Windows 10 IOT Core Default Password - raspberry-pi3

What is password for Windows 10 IOT Core Dashboard if i installed the Windows 10 IOT Core ( 10.0.16299.15) through the NOOBS?

I found following password is useful.

if you had not set any password initially while installing Windows IoT to your flash SD card, it would remain as the defaults, i.e.,
Username: Administrator
Password: p#ssw0rd
If you had entered any password initially while installing Windows IoT using the Windows IoT dashboard utility, then the password would change to that,
Username: Administrator
Password: xxxx_your_set_password_xxxx

OK, Found the solution! You need to connect with the computername in front of the this...
Enter-PsSession -ComputerName minwinpc -Credential minwinpc\Administrator
Yes, the command line should be in this form:
Enter-PsSession -ComputerName <machine-name or IP Address> -Credential Administrator
Please also note that the default password is: p#ssw0rd
The zero can easily be mistaken as an 'O' so calling that part out.

I found User Name : Administrator
and Pass Word: (as I fill in on Windows 10 IOt core Dashboards) ,could not use p#ssw0rd .


cmd command "runas" equivalent in MacOS

i am facing an issue while using the mac. I need to use that PowerShell command on my mac to run application as domain user
runas /netonly /user:user_name "C:\Users\fwa\AppData\Local\Programs\Azure Data Studio\azuredatastudio.exe"
I have tried
sudo -u user_name /Applications/
it asks password for local user. but in my case user is on External domain
To run Azure Data Studio (ADS) on your mac and login to SQL Server using Windows authentication instead of a username/password, you use the kinit command. I've had best luck using the kinit command through the built-in command window in ADS (you'll be prompted to do so if/when your login fails). Note that your computer needs network access to a kerberos server.
There's some further information about setting this up HERE and HERE.

POWERSHELL - Couldn't connect to a remote machine

Couldn't connect to a remote machine because of my password?
My problem here :
I can connect remotely with the normal method like "mstsc", so my user and password are working fine.
I do not understand why the password didn't work on powershell.
Could you help me for that please?
WinRM is enable on the remote machine.
Add your full command to the post for review.
You should run your powershell session as an account that has proper access to the server.
enter-pssession -computername "your PC Name" is the command.
Powershell version will matter here to the device you are trying to connect to needs to be on powershell 3.0

Forgotten administrator password in windows 2003 server

I tried to reset administrator password from following steps is below but unable to change administrator password.
Set the server computer to boot from USB Bootable drive, and boot the server from Windows server bootable image.
2.When install options appear, I select repair windows by command.
3.When command prompt appears, I type in command prompt "net user administrator password123" to reset the new password to the administrator user.
4.And reboot the computer after reboot I tried to login with new password but unable to login.
So please help me.
You can use offline nt password and registry editor. Here is the original source.

Tasklist Remote doesnt work

GoodMorning all,
I am having some problems with the tasklist /s [servername] -u [user] -p [password]
I am on an windows 7 machine and i whant to view the tasks on my windows xp.
So i do this
tasklist /s \ -u Administrator -p MyPass
The error i am recieving is unknown user or invalid password.
I am 100% positive that the username and password is correct cause i also log in with those credentials on my windows xp pc.
When i am on my windows xp and willing to do tasklist to my windows 7 pc its working fine.
Both PC's dont have an domein but are in the same WORKGROUP
Services are started on win xp. No firewall is active.
I also tried PSTools but also that one is not connecting to the windows XP machine.
Any help will be appriciated.

Security of running PowerShell command remotely?

I'm new to PowerShell. I'm looking to run PowerShell command on a remote PC running Windows 7.
On the remote PC, I ran the following PowerShell commands:
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Set-Item WSMAN:\localhost\client\trustedhosts <host_ip>
Restart-Service WinRM
I performed the last two commands on the host PC (but using <remote_ip>).
I confirmed this worked OK with:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName <name> -Credential <username> -ScriptBlock { Get-ChildItem C:\ }
My question: Is this secure on a public network? Should I be doing something else? Or should I be using SSL? If so, how do I go about this?
If you use the default authentication when using Invoke-Command the user is authenticated on the remote host using either NTLM or Kerberos. So I don't think you need to worry too much about the password being sniffed out on the network. Also, by default, remoting endpoints can only be used by administrators on that machine. Finally, if you need to allow non-admins access, you can configure a remoting endpoint that is restricted. It can be restricted in the cmdlets available and it can be restricted in language capability. This tutorial on remoting covers setting up a restricted session.
