spring-boot profiles : resources/profiles/application-*.properties - spring-boot

I have a lot of profiles, I want to put it to /profiles folder, I do not want to put it to classpath:/,classpath:/config/,file:./,file:./config/, I saw the Class ConfigFileApplicationListener, Is there any other way?

Hard to tell exactly what you are asking, but it sounds like you want to put your profile-specific properties files in a /profiles directory, rather than one of the default search locations.
In the ConfigFileApplicationListener, you can specify /profiles using setSearchLocations()
Alternative search locations and names can be specified using
setSearchLocations(String) and setSearchNames(String).
From the Javadocs for ConfigFileApplicationListener.setSearchLocations():
Set the search locations that will be considered as a comma-separated
list. Each search location should be a directory path (ending in
"/") and it will be prefixed by the file names constructed from
setSearchNames(String) search names and profiles (if any)
plus file extensions supported by the properties loaders. Locations
are considered in the order specified, with later items taking
precedence (like a map merge).
Add the custom ConfigFileApplicationListener to the SpringApplication via the addListeners() method before calling run().
Alternative Method
As a somewhat easier workaround, I find #masted's solution here this method to be much easier. The only downside is you need to add an environment variable,
followed by whatever environment you want to point to.


How to check the project/.exe file

I have 3 projects, (Ex. project1, project2, project3). Some parts of these projects are using just 1 Form (frmDetails) placed on a separate folder.
I want to Disable some details on my form depends on what project I open.
For example, I opened Project1 - all details on my form are displayed. Then when I opened project2 - I want "Age" and "Birthday" set Visible to false.
What functions that I need to this?
The easiest way to do that, is to make 3 separate copies of the form for 3 projects and modify them as needed.
If you wish, you could create a class from that form with minimal objects that appear in every project, and create 3 separate forms from that class per project.
Normally, after you build an executable, executable doesn't know from which project it was build. So you can't basically have one form behaving differently per project. However, per project you might add something that tells the project (be it a text, xml, Json, dbf ... file). So you could read that file's content in load or init of form and set form objects' visibility on\off if you want to do it with just a single form. It would make things harder and would be confusing but at the end it might sound 'nice' since it is only a single form. My suggestion, as said on top, create 3 separate copies per project. That way it is much easier to control them.
If you're using an application object, you can have a property of that object that identifies the project. However, I'd be more likely to do this in a more generic way that specifically looking at a single property.
You might use a set of logical properties that indicate options you can turn on and off, and then you can check those properties in your forms.

Constants class or propeties file for declaring url mappings?

Is there any strong reasons to choose one over the other when declaring the mappings for url resources?
I understand that property files can be modified after deployment, and that might be a reason to keep it in properties if you want it to be changed easily, right? But also I think changing them easily could be undesirable. So for those with experience, which do you prefer, and why? I think a constants file might be easier to refactor, like if I wanted to change the name of a resource I would only have to refactor inside the constants class vs if I refactored properties I would have to refactor in the properties file and everywhere that uses the mapping (Im using eclipse and as far as I know it doesnt have property name refactoring like that). Or maybe a third option of neither and declaring them all as literals inside the controllers?
It all depends on your use case. If you need the change URIs without recompilation, property files is the way to go. Otherwise, constants provide type safety and ease of unit testing that SPEL doesn't. If you're not gonna change or reuse them (for example, same URI for GET and POST is very common), I don't see any need for constants at all.

Exposing attributes in a defined type in puppet

I'd like to access attributes that are inside instances of defined types from other classes/instances.
This is very similar to a question asked on SO before - In Puppet, how can I access a variable/attribute inside a defined type?, however from what I understood the answer was specifically related to accessing parameters as opposed to arbitrary variables.
For example, given the following defined type:
define server (
$server_name = 'my_server'
$server_history = 'A long story'
I can successfully use getparam(...) to fetch server_name but I cannot do the same for server_history.
Also, if server was a class as opposed to to a defined type, accessing this variable is straightforward using something like server::serverhistory
Does anyone have any ideas on how to expose these variables? Or am I approaching this completely the wrong way?
Edit: For some higher level context on what I'm trying to do my server type gets instantiated by 3 other classes. A variable in the server type builds out some directory paths based on parameters provided to it by these classes (which naturally, are specific to those classes). There are some other classes that would like to use the directory path variable to place files there.
You ask
I'd like to access attributes that are inside instances of defined types from other classes/instances.
and you go on to clarify that you're after
arbitrary variables.
In fact, ordinary variables in the body of a defined type are not attributes of that type, nor of any instance thereof. They are not part of the accessible persistent state of instances of such types at all.
More generally, Puppet treats defined types just like native types in almost every observable way, but by the same token, it does not provide any features that serve to distinguish defined types as a special case. You are looking for such a feature, and it does not exist.
Since your design idea will not work, you'll need to think of an alternative. You say
my server type gets instantiated by 3 other classes. A variable in the server type builds out some directory paths based on parameters provided to it by these classes (which naturally, are specific to those classes). There are some other classes that would like to use the directory path variable to place files there.
Since the paths you're after are characteristic of specific classes, it makes sense for them to be accessible directly via those classes. It seems odd to me that you would even want to access them indirectly via resources declared by those classes.

How to set dynamic input dependency on gradle task

I'm working on a Gradle plugin that has a task that generates compilable Java source code. It takes as input for the code generator a "static" directory (property value) which should contain files in a special language (using a specific extent). In addition, if a particular configuration property is set to true, it will also search for files with the same extent in the entire classpath (or better, in a specific configuration).
I want to make sure that the task runs if any of its input dependencies are new.
It's easy enough to add #InputDirectory to the property definition for the "static" location, but I'm unsure how to handle the "dynamic" input dependency.
I have a property that defines the name of the configuration that would be used to search for additional files with that extent. We'll call that "searchConfiguration". This property is optional. If it's not set, it will use "compile". I also have the property that specifies whether we will search for additional files in the first place. We'll call that "inspectDependencies".
I think I could write a #Input-annotated method that returns essentially the "configurations.searchConfiguration.files" list. We'll call that "getDependencies". I think that is the basic idea. However, I don't understand what to do about "inspectDependencies". I could easily make "getDependencies" return an empty list if "inspectDependencies" is false, but is that truly the correct thing to do? It seems likely that if someone changed "inspectDependencies" from "true" to "false" after a build, the next build should run the task again.
Well, this is tentative, but I asked about this on the Gradle Forum and Mark Viera convinced me that it really should be this simple, although it requires #InputFiles instead of #Input. My particular method looks like this:
def getOptionalYangClasspath() {
return inspectDependencies ? project.configurations[yangFilesConfiguration] : Collections.emptyList()

Yaml properties as a Map in Spring Boot

We have a spring-boot project and are using application.yml files. This works exactly as described in the spring-boot documentation. spring-boot automatically looks in several locations for the files, and obeys any environment overrides we use for the location of those files.
Now we want to also expose those yaml properties as a Map. According to the documentation this can be done with YamlMapFactoryBean. However YamlMapFactoryBean wants me to specify which yaml files to use via the resources property. I want it to use the same yaml files and processing hierarchy that it used when creating properties, so that I can take still take advantage of "magical" features such as placeholder resolution in property values.
I didn't see any documentation on if this was possible.
I was thinking of writing a MapFactoryBean that looked at the environment and simply reversed the "flattening" performed by the YamlProcessor when creating the properties representation of the file.
Any other ideas?
The ConfigFileApplicationContextListener contains the logic for searching for files in various locations. And PropertySourcesLoader loads a file (Resource) into property sources. Neither is really designed for standalone use, but you could easily duplicate them if you want more control. The PropertySourcesLoader delegates to a collection of PropertySourceLoaders so you could add one of the latter that delegates to your YamlMapFactoryBean.
A slightly awkward but workable solution would be to use the existing machinery to collect the YAML on startup. Add a new PropertySourceLoader to your META-INF/spring.factories and let it create new property sources, then post process the Environment to extract the source map(s).
Beware, though: creating a single Map from multiple YAML files, or even a single one with multiple documents (let alone multiple files with multiple documents) isn't as easy as you might think. You have a map-merge problem, and someone is going to have to define the algorithm. The flattening done in YamlMapPropertiesBean and the merge in YamlMapFactoryBean are just two choices out of (probably) a larger set of possibilities.
