Variable substitution in terraform built-in functions - amazon-ec2

In Terraform, I do not manage to assign a private IP to my instances using the cidrhost built-in function.
I'm pretty sure I do not have the correct syntax but cannot figure out what is wrong.
# Get the list of subnet ids of my VPC
data "aws_subnet_ids" "org_subnet_ids" {
vpc_id = "${}"
# Get the list of subnets from the ids
data "aws_subnet" "org_subnets" {
count = "${length(data.aws_subnet_ids.org_subnet_ids.ids)}"
id = "${data.aws_subnet_ids.org_subnet_ids.ids[count.index]}"
# Create instances and assign each of them to a different subnet
resource "aws_instance" "manager" {
count = 3
ami = "${}"
instance_type = "t2.small"
subnet_id = "${data.aws_subnet_ids.org_subnet_ids.ids[count.index]}"
private_ip = "${cidrhost(${data.aws_subnet.org_subnets.cidr_block[count.index]}, count.index + 1)}"
tags {
Name = "manager-${count.index + 1}"
"$ terraform plan" fails with the following error:
Error: Failed to load root config module: Error loading ./provisionning/aws/
Error reading config for aws_instance[manager]: parse error at 1:12: expected expression but found invalid sequence "$"
Any idea what I'm missing here ?


How to pass ip-address from terraform to ansible [duplicate]

I am trying to create Ansible inventory file using local_file function in Terraform (I am open for suggestions to do it in a different way)
module "vm" config:
resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "vm" {
for_each = { for edit in local.vm : => edit }
name =
resource_group_name = var.vm_rg
location = var.vm_location
size = each.value.size
admin_username = var.vm_username
admin_password = var.vm_password
disable_password_authentication = false
network_interface_ids = [azurerm_network_interface.edit_seat_nic[each.key].id]
os_disk {
caching = "ReadWrite"
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
output "vm_ips" {
value = toset([
for vm_ips in azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.vm : vm_ips.private_ip_address
When I run terraform plan with the above configuration I get:
Changes to Outputs:
+ test = [
+ "",
Now, in my main TF I have the configuration for local_file as follows:
resource "local_file" "ansible_inventory" {
filename = "./ansible_inventory/ansible_inventory.ini"
content = <<EOF
This returns the error below:
Error: Invalid template interpolation value
on line 92, in resource "local_file" "ansible_inventory":
90: content = <<EOF
91: [vm]
92: ${module.vm.vm_ips}
93: EOF
module.vm.vm_ips is set of string with 1 element
Cannot include the given value in a string template: string required.
Any suggestion how to inject the list of IPs from the output into the local file while also being able to format the rest of the text in the file?
If you want the Ansible inventory to be statically sourced from a file in INI format, then you basically need to render a template in Terraform to produce the desired output.
%{ for ip in ips ~}
%{ endfor ~}
alternative suggestion from #mdaniel:
${join("\n", ips)}
resource "local_file" "ansible_inventory" {
content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/inventory.tmpl",
{ ips = module.vm.vm_ips }
filename = "${path.module}/ansible_inventory/ansible_inventory.ini"
file_permission = "0644"
A couple of additional notes though:
You can modify your output to be the entire map of objects of exported attributes like:
output "vms" {
value = azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.vm
and then you can access more information about the instances to populate in your inventory. Your templatefile argument would still be the module output, but the for expression(s) in the template would look considerably different depending upon what you want to add.
You can also utilize the YAML or JSON inventory formats for Ansible static inventory. With those, you can then leverage the yamldecode or jsondecode Terraform functions to make the HCL2 data structure transformation much easier. The template file would become a good bit cleaner in that situation for more complex inventories.

Terraform EC2 NIC private_ips build list from custom module outputs

I have a custom child module that is building various AWS resources for unique EC2 instances, which are loaded from JSON definition files. In the root module, I need to concatenate an output property from each of the child modules to apply secondary private IPv4 addresses to a network interface resource. The network interface will have 2 static IPv4 addresses, plus an IPv4 address from EACH of the child modules that are built.
Here is my folder structure:
The root file will load all of the JSON files into custom child modules using the for_each argument like so:
locals {
json_files = fileset("./instances/", "*.json")
json_data = [for f in local.json_files: jsondecode(file("./instances/${f}"))]
module "instance" {
for_each = { for k,v in local.json_data: k => v }
source = "../modules/instance"
server_name = each.value.server_name
firewall_vip = each.value.firewall_vip
There is a string output attribute I'm trying to grab from the child modules to then apply as a list to an aws_network_interface resource private_ips property.
The string output attribute is a virtual IP used for special routing through a firewall to the backend instances.
Example of the output attribute in the child module file:
output "firewall_vip" {
description = "The virtual IP to pass through firewall"
value = ""
Side note: The "firewall_vip" output property is ALSO defined within the JSON files for an input variable to the child module... So is there an easier way to pull the property straight from the JSON files instead of relying on the child module outputs?
Within the root module file, I am trying to concatenate a list of all secondary IPs to apply to the NIC with the Splat expression (not sure if this is the right approach):
resource "aws_network_interface" "firewall" {
subnet_id = <subnet ID>
private_ips = concat(["",""], module.instance[*].firewall_vip)
I receive an error saying:
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
module.instance is a map of object, known only after apply
Inappropriate value for attribute "private_ips": element 2: string required.
I have also tried to use the For expression to achieve this like so:
resource "aws_network_interface" "firewall" {
private_ips = concat(["", ""], [for k,v in module.instance[*]: v if k == "firewall_vip"])
I do not receive any errors with this method, but it also will not recognize any of the "firewall_vip" outputs from the child modules for appending to the list.
Am I going about this the wrong way? Any suggestions would be very helpful, as I'm still a Terraform newb.
I realize I was over-complicating this, and I could just use the locals{} block to pull the JSON attributes without having to rely on the child module outputs...
In the root file:
locals {
json_data = [for f in fileset("./instances/", "*.json"): jsondecode(file("./instances/${f}"))]
server_vips = local.json_data[*].server_vip
resource "aws_network_inteface" "firewall" {
private_ips = concat(["", ""], local.server_vips)

How to access JSON from external data source in Terraform?

I am receiving JSON from a http terraform data source
data "http" "example" {
url = "${var.cloudwatch_endpoint}/api/v0/components"
# Optional request headers
request_headers {
"Accept" = "application/json"
"X-Api-Key" = "${var.api_key}"
It outputs the following.
http = [{"componentID":"k8QEbeuHdDnU","name":"Jenkins","description":"","status":"Partial Outage","order":1553796836},{"componentID":"ui","name":"ui","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"auth","name":"auth","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"elig","name":"elig","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"kong","name":"kong","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781}]
which is a string in terraform. In order to convert this string into JSON I pass it to an external data source which is a simple ruby function. Here is the terraform to pass it.
data "external" "component_ids" {
program = ["ruby", "./fetchComponent.rb",]
query = {
data = "${data.http.example.body}"
Here is the ruby function
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
data = JSON.parse(
results = data.to_json
STDOUT.write results
All of this works. The external data outputs the following (It appears the same as the http output) but according to terraform docs this should be a map
external1 = {
data = [{"componentID":"k8QEbeuHdDnU","name":"Jenkins","description":"","status":"Partial Outage","order":1553796836},{"componentID":"ui","name":"ui","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"auth","name":"auth","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"elig","name":"elig","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"kong","name":"kong","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781}]
I was expecting that I could now access data inside of the external data source. I am unable.
Ultimately what I want to do is create a list of the componentID variables which are located within the external data source.
Some things I have tried
* output.external: key "0" does not exist in map data.external.component_ids.result in:
* output.external: At column 3, line 1: element: argument 1 should be type list, got type string in:
* output.external: key "componentID" does not exist in map data.external.component_ids.result in:
ternal: lookup: lookup failed to find 'componentID' in:
${lookup(data.external.component_ids.*.result[0], "componentID")}
I appreciate the help.
can't test with the variable cloudwatch_endpoint, so I have to think about the solution.
Terraform can't decode json directly before 0.11.x. But there is a workaround to work on nested lists.
Your ruby need be adjusted to make output as variable http below, then you should be fine to get what you need.
$ cat
variable "http" {
type = "list"
default = [{componentID = "k8QEbeuHdDnU", name = "Jenkins"}]
output "http" {
value = "${lookup(var.http[0], "componentID")}"
$ terraform apply
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
http = k8QEbeuHdDnU

How to call resources name having variables

Have a look at the code first
resource "aws_instance" "ec2-lab-cis01-${var.aue2a}-rgs" {
ami = "ami-0356d62c1d9705bdf"
instance_type = "t3.small" #t3.small
key_name = "${var.key_pair}"
output "lab-cis01" {
value = ["Private IP = ${aws_instance.ec2-lab-cis01-${var.aue2a}-rgs.private_ip}"]
I have multiple servers, I want to use variables names in the names of resources. How can I do this? I can not also reference this ec2 name while creating route53 entries.
The error what VS Code is giving me is:
"expected "}" but found invalid sequence "$""
when I run the terraform init it gives me the following error
Error loading /test/ Error reading config for output lab-cis01: parse error at 1:47: expected "}" but found invalid sequence "$"

Terraform: Resource 'aws_instance' not found for variable ''

I have started using terraform to automate AWS resource provisioning for setting up k8s cluster. I am facing an issue when trying to refer from aws_eip. Here are the useful details:
aditya#aditya-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/terraform-states$ terraform -v
Terraform v0.11.11
+ v1.54.0
resource "aws_eip" "nat" {
instance = "${}"
vpc = true
depends_on = ["aws_internet_gateway.esya_igw"]
resource "aws_instance" "xenial" {
ami = "${var.aws_ami}"
instance_type = "t3.large"
ebs_optimized = true
monitoring = true
count = "8"
key_name = "${var.aws_key_name}"
Name = "KubeVMCluster${count.index + 1}"
Expected Behavior: AWS EIP must be able to refer to AWS Instance.
Current Behavior: We are getting this error:
aditya#aditya-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/terraform-states$ terraform plan
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.
Error: Error running plan: 1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_eip.nat: 1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_eip.nat: Resource 'aws_instance.xenial' not found for variable ''
I have tried to find a solution by referring to similar kind of issues in Github and elsewhere, but to no avail. According to me, I don't find anything problematic with the declarative code.
I need help in resolving this issue.
