Algorithm for finding the size of the largest connected region of nodes of the same value in a tree - algorithm

This is a question I got in an interview, and I'm still not fully sure how to solve it.
Let's say we have a tree of numbers, and we want to find the size of the largest connected region in the tree whose nodes have the same value. For example, in this tree
/ \
3 3
/ \ / \
1 2 3 4
The answer is 4, because you have a region of 4 connected 3s.

I would suggest a depth first search with a function that takes two inputs:
A target value
A start node
and returns two outputs:
the size of the subtree of node with values equal to the target value
the largest size of connected region within the subtree of node
You can then call this function with a dummy target value (e.g. -1) and the root node and it will return the answer in the second output.
In pseudocode:
if start_node.value == target_value:
total = 1
best = 0
for each child of start_node:
x,m = dfs(target_value,child)
best = max(m,best)
total += x
return total,best
x,m = dfs(start_node.value,start_node)
return 0,max(x,m)
_,ans = dfs(-1, root_node)
print ans

Associate a counter with each node to represent the largest connected region rooted at that node where all the nodes are the same value. Initialize this counter to 1 for every node.
Run DFS on the tree.
When you back up from any node, if both nodes have the same value, add the child node's counter to the parent's counter.
When you're done, the largest counter associated with a node is your answer. You can keep track of this as you run the algorithm.


Generate all the leaf to leaf path in an n-array tree

Given an N-ary tree, I have to generate all the leaf to leaf paths in an n-array tree. The path should also denote the direction. As an example:
/ \
2 6
/ \
3 4
5 UP 3 UP 2 DOWN 4
4 UP 2 UP 1 DOWN 6
5 UP 3 UP 2 UP 1 DOWN 6
These paths can be in any order, but all paths need to be generated.
I kind of see the pattern:
looks like I have to do in order traversal and
need to save what I have seen so far.
However, can't really come up with an actual working algorithm.
Can anyone nudge me to the correct algorithm?
I am not looking for the actual implementation, just the pseudo code and the conceptual idea would be much appreciated.
The first thing I would do is to perform in-order traversal. As a result of this, we will accumulate all the leaves in the order from the leftmost to the rightmost nodes.(in you case this would be [5,4,6])
Along the way, I would certainly find the mapping between nodes and its parents so that we can perform dfs later. We can keep this mapping in HashMap(or its analogue). Apart from this, we will need to have the mapping between nodes and its priorities which we can compute from the result of the in-order traversal. In your example the in-order would be [5,3,2,4,1,6] and the list of priorities would be [0,1,2,3,4,5] respectively.
Here I assume that our node looks like(we may not have the mapping node -> parent a priori):
class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode[] nodes;
TreeNode(int x) {
val = x;
If we have n leaves, then we need to find n * (n - 1) / 2 paths. Obviously, if we have managed to find a path from leaf A to leaf B, then we can easily calculate the path from B to A. (by transforming UP -> DOWN and vice versa)
Then we start traversing over the array of leaves we computed earlier. For each leaf in the array we should be looking for paths to leaves which are situated to the right of the current one. (since we have already found the paths from the leftmost nodes to the current leaf)
To perform the dfs search, we should be going upwards and for each encountered node check whether we can go to its children. We should NOT go to a child whose priority is less than the priority of the current leaf. (doing so will lead us to the paths we already have) In addition to this, we should not visit nodes we have already visited along the way.
As we are performing dfs from some node, we can maintain a certain structure to keep the nodes(for instance, StringBuilder if you program in Java) we have come across so far. In our case, if we have reached leaf 4 from leaf 5, we accumulate the path = 5 UP 3 UP 2 DOWN 4. Since we have reached a leaf, we can discard the last visited node and proceed with dfs and the path = 5 UP 3 UP 2.
There might be a more advanced technique for solving this problem, but I think it is a good starting point. I hope this approach will help you out.
I didn't manage to create a solution without programming it out in Python. UNDER THE ASSUMPTION that I didn't overlook a corner case, my attempt goes like this:
In a depth-first search every node receives the down-paths, emits them (plus itself) if the node is a leaf or passes the down-paths to its children - the only thing to consider is that a leaf node is a starting point of a up-path, so these are input from the left to right children as well as returned to the parent node.
def print_leaf2leaf(root, path_down):
for st in path_down:
if all([x is None for x in root.children]):
for st in path_down:
for n in st: print(n.d,end=" ")
path_up = [[root]]
path_up = []
for child in root.children:
path_up += child is not None and [st+[root] for st in print_root2root(child, path_down + path_up)] or []
for st in path_down:
return path_up
class node:
def __init__(self,d,*children):
self.d = d
self.children = children
## 1
## / \
## 2 6
## / \ /
## 3 4 7
## / / | \
## 5 8 9 10
five = node(5)
three = node(3,five)
four = node(4)
two = node(2,three,four)
eight = node(8)
nine = node(9)
ten = node(10)
seven = node(7,eight,nine,ten)
six = node(6,None,seven)
one = node(1,two,six)

What is the pseudocode for this binary tree

basically i am required to come out with a pseudocode for this. What i currently have is
dictionary = {}
if node.left == none and node.right == none
dictionary[node] = 1
This is only the leaf nodes, how do i get the size for each node(parent and root)?
You can do a post-order traversal to find the size of each node.
The idea is to first handle both left and right trees. Then, after they are processed - you can use this data to process the current node.
This should look something like:
count = 0
if (node.left != none)
count += visit(node.left)
if (node.right != none)
count += visit(node.right)
// self is included.
count += 1
// update the node
node.size = count
return count
The dictionary for visited nodes is not needed since this is a tree, it guarantees to end.
As a side note - the size attribute of each node, is an important one. It basically upgrades your tree to a Order Statistics Tree
well the concept is that each node will know it's subtree size by first knowing the subtree size of all it's child which is maximum two child here as it is a binary tree, so once it knows subtree size of all child it can then add up all of them and atlast add 1 to it's
result and then the same thing will be done by it's parent also and so on upto root node. if we think about leaf node, it
has no child, so result subtree size will be only 1 in which it include itself.
one this idea is clear, it is easy to write code
that while traversing we will first know the subtree size of child nodes of current node then add 1 in it, in case of leaf node it will have subtree size of 1 only, below is the pseudocode of traverse funtion which finds the subtree size of each node and store them in dictionary sizeDictionary and a visited dictionary/array having larger scope has been used to keep track of visited nodes.
traverse(Tree curNode, dictionary subTreeSizeDictionary)
visited[curNode] = true
subtreeSizeDictionary[curNode] = 0
for child of curNode
traverse(child , sizeDictionary)
subtreeSizeDictionary[curNode] += subtreeSizeDictionary[child]
subtreeSizeDictionary[curNode] += 1;
here it is binary tree, but as you can see from pseudocode this concept can be used for any valid tree, the time complexity is O(n) as we visited each node only once.

Efficient way to search for a node with a specific attribute in a tree and assign the attributes of the tree

I have a tree. For example the following one:
/ \
b c
/ \ / \
e d f g
Every node in the tree has an attribute attr1. If a node's attr1 has a value of 1. Then the attr2 (another attribute) of all nodes on the path to this node, should make to 1. But we don't know if any of the nodes has a the value 1 in its attr1.
The idea I have to solve the problem is, to traverse through the tree (pre-order). While traversing I will have a FIFO container (queue) and every time I go downwards I will add to the queue and when going upwards I will remove the nodes which are bellow. So I have always the path to the current node. If then the node has attr1 == 1, then I must iterate the path again and set the attr2 of all nodes in the path to 2.
But I don't know if there is a more efficient way to accomplish this?
def update(node):
if node is None:
return False
upd_left = update(node.left)
upd_right = update(node.right)
node.attr2 = 1 if upd_left or upd_right or node.attr1 == 1 else node.attr2
return node.attr2 == 1
I think this will do what you expect as we are not iterating over the queue again and again.
The worst case complexity of your approach in case of a skewed tree will be O(n2). As for each node, you have to traverse the queue, if attr1==1 for each node.
But, in the above code, the complexity will be atmost O(n). Because you are visiting each node only once.

Exercise review Trees binary c++

Given a binary tree, whose root is located a treasure, and whose internal nodes can contain a dragon or does not contain anything, you are asked to design an algorithm that tells us the leaf of the tree whose path to the root has the lowest number of dragons. In the event that there are multiple paths with the same number of dragons, the algorithm will return that which is more to the left of all them. To do this, implement a function which gets a binary tree whose nodes store integers:
The root contains the integer 0, which represents the treasure.
The internal nodes contain the integer 1 to indicate that the node there is a dragon or the integer 2 to indicate that there is no dragon.
In each leaf stores an integer greater than or equal to 3 that cannot be repeated. and return the whole sheet to the path selected. The tree has at least one root node and a leaf node different from the root. For example, given the following tree (the second test case shown in the example), the algorithm return the integer 4.
I can not upload a picture of the tree of example, but someone tell me with words that I can do to go through all the branches, and to know which is the path with less dragons I'd appreciate it.
A greeting!
You want to think about these problems recursively: if you're at a parent node with...
no children you must have no dragon and a node counter, and you consider yourself to have 0 dragons and be the best node: you'd tell your parent that if asked
a left branch and/or a right branch, then you ask your children for their dragon-count and which node they consider best, and IF the left node reports a lesser or equal dragon count...
you take your best-node and dragon-count from it, ELSE
you take your best-node and dragon-count from the right node
then you add 1 to the dragon-count if your node's storing the integer 1
By starting that processing at the root node, you get the result for the entire tree.
This is the first algorithm that comes to mind. Assuming that you have an array that stores the values in nodes node_value[NODE_NUM], where NODE_NUM is the number of nodes in your tree, and you store index of childs of each node with the arrays left[NODE_NUM] and right[NODE_NUM], and your root will have index root_index. We will store information about the number of dragons in the path to root in the array dragon[NODE_NUM] So the algorithm pseudocode is:
# the recursive function itself
n_left <- 0
if node_value[left[node_index]] = 1
n_left <- 1
n_right <- 0
if node_value[right[node_index]] = 1
n_right <- 1
dragon[left[node_index]] <- dragon[node_index] + n_left
dragon[right[node_index]] <- dragon[node_index] + n_right
# the number of dragons in path from root to root is, obviously, zero:
dragon[root_index] <- 0
# Call the function itself
After that, in dragon we will have the number of dragons in the way to root from every nodes in tree. Now, all you have to do is to loop through all nodes and find the node that is a leaf and that its values is minimal:
min <- infinity
node_min <- unknown
for each node:
if node_value[node] >= 3:
if dragon[node] < min:
min <- dragon[node]
node_min <- node
return node_min
Now, the node_min is the node that has least dragons in the path to root.

Algorithm to find the maximum non-adjacent sum in n-ary tree

Given an n-ary tree of integers, the task is to find the maximum sum of a subsequence with the constraint that no 2 numbers in the sequence should share a common edge in the tree.
/ \
2 5
/ \
3 4
Maximum non adjacent sum = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
The following is the faulty extension of the algorithm outlined in
def max_sum(node, inc_sum, exc_sum):
for child in node.children:
exc_new = max(inc_sum, exc_sum)
inc_sum = exc_sum + child.val
exc_sum = exc_new
inc_sum, exc_sum = max(max_sum(child, inc_sum, exc_sum),
max_sum(child, inc_sum, inc_sum - node.val))
return exc_sum, inc_sum
But I wasn't sure if swapping exc_sum and inc_sum while returning is the right way to achieve the result and how do I keep track of the possible sums which can lead to a maximum sum, in this example, the maximum sum in the left subtree is (1+3+4) whereas the sum which leads to the final maximum is (3+4+5), so how should (3+4) be tracked? Should all the intermediary sums stored in a table?
Lets say dp[u][select] stores the answer: maximum sub sequence sum with no two nodes having edge such that we consider only the sub-tree rooted at node u ( such that u is selected or not ). Now you can write a recursive program where state of each recursion is (u,select) where u means root of the sub graph being considered and select means whether or not we select node u. So we get the following pseudo code
/* Initialize dp[][] to be -1 for all values (u,select) */
/* Select is 0 or 1 for false/true respectively */
int func(int node , int select )
if(dp[node][select] != -1)return dp[node][select];
int ans = 0,i;
// assuming value of node is same as node number
//edges[i] stores children of node i
else ans=ans+max(func(edges[node][i],0),func(edges[node][i],1));
dp[node][select] = ans;
return ans;
// from main call, root is root of tree and answer is
// your final answer
answer = max(func(root,0),func(root,1));
We have used memoization in addition to recursion to reduce time complexity.Its O(V+E) in both space and time. You can see here a working version of
the code Code. Click on the fork on top right corner to run on test case
4 1
1 2
1 5
2 3
2 4
It gives output 12 as expected.
The input format is specified in comments in the code along with other clarifications. Its in C++ but there is not significant changes if you want it in python once you understand the code. Do post in comments if you have any doubts regarding the code.
