can't update or install any nuget packages in vs 2017 - xamarin

I just installed vs 2017 and wanted to run my project but i'm facing so many warning and errors so I realized I should update my nuget packages but I keep getting this error message below:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Could not install package 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable 27.0.2-preview1'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v8.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author. 0
Repairing vs didn't work; deleting nuget.config didn't work; I even changed the version in .csproj file, but when i load the project it goes back to v8.0.
Can anybody please help?

can't update or install any nuget packages in vs 2017
Just as Jon said, the latest nuget package Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable 27.0.2-preview1, which requires MonoAndroid81 at minimum to install.
However, only the latest Preview (15.6 Preview 2) version of Visual Studio includes Android 8.1 support. As this moment, current release version is 15.5.4, preview release version is 15.6 Preview 2. So if you want use that nuget package the latest version 27.0.2-preview1, you need download the latest version of Visual Studio 15.6 Preview 2 and install Android SDK 8.1.
If switch to Visual Studio 15.6 Preview 2 is not your choice, you should not update that package to the latest version, just use the version
Hope this answer more clear.

This requires MonoAndroid81 at minimum to install. You can use the current Preview which includes Android 8.1 support:
For future reference, the support library has a major version that maps with the Android version it supports. In this case Support v27 = Android 8.1 (API 27)

When errors appear, clean your solution and rebuild it.
Also do something very basic, that what you are going to download is "accessible " in .Droid and that is not only in the Portable.
If you do not serve, and do not find a solution, you must start a new project, it would be advisable to install the latest SDK, etc.


Could not install package

Could not install package 'Xamarin.Kotlin.StdLib.Jdk8 1.6.10'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v11.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework.
You can fix that by targeting Android 12.
This has to be done in all your Android projects, including Library projects.
Make sure your Xamarin.Android tooling is up to date, along with having API 32 installed in your Android SDK manager.
Also don't get fooled by the AndroidUseLatestPlatformSdk property if you do not have the correct SDK installed. It will just grab the latest you have installed and if that is lower than 12, you will still have the issue.
Also make sure to restore NuGet packages after this change.

Could not install package 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 2.1.1'

I'm trying to update Bing Ads SDK to version 12.13.5. I am using Visual Studio 2013. Nuget version is When I try to update, I get the following error:
Could not install package 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 2.1.1'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
I tried installing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 3.0.0 (latest version) and get the same error.
I also tried targeting .NET version 4.6.1 and 4.5.2 and got the same error.
For anyone else who may have this problem, the solution was to manually add a package entry
for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 2.1.1 to packages.config. This allowed the Bing Ads SDK package to update successfully.
As indicated in the docs, your platform needs to be .NETStandard 2.0 or .Net Core 2.1.
The libraries that target .NETStandard2.0, means any .NET Core app that is compatible with the .NET Standard 2.0 can use them, regardless of the .NET SDK they are using.

Need lower version of visual studio for mac

I just want to download a lower version of Visual Studio for Mac. The current version is 7.5.1 and I want to download 7.4.3.
Can anyone tell me where can I get that download file or link?
From some guesswork I found it by using this URL :
Not installed it tho.
From this, comment on the 9th May link seems like you have to open a support ticket?!?!
As an update on this topic, all of the recent previous Xamarin.iOS,
Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Mac packages are available in the
archives on the open source continuous builds server (under the
Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.MaciOS tabs). And the Mono Framework MDK
is similarly available in the Mono Project download archive. I have
now updated the 15.7 Release Xamarin Release Blog post to provide the
links to those locations. In many cases, the latest version of Visual
Studio for Mac will be backwards compatible with previous versions of
the Xamarin SDKs, so you can in many cases just install those earlier
Xamarin SDK versions over the current versions and leave Visual Studio
for Mac and Mono Framework MDK at the latest.
If you do need to get an older version of Visual Studio for Mac
itself, the best option at this time is still to create a support
incident to request the version you'd like. The updated info for
creating a Visual Studio for Mac support incident is to go to
Technical Support > Product: Visual Studio > Assisted Support on and then select Visual Studio
Community/Professional/Enterprise 2017 for Mac.
I used to download previous releases from my Xamarin account page
which now doesn't seem to exist anymore.
At the moment, the direct link to the old downloads page
( is not
yet set to redirect, so it is still possible to access that page, but
indeed that page is considered deprecated in favor of the open source
continuous builds archive at this time, and the previous versions
provided on that page are from the earlier Xamarin 15.5 Release rather
than the Xamarin 15.6 Release.
Bunch of other versions in case someone needs them:
Note: These are from the index.xml files that VS4M downloads that includes all the matching packages for each release
You could also look for versions listed at the brew repository.
Use the url pattern{version}.dmg.

Xamarin - How to update Mono.Android version to resolve dependencies?

I'm trying to install a nuget package (Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore) which requires a newer version of Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement (60.1142.0, I have 42.1021.1), which in turn requires me to update the packages. When I try to update those, I get this error
"Package Xamarin.Android.Support.Design 27.0.2 is not compatible with monoandroid80 (MonoAndroid,Version=v8.0). Package Xamarin.Android.Support.Design 27.0.2 supports: monoandroid81 (MonoAndroid,Version=v8.1)"
I've tried changing my target android version to 8.1, I've also updated my SDK as well as the build tools. I'm running Visual Studio 15.6.1. As a last ditch effort, I tried deleting the Mono.Android V8.0 reference and then adding a new reference to V8.1, but whenever I do so, Visual studio just ends up adding the reference with the path pointing to V8.0, even though the reference I added was clearly pointing to V8.1.
Anyone has a clue how to resolve this issue?
tried changing my target android version to 8.1
You need to change the Target Framework that is used to compile your android application, not the Target Android version (but assumably you would set these two to the same, read the Understanding Android API Levels link below.
Visual Studio for Windows:
Visual Studio for Mac:
Target Framework – Specifies which framework to use in building your application. This API level is used at compile time by Xamarin.Android.
Minimum Android Version – Specifies the oldest Android version that you want your app to support. This API level is used at run time by Android.
Target Android Version – Specifies the version of Android that your app is intended to run on. This API level is used at run time by Android.
Understanding Android API Levels
Manifest Entries:
Visual Studio for Windows:
Visual Studio for Mac:

The iOS SDK version '...' is not installed, and no newer version was found

I get the error after updating Xamarin in Visual Studio which I had to do after a git pull. I have also applied the Xamarin updates in Xamarin Studio on my Mac build host. (Xamarin Studio > Check for updates).
The iOS SDK version '9.2' is not installed, and no newer version was found.
You can also modify the SDK version of your iOS project from visual studio in order to support older SDKs where you cant update the XCode or SDKs.
Open iOS project properties from Visual Studio.
Open iOS.Build tab
Set SDK version to 'Default'
Set Link Behaviour to 'Link Framework SDKs Only'
Save and Run the project
XCode needed updating to get the latest SDK.
The App Store told me there were updates, and mentioned SDK 9.2 in the summary so I updated.
It appears the cause was a commit on the csproj that bumped the SDK.
You can manually edit .csproj file and replace <MtouchSdkVersion>9.2</MtouchSdkVersion> with the version you actually have on your mac. This can be a solution when you use an old OS which does not offer updates for XCode.
