cb_share_config won't run locally, DISPLAY error - codeblocks

I'm trying to run cb_share_config from an xterm to import some color themes using:
"sudo cb_share_config"
which results in:
"Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?"
This doesn't make sense to me since I'm running it locally, not through ssh or anything. I didn't think I needed to set the the display. Everything I've searched for is related to connecting to a server, which I'm not doing.
Code::Blocks version 16.01
OpenSUSE Leap version 42.3
Thanks in advance.

Ok so I've solved the problem or rather avoided it altogether by just running the tool directly from a file manager (Thunar). I'm still not entirely satisfied with Windows-like solution but it works. If anyone has any insights as to why I couldn't run it through a terminal I'd like to hear it but I suspect it might be a better question for a linux board.


How to Properly setup Scala in Jupyter Notebook

I am trying to setup Scala on Jupyter Notebook and I have been following this Github page to do the setup https://github.com/vericast/spylon-kernel
But when I used the spylon kernel in Jupyter Notebook. After executing the cell, it just frozen with this message Intitializing Scala interpreter .... I waited for an hour and it still wont show anything other than that message.
I tried to look for solutions on Stackoverflow and Github but still couldnt solve this issue. I am wondering does anyone here know how to solve it? Or have any other alternatives for me to use Scala on Jupyter Notebook.
Check the command prompt of jupyter note-book and see if there is any error.
normally this happens when there is mismatch between spark version and python in anaconda
spylon-kernel hasn't been updated in several years and it does not work properly these days. Instead, its much better to use almond - "A Scala kernel for Jupyter".

Using Mac Terminal To Run .EXE

One of my friends sent me a link on how to use terminal to get OSU! to run on mac. It worked perfectly, but now I am wondering if it is only for certain things, or if I can use terminal commands to make a .exe program run?
Anyone know if this is possible, and if so how would I go about doing it?
Macs aren’t compatible with Windows apps.
But you can try an app called wine.
Wine tries to provide an environment to run Windows exes.
Download the binary packages at here
Get the stable installer.
Make sure that you’ve got xquartz installed using homebrew: brew install xquartz.
The easiest and free way to run .exe files is to run it on "PlayOnMac". It might show some bugs(never faced a major bug). but it solves the problem. You can easily copy paste files on it like if you want to crack the software.

Nagios plugin check_logfiles users and implementers usage on windows

I'm looking for anyone that is using the Nagios Plugin check_logfiles for Windows.
I have this plugin working under Linux OS. I am really struggling getting it built and working under Windows OS.
so many things, but I can't get a good plugin built for Windows. I must be doing something wrong, as I see others are successful on this. the other thing is it is in Perl, I'm now just learning Perl due to this, so, I'm not so up on the programming language of this plugin, which hurts a bit.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\plugins\check_logfiles-3.12\plugins-scripts>check_logfiles -f "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\contrib\chec
Can't locate object method "new" via package "Nagios::CheckLogfiles" at C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\plugins\check_logfiles-3.12\plugins-sc
ripts\check_logfiles.pl line 360.
thank you for your help
well, sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at yourself sometimes.
this problem was / is due to the Perl Windows build process and I didn't have internet to CPAN install modules.
I set the env http_proxy= and https_proxy= and I can build successfully.
sorry I panicked. thanks everyone.

Autostart script depending on internet connection

I want to run script automatically, but it (script) depends on my internet connection. So when I put it in /etc/init.d catalog, it crashes before I make internet connection. I found perfect answer here:
...BUT this answer is suitable for Ubuntu - on Fedora I don't even have /etc/network catalog. Any similar is /etc/networks, but script put there didn't do anything.
Fedora have the network scripts in
So you can follow similar procedure to achieve the same.

Problems with filezilla and ubuntu

I have a big problem with my FileZilla on my current Ubuntu 12.10 installation so its unusable. First of all some facts:
FileZilla works with my Router/WLan etc. setup on windows perfectly.
It even worked on Ubuntu before upgrading (allthough I'm not sure if it affects at first 12.04 or 12.10)
So the Problem I guess is related to my Ubuntu
The problems are the following:
it's slow
I often have connection timeouts while transfering a couple of files or often when changing directories
often files get transferred without their contents
furthermore if bigger uploads timeout or stop I cannot determine what has allready been uploaded because it does not seem to follow any order subdirectorywise.
I'm kind of a Linux beginner too so I have no idea what I can do about this. Hopefully anybody can help.
It seems that I encountered the same problem with you. It's all right using FileZilla on Windows, but unstable on Ubuntu. Frequent timeout after MSLD command occurred.
I solved the problem by using the ftp command instead. It's built-in and rather simple. You could also check if the ftp connection is OK in Ubuntu with this tool. If it is, then it might be something wrong with FileZilla. (I guess)
I wrote an article about this: http://pengwenqiang.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/the-usage-of-the-basic-ftp-command-in-linux/
Hope it helps.
