Passing multiple commands to START command in batch file - windows

I'm using start to run a command from a batch file.
START "Demo" %mycmd%
This works fine, and the resulting cmd window persists after executing the contents of mycmd, even if the batch file was double-clicked - the reason why I'm using start to begin with.
However I would also like to print something in the new cmd window that start opens, before it runs the command.
I'd imagine that I would pass start an echo command, followed by the command I want it to run.
My first naive approach was as follows:
START "Demo" ECHO Running Command... && %mycmd%
Of course this does not work; start opens a new window which only runs the echo command, and the command after the && divider is run in the original window, not in the new one that the echo ran in.
Basically it performs (start echo) && (my_cmd) instead of start (echo && my_cmd) - parentheses added for clarity, not any actual syntactic meaning
So my question is: Is there a way to pass two commands to start at once? Specifically, I really just want it to echo out some content, and then run a command.

Change && to ^& to escape a single & which then cascades the echo with your command.


running mulitple commands using Subprocess.Popen in the same shell

Hi I am at a loss on how to run multiple commands using popen,
I am trying to automate a series of steps that are normally run on the Windows command line. The basic steps are usually run from the Windows cmd line are
Run a windows command script (.cmd) file to setup environment variables i.e C:\Program Files (x86)\appsettings\setupvariables.cmd
type in the command to connect to the database
type in the command to get data from the database
Stop connection to the database
All these commands must run in the same command line window one after another, not separate processes or separate command line windows. Instead of opening a cmd window and typing in the command I want to use python's subprocess.popen command
So far I have:
args.append(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\appsettings\setmyvars.cmd')
args.append(r'start db on db_path="my_url"')
args.append(r'stop db on db_path="my_url"')
if stderr:
print "you have an error", stderr
print "well done you have data", stdout
This isn't quite working I can see that the first line is run i.e the setmyvars.cmd is executed, but nothing else, none of the other arguments get called, if they did I would see the results in the ouput.txt file.
How do I run a series of commands one after the other using popen. Why is it only the first command seems to be executed and none of the others
I am using python2.7 on Windows
You have a couple of issues going on. You still have to tell popen() which program to run. Just using shell=True does not obviate the need to provide cmd.exe as the program to run. If you really want to run all of these commands with one invocation of cmd.exe, then you will need to string them together with &&.
from subprocess import *
args.append(r'(echo 1 && echo 2 && echo 4)')
p = Popen(args,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE,shell=True)
if stderr:
print "you have an error", stderr
print "well done you have data", stdout
It would probably be better to use the %ComSpec% environment variable than it would be to hardcode the location of cmd.exe. The path you have is -usually- correct. :-)

Why does console output keep self-referencing batch script from exiting cleanly?

I was writing a self-referencing Windows 10 (home ed.) batch script to locate a string in a large number of log files, create a results file and, when finished, open the log file in notepad++. This process sometimes takes a few minutes hence the self-referencing part which allows me to return control to the original command window until the log file is opened (and takes focus).
However, when the second command window, started with the "start" command and the "/b" switch, includes at least one "echo" command it won't exit cleanly and requires me to press the Enter key to fully exit that "nested" command window.
I've distilled the code down to nine lines so you can hopefully see what I mean. To see it in action, save the following as "test.bat" and run it from a command prompt:
#echo off
if "%1" EQU "" call :noArgs & goto :done
echo There was at least one argument.
exit /b
echo There were no arguments.
start "" /b cmd /c test.bat arg1
goto :eof
It will print "There were no arguments." below the prompt followed by "There was at least one argument." at the prompt and then hang, waiting for the Enter key before returning control back to the prompt.
If you remove the line:
echo There was at least one argument.
the Enter key is no longer needed for the second command shell to exit. Similarly, if the output from the echo command is redirected to a file the issue goes away. This problem also occurs without echo commands but if output is generated from EG the type command so it seems it is due to there being some form of console output. This can be easily demonstrated by commenting out both the "echo" line as well as the first line "#echo off" - with commands now being echoed to the console it again hangs before exiting.
I could get around this issue by changing the "start" call to this:
start "" /min cmd /c test.bat arg1
however any output is no longer easily visible in the minimized window so it's a poor solution.
I'd love to know why the code I posted behaves the way it does, why it won't exit cleanly without requiring the Enter key to be pressed. The only clue I have is from the "remarks" column in the matrix on this page Close and exit batch files that states, "Make sure no text is displayed in the console window to make it close automatically at the end of the batch file". However that seems to refer only to Windows 9.x versions of - not EG Windows 10 nor cmd.exe.
Thanks for any input/thoughts.
You're misinterpreting the output. If I've understood you rightly, it looks like this:
There were no arguments.
C:\working\test>There was at least one argument.
That happened like this:
C:\working\test> <---- output from first shell
test <---- input
There were no arguments. <---- output from first shell
<---- output from first shell
C:\working\test> <---- output from first shell
There was at least one argument. <---- output from second shell
<---- cursor is here
The second shell is running asynchronously - that's what start does - so the first shell has already finished the batch job and printed the next prompt by the time the second shell gets around to printing its output.
At this point, the second shell has exited, and the first shell is waiting for you to enter a command. It doesn't know that the second shell has printed anything, so it has no reason to think that it needs to reprint the prompt. But if you enter a command, it will work.

Cannot run multiple commands in one line [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
WinSCP script not executing in batch file
(2 answers)
Closed last year.
I am trying to run multiple commands in one line. The codes are below.
open user:pw#address
lcd C:\Users\xx\Desktop
get *.xlsx
If I run them one by one, it will work. However, if I want to run them all together using one line, it will fail, no matter I am using ; or &.
For example, if I run & open user:pw#address, only the first part will be executed.; open user:pw#address doesn't work either.
How to execute them using one line?
This is happening, because both command line and are programs. When you're entering commands one by one you start and next entered commands are going directly to the WinSCP. When you're trying to execute all commands at once it is starting WinSCP and waiting for it to finish and then executing next commands.
You definitely can create a text file with your commands and save it as script.txt
open user:pw#address
lcd C:\Users\xx\Desktop
get *.xlsx
And then pass it to the application like this: /script=script.txt
It may be possible to send all the commands at once by using /command cmd1 cmd2 ... where cmd1,2 are your commands, but it might be tricky.
Command-line Options :: WinSCP
You can put the sequence of commands in a script file used by WinSCP and call it using the command sequence: /script="C:\Users\{name}\Documents\Scripts\{SomeFileName}.scp"
I have found it easier to keep track of what you are doing and keeps the command sequence easier to read.
These are all the possible ways of running multiple commands on a single line :
When you use command1 & command2 on the command prompt, it
executes the first command, and then the second command.
command1 && command2 it runs the first command, and then runs the second command only if the first command completed successfully.
command1 || command2 it runs the first command, and then runs the second command only if the first command did not complete successfully (receives an error code greater than zero).
(command1 & command2) used to group or nest multiple commands.
Since in your case, you want to run the first command and then do the other operation with-in it; it isn't possible to use any of the above.
You have to write a script which you may call in the same line using a command.
You may do something like this : ( /script=<script_path>) && exit
There are many more options in command.

Batch file: How to redirect output from .exe with parameter?

I am trying to write a batch file to run a .exe with a parameter and that gives and output in .csv
I wrote:
start "" "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\AnalysisSoftware\Video.exe" S1.avi>S1.csv
This command is working but the created .csv file is empty. What's wrong?
I also tried with ^ like that:
start "" "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\AnalysisSoftware\Video.exe" S1.avi^>S1.csv
Not working too...
Thank you
The start command starts the command in another process and so the output is not captured, instead you are capturing the output of the start command, which is nothing.
What you need is
start "" "cmd /c C:\Users\Me\Desktop\AnalysisSoftware\Video.exe S1.avi>S1.csv"
The distinction here is that the redirection operator is within the quotes. In your example above the redirection operator was outside the quotes and so it captured the output of the start command instead of the Video.exe. Note you also need to use cmd /c at the beginning. This is because you need a shell in order to redirect the output of the Video.exe. The /c argument tells cmd to exit as soon as the command finishes executing.

execute user inputed Windows (or bash) commands from batch (or bash) file?

Ok, so I have this batch script and what I want to happen is that when you run the script it does some standard stuff like change the path and access files etc... but after it's done that it goes back to being a normal cmd prompt/terminal where I can type in commands at free will.
Can this be done (in either dos or bash)? Is there like an execute command that I can put in an internal while loop or is there a command where when the scirpt ends it can go back to the normal cmd/terminal?
Do you need a full bash prompt?
Or would something like this be enough?
echo -n "Enter cmd: "
echo ${COMMAND} | bash
Also, in a script, you can just execute bash and get a full prompt in the current environment.
In Dos / windows command prompt if you run the batch file from command line you will get the prompt back always by default. Just like running any other command in command prompt.
Also in windows when the batch file execution is complete you can just put Cmd.exe when everything has finished running I.e at the end of the batch file.
Hope this helps!
#echo off
Echo running
Or even at the end
Echo %command% | Cmd.exe
Never mind, I got a good solution using this code: (for windows)
set /p command=CMD:
