Why do these two methods give me two different times? - ruby

Both methods calculate the time it takes ruby to call and run a code block. I don't see any reason why these two methods should return different results.
methodone gives me: 1.000135157
methodtwo gives me: 1.000108267
I'm a noob, am I even doing this right? please let me know.
def methodone(a)
start = Time.now
result = Time.now - start
def methodtwo(a)
start_time = Time.now
end_time = Time.now
result = end_time - start_time
a = Proc.new do {}
p methodone(a)
p methodtwo(a)

You don't get the same output always because the CPU of your machine can be less or more used by other processes running on your computer as well as some caching and interpreter optimizations can occur. For such simple methods you can't reliably time them by just a single pass. If you want to benchmark something like that it is better to tun it thousands or millions of times and then take an average. This will produce a more consistent result, because the "noise" of outside factors gets canceled out.

You shouldn't expect them to be exactly the same. There will always be something going on outside of the Ruby process that will impact performance. You should consider a margin of error of, say, 0.1%
def time(&block)
t = Time.now.to_f
t2 = Time.now.to_f
puts t2 - t
50.times do
time do
Proc.new { }


What is an idiomatic way to measure time in Ruby?

This is pretty ugly:
t = Time.now
result = do_something
elapsed = Time.now - t
I tried this:
elapsed = time do
result = do_something
def time
t = Time.now
Time.now - t
This is better. But the problem is that result falls out of scope after the block ends.
So, is there a better way of doing timing? Or a good way to use the result?
A really idiomatic way would be to use the standard library. :)
require 'benchmark'
result = nil
elapsed = Benchmark.realtime do
result = do_something
You've got the right idea here, but to avoid the scope problem do this:
result = nil
elapsed = time do
result = do_something
I like the way you've constructed your time method. I have no suggestions for improvement, but I will say a few words about a related problem. Suppose you wished to measure the amount of time spent executing methods. Sometimes you might be able to write something simple such as:
require 'time'
t = Time.now
rv = my_method(*args)
et = t.Time.now - t
Other times that's not convenient. Suppose, for example, you were constructing an array whose elements were the return values of my_method or my_method returned an enumerator so that it could be chained to other methods.
As an example, let's suppose you wanted to sum the values of an array until a zero is encountered. One way to do that is to construct an enumerator stop_at_zero that generates values from its receiver until it encounters a zero, then stops (i.e., raises a StopIteration exception). We could then write:
If we want to know how much time is spent executing stop_at_zero we could construct it as follows.
class Array
def stop_at_zero
extime = Time.now
Enumerator.new do |y|
each do |n|
return y if n.zero?
y << n
$timings << [__method__, Time.now - extime]
I used a begin, ensure, end block to make sure $timings << [__method__, Time.now - extime] is executed when the method returns prematurely. sleep(0.5) is of course just for illustrative purposes.
Let's try it.
$timings = []
arr = [1,7,0,3,4]
#=> 8
#=> [[:stop_at_zero, 1.505672]]
$timings will contain a history of execution times of all methods that contain the timing code.

Can't run multithreading with Celluloid

This simple example I run on jruby, but it only one thread runs
require 'benchmark'
require 'celluloid/current'
TIMES = 10
def delay
sleep 1
# 40_000_000.times.each{|i| i*i}
p 'celluloid: true multithreading?'
class FileWorker
include Celluloid
def create_file(id)
p "Done!"
File.open("out_#{id}.txt", 'w') {|f| f.write(Time.now) }
workers_pool = FileWorker.pool(size: 10)
TIMES.times do |i|
# workers_pool.async.create_file(i) # also not happens
future = Celluloid::Future.new { FileWorker.new.create_file(i) }
p future.value
All created files have interval 1 second.
Please help to turn Celluloid into multithreading mode, where all files are created simultaneously.
Indeed, array of "futures" helps!
futures = []
TIMES.times do |i|
futures << Celluloid::Future.new { FileWorker.new.create_file(i) }
futures.each {|f| p f.value }
Thanks jrochkind !
Ah, I think I see.
Inside your loop, you are waiting for each future to complete, at the end of the loop -- which means you are waiting for one future to complete, before creating the next one.
TIMES.times do |i|
# workers_pool.async.create_file(i) # also not happens
future = Celluloid::Future.new { FileWorker.new.create_file(i) }
p future.value
Try changing it to this:
futures = []
TIMES.times do |i|
futures << Celluloid::Future.new { FileWorker.new.create_file(i) }
futures.each {|f| p f.value }
In your version, consider the first iteration the loop -- you create a future, then call future.value which waits for the future to complete. The future.value statement won't return until the future completes, and the loop iteration won't finish and loop again to create another future until the statement returns. So you've effectively made it synchronous, by waiting on each future with value before creating the next.
Make sense?
Also, for short code blocks like this, it's way easier on potential SO answerers if you put the code directly in the question, properly indented to format as code, instead of linking out.
In general, if you are using a fairly widely used library like Celluloid, and finding it doesn't seem to do the main thing it's supposed to do -- the first guess should probably be a bug in your code, not that the library fundamentally doesn't work at all (someone else would have noticed before now!). A question title reflecting that, even just "Why doesn't my Celluloid code appear to work multi-threaded" might have gotten more favorable attention than a title suggesting Celluloid fundamentally does not work -- without any code in the question itself demonstrating!

Benchmarking Ruby Code

I'm doing the following Ruby Tutorial https://rubymonk.com/learning/books/4-ruby-primer-ascent/chapters/50-debugging/lessons/124-benchmarking_ruby_code. One of the exercises asks me to:
use Ruby's super-awesome blocks to create a method which takes in a
block, executes it, and returns the time it took.
The exercise looks like this:
def benchmark
# your code here!
time_taken = benchmark do
sleep 0.1
puts "Time taken #{time_taken}"
there is a hint (Need a hint?) below the exercise:
Ruby Blocks - Introduction to Blocks in Ruby (Ruby Primer)
and i did so:
def benchmark(time)
begin_time = Time.now
end_time = Time.now
time.benchmark {|time| yield time}
time_taken = benchmark do
sleep 0.1
puts "Time taken #{time_taken}
but received an error.
i am interested in: why is local variable - 'time_taken', suggested without representing an element after 'do'? or is it not necessary? Can anyone tell me how to write code to get the positive result.
You should do it much easier:
def benchmark
begin_time = Time.now
end_time = Time.now
end_time - begin_time
time_taken = benchmark do
sleep 0.1
puts "Time taken #{time_taken}"
First you collect the time and store in in variable begin_time, then yield - so run the block, then collect the end time. Return the difference. That's it.
That's pretty far off, and not really at all salvagible.
Your benchmark method should look like this pseudo code:
def benchmark
let begin_time -> current time
execute the block
let end_time -> current_time
return endtime - begintime
As far as executing the block being passed in, there is no time.benchmark method, I'm not sure where that came from, and you do not need to pass anything into the block. You want a single, simple yield.

Is there a way using TracePoint in ruby 2.0 to get the time between call and return of methods?

I'm trying to figure out if I can get the time it takes for a method to execute using TracePoint in ruby 2.0. Any help is appreciated.
I want to clarify this question. My goal is to get the time it takes for all methods to execute even if you don't know what those methods will be. I've found this to be quite tricky. Deivid's response below involves setting a t0 and t1 variables in a shared context, then setting the time values on call and return. While this works for a simple example, it becomes unmanageable when trying to log the time of all method calls in a more complex ruby program. Take for example the following program:
class C
def self.slow
sleep 3
def self.fast
In this program, it is only possible to monitor t0 and t1 times if you keep track of the method names being called. In an even more complex program such as a Rails app with many stack frames where you do not know in advance all of the methods that will be executed, it is not as obvious as to the best way to monitor and print all call and return times.
The solution 'may' involve keeping a hash of call times where the key is some combination of the Thread.current.object_id and the tp.method_id.. I have not found the correct key though that is unique enough to ensure that the return time can be matched to the caller, considering you may have recursive method calls that create non-standard call and return situations.
class C
def self.slow n
return C.fast if n == 0
sleep 1
slow n-1
def self.fast
#times = {}
traceCall = TracePoint.new(:call, :return) do |tp|
key = "#{tp.defined_class}_#{tp.method_id}_#{caller(0).size}"
if tp.event == :call
#times[key] = Time.now
#times[key] = Time.now - #times[key]
end.enable do
C.slow 3
p #times

Measure user time or system time in Ruby without Benchmark or time

Since I'm doing some time measurements at the moment, I wondered if it is possible to measure the user time or system time without using the Benchmark class or the command line utility time.
Using the Time class only reveals the wall clock time, not system and user time, however I'm looking for a solution which has the same flexibility, e.g.
time = TimeUtility.now
# some code
user, system, real = TimeUtility.now - time
The reason is that I somehow dislike Benchmark, since it cannot return numbers only (EDIT: I was wrong - it can. See answers below.). Sure, I could parse the output, but that doesn't feels right. The time utility from *NIX systems should solve my problem as well, but I wanted to know if there already is some kind of wrapper implemented in Ruby so I don't need to make these system calls by myself.
Thanks a lot!
I re-read the Benchmark documentation and saw that it has a method named measure. This method does exactly what I want: Measure the time your code needs and returning an object which contains user time, system time, system time of childrens etc. It is as easy as
require 'benchmark'
measurement = Benchmark.measure do
# your code goes here
In the process I found out that you can add custom rows to the Benchmark output. You can use this to get the best of both worlds (custom time measurements and a nice output at the end) as follows:
require 'benchmark'
measurements = []
10.times { measurements << Benchmark.measure { 1_000_000.times { a = "1" } } }
# measurements.sum or measurements.inject(0){...} does not work, since the
# array contains Benchmark instances, which cannot be coerced into Fixnum's
# Array#sum will work if you are using Rails
sum = measurements.inject(nil) { |sum, t| sum.nil? ? sum = t : sum += t }
avg = sum / measurements.size
# 7 is the width reserved for the description "sum:" and "avg:"
Benchmark.bm(7, "sum:", "avg:") do |b|
[sum, avg]
The result will look like the following:
user system total real
sum: 2.700000 0.000000 2.700000 ( 2.706234)
avg: 0.270000 0.000000 0.270000 ( 0.270623)
You could use the Process::times function, which returns user time/system time. (It does not report wall clock time, you'll need something else for that). Seems to be a bit version or OS dependent though.
This is what it reports on my system (linux, ruby 1.8.7):
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> t = Process.times
=> #<struct Struct::Tms utime=0.01, stime=0.0, cutime=0.0, cstime=0.0>
The docs show this though, so some versions/implementations might only have the first two:
t = Process.times
[ t.utime, t.stime ] #=> [0.0, 0.02]
See times for the underlying call on Linux.
Here's a really crappy wrapper that kind of supports -:
class SysTimes
attr_accessor :user, :system
def initialize
times = Process.times
#user = times.utime
#system = times.stime
def -(other)
diff = SysTimes.new
diff.user = #user - other.user
diff.system = #system - other.system
Should give you ideas to make it work nicely in your context.
This gem might help:
No more code like this:
t = Time.now
puts Time.now - t
Now you can do:
benchmark :calculate_report # in class
And just call your method
