Turbine stream double port binding issue - spring-boot

I'm using Spring Boot 1.5.4 and Spring Cloud Dalston SR4 to stand up a Turbine server on Cloud Foundry and aggregate my application Hystrix streams. In addition I want to add Spring Boot Actuator monitoring and management to the Turbine server. I realize there is ample documentation on how to do this in a local environment and I do have it working locally. However it is a different matter when deploying to Cloud Foundry where I cannot use port numbers in a Url binding.
The issue is that the Turbine stream is provided by an RxNetty server on one port and the Actuator endpoints are provided by via Tomcat on another port. In Cloud Foundry I can only bind my Url to RxNetty endpoint or the Tomcat endpoint, not both.
No combination of management.port and turbine.stream.port allows me to access the turbine stream and the actuator endpoints from one host binding. The following is an example of what I would expect to be able to do:-
https://myapp.mydomain.com/info (to report actuator info details)
https://myapp.mydomain.com/turbine.stream (to stream turbine metrics)
Note: There are no port numbers in these Urls.

Requests to your app on Cloud Foundry go through the Cloud Foundry Go Router, which uses the http host header to direct traffic to all the container instances running your app. The http based gorouter expecter only one port to be opened by the app to forward http traffic to. However, the gorouter also support tcp routing which should allow you to have multiple ports open. see the docsfor an explanation of tcp vs. http routes on cloud foundry.
If you are running on Pivotal Cloud Foundry you can use the Circuit Breaker Dashboard provided by Spring Cloud Serviecs for PCF then you won't need to setup the turbine stream. The Spring Cloud Services Dashboard uses RabbitMQ instead of SSE events see SCS docs for details

Just getting back to this now. As noted by spencergibb, moving to springboot 2.0 and cloud Finchley works.


Deployment of spring application on kubernetes cluster

I am going to create a kubernetes cluster to deploy all my spring boot microservices. Currently I have a spring cloud gateway server, a eureka discovery server and my back-end and front-end applications.
Do we need gateway server and discovery server if deployed on kubernetes, as these services are provided as part of cluster?
You are not required to use the Spring Cloud Gateway or Eureka discovery server. Kubernetes provides all basic building blocks (like Service) implemented without additional software requirements (for example with plain DNS).
If you need a more advanced setup you can integrate kubernetes API in Spring applications or use other ways to integrate. For the 90% case there is no need to do so.

Spring Loadbalancer Configuration without a discovery server

I am currently working on a POC about client side load balancing. 
I thought to use Spring Cloud Loadbalancer for that. But unlike Netflix Ribbon, I could not find a way to configure Spring Cloud Loadbalancer to work without a discovery server such as Eureka. 
Please could you let me know if there is a way to configure it to work without a discovery server (just by giving a list of ip addresses) .

how to expose prometheus metrics from spring boot apps registered with spring cloud eureka server

I am trying to implement prometheus monitoring for spring boot apps but my spring boot apps are registered with spring cloud eureka server so I don't have an option to configure static ports for the apps in prometheus config, I can only configure scraping for eureka server like below but not for the apps registered with eureka. Can anyone please suggest?
- targets: ["http://mycompany.eurekaserver.net:8761"]
Came here to add new answer that, Eureka SD is supported now in Prometheus from 2.21 version onwards.
Documentation available at https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#eureka_sd_config
Sample configuration is available at Sample Eureka SD config
Currently eureka server has no direct integration with prometheus, so we have to use SD adapter, I would recommend below, which is working as expected without much effort.

Consul with Spring Cloud Gateway - Inter Service Communication

The setup:
I have a set of Spring Boot based microservices that are fronted by Spring Cloud Gateway, meaning every request that comes from UI or external API client first comes to Spring Cloud Gateway and is then forwarded to appropriate microservice.
The routes are configured in Consul, and Spring Cloud Gateway communicates with Consul to get the routes accordingly.
There is a need of some microservices communicating with each other with REST APIs. I would prefer this communication to happen via the Spring Cloud Gateway as well. This will help in reducing multiple services going to Consul for getting other service's details.
This means every service should know Gateway's detail at least. And there can be multiple instances of Gateways as well. How is this dealt with in bigger architectures?
Any example that I look up contains one service using Consul, or Gateway using the consul with one microservice. Couldn't understand how to extrapolate that design to a bigger system.

Spring cloud registering multiple instances of same service

I am developing a microservice, using Spring Boot, that exposes REST Endpoint. Because of scalability, I have to run multiple instances of this services on a different port. What will be the configurations for the applications so that it can register with eureka and requests are load balanced? I am using Spring cloud config, Eureka server and zuul.
Attaching following entries in the client properties file will do the trick. This is for Spring cloud config dalston
I guess you meant to register with Eureka instead of Config server.
To register multiple instances that might be running in the same host but listening on a different port you would need to set eureka.instance.metadataMap.instanceId to a unique value maybe using:
