VS2017 Blank Sign In Screen - visual-studio

I have a unique issue with my installation of Visual Studio 2017 where the sign in dialog is blank, and no matter how long I wait it never seems to allow me to log in.
I have tried changing the default browser to Chrome, Edge and IE just in case it was using that under the hood for rendering this page. Prior to that I had an issue with the Virtual Machine running the IDE which required me to re-register *.VBS associations to complete the install, that has been resolved and the install has passed.
I am now just left with the sign in issue as shown below:
Has anyone had this before / know of a work around here? I have been looking around on Google for similar issues but to no avail.
Any help here would be appreciated.

I just encountered this issue myself on Visual Studio 2017 (30-day evaluation expired too so Eduardo Zavala's suggestion isn't possible). The cause is that I have Internet Explorer 11 installed and set to be extremely restrictive security wise. For example, it will not follow a redirect if a webpage tells it to. It also has JavaScript disabled. Apparently, Visual Studio uses Internet Explorer 11 (or at least "Internet Options" rules) for this login page instead of the default browser (e.g. Microsoft Edge) and its settings.
Start Internet Explorer 11.
Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner.
Click "Internet Options."
Click on the "Security" tab.
Click "Default level" button.
Click "Apply."
Click "OK."
Run Visual Studio 2017 again and sign in.
Set Internet Explorer 11 settings back to how you prefer them.
All should be well in both programs now (VS17 authorized and IE11 restrictive).

I think I found something...
If you go to Help tab and click on Send Feedback >> Report a Problem, a Developer Community forum page will pop-up.
In this page, you will see a sign-in link very much like the one in Visual Studio.
That particular link works, so if you log in to it, then exit the Developer Community Forum, you will have successfully logged into Visual Studio.
Hope this helps.

I was able to work around it by doing the following:
At the account login screen select "Account Options"
Under Environment > Accounts on the Sign-In Options section, change the "Add and Reauthenticate accounts using:" pull down menu to "System Web Browser"
Options dialog box
This will open the dialog box IE or whatever default web browser you use and should allow you to login.

I had the same issues. The problem was with Internet Explorer. My computer has Internet Explorer 8.
Please follow the steps below to fix the issue.
Install Internet Explorer 11 - you can download it from the Microsoft site.
Restart the computer
Relaunch Visual Studio
Now sign in.
No blank screen will be displayed.

I had the same issue with VS2019, this ended up being blocked by a web filter and could see logincdn.msauth.net being blocked while signing into VS2019.
I would suggest adding an exception for *.msauth.net to allow the sign-in page to load.
This doesn't appear in the list from Microsoft firewall and proxy URLs - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/install-and-use-visual-studio-behind-a-firewall-or-proxy-server?view=vs-2019

On the signin screen click Account Options
Then change Embedded web browser to System web browser
The login screen now opened up a full browser instead of the blank screen.

Just change your default Internet browser to Internet Explorer.


Visual Studio 2017 opens links in IE11. How to change that?

I am using a Powershell terminal via the Whack Whack Terminal add-in. For whatever reason, the links open in Internet Explorer 11.
Is there anyway to change it to a default browser?
I've followed the path from clicking a link and it seems like Internet Explorer is being kicked off from svchost.exe.
P.S. The author of the extension addressed the question on the product page Q&A.
Powershell picks up the default browser from the OS. You need to change the default browser in Windows. There are a bazillion articles for that, here is one:
Make Chrome your default browser

Attach debugger not working for Azure Websites in visual studio 2015

Attach debugger not working for Azure Websites in visual studio 2015
I am getting Below error
Please help
Microsoft Visual Studio
Unable to configure remote debugger.
Could not load properties
Could not load app settings
Could not load connection strings
I cringed for this problem for about 3 hours. The solution was to manually attach the debugger through Visual Studio's "Attach to Process".
Here are the steps.
1) Let's enter to Azure's portal # https://portal.azure.com, and head to your App Services directory (as shown in the image).
2) Click on the App you would like to debug.
3) Click Settings or All Settings (both will launch the "All Settings" blade)
4) Go to Application Settings and scroll down. In there you will see "Remote Debugging". It is very important to check that this is turned on, as the image show. Select your appropriate Visual Studio version. Note, that if you're visiting from the classic portal you will not be able to select Visual Studio 2015.
5) Press Save.
If you have never set up an FTP account for your App Service, continue reading, otherwise jump to step 8.
6) In the already opened "All Settings" blade, scroll down and look for "Deployment credentials". In here you will create an FTP username and password. Put whatever you want. Of course, I recommend you to use a different username than your account and a strong password for it.
7) Click Save.
8) In case you've forgotten about your FTP username, in the main page of your web app (where you clicked "All Settings"), you will have your deployment username. In this example, you will use the one that goes after the slash. If it is mywebsite\userftp you will use userftp.
9) Let's head to Visual Studio. Open the project you want to debug, and select the "DEBUG" tab.
10) Click on "Attach Process". Of course, you can just hit Alt + P and that will also open the window for you!
11) Now you will focus in the Qualifier. Put in there your azurewebsites.net domain. You could try with your .com domain, but in my case it didn't work. I am using Cloudflare to enable https on my shared Azure website and it seems that it is filtering the connection with the debugger.
12) Press Enter on your Keyboard or hit "Refresh" button.
13) The following prompt will appear:
14) As the picture says: The username will be: theSameWebsiteYouPutInTheQualifier.azurewebsites.net**.**exampleftp
Please note the following:
a) You must put the same website URL you put in the qualifier.
b) You must put the dot and the backward slash after the .net or .com
c) You must put your FTP username. Remember after reading point 8, that if you lose this one, you must check on Azure website and use the name after the backward slash.
Press OK. If you receive some errors, check that Remote Debugging is turned on. It has happened to me that it has turned off without noticing.
15) Select w3wp.exe and press "Attach"
16) This shall put you with the goody orange "Ready" bar :D
Assuming your project settings are correct, this will often resolve the issue:
Go to the Azure portal and Stop / Restart your web app
If that doesn't work:
Close Visual Studio.
Go to the Azure portal and Stop / Restart your web app
Restart visual studio
Much more surefire route at http://blog.falafel.com/remote-debugging-azure-websites-day-31-visual-studio-2015/ .
Open up server explorer.
Navigate in through the azure node to your web app.
right-mouse and attach debugger.
Configures all the goodies
Seems to be a false positive error dialog. If you just press Ok, the debugger attaches to the Azure web app despite showing this dialog.

How to show / unhide Web Essential bar from chrome?

I've checked autohide and the bar disappeared but now how can I see it again?
It's enough to press CTRL from inside Chrome.
To see the Web Essentials menu in Chrome when using Visual Studio 2015:
Ensure you've installed Web Essentials 2015 - https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/ee6e6d8c-c837-41fb-886a-6b50ae2d06a2
Click the 'View in Browser' button in Visual Studio to view your site:
The Web Essentials menu will appear as an overlay at the bottom of your web page
Press CTRL in Chrome to toggle the Web Essentials menu on or off
CTRL works inside of Internet explorer as well.
Note that you have to have BrowserLink enabled. Otherwise Ctrl doesn't do anything.
Note, this feature is no longer available in Visual Studio 2017 update 3 as the author, madskristensen states:
It was removed for several reasons.
It interfered too much with the DOM of the running page
It didn't work when the various features were split out into their own extension
I build this Chrome extension to replace it
Link to image of evidence is below.(Not enough rep to show image on post)
Author of web essentials explaining why the tool bar is not suitable for the browser
Link to issue on github
There is a WebEssentials2015-Settings.json file which contains default settings for web essentials (e.g. for VS2015 it is \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\WebEssentials2015-Settings.json).
After I clicked autohide the only way for me to bring the web essentials menu back in the browsers was to edit this file setting the ShowMenu to true ("ShowMenu": true). That fixed the issue for me.
One note though, this file seems to be read on VS startup so you may need to restart VS to see the difference. Also these settings can be separately set for each solution (Web Essentials > Create solution settings). This option creates the .json file specific for given solution.

Visual Studio debugger does not stop on IE10 window close

I'm working on a web application with VS2010 (using Windows 7) and usually in debug mode:
1. when I close the browser window, the debugger stops
2. when I stop the debugger, the browser window closes
Some time ago these stopped working.
Recently I updated my IE9 to IE10 and I suspect that this issue could be connected with IE10.
Any help?
I use VS Ultimate 2012. Just tried and it worked:
Open browserlist dropdown in the toolbar (button with green triangle), click on "Browse With...". After some seconds browserlist window will be opened. Select "Internet Explorer" that is NOT default and remove it. Close window and try to debug.
If second "Internet Explorer" is still there try to select another browser and then select "Internet Explorer" again.
Hope it helps.
I just noticed that in the "Browse With" menu of the web application there are two instances of Internet Explorer and when I tried to set to default one of them, always the same instance was set to default.
I guess that IE9 did not delete some registry data.
So, when I browsed my application several times with other browsers, the second instance of Internet Explorer disappeared and my problem stopped reproducing.
Now, when start debugging my VS2010 pops-up a message saying "Attaching the Script debugger of process '...' on machine '...' failed. A debugger is already attached". In Task Manager I see two instances of IE - one x64 and one x86...
I will see the questions on this topic.
Hope my post helps someone else.
Thank you, Daniel, for your attention.

How to launch silverlight with IE in Visual Studio while Google Chrome stays default for usual browsing

I cannot debug silverlight with Google Chrome. I don't want to change default browser to IE for my normal internet browsing.
How to only ask to run IE when running a silverlight project in Visual Studio ?
In Visual Studio you can specify the browser to use when running a web project. Right click on the start webpage in your web project and click on the Browse With option.
In the dialog that appears click on Chrome and set it to default.
This will not change you default browser in Windows.
Right Click on ClientBin it is in your Projectweb.and change the default browser or remove the un wanted browser then click ok. Thats it.
ProjectWeb->Browse with->change the default browser->ok
Or, just install the IETab extension for Chrome, then set it to automatically run the Silverlight page in IE mode.
