
int* buffer, size, front, back, count;
std::mutex lock;
std::condition_variable not_full;
std::condition_variable not_empty;
LimitedBuffer(int size) : size(size), front(0), back(0), count(0) {
buffer = new int[size];
~LimitedBuffer() {
delete[] buffer;
void add(int data) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(lock);
not_full.wait(l, [&count, &size]() {
return count != size;
buffer[back] = data;
back = (back+1)%size;
int extract() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(lock);
not_empty.wait(l, [&count]() {
return count != 0;
int result = buffer[front];
front = (front+1)%size;
return result;
But I am getting this error:
[Error] capture of non-variable 'LimitedBuffer::count'
I don't really know much about c++11 and lambda functions so I found out that class members can't be captured by value. By value though, I am capturing them by reference, but it seems like it's the same thing.
In a display of brilliance I stored the struct members values in local variables and used them in the lambda function, and it worked! ... or not:
int ct = count, sz = size;
not_full.wait(l, [&ct, &sz]() {
return ct != sz;
Obviously I was destroying the whole point of the wait function by using local variables since the value is assigned once and the fun part is checking the member variables which may, should and will change. Silly me.
So, what are my choices? Is there any way I can make the wait method do what it has to do, using the member variables? Or I am forced to not use lambda functions so I'd have to declare auxiliary functions to do the work?
I don't really get why I can't use members variables in lambda functions, but since the masters of the universe dessigned lamba functions for c++11 this way, there must be some good reason.
count is a member variable. Member variables can not be captured directly. Instead, you can capture this to achieve the same effect:
not_full.wait(l, [this] { return count != size; });

C++ STL priority_queue with struct Clearification

I have looked over this thread which talks about using this method for comparison:
struct thing
int a;
char b;
bool operator<(const thing &o) const
return a < o.a;
priority_queue<thing> pq;
On the other hand other uses method such as this:
struct Time {
int h;
int m;
int s;
class CompareTime {
bool operator()(Time& t1, Time& t2) // Returns true if t1 is earlier than t2
if (t1.h < t2.h) return true;
if (t1.h == t2.h && t1.m < t2.m) return true;
if (t1.h == t2.h && t1.m == t2.m && t1.s < t2.s) return true;
return false;
priority_queue<Time, vector<Time>, CompareTime> pq;
While I logic myself with the first method, I don't quit understand the second method. Mostly because of the syntax. I am not quit sure what the overloading operator operator() means. What is that operator overloading?
Also, from cplusplus on priority_queue, I don't quite understand the following, mainly the second parameter.
template < class T, class Container = vector<T>,
class Compare = less<typename Container::value_type> > class priority_queue;
In another word, I don't understand the second method and its calling convention.
Also, what's the difference and which method is preferred?
I am not quit sure what the overloading operator operator() means.
What is that operator overloading?
What we have here is an overloading of the function call operator (see SO question) , this means that client code can 'treat' the CompareTime class instances as compare functions :
CompareTime ct;
if ( ct(t1, t2) )
I don't quite understand the following, mainly the second parameter.
The cplusplus reference summarizes quite well , the template parameters :
0 arg - The type of the objects within the queue.
1 arg - The underlying container/data structure for the queue, by
default its the std vector
2 arg - Operation on priority queue relies on some precedence
comparison, i.e. which item in the queue should be 'before' other item (see also Wikipedia , so this arg accepts to have compare object (functor) which mean instances of plain class which overload the () operator , the default is the std less functor which is simply a wrapper above the '<' semantics (boolean 2 valued function object).
template<class _Ty>
struct less : public binary_function<_Ty, _Ty, bool>
// functor for operator<
bool operator()(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right) const
// apply operator< to operands
return (_Left < _Right);

v8::FunctionTemplate referencing a non-global variable

Google's v8 documentation describes how to add a global function to a JavaScript context. We can implement a printf-like function quite easily using the new lambda feature from C++11:
Handle<ObjectTemplate> global = ObjectTemplate::New();
global->Set(String::New("print"), FunctionTemplate::New(
[](const v8::Arguments &args) -> v8::Handle<v8::Value>
v8::String::AsciiValue ascii(args[0]);
std::cout << *ascii << "\n";
} ));
Persistent<Context> context = Context::New(NULL, global);
This works well for any global JavaScript function that is either stateless or references a global C++ variable (i.e. std::cout). But what if we want our global JavaScript function to reference a non-global C++ variable? For example, suppose we are creating several different JavaScript contexts each with its own global print function that uses a different C++ std::ostream? If v8 function templates used std::function objects instead of function pointers, the we would do something like this:
Persistent<Context> create_context(std::ostream &out)
Handle<ObjectTemplate> global = ObjectTemplate::New();
global->Set(String::New("print"), FunctionTemplate::New(
[&out](const v8::Arguments &args) -> v8::Handle<v8::Value>
v8::String::AsciiValue ascii(args[0]);
out << *ascii << "\n";
} ));
return Context::New(NULL, global);
Unfortunately, v8 does not seem to support this. I assume (hope?) that v8 has a way of doing something functionally equivalent, but I find myself mystified by the Doxygen for v8::FunctionTemplate. Would anyone who has attempted something similar be willing to distill the process down into something more understandable? I would also like to learn how to create a global instance of a JavaScript object that is bound to an existing, non-global instance of a C++ object.
In answer to my own question... the key is to realize that v8::Arguments is not simply an array of arguments. It also contains the exceedingly useful Callee() and Data() methods. If the function is a method of a JavaScript object then Callee() can, I think, be used to get ahold of whatever instance of that object the method was called on. Useful state information could then be stored in the object instance. You can also supply a data handle, which may point to any C++ object through void*, when adding a function template to an object. This function-specific data handle may then be accessed through the Data() method.
Below is a reasonably complete example of what I was trying to do in the question using v8::Arguments::Data(). Hopefully this will be useful to anyone who wants to do something similar. If you have an alternative strategy you like (and I am certain there is more than one way of doing this), please feel free to add it in another answer!
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <v8.h>
// add print() function to an object template
void add_print(v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate>& ot, std::ostream* out)
// add function template to ot
ot->Set(v8::String::New("print"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(
// parameter 1 is the function callback (implemented here as a lambda)
[](const v8::Arguments& args)->v8::Handle<v8::Value>
// recover our pointer to an std::ostream from the
// function template's data handle
v8::Handle<v8::External> data = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(args.Data());
std::ostream* out = static_cast<std::ostream*>(data->Value());
// verify that we have the correct number of function arguments
if ( args.Length() != 1 )
return v8::ThrowException(v8::String::New("Too many arguments to print()."));
// print the ascii representation of the argument to the output stream
v8::String::AsciiValue ascii(args[0]);
*out << *ascii << "\n";
// like 'return void;' only in JavaScript
return v8::Undefined();
// parameter 2 is the data handle with the pointer to an std::ostream
int main()
// create a stack-allocated handle scope
v8::HandleScope handle_scope;
// create a global template
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> global = v8::ObjectTemplate::New();
// add a print() function using std::cout to the global template
add_print(global, &std::cout);
// create a context
v8::Persistent<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(nullptr, global);
// enter the created context
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context);
// create a string containing the JavaScript source code
v8::Local<v8::String> source = v8::String::New("print('1 + 1 = ' + (1 + 1));");
// compile the source code
v8::Local<v8::Script> script = v8::Script::Compile(source);
// run the script
// dispose of the persistent context
return 0;
