sitemap.xml: Should mailto: and tel: links be included? - sitemap

I'm building a sitemap.xml, and trying out a few generators.
One of the generators kept phone links ("tel:") while excluding email links ("mailto:"). I suspect the generator developer just didn't account for tel:'s.
In any case, is having mailto: or tel: links in the sitemap.xml a bad thing?
For example:

It won't hurt for sure if opening this URL in a browser displays a proper page. Else, you will get a notification in Google Search Console (which does not really hurt).


Can I set cookies for discord.Embed.set_thumbnail in

I am making an online encyclopedia searching bot with But the encyclopedia site is opened only for my school students. So I had to use cookies to get documents' contents. But I got a problem. The site provides changing the logo for each document, and I'm going to put it in discord.Embed.thumbnail. As I mentioned above, the encyclopedia site is opened only for my school students, and the logo file as well as.
Can I use my cookies to access file link for discord.Embed.set_thumbnail? If possible, how? Thanks for your help.
you could currently use the requests module to get the image URL setting cookies. Then, you get the URL of the image and you just put it into the thumbnail field.

make google show two different websites depending on searcher's language

Hi i made a google web master tool account and sent 2 site maps: one for the italian language and one for the english one of my site.
Now, my site has a script in the index that redirects the users to if he's italian otherwise it will go to
The problem is that now google's crawler(that obviously is not italian) only sees the english version of site and not both of them.
Is there a way to make it crawl and show the two different websites depending on the language?
Do you use JavaScript to redirect the people? It would be better to use a server-side redirect, for example with .htaccess
However, when you link both language versions from your index page and Google accepted your sitemaps, your site should be okay to be indexed. Maybe it takes some more time until the crawler visits your Italian site, too.
Update: You could/should add a language switcher for users to your site, and also link the translations in the head area of your site with the link element and rel="alternate and hreflang="it resp. "en". See Google: rel="alternate" hreflang="x"

Multilanguage website crawling issue (links like en/en/...)

I've created a multilanguage website and I tried to generate a sitemap with a common Sitemap Online Generator.
Unfortunally it crawled links like "en/en/..." or "it/de/en/..." (that not exist and are not correct of course). I'm afraid that Google could do the same.
I read all about tag (maybe the problem is there) and did lots of trying, but the resutl is always the same: lots of redundant links (en/apartments/en/apartments/torre)
Any suggestions?
I wrote my problem to the sitemap generator webmaster. It was an error about its tool (it doesn't consider singular apices around base-tag's attribute).
I sent the sitemap to google and everything was ok.

Is my AJAX content already crawlable?

I have build a site based on Ajax navigation.
I have build it that way, that whenever someone without javascript visits my site, the nav links, which usually load content via Ajax, are acting like normal links and the user can browse through the pages as usual.
Since, Google bot doesn't run javascript, it should theoretically be able to go through all links and corresponding sites as usual, right? Since they are valid links with the href tag pointed to the corresponding site.
Now I was wondering if thats sufficient or if I need to implant this method from Google too to make sure Google sees all my content?
Thanks for your insights and excuse my poor English!
If you can navigate your site by showing source (ctrl-u in chrome), google can also crawl your site. Yes, its that simple

Facebook Connect Action Links - Why Are They Adding QueryString Parameter to our URL's?

I have a Facebook Connect application (IFrame, external website).
When i post to the user's wall using the Old JavaScript API (FB.Connect.streamPublish), im specifying action links, as many people do.
Here's the JSON for my action link:
[{ 'text':'Do something on my site', 'href':'' }]
Now, we use URL Rewriting on my website, so the URL's are all nice and RESTful (i.e. no .ASPX).
Now, for some reason, the link that gets rendered out on the user's wall is:
Of course this is 404'ing.
It seems to be this way for all Facebook apps (not just mine), that for any custom action link, Facebook will automatically append ref=nf to the URL.
For other parts of the post (links, images, etc), they don't do this.
So the only think i can do is change the link to the un-RESTful URL:
Then it will render:
Which works.
But WTF, why are they doing this? And can they not give those applications with URL rewriting an option for them not to supply this?
I was hoping to keep the URL's all clean and rewritten.
My bad, the regex rules on the URL rewriter wasnt correct. Burn.
PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair).
My regex rules for this particular page was not foolproof enough.
For anyone that cares, this is what i had:
<rewrite url="^~/somepage$" to="~/Pages/SomePage.aspx" processing="stop" />
This is what i changed it to:
<rewrite url="^~/somepage(.*)" to="~/Pages/SomePage.aspx" processing="stop" />
Also, i was wondering why in Fiddler i was getting all these 404 errors coming from Facebook.
Turns out i was registering the 'xd_receiver.htm' wrong:
FB.Init('myapikey', 'xd_receiver.htm')
So on ALL pages, Facebook was looking for the file relative to the path.
It needed to be:
FB.Init('myapikey', '/xd_receiver.htm')
Never forget the '/'. =)
