Teamcity builds filling up disk space with clean up enabled - teamcity

I have a teamcity installation running on a windows server
I have a build process, that is building a .net application. As part of the build process it is running a gulp task, and is installing various node modules to build all the sass and js files.
Within my teamcity solution i have my clean up rules for "Everything" to be older that the 4th-th successful build
However teamcity does not appear to be cleaning everything up, because my artifacts folder is massive ( and caused the server to run out of disk space )
Now I believe that the issue is because one of the gulp task and all the node_modules being installed. Because of how nested node installs everything.
On windows machines, in most instances you cannot just delete a node_modules folder as you get the path longer than 256 char warning, and you have to use the robocopy trick of copying across an empty folder to delete the node_modules folder
What have others done to resolve this problem of artifacts not being correctly cleaned up ?
I was thinking about another step that would delete the node_modules folder from the artifact folder after the step to process the gulp tasks, but I cannot see in the list of teamcity parameters once that points to the artifact folder for the current build.

If the builds should be deleted by the server clean-up, but you still see the builds in TeamCity UI and they are not pinned, the most common reason for that is having other builds snapshot- or artifact-depending on the builds in question. Check build's Dependencies tab and related TeamCity settings.


Recovering target folder files deleted from maven clean

I added API request/response files in the target folder (following existing project structure) and didn't realize that running maven clean was going to delete them. Is there a way to recover files deleted in the target folder after a maven clean? I spent a long time working on them and don't want to have to remake everything. This was done in intellij for reference.
No, not unless you have some sort of disk backup running on your computer.

Bamboo build error: How to properly clean bamboo caches?

The problem:
Bamboo executes old unit tests that don't exist my current develop branch which causes a build error.
The situation that causes this problem:
After a big refactoring process of my maven java project, where I basically moved, modified and renamed every file, I committed my changes to my remote repository.
That triggered my bamboo build plan, to start the build process.
The git code checkout seems to work, but the next step, running the unit tests, fails!
Looking in the log file I see that an old, no more existing java Unit test class gets executed and of course fails because of NullPointerExceptions.
Things I tried to fix this problem
A. Remove caches in the Administration section
I went to Bamboo->Administration->Repository Settings and selected
the cache of my project and deleted it.
I started the build plan again
BUILD ERROR ! Same problem
B. Delete the cache directory in the file system
Start a RDP session on the bamboo server
stop bamboo
go to D:\bamboo-home_64\xml-data\build-dir_git-repositories-cache
delete all files in this folder
start bamboo
start the build plan again
BUILD ERROR! same problem
Meta info
bamboo version: 6.1.0 build 60103 - 18 Jul 17
I don't know what I can do to fix this..
There's Clean working directory task. Add it as first task to your Job and see if it solves the issue.

Jenkins corrupted, need to know which files I need

I am having issues with Jenkins that I am unable to resolve, and all the solutions I've found online I've used in the past, but are not helping.
I am on windows 2008r2, utilizing svn, jenkins version 1.407.
Initially the service failed, and was not resolved with past methods. In the past I have successfully troubleshoot Jenkins by killing hung processes, restoring the war file, ect.
I have attempted a new install with bringing over the files in the jobs folder. The end result was a partially functioning Jenkins would attempt a build it would report no change and not update.
What I'm trying to determine is a list of files/folders beyond the jobs folder that I need to move to the new install. The initial install predates me and was Hudson. The folder has a number of obviously obsolete files and folders (both a jenkins.war and a hudson.war)
Go to Jenkins home folder and collect:
all ./*.xml files in - these are configuration files for plugins and jenkins itself
users/* in case you have security enabled
subversion-credentials/** and secrets/** for any kind of keys provided in jenkins to access svn or other resources
plugins/*.*pi folder for all plugins - you don't need to have the unpacked folders
jobs/*/config.xml - to retrieve all job configurations; jobs/*/nextBuildNumber if you care to continue build numbers
plugins may create additional folders which you may want to use
with that you should recreate Jenkins as it was. Pay especially attention to config.xml file in root folder - this holds main jenkins configuration. If your issue reproduces on new system most likely a plugin is cause for problems - in that case review log files most likely you will find out which plugin causes trouble.
You didn't indicate if you tried new setup with same version of Jenkins or newer one; if you are using newest version it may be that ssh key handling / svn authentication for each job needs to be updated as somewhen in last few months authentication / security handling changed. Best is to look into Jenkins release log.
I'm using Jenkins 1.55x on CentOS installed as RPM; given that it is a webapp I assume Windows 1.4x setup is similar.

Dependencies not getting updated in TFS Build Server

I have created a Smart Device CAB Deployment Project and contains dependencies eg: Test.dll.
Where Test is a seperate class library. I have created a build definition for this solution(contains Test Proj + CAB deployment Proj). When i trigger queue new build for this definition Test.dll is not getting updated in CAB deployment project in Build Agent folder of TFS Server.
PLease let me know how can i reload this dependencies on checking in / queuing new build.
Thanks in advance
Check your Workspace option on Process tab. It should be All or Outputs if you wish to have always fresh version. None option is for incremental builds. If your project is really small "All" is the best option for you.
All - erase entire workspace and download and build everything again
Outputs - like All but only output bin folders are erased and new
version is downloaded (get latest version) from source control.
(incremental get) (like Rebuild (cleen + build) in your solution)
None - sources are build incrementally. Like Get latest version +
Build command in VS

hudson for newbies: how do i run software after successful build

i'm new to world of continuous integration and software developement.
I wanted to try hudson so i installed it on my ubuntu machine and created a new job. i pointed it to an open source project's svn (keepassx) just to try.
Hudson downloaded everything from the repository and marked blue for successful build.
aren't i suppose to be able to execute the software now somehow ? i thought once it is built i can run it, but i can't find any executable in the project's home page under hudson user home dir.
A Hudson/Jenkins build breaks down into three steps:
update source code in workspace
run build
publish build artifacts
It sounds like you've got step 1 covered.
If the project you linked to has instructions for building (ant, maven, etc.), you can enter these as build steps into the "Build" section of the project configuration.
You can then take the resulting files ("artifacts"--jar, exe, so, bin, whatever) and publish these using the "Post-build Actions", or if necessary you can grab them directly from the workspace filesystem.
Assuming the build artifact was an executable, you could then run it after downloading it from Hudson, or make a build step or post-build action which moved it into the appropriate location and ran it.
It helps to run the build locally before trying to get Hudson to handle it--then you know what the build steps are, and what the final build artifacts are.
How would jenkins/hudson know how to 'execute' some arbitrary package that you told it to download and build? It's up to you to write a program or script to run what you want to run, and then make a downstream job (for example) to do so.
