vuejs not rending data 2nd time when data as updated using ajax - ajax

Im using vue js to update a few things on my page, its real simple use case
Vue.component('my-component', {
template: '.....<a v-on:click="myfunction">data</a>{{stuff}}'
data: {
stuff: 0
let __this = this;
axios.....then(function (data){ __this.stuff = 1l }); // works
methods: {
myfunction: function(){
this.stuff = 2; /// dosnt work. template not rendered
Any particular way to set the variable to detect changes or any pointers ? thanks.

For reusable components, your data field should actually be a function that returns the data object:
Vue.component('my-component', {
template: '.....<a v-on:click="myfunction">data</a>{{stuff}}',
data() {
return {
stuff: 0
let __this = this;
axios.....then(function (data){ __this.stuff = 1l }); // works
methods: {
myfunction: function(){
this.stuff = 2; // should work now
Please review the relevant section of the Vue.js documentation for more information concerning this issue.


how to integrate google-recaptcha in oracle-jet

I am trying to integrate google-recaptcha but no success.
Getting error
feedback.js:39 Uncaught TypeError: grecaptcha.render is not a function
define(['ojs/ojcore', 'knockout', 'jquery', 'appController', 'ckeditor', 'googlerecaptcha', 'ojs/ojlabel',
'ojs/ojknockout', 'ojs/ojinputtext', 'ojs/ojformlayout'],
function (oj, ko, $, app, ckeditor, grecaptcha) {
* The view model for the main content view template
function feedbackViewModel() {
var self = this;
// For small screens: labels on top
// For medium screens and up: labels inline
this.labelEdge = ko.computed(function () {
return app.smScreen ? "top" : "start";
}, this);
onloadCallback = function (a) {
grecaptcha.render('submit', {
'sitekey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',
'callback': self.onSubmit
}, true);
this.handleActivated = function (info) {
self.onSubmit = function (token) {"google recatpcha onSubmit", token)
//do validation/application code using token
var data = {secret: grecaptcha, response: recaptchaToken};
url: "",
form: data
}).then(function (e) {
//recaptcha service called...check result
var resp = JSON.parse(e);
if (resp.success == false) {"recaptcha token outcome is false")
} else {"recaptcha token validated")
return feedbackViewModel;
Do you have a mapping for 'googlerecaptcha' in src/js/path_mapping.json? If I go to, I do not see that it is returning any valid object. So most likely 'grecaptcha' variable is undefined.
reCaptcha + RequireJS
Looks like reCaptcha is a function that has to be executed vs an object that can be interacted with directly. So you may need a different approach, something mentioned in this thread.

Async call for computed property - Vue.js

I have a computed property that will only be used if a match for a property exists. Because of this, I'm making the call to get the data asynchronous so that it's only retrieved when needed. I'm having an issue though trying to make an async call to return data for a computed property.
Below is what I have:
new Vue({
el: "#formCompleteContainer",
data: {
form: {},
components: []
computed: {
employeeList: function () {
var self = this;
if (_.some(this.components, function (component) {
return component.ComponentInfo.Type === 8
})) {
var employees = [];
url: "/Form/GetAllUsers",
type: "GET"
}).done(function (results) {
employees = results;
return employees;
} else {
return [];
I know this isn't working because I'm returning before the call is complete. I've seen how to use deferredobjects and what not but I can't seem to figure out how to implement it with Vue.
For your use case, I don't think computed property can implement the goal.
My solution:
create one data property as one 'defered' object,
then uses one watch to async call your backend to get new data, finally assign to the defered object
like below demo:
Vue.config.productionTip = false
app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
product: "Boots",
deferedProduct: ''
watch: {
product: function (newVal, oldVal) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.deferedProduct = 'Cats in ' + newVal + '!'
}, 1500)
methods: {
nextProduct: function () {
this.product += 'a'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="nextProduct()">Click Me!</button>
This is what vue-async-computed is meant for. It resolves the promise you returned and handles any race conditions.
new Vue({
el: "#formCompleteContainer",
data: {
form: {},
components: []
asyncComputed: {
employeeList: function () {
if (_.some(this.components, function (component) {
return component.ComponentInfo.Type === 8
})) {
return $.ajax({
url: "/Form/GetAllUsers",
type: "GET"
} else {
return Promise.resolve([]);
After doing some more research I have gone another route. I agree with Sphinx that I don't think what I am trying to achieve will work with a computed property.
Instead, this is what I am going with:
new Vue({
el: "#formCompleteContainer",
data: {
form: {},
components: [],
employees: []
methods: {
getEmployees: function () {
var self = this;
if (_.some(this.components, function (component) {
return component.ComponentInfo.Type === 8;
})) {
url: "/Form/Form/GetAllUsers",
type: "GET"
}).done(function (results) {
self.employees = results;
created: function () {
this.form = pageModel.Form;
this.components = pageModel.Components;
mounted: function () {
As pointed out already, mounted and other 3rd party solutions can work.
However, better readability and component loading will come from putting the desired Promise within a data property. And then using the Vue lifecycle hook created, we can wait for that Promise to resolve with a .then.
For example:
async foo(){
let myRequest = someRequest.createInstance()
await myRequest.onReady()
return myRequest.getSomePromise()
And then import the service into your component, as well as declaring a data prop:
data: (){
myPromiseLoc: null,
created: (){ result =>
this.myPromiseLoc = result

Vue js: Is it posible to initialize data through a method?

Basically I want to initialize my vValidNombre field on my form by comparing two values, so It would be nice to use a method, something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var avatar = new Vue({
el: '#validaciones',
data: {
vNombre: $('input[name=nombre]').val(),
vValidNombre: validar(),
methods: {
validar: function(){
if ('true' == 'true') {
return = true;
else {
return false;
This code doesn't work, but is it possible to do something like that?
EDIT: I'm using Vue 2
Not really. When it is initialised, vValidNombre would be undefined. However, you can do something like this with the ready method:
var avatar = new Vue({
el: '#validaciones',
data: {
vNombre: $('input[name=nombre]').val(),
vValidNombre: null,
ready: function() {
this.vValidNombre = this.validar();
methods: {
validar: function(){
// do something here
// and return it
bindDom: function() {

react-flux application error - unable to find the function even if it's defined

I have a react component - coursePage.js
function getCourseInitState(){
return {
courses: CourseStore.getAllCourses()//courseStore is required in script
var Courses = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function(){
return getCourseInitState();
render: function () {
return (
<h1> Course </h1>
<CourseList courses={} />
Action file -courseAction
var CourseAction = {
CourseList: function(){
var courseList = CourseApi.getAllCourses();
actionType: ActionTypes.COURSE_INITIALIZE,
courseList: courseList
Store File - courseStore
var CourseStore = assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, {
addChangeListener: function(callback){
this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, callback);
removeChangeListener: function(callback){
this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT, callback);
emitChange: function(){
getAllcourses: function(){ //here is the function define
return _courses;
getCourseById: function(id){
return _.find(_courses, {id: id});
_courses = action.CourseList;
module.exports = CourseStore;
in console I am getting "Uncaught TypeError: CourseStore.getAllCourses is not a function"
I don't want to call api directly in my coursePage.js so I find this way of initialising the page but it is not working.
(Please note - I am new to this) As per my recent learning Action file must always call API and send the request to State. I can load with help of componentWillMount function. But, I wanted to solve with this.If not wrong, then it is more neat and preferable way of implementing?
You have a typo -> getAllcourses in the Store and in the Component you call getAllCourses
getAllCourses: function(){ //Should be getAllCourses instead of getAllcourses
return _courses;

ember model find query with params doesn't display on pagination

2I have an Ember app which connects to an api from where it gets articles. I make use of pagination to get 10 articles per request. This works. But now I wanted to add sorting to the request. I implemented this by using the extra parameter in the store.find.
However, for some reason if I use the 'return'article', params);' instead of 'return'article');' new articles (still requested and added correctly to the store!) in the getMore function are not beiing displayed or rendered. But when i remove the params parameter from store.find in model, it does work. What could be the case here?
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="articles">
{{#each itemController="article"}}
<div class="item">
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend(Ember.UserApp.ProtectedRouteMixin, {
model: function(params) {
var params2 = {page: 1, per_page: 10, sort: params.sort};
return'article', params2);
setupController: function(controller, model) {
controller.set('content', model);
getMore: function() {
// don't load new data if we already are
//if (this.get('loadingMore')) return;
//this.set('loadingMore', true);
var meta ="article");
if (meta.hasmore) {
var controller = this.get('controller'),
nextPage = controller.get('page') + 1,
perPage = controller.get('perPage'),
sorting = controller.get('sort'),
var params = {page: nextPage, per_page: perPage, sort: sorting};'article', params).then(function (articles) {
controller.set('page', controller.get('page') + 1);
//this.set('loadingMore', false);
queryParamsDidChange: function() {
import Ember from 'ember';
var ArticlesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
itemController: 'article',
queryParams: ['sort'],
sort: 'rating',
page: 1,
perPage: 10
export default ArticlesController;
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.View.extend({
didInsertElement: function(){
// we want to make sure 'this' inside `didScroll` refers
// to the IndexView, so we use jquery's `proxy` method to bind it
$(window).on('scroll', $.proxy(this.didScroll, this));
willDestroyElement: function(){
// have to use the same argument to `off` that we did to `on`
$(window).off('scroll', $.proxy(this.didScroll, this));
// this is called every time we scroll
didScroll: function(){
if (this.isScrolledToBottom()) {
scheduleMasonry: (function(){'afterRender', this, this.applyMasonry);
}).observes('controller.model.#each'), //TODO check
applyMasonry: function(){
var $galleryContainer = $('#galleryContainer');
$galleryContainer.imagesLoaded(function() {
// check if masonry is initialized
var msnry = $'masonry');
if ( msnry ) {
// disable transition
var transitionDuration = msnry.options.transitionDuration;
msnry.options.transitionDuration = 0;
// reset transition
msnry.options.transitionDuration = transitionDuration;
} else {
// init masonry
itemSelector: '.item',
columnWidth: 0,
"isFitWidth": true
destroyMasonry: function(){
// we check if we are at the bottom of the page
isScrolledToBottom: function(){
var distanceToViewportTop = (
$(document).height() - $(window).height());
var viewPortTop = $(document).scrollTop();
if (viewPortTop === 0) {
// if we are at the top of the page, don't do
// the infinite scroll thing
return false;
return (viewPortTop - distanceToViewportTop === 0);
nothing smart coming to my mind, but maybe it's that...
You've got the line:
if (meta.hasmore) {
in your getMore() function. Is this the case that you've got this meta field in one response and forgot in the other?
