Change the variable in a workflow from a separate workflow - applescript

I have two workflows and I need to pass a value generated in one workflow to another workflow.
In my first workflow, I have an AppleScript which returns a number I want to put into a second workflow which I call from the first workflow like so:
My second workflow (Create Class in iStudiez) has a variable 'Class Number' which I want to change when I call it from my first workflow with the return value of the AppleScript pictured above.

Since you are using Automator and AppleScript in Automator, and you have not posted any actual code, it's difficult to give you an exact answer of what you're looking for.
There may be an easier solution but the solution I came up with was to create one script which will save a variable into a new script file (which will automatically be created on your desktop with the name of “Stored_Variable.scpt”. The second script loads the value of the variable stored in the “Stored_Variable.scpt” file.
Simply paste the code from this first script, directly into the code which contains the variable you want to copy. Be sure to paste the code after the code which sets the value of the variable you want copied.
-- Comment Out This Next Line Before
-- Placing This Code Into Your Script
-- Which Contains The Variable You Want Copied
set originalVariable to (path to desktop) -- Testing Purposes Only
-- Replace "originalVariable" with the
-- Name Of Your Actual Variable You Want To Pass
-- To The Next Script
set saveThisVariable to originalVariable
-- The Following Code Belongs At The Very Bottom Of Your Script
on storeTheVariable()
set storedVariabeFileLocation to (path to desktop as text) & "Stored_Variable.scpt"
script theVariable
set saveThisVariable to saveThisVariable
end script
store script theVariable in ¬
file storedVariabeFileLocation with replacing
end storeTheVariable
Place this is second code inside the code of your AppleScript in which you are trying to retrieve the variable stored from the first AppleScript code
-- Gets The Variable Which Was Previously Stored
-- From The Other Applescript And Stores It In A
-- New Variable... getVariableNow
set getVariableNow to run loadTheVariable
-- -----------------------------------
-- Place Whatever Commands Here, That You Will Be Using
-- The New Variable... getVariableNow with
-- -----------------------------------
-- The Following Code Belongs At The Very Bottom Of Your Script
script loadTheVariable
property storedVariabeFileLocation : (path to desktop as text) & "Stored_Variable.scpt"
property theRetrievedVariable : missing value
on getStoredVariable()
set theScript to load script file storedVariabeFileLocation
set theRetrievedVariable to saveThisVariable of (theVariable of theScript)
end getStoredVariable
set theRetrievedVariable to loadTheVariable's getStoredVariable()
end script


Web search for filename using Automator

I'm attempting to formulate an Automator script that takes a filename from Finder and searches for it on a specific website using Google.
It looks like I'm getting the filename right and can put it in a variable, but I can't figure out if there is a way to pass the variable to the search URL. There is no variable input field for URLs. Can perhaps some intermediate function be used?
You can use this script, it return an URL (no need for other actions or variables):
on run {input, parameters}
set tName to name of (info for (item 1 of input) without size)
return "" & tName & ""
end run

Reference external script file

I'd like to implement this script (also listed below) as a separate file. How do I formulate the reference to it as a POSIX path?
tell application "ASObjC Runner"
set chooserResult to run the script {chooseFilesOrFolders} with response
-- the above line would have to reference something like RemoteVolume/test.scpt
end tell
The referenced script itself existing as separate file "test.scpt":
script chooseFilesOrFolders
tell current application's NSOpenPanel's openPanel()
setTitle_("Choose Files or Folders") -- window title, default is "Open"
setPrompt_("Choose") -- button name, default is "Open"
setAllowsMultipleSelection_(true) -- remove if you only want a single file/folder
get its runModal() as integer -- show the panel
if result is current application's NSFileHandlingPanelCancelButton then error number -128 -- cancelled
return URLs() as list
end tell
end script
You must use the fFinder path for your script test.scpt, and then call the library using "load script file" command:
In your test.scpt file :
On ChooseFilesOrFolders
-- all your script lines here
return URLs() as list -- to send back result of your sub routine
end ChooseFileOrFolders
In your main script :
Set Script_Lib to "HD:Users:me:Desktop:test.scpt" -- the complete path to your text script.
Set My_Lib to (load script file Script_Lib)
-- insert here you main script lines, and when you want to call the function :
tell My_Lib to Set chooserResult to ChooseFilesOrFolders
-- Here, chooserResult will contain the list returned from test script
Also note that your script "test can also contains many other subroutines which can be called as fonctions in your main script.
I hope it helps.

How do I pass in a parameter value to a vbscript I want to run

I am trying to write a script to create a flg file after a filemovement that is empty but just indicates the file moved before it has been sent successfully. Since this will be used repeately for many differnt file movements with many different destination locations and many differnt names for the flg file, I want to send in parameters to the script.
I have successfully gotten the script to create the file if I hardcode the directory and filename values. But I can't figure out how I would sent the variable values that my MoveIt task has already defined and populated into the script to be the values of strDirectory and strFile variables in the script.
I tried just setting the parameters for the process in MoveIt using the same name as the variables in the script and that didn't work.
I tried something called WScript.Arguments, and that didn't work:
strDirectory = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
strFile = Wscript.Arguments.Item(1)
Not sure what else to try.
Use MIGetTaskParam(ParamName) inside the VB script and pass the directory and file names as parameters on the script itself.
For example, on the process step add a parameter called "PATH" and populate it with the macro [FullPath].
Inside the script get the value with something like:
myfullpath = MIGetTaskParam(PATH)
Unfortunately there is not a macro that will give you just the full path without the filename, so you'll have to split it up in VB yourself.

Embed a bash shell script in an AppleScriptObjC application with Xcode

I have attempted to follow the instructions on this post but I am falling short of understanding how some of the posters instructions work.
I want to be able to package the app with a prewritten bash script and then execute it, but don't follow from Step 4 onwards.
Post writes:
4. Also in your AppleScriptObjC script, add the following where appropriate:
property pathToResources : "NSString" -- works if added before script command
5. Where appropriate, also add the following in your AppleScriptObjC script:
set yourScript to pathToResources & "/"
-- gives the complete unix path
-- if needed, you can convert this to the Apple style path:
set yourScriptPath to (((yourScript as text) as POSIX file) as alias)`
6. As an aside, you could then open the file for read using
tell application "Finder"
open yourScriptPath
end tell
Where do I add the line:
property pathToResources : "NSString"
Do I add which of the following, and where?
set yourScript to pathToResources & "/"
set yourScriptPath to (((yourScript as text) as POSIX file) as alias)
How is it possible to execute the script itself? The mention As an aside, you could then open the file for read using only covers the Apple style path, it does not cover using the aforementioned style.
Can anyone shed a bit more light on this for me, or post a static copy of a AppDelegate.applescript file that shows how the original poster required the base code to be used? I have tried his method and looked across the internet for the past 3 weeks to no avail. I don't want to have to convert all my code for specific tools from bash scripts into AppleScript, as this would take a lot of work.
I only need to know how to reference to the script file (for example in my app, which would reside in the application and be included by Xcode at time of compilation.
I think you should use the command path to resource <specifiedResource>.
See Standard Additions, path to resource.
You could set it by set myVariableName to path to resource "" or just use the command instead of your property so it points always to the right place (a user could move your app while running... lol).
I did it that way in my AppleScript-Application:
on run_scriptfile(this_scriptfile)
set the script_file to path to resource this_scriptfile
return (run script script_file)
end try
return false
end run_scriptfile
Whenever I want to run a script that is bundled within my app I do this:
if my run_scriptfile("TestScript.scpt") is false then error number -128
run_scriptfile(this_scriptfile) returns true when everything worked.
I ended up bringing all the information together and now have a solution.
This takes into consideration the following facts:
firstScript = variable name that points to a script called = the script that I have embedded into my application to run
ButtonHandlerRunScript_ = the name of the Received Action in Xcode
pathToResources = variable that points to the internal Resources folder of my application, regardless of it's current location
Using this information, below is a copy of a vanilla AppDelegate.applescript in my AppleScriptObjC Xcode project:
script AppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
property pathToResources : "NSString"
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
set pathToResources to (current application's class "NSBundle"'s mainBundle()'s resourcePath()) as string
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
on ButtonHandlerRunScript_(sender)
set firstScript to pathToResources & "/"
do shell script firstScript
end ButtonHandlerRunScript_
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
-- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits
return current application's NSTerminateNow
end applicationShouldTerminate_
end script

Global preferences for AppleScript app

Is it possible to save some kind of settings for an app create in AppleScript?
The settings should be loaded at the beginning of the script and be saved at the end of the script.
if loadSetting("timesRun") then
set timesRun to loadSetting("timesRun")
set timesRun to 0
end if
set timesRun to timesRun + 1
display dialog timesRun
saveSetting("timesRun", timesRun)
Where the dialog would show 1 the first time running the script, 2 the second time...
And the functions loadSetting and saveSetting would be the functions i need.
Script properties are persistent, though the saved value is overwritten by the value specified in the script whenever you re-save the script. Run:
property |count| : 0
display alert "Count is " & |count|
set |count| to |count| + 1
a few times, re-save it then run it a few more.
If you want to use the user defaults system, you can use do shell script "defaults ..." commands or (if using Applescript Studio) default entry "propertyName" of user defaults. In Applescript Studio, you bind values to user defaults.
This is also working well (check the first comment to the hint):
It uses the "defaults" system and you get your preferences in the ~/Library/Preferences
Applescript supports natively reading and writing plists through System Events:
use application "System Events" # Avoids tell blocks, note: 10.9 only
property _myPlist : "~/Library/Preferences/com.plistname.plist
set plistItemValue to get value of property list item "plistItem" of contents of property list file _myPlist
set plistItemValue to plistItemValue + 1
set value of property list item "plistItem" of contents of property list file _myPlist to plistItemValue
The only problem with this is that it can't create the plists so if the existence of the plist is not certain you need to wrap it on a try.
set plistItemValue to get value of property list item "plistItem" of contents of property list file _myPlist
on error -1728 # file not found error
do shell script "defaults write com.plistname.plist plistItem 0"
set plistItemValue to get value of property list item "plistItem" of contents of property list file _myPlist
end try
