golang erase symbols from console - go

I want to create animation in console, when program waits. There are a lot of simple ways to do this, usually, we just draw symbols in iterations of some cycle.
Let our code be:
func Spinner(delay time.Duration) {
for !StopSpinner{
for _, r := range `-\|/` {
fmt.Printf("\r%c", r)
The problem is - how to remove animation, when there is no need in it from the console screen.
I tried escape sequences like fmt.Print("\b") or fmt.Printf("\r%s", "") but no result. I can not remove last symbol from screen and it concatenates with next text. How do you erase characters already printed to the console?

All you need to do is print a space (0x20) when you are done and that will overwrite the spinner.
ie: fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, "\r \r") to put the cursor back to beginning of line after the space.

All you need to do is print a space (0x20) when you are done and that
will overwrite the spinner.
ie: fmt.Fprint("\r \r") to put the cursor back to beginning of line
after the space.
This answer is helpful, thank you!
But, there is an important detail!
Because the spinner function has a delay, it cannot stop exactly when StopSpinner boolean flag is set to true. So, I have added a channel for synchronization.
func Spinner(delay time.Duration) {
for !StopSpinner {
for _, r := range `-\|/` {
fmt.Printf("\r%c", r)
fmt.Fprint("\r \r")
c <- struct{}{}
Now, calling function waits, while my spinner stop.
var c chan struct{} = make(chan struct{}) // event marker
func callingFunc(){
StopSpinner = false
go Spinner(100 * time.Millisecond)
// do something...
StopSpinner = true
<-c // wait spinner stop
//do something else
In my opinion, this is the complete solution!

This will put the cursor in the top left then clear the console as per this document of useful terminal commands:


Issue with ANSI cursor movement in goroutine

I'm trying to write a Go library for creating terminal task-lists, inspired by the Node library listr.
My library, golist, prints the task list out in a background goroutine and updates the text and status characters using ANSI escape sequences.
The Problem
There's an issue where the final print of the list will occasionally have extra spaces included, leading to some spaces or repeated lines. Here are two examples – one correct, one not – both from runs of the same exact code (here's a link to the code).
Here's an example of what it should look like:
(Here's a gist of the raw text output for the correct output)
And here's an example of what it sometimes looks like:
(Here's a gist of the raw text output for the incorrect output)
If you look at lines 184 and 185 in the gist of the incorrect version, there are two blank lines that aren't in the correct version.
Why is this happening and why is it only happening sometimes?
I'm printing the list to the terminal in the following loop:
go func() {
defer donePrinting() // Tell the Stop function that we're done printing
ts := l.getTaskStates()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done(): // Check if the print loop should stop
// Perform a final clear and an optional print depending on `ClearOnComplete`
ts := l.getTaskStates()
if l.ClearOnComplete {
case s := <-l.printQ: // Check if there's a message to print
fmt.Fprintln(l.Writer, s)
default: // Otherwise, print the list
ts := l.getTaskStates()
The list is formatted as a string and then printed. The following function formats the string:
// fmtPrint returns the formatted list of messages
// and statuses, using the supplied TaskStates
func (l *List) fmtPrint(ts []*TaskState) string {
s := make([]string, 0)
for _, t := range ts {
s = append(s, l.formatMessage(t))
return strings.Join(s, "\n")
and the following function builds the ANSI escape string to clear the lines:
// fmtClear returns a string of ANSI escape characters
// to clear the `n` lines previously printed.
func (l *List) fmtClear(n int) string {
s := "\033[1A" // Move up a line
s += "\033[K" // Clear the line
s += "\r" // Move back to the beginning of the line
return strings.Repeat(s, n)
I'm using this site as a reference for the ANSI codes.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have about why this is happening!
Let me know if there's any other information I can add that can help.
I think the ANSI codes are just a red herring. I pulled down the library and tried running it locally, and found that the following section is what is creating this issue:
case s := <-l.printQ: // Check if there's a message to print
fmt.Fprintln(l.Writer, s)
When the printQ channel is getting closed, this case is sometimes running, which seems to be moving the cursor down even though nothing is getting printed. This behaviour went away when I moved the call to close the channel after l.printDone is called.
// Wait for the print loop to finish
if l.printQ != nil {
This ensures that the loop is no longer running when the channel is closed, and thus the s := <-l.printQ case cannot run.

trying to understand golang chan cause crash or do something else

The following is a example from https://golang.org/ref/mem:
var c = make(chan int)
var a string
func f() {
a = "hello, world"
func main() {
go f()
c <- 0
is also guaranteed to print "hello, world". The write to a happens before the receive on c, which happens before the corresponding send on c completes, which happens before the print.
If the channel were buffered (e.g., c = make(chan int, 1)) then the program would not be guaranteed to print "hello, world". (It might print the empty string, crash, or do something else.)
I understand that It might print the empty string, but not for crash or do something else, when will crash happen? And when will it do something else ?
A string in Go is a read only slice of bytes. Slice consists of length an pointer. Let's assume that we first set length to a large value and then change the pointer. The other go routine may first read new length and old pointer. Then it tries to read over the end of the previous string. It either read some garbage or is stopped by operating system and crashes.
The order of operations does not matter really, if you set pointer firsts it may point to memory area too short for the current length.

Rewrite channel while listening on it and for loop handling

While trying few experiments in channels, I came up with below code:
var strChannel = make(chan string, 30)
var mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
func main() {
go sampleRoutine()
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
strChannel <- strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
func sampleRoutine() {
/* A: for msg := range strChannel{*/
/* B: for {
msg := <-strChannel*/
log.Println("got message ", msg, strChannel)
if msg == "3" {
strChannel = make(chan string, 20)
Basically here while listening to a given channel, I am assigning the channel variable to a new channel in a specific condition (here when msg == 3).
When I use the code in comment block B it works as expected, i.e. the loop moves on to the newly created channel and prints 4-10.
However comment block A which I believe is just a different way to write the loop doesn't work i.e. after printing "3" it stops.
Could someone please let me know the reason for this behavior?
And also is code like this where a routine listening on a channel, creating a new one safe?
In Go, for statement evaluate the value on the right side of range before the loop begins.
That means changing the value of the variable on the right side of range will take no effects. So in your code, in Variant A, msg is ever-iterating over the orignal channel and never changed. In Varaint B, it works as intended as the channel is being evaluated per iteration.
The concept is a little bit tricky. It does not mean you cannot modify items of the slice or map on the right side of range. If you look deeper into it, you will find that in Go, map and slice stores a pointer, and modify its item does not change that pointer, so it has effects.
It is even more trickier in case of array. Modifying item of an array on the right side of range has no effects. This is due to Go's mechanism about storing array as a value.
Playground examples: https://play.golang.org/p/wzPfGHFYrnv
Sending and reading from a channel do not need to be protected by a mutex: They act as synchronisation primitives by themself (that's one of the main ideas behind sending/receiving) on a channel.
There is no difference between variant A and B because you do not close the channel. But...
Resigning a new channel to strChannel while iterating the old channel is wrong. Don't do that. Not even with the B variant. Think about range strChannel as "please range over the values in the channel currently stored in the variable strChannel". This range will "continue on the original channel" and storing a new channel in the same variable doesn't change this. Avoid such code!

How to have an in-place string that updates on stdout

I want to output to stdout and have the output "overwrite" the previous output.
For example; if I output On 1/10, I want the next output On 2/10 to overwrite On 1/10. How can I do this?
stdout is a stream (io.Writer). You cannot modify what was already written to it. What can be changed is how that stream's represented in case it is printed to a terminal. Note that there's no good reason to assume this scenario. For example, a user could redirect stdout to a pipe or to a file at will.
So the proper approach is to first check:
if the stdout is going to a terminal
what is that terminal's procedure to overwrite a line/screen
Both of the above are out of this question's scope, but let's assume that a terminal is our device. Then usually, printing:
fmt.Printf("\rOn %d/10", i)
will overwrite the previous line in the terminal. \r stands for carriage return, implemented by many terminals as moving the cursor to the beginning of the current line, hence providing the "overwrite line" facility.
As an example of "other" terminal with a differently supported 'overwriting', here is an example at the playground.
Use this solution if you want to rewrite multiple lines to the output. For instance, I made a decent Conway's "Game of Life" output using this method.
DISCLAIMER: this only works on ANSI Terminals, and besides using fmt this isn't a Go-specific answer either.
// put your other fmt.Printf(...) here
Brief Explanation: this is an escape sequence which tells the ANSI terminal to move the cursor to a particular spot on the screen. The \033[ is the so-called escape sequence, and the 0;0H is the type of code telling the terminal move the cursor to row 0, column 0 of the terminal.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Sequence_elements
The solution for one string which will replace whole string
fmt.Printf("\033[2K\r%d", i)
For example, it correctly prints from 10 to 0:
for i:= 10; i>=0; i-- {
fmt.Printf("\033[2K\r%d", i)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
which previous answers don't solve.
Found something worth sharing for problems like this.
Sharing for people who might be facing same problem in future
Check if output is being written to terminal. If so, use \r (carriage return) defined by terminal to move cursor to the beginning of line
package main
import (
var spinChars = `|/-\`
type Spinner struct {
message string
i int
func NewSpinner(message string) *Spinner {
return &Spinner{message: message}
func (s *Spinner) Tick() {
fmt.Printf("%s %c \r", s.message, spinChars[s.i])
s.i = (s.i + 1) % len(spinChars)
func isTTY() bool {
fi, err := os.Stdout.Stat()
if err != nil {
return false
return fi.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice != 0
func main() {
s := NewSpinner("working...")
isTTY := isTTY()
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
if isTTY {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
Example code taken from

Issue with runtime.LockOSThread() and runtime.UnlockOSThread

I have a code like,
Routine 1 {
print something
send int to routine 2
Routine 2 {
print something
send int to routine 1
main {
go Routine1
go Routine2
I use run time lock-unlock because, I don't want that printing of
Routine 1 will mix with Routine 2. However, after execution of above
code, it outputs same as without lock-unlock (means printing outputs
mixed). Can anybody help me why this thing happening and how to force
this for happening.
NB: I give an example of print something, however there are lots of
printing and sending events.
If you want to serialize "print something", e.g. each "print something" should perform atomically, then just serialize it.
You can surround "print something" by a mutex. That'll work unless the code deadlock because of that - and surely it easily can in a non trivial program.
The easy way in Go to serialize something is to do it with a channel. Collect in a (go)routine everything which should be printed together. When collection of the print unit is done, send it through a channel to some printing "agent" as a "print job" unit. That agent will simply receive its "tasks" and atomically print each one. One gets that atomicity for free and as an important bonus the code can not deadlock easily no more in the simple case, where there are only non interdependent "print unit" generating goroutines.
I mean something like:
func printer(tasks chan string) {
for s := range tasks {
func someAgentX(tasks chan string) {
var printUnit string
tasks <- printUnit
func main() {
tasks := make(chan string, size)
go printer(tasks)
go someAgent1(tasks)
go someAgentN(tasks)
<- allDone
What runtime.LockOSThread does is prevent any other goroutine from running on the same thread. It forces the runtime to create a new thread and run Routine2 there. They are still running concurrently but on different threads.
You need to use sync.Mutex or some channel magic instead.
You rarely need to use runtime.LockOSThread but it can be useful for forcing some higher priority goroutine to run on a thread of it's own.
package main
import (
var m sync.Mutex
func printing(s string) {
m.Lock() // Other goroutines will stop here if until m is unlocked
m.Unlock() // Now another goroutine at "m.Lock()" can continue running
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go printing(fmt.Sprintf("Goroutine #%d", i))
I think, this is because of runtime.LockOSThread(),runtime.UnlockOSThread does not work all time. It totaly depends on CPU, execution environment etc. It can't be forced by anyother way.
