How can I prevent Vue template from reloading when loading a Laravel view - laravel-5

I am quite new to Laravel and Vue and I'm currently building an app and trying to incorporate Vue to handle my sidebar navigation items.
Currently my sidebar is populating as expected from my view template. Everything is working great and when I first launch my app, navigation item 0 is selected and highlighted. However, when I click on any other navigation item, I can see the active class being added briefly to that item, but then the new Url loads and my vue template is getting reloaded making navigation item 0 once again active.
I would have thought that only my #yeild( 'content' ) should be reloading and anything sitting in my main blade template should remain unchanged.
Which makes me think I have overlooked something somewhere or have something wrong.
Main blade template:
<div class="main-wrapper">
<!-- Header -->
#include( 'layouts.header' )
<!-- Sidebar -->
#include( 'layouts.sidebar' )
<!-- Content Wrapper. Contains page content -->
<div #auth class="content-wrapper" #else class="content-wrapper-no_sidebar" #endauth>
<div class="container-fluid">
<!-- Main content -->
<section class="content">
</section><!-- /.content -->
</div><!-- /.content-wrapper -->
<div id="side_bar">
<aside class="left-sidebar">
SideMenu.vue (side-bar template file):
<div class="sidebar-menu">
<a v-for="( item, index ) in items" class="side-nav-item" :class="{ active: }" :href="item.Url" #click="toggleItem( index )">
<i :class="item.Icon"></i><br>
{{ item.Description }}
export default {
data() {
return {
items: [
active: false,
Description: 'Dashboard',
Icon: 'fas fa-tachometer-alt',
Url: '/home'
active: false,
Description: 'Test Cases',
Icon: 'fas fa-calendar-check',
Url: '/testcases'
active: false,
Description: 'Applications',
Icon: 'fab fa-windows',
Url: '/applications'
active: false,
Description: 'Testers',
Icon: 'fas fa-users',
Url: '/testers'
active: false,
Description: 'Modules',
Icon: 'fas fa-sitemap',
Url: '/categories'
currentActiveIndex: 0,
methods: {
toggleItem( index ) {
this.items[this.currentActiveIndex].active = false;
this.items[index].active = true;
this.currentActiveIndex = index;
mounted() {
this.items[this.currentActiveIndex].active = true;
console.log( 'Sidebar Loaded' );
Vue.component( 'side-bar', require( './components/SideMenu.vue' ) );
// Define new vue instances
const side_bar = new Vue({
el: '#side_bar'


How to disactivate the last breadcrumb in InertiaJS?

I am trying to disactivate the last crumb in InertiaJS (Laravel + Vue3) but I think I have an error or something missing somewhere. The error I am getting is the "isLast" is not defined.
isLast: This method simply takes in an index of the crumb array and checks if that crumb is the last one in the list.
selected: This is a simple method that emits an event whenever a crumb is selected. The event is then caught by Example.vue…
Here is the code:
<ol class="inline-flex items-center space-x-1 md:space-x-3">
v-for="(crumb, ci) in crumbs"
<div class="inline-flex items-center">
<icon name="arrow"/>
<Link :href="`/${crumb}`" as="button" type="button" :class="{ disabled: isLast(ci) }" #click="selected(crumb)" class="capitalize" >
{{ crumb }}
import { Link } from '#inertiajs/inertia-vue3'
import Icon from '#/Shared/Icon'
export default {
components: {
props: {
crumbs: {
type: Array,
required: true,
methods: {
isLast(index) {
return index === this.crumbs.length - 1;
<div class="md:p-12 md:pt-1">
<breadcrumb class="flex pl-4 mb-12" :crumbs="crumbs" #selected="selected"></breadcrumb>
import Breadcrumb from '#/Shared/Breadcrumb'
export default {
components: {
return {
crumbs: ['home','users', 'create'],
methods: {
selected(crumb) {
I would recommend binding the disabled-attribute
<Link ... :disabled="isLast(ci)" >

How to make Switching button in Laravel Vuejs

how to make button when i click On-progress Button it show a
modal. then once I save the button will change into
"button Return" "button On sale"
Im Using laravel with vuejs ...
Your question is hard to understand.
What will the 2 second buttons do? using v-show and v-if/else
<div v-show="showModal" class="modal">
<button #click="save">Save</button>
<div v-if="saved">
<button>button Return</button>
<button>button on sale</button>
<div else>
<button #click="toggleModal">On-progress</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
saved: false,
showModal: false,
methods: {
toggleModal() {
this.showModal = !this.showModal;
save() {
this.saved = true;

How to use the selection from my vue component in my blade file

I have build a vue-component which takes a list of objects and two criteria lists as props. The select lists are passed to two select inputs in the template. When either one is changed the list is filtered using the selected criteria. How do I get access to this filtered list in my blade file?
Here is my code.
Blade file:
<subjecttable-select :data-subjecttable="{{$subjectslessons->toJson()}}"
:data-subjects="{{$subjects->toJson()}}" #input="selectedsubjects">
<div >
<div class="row mb-2 mx-2">
<form class="form-inline justify-content-between" >
<div class="form-group row mb-1">
<label class="col-auto col-form-label text-md-left" for="department">Leerjaar</label>
<div class="col-auto">
<select id= "department" class="form-control form-control-sm custom-select" v-model="department" #change="select()">
<option v-for="department_item in dataDepartments" :value="department_item['id']">
<div class="form-group row">
<label class="col-auto col-form-label text-md-leftt" for="subject">Vak</label>
<div class="col-auto">
<select id="subject" class="form-control form-control-sm custom-select" v-model="subject" #change="select()">
<option v-for="subject_item in dataSubjects" :value="subject_item['id']">
<button class="btn-outline-primary" #click="reset()">Reset</button>
export default {
props: {
dataDepartments: { type: Array, required: true },
dataSubjects:{ type: Array, required: true},
dataSubjecttable: {type: Array, required: true },
data() {
return {
var item;
for(item of this.dataSubjecttable){
if(//get the subbejctlessons who are in the selected department
(this.department==="" || item["department_id"]===this.department) &&
//whose subject is the selected subject
(this.subject===""|| item["subject_id"]===this.subject)
this.value = this.dataSubjecttable;
this.subject = "";
filters: {
var isDate = !isNaN(Date.parse(value));
if (isDate ){
var dateValue=new Date(value);
return dateValue.toLocaleDateString();
return value;
Vue.component('subjecttable-select', require('./components/SubjectSelection.vue').default);
* Next, we will create a fresh Vue application instance and attach it to
* the page. Then, you may begin adding components to this application
* or customize the JavaScript scaffolding to fit your unique needs.
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
As you can see I emit an input event in my component but I have trouble accessing the value in the blade file.
Ideally, I think you want to do is load your SelecttableSelect component within another parent Vue component. This will allow you to trickle your events down to the parent component and use the data much more easily.
I have not tested this, but it's along the lines of what I would do to get started. You would need to format the output to your needs.
<!-- Select -->
<subjecttable-select :data-subjecttable="dataSubjecttable"
<!-- End Select -->
<!-- Department -->
<div v-if="results.department_id > 0">
<li v-for="(value, index) in findElementById(dataDepartments, results.department_id)">
{{ index }} : {{ value }}
<!-- End Department -->
<!-- Subject -->
<div v-if="results.subject_id > 0">
<li v-for="(value, index) in findElementById(dataSubjects, results.subject_id)">
{{ index }} : {{ value }}
<!-- End Subject -->
// import your select component
import SubjecttableSelect from './SubjecttableSelect';
export default {
components: {
// register the component
props: {
dataDepartments: { type: Array, required: true },
dataSubjects:{ type: Array, required: true},
dataSubjecttable: {type: Array, required: true },
name: "Lessons",
data() {
return {
results: {
subject_id: 0,
department_id: 0,
methods: {
updateResults(data) {
this.results = data;
findElementById(element, id) {
return element.find(el => === id);
<style scoped>
// register the new component
Vue.component('lessons', require('./components/Lessons.vue').default);
// subjecttable-select can now be imported within lessons
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
your.blade.php (please note the single quotes)
<lessons :data-subjecttable='#json($subjectslessons)'

How to attach onClick events to preview image in vue-dropzone-component

I have components dropzone on vue. Im install my template in settings.
Then i want to set v-on:click(method) to preview image in dropzone, but event don`t works. How to set correctly click to element?
<vue-dropzone :options="dropzoneOptions" ref="myVueDropzone" id="customdropzone"
methods: {
template () {
return `<div class="dz-preview dz-file-preview" v-on:click.native="alert(1)">
<div class="dz-image" v-on:click="alert(1)">
<img data-dz-thumbnail>
<div class="dz-details" v-on:click="alert(1)">
<div class="dz-size"><span data-dz-size></span></div>
<div class="dz-filename"><span data-dz-name></span></div>
<div class="dz-progress"><span class="dz-upload" data-dz-uploadprogress></span></div>
<div class="dz-error-message"><span data-dz-errormessage></span></div>
<div class="dz-success-mark"><i class="fa fa-check"></i></div>
<div class="dz-error-mark"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></div>
data: function () {
return {
dropzoneOptions: {
url: '',
thumbnailWidth: 200,
maxFilesize: 0.5,
addRemoveLinks: true,
previewTemplate: this.template(),
headers: {"My-Awesome-Header": "header value"},
salonID: 0,
photos: [],

go to a laravel controller using vue js's data

This is my vue
new Vue({
el: '#notificationMenu',
data: {
showModal: false,
patients: [],
duepatients: []
created: function(){
methods: {
getPatients: function(){
$.getJSON("{{route('api_patients')}}", function(patients){
this.patients = patients;
setTimeout(this.getPatients, 1000);
addUsers: function(){
this.$http.get('/govaccine/addUsers', '').then((response) => {
}, (response) => {
this.formErrors =;
setTimeout(this.addUsers, 10000);
},sendSMS: function(val){
$.getJSON('sendsms/' + val,function(duepatient){
this.duepatients = duepatient;
and this is my html
<ul class="notifications-list" v-for="patient in patients">
<li class="item no-data">You don't have notifications</li>
<!-- use the modal component, pass in the prop -->
<modal v-if="showModal" #close="showModal = false">
you can use custom content here to overwrite
default content
<h3 slot="header">custom header</h3>
<a v-on:click="sendSMS(patient.due_date)">
<li class="item js-item " data-id="5" >
<div class="details">
<strong>#{{}} patients</strong> are due for immunization on #{{patient.due_date}}
<span class="date">{{-- #{{patient.created_at}} --}}</span>
<button type="button" class="button-default button-dismiss js-dismiss">×</button>
If I loop through vue js data using v-for how do i pass the data each loop in {{route('', parameter)}} so i can put a parameter on it.
or is there anyway to go to the controller and go to the other page?
yes you should use router-link. complete example here.
if I got you question wrong just tell me.
