Gradle repository - maven

Sorry, I'm either stupid, or Gradle repository management is really not there where it should be. I have an Eclipse (Mars) workspace with a mix of Maven and Gradle projects. Naturally, before committing anything on our VCS, I want to test locally. This means I mvn clean install an Artifact in order to have it in my local Maven repository. Obviously, part of the needed Artifact required by Gradle project are also on remote repository.
My Gradle repo are configured like this:
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url
"" }
maven { url
"" }
maven { url "
snapshots/" }
Why Gradle goes fetch a resource until the last repo? I mean, I updated an Arifact, installed it locally ... obviously the Artifact which is on a remote repo is not yet the latest version ... why does Gradle go and fetch it?


How to check where gradle is downloading its dependencies from?

I have a project using gradle from building and due to some recent jcenter issues, we want to move all our dependencies to our artifactory. Now i have all the configuration ready and declared inside the gradle build files. I have also removed all traces of other maven repositories.
repositories {
maven {
url "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo_name-generic"
credentials {
username = "${artifactory_user}"
password = "${artifactory_password}"
After doing a gradle clean build, i expected a lot of errors as i have never added those dependencies to our artifactory repo, but none came. The project builds fine and i can see them being downloaded.
My question now is, why is it working?
Is there a way i can check from which source the dependencies are coming from?
Also in artifactories GUI i cannot locate the packages inside the specified repo
If you ant to print the repositories a project is using, the following task will do it for you:
task printRepos {
doFirst {
project.repositories { repositories ->
repositories.forEach { repo ->
println("${}: ${repo.url}")
If you add it to your gradle build and invoke it gradle printRepos, you should get the repositories printed out
For more information regarding the API, check:
Also thanks to Bjorn for pointing out the doFirst/doLast problem.
rm -rf ~/.gradle/caches
./gradlew assembleDebug -i > ~/Desktop/dump
search dependency lib in dump file to check where it was downloaded from
For example, flexbox-2.0.1 was downloaded from jcenter:

How to access local repo from gradle

I am trying to build a Java project using Gradle. I have some dependencies (jars) that are in a location of the type: http://internal_domain.location.local:9000/artifacts/repo
How do I specify this in the build.gradle file? Is it under repositories {}?
In the gradle documentation I came across this but doing something similar does not work for me:
repositories {
ivy {
url ""
resolve.dynamicMode = true
Assuming your local repo is a maven repo
repositories {
maven {
// Look for POMs and artifacts, such as JARs, here
url ""
// Look for artifacts here if not found at the above location
artifactUrls ""
artifactUrls ""
Local Archive Gradle

Gradle prefer repository on duplicate entries

I have a build tool thats tied the version to the SCM. I can't set the version of a jar when I build it locally. If someone were to change what I'm working on locally it would push the version number (which I can get), but when I publish to my local repo (Ivy) Gradle seems to prefer the external repo.
repositories {
ivy {
url "${['user.home']}/.ivy2/local/"
layout "pattern", {
artifact "[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]"
ivy "[organization]/[module]/[revision]/ivy.xml"
ivy {
url "https://repo/"
layout "pattern", {
artifact myPattern
ivy myIvyPattern
Without changing the build for the jar that I'm editing. How can I have gradle always prefer the local repo? I have a feeling that resolutionStrategy might be the best way, but I don't know how accomplish this.
Edit 1
To help clarify, Artifactory has a jar (published by jenkins) with version 1.2.3. I have a jar that I build locally that saves into my local repository as 1.2.3. When I build a project having both repositories in my repository closure (with my local one on top) Gradle seems to pull in the one from Artifactory.
Edit 2
Dependency definition
dependencies {
compile ('company:project:1.2.+')
I don't really understand what you are saying, but Gradle searches repositories in their declared order, and picks the first matching module that it finds (as least as long as fixed versions are used).

Gradle script to copy maven artifact from local folder to another folder

In my project i want to copy certain artifact (war file) from maven repo to local folder in order to deploy. I tried using configurations object but i couldn't give specific groupid, artifact id, and version in that way
repositories {
mavenCentral() // or some other repo
configurations {
dependencies {
deploy "someGroup:someArtifact:someVersion"
task copyDeploy(type: Copy) {
from configurations.deploy
into "deploy"
You can find all of this and more in the Gradle User Guide (e.g. under "Working with dependencies") and the many samples in the full Gradle distribution.

How to publish in order to resolve latest.integration with gradle?

What I have is a maven repository (nexus) to which maven has been publishing. In each artifact version folder in my artifact repository folder there are the standard maven artifacts: a maven-metadata.xml, a jar, and a pom.xml, etc.
Now I want to resolve these using gradle. In my file if I list them as:
dependencies {
compile group: '', name: 'artifact', version: '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
Then they will resolve correctly. However, I want to use the version "latest.integration" so that I can automatically integrate the latest versions of my dependencies. When I do this though, gradle fails to resolve it.
I imagine that gradle is looking for some ivy specific files that maven is not publishing up to the repository in order to resolve latest.integration, but I am not sure. Should I go back and re-publish all of my upstream dependencies with gradle before trying to resolve down stream? It would seem that since gradle supports maven repositories under the repositories element that it should already know how to interpret "latest.integration" for that repository type.
This is my repositories section:
repositories {
maven { url "http://<server>/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots" }
Thank you for any help you can provide
latest.integration is an Ivy concept, and only works for Ivy repositories. In other words, both publication and consumption would have to happen in an Ivy-compatible manner. (Gradle is capable of this; not sure about Nexus.)
The obvious alternative is to use Maven snapshot dependencies. What do you hope to gain from using latest.integration?
