How to add text and Inline buttons in switch_inline_query button? - python-telegram-bot

I have a Inline button with attribute switch_inline_query, and I want after pressing the button and choosing conversation from bot sent a message in inline mode with the text and inline buttons, how can I make it? Please any ideas.

You can use reply_markup in result, just like this example


Multiselect option with remove item

I'm looking for a Qt/QML multiselect control that have a remove button.
I want to add a filter builder and I didn't find a good example or control for this purpose.
I can design token by myself. I'm just curious if someone already did that and can share it.
Multi filter selector
A simple radio button for each option can do the job. If you do not include all these radio buttons under an exclusive group, a second click on these buttons deselects the option.
A click on the radio button includes selected option in the search results and second selection removes the option from the results.
An extra button which deselects all the radio buttons can also be added.
I don't intend to insult or disrespect you, but i think with radio buttons the task takes less time than posting this question.

How to access the cancel button event in jQGrid Edit dialog box

Is there an event associated with the cancel button of various jQGrid dialog boxes like ADD, Edit and Delete ? For my edit dialog box, I need to do some processing when the user clicks the cancel button.
please help
Probably it could be enough to use onClose callback for form editing (see the documentation here and here).
If you would fund out that the callback are called not allays (I don't tested it in the current version of jqGrid) then you can choose another way. If you really need to process all closing of all dialogs you can consider to overwrite or to subclass $.jgrid.closeModal or $.jgrid.hideModal functions. See the demo from the answer (compare the code with original one here).

How do I add a value to button and attach a method to be run onclick?

<delete_gamecode translate="label">
So in my system.xml, I created a button, but it only shows a button with no text. How do I add a value to the button?
Also, I want the button to delete the game code as well. How can I do this?
Is there a way for me to attach JavaScript to these buttons so I can do some JavaScript confirmations? For example, after I click the button, it will say "Are you sure you want to delete this gamecode?"
You need a <frontend_model>. Please refer to following files for the example:

How to make a check-box in a dynamic MFC dialog?

I have to create a dynamic dialog and used therefor the procedure described in the article Creating a Template in Memory. I already created buttons and edits but I don't know how I can make check-box. Do you know how?
In the DLGITEMTEMPLATE article there are only following types defined:
0x0080 Button
0x0081 Edit
0x0082 Static
0x0083 List box
0x0084 Scroll bar
0x0085 Combo box
A checkbox is a Button with the BS_CHECKBOX or BS_AUTOCHECKBOX style
for more information, see
A checkbox is a button with the BS_CHECKBOX style.

VB6 sending keypress to a textbox

Hey all, i am looking for a way to send a keypress letter/number to a textbox. The reason why i need this is that this textbox is a AutoComplete box that, when the user types, it displays a list of suggestions like google does.
However, for it to work, the user has to click in the box and type something. I can send any number/letter to the box i want using this code:
Private Sub Command_Click()
AutoComplete1.Text = "g"
End Sub
And it does put it into the textbox but it does not trigger the autocomplete list (the list has words like "good","great","pop","test"). Only when i click in the textbox and type "g" is the only time i get the "good","great" suggestions.
Is there a way to trigger this with the code i posted above?
do that?
How about putting the code in the Key_Press event of the textbox instead of click event of the command button?
My guess would be to use Keyup event and fire the code that displays the list of suggestion if it isn't fired by the Keyup event itself
