Android Studio 3.0.1 for Mac not opening/installing SDK - macos

I've downloaded Android Studio 3.0.1 for Mac and as I started it, it showed the splash screen for loading but did nothing else relevant (in the case, means showing the menu for starting/opening/importing projects).
After some research, I found that I could bypass this screen if I change the and put on the following line:
After that I can now reach the SDK Manager window, but no SDK update sites, platforms or tools shows up.
I'm running macOS X High Sierra 10.13.2.
Can anyone help me on installing the SDK tools and platforms?
SDK Platform Screenshot
SDK Tools Screenshot
SDK Update Sites Screenshot

Uninstall and install it again. It should have downloaded the Android SDK components while installing but it doesn't seem to be the case. Make sure your connected to the internet during the installation, and once the installation is completed, ensure that they have been downloaded by checking the default Android SDK location on MacOS. Then try opening Android Studio without needing to change any config.

By the time this question was made, there was no solution.
The OS requirements were Mac OS High Sierra up to 10.12. There was no Android Studio for Mac OS 10.13.
Currently there is a version that supports Mac OS 10.13.
edit: also, I found out that permission problems may cause unexpected behavior of some apps (Visual Studio Code also broke). After the permissions check, the software worked like a charm.


Visual Studio Preview 2022 will not let my change deployment target

I just installed Visual Studio Preview for the MacOS yesterday. The simulators work fine, but I can't run on any devices I have (both IOS and Android). It keeps saying that the OS version is lower than the deployment target.
Image of the problem
It doesn't make sense; one of the devices I tried was a Galaxy A11 I just got, software version 10. The IOS device has software version 15.4.1. I can't even find what the current deployment target even is. I've checked the info.plist and AndroidManifest files with no success. Yeah I can use the simulators to work on the app but sooner or later I will need to test on a physical device. Can someone point me in the right direction?
If it helps I'm currently running macOS Monterey version 12.3.1.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I've tried to add the Minimum System Version to the info.plist, but that didn't seem to change anything either.
I was able to determine that the device destinations in the drop-down shown in the question are driven off of whatever XCode command line tools you have set for use before starting VS for Mac.
Presumably if you check your physical device's OS version against the SDK version shown when you type this at the command line will show that the physical device's OS version is lower than the appropriate SDK version shown.
xcodebuild -showsdks

How to overcome "Please select a valid device before running the application." on a paired with Mac Visual Studio on Windows 10

I have a Win10 computer paired with Mac. Until today all things were okay, but today I start getting the message:
Please select a valid device before running the application
when I try to debug an iOS Xamarin application on a selected iPhone simulator.
My configurations:
OS: Mac OS Catalina, version 10.15.7
XCode Vesion: version 12.2
Visual Studio 2019: version 8.8.4 (build 30)
Win 10:
OS: Win10 version 10.0.19042.685
Visual Studio 2019: version 16.8.3
Simulator names are available on my Win10 computer, but when I select one and try to debug an iOS application I get the message I reported above.
If I launch debug on the Mac directly it runs and starts debugging on the selected iPhone simulator. But when I do the same on the paired Win10 computer in Visual Studio I get this message.
I searched google and SO for this issue and according to advises downgraded XCode to the most possible version 12.2 that is supported by Visual Studio. But it does not change anything.
I want to debug application only on simulator on the paired Win10 computer.
Is there a way to fix this issue?
Looks like the problem was related to the connection between my Win and Mac computers.
My steps to resolve this issue:
I opened Tools - Options - Xamarin - iOS Settings on Visual Studio on my Windows computer. On the Pair to Mac dialog window I selected "Forget this connection" (right click context menu on the connection).
Next, on my Mac, I turned off Sharing (System - Preferences - Sharing).
Then I restarted my Mac computer. And then turned On sharing again, specifying my username as allowed users.
Next on my Windows computer, in the Visual Studio, on the Tools - Options - Xamarin - iOS Settings section I paired my Mac again.
Voila. All things work as expected!
If anyone else runs into this question today, I found this GitHub issue for XCode 13 issues with Xamarin.ios
I fixed the issue by manually installing xamarin.ios- on my mac (linked in the GitHub issue)
When connecting to mac through visual studio it showed the error "The Xamarin.iOS SDK version '' that is installed on the Mac is not compatible with this version of Visual Studio. Would you like us to install Xamarin.iOS '' for you? This will overwrite any other existing Xamarin.iOS installation on your Mac."
But, if you hit cancel it should still connect successfully.
Same issue diff version. VS MAC stand-alone also had some issue as VS WIN connected to VS MAC. Started at some early today. Suspected an update somewhere. Traced issues to auto update of XCode to 13. Solution was to download and reinstall XCode 12.5.1 from Apple Dev site. With XCode 12.5.1 things worked. So, something changed with the API in XCode and Xamarin was not prepared for it.
Restarting Visual Studio in Windows worked for me after successfully building.

could not launch the emualator please file an issue an attempt was made to load an application with an incorect format

I get this error when trying to launch xamarin emulator from visual studio 2017 device manager. I have downloaded image file tried resetting but nothing seems to work.
I have encounted similar problems, and my solutin are:
1)check the Complile Android version,Minimum Android version,Target Android version and the OS for your divice(You can get this by opening ADM and editing the device). Please sure you have intalled the SDK for the compiling version, target version and the device OS by Android ADK Manager.
2) If you have correctly installed the needed ADK and still get the problem, you can install the app on your phone and run the project again.

Xamarin iOS simulator issues - The device was not found

I am trying to use the Xamarin iOS simulator but it fails on launch with a "The device {guid} was not found".
I have my environment settings like...
and when I run I see...
researching the error, the recommendation is to explicitly set the XCode path which I have done, but I get the same error. Also, notice I am connected to our build Mac.
I have a coworker connected to the same Mac with the same computer and VS version I am on, and his iOS simulator works fine. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the simulator and restarted Visual Studio (2017RC).
I appreciate any pointers someone might have!
I reinstalled my Windows 10 OS thinking I had a corrupt install. Unfortunately on a clean machine with 2017RC, the simulator still fails in the same way as I described above.
In my case: UnCheck Remote Simulator to Windows
I am facing the same issue from last two days and solved this as well by removing the latest version of XCode 12.5.
Download the previous version of code i.e 12.4 from apple site and install
Move the downloaded xcode file in application and check on windows
It works fine
Latest version of XCode 12.5 is not stable
I confirm the issue is currently (May 2021) caused by Xcode 12.5 upgrade.
After I downgraded back to Xcode 12.4, the simulators started to work again with no problem.
I tried to upgrade Visual Studio for Windows to latest version 16.9.4, did not help. I launched Visual Studio Installer to reinstall Xamarin, did not help either.
Only when I removed Xcode 12.5 (using this shell script and installed version 12.4 (from XIP archive from here How to download Xcode DMG or XIP file?) it started to work.
You may need to uncheck "Remote Simulator to Windows." I just fixed this issue for myself by doing so. However, I was trying to launch on the iOS simulator on my Mac side (running Windows vm via Parallels). It seems you might be trying to launch the simulator in windows.
If you need a quick solution, downgrade the version of VS and Xcode, for me this works:
VS 2019 - 16.9.3
Xcode - 12.4
Xamarin.iOS -
And for physical devices make sure Hot Restart is not enabled in Tools > Options > Xamarin > iOS settings
Just had the same problem after upgrading mac to Big Sur and Xcode 12.5 yesterday. Reboots and deleting obj/bin/.vs folders made no difference. The fix was to explicitly type the Xcode path into Xamarin options iOS settings - even though it was the default - untick Remote Simulator to Windows then pair/connect to mac from that options dialog. After closing the dialog and reopening it Remote Simulator was checked again. I unchecked it, closed the dialog and reopened it to check again - it was closed this time. All works fine now.
I also ran mac VS and let it update in the midst of all this.
I have the same issue since yesterday, to resolve that I uninstall the "Xamarin iOS simulator" and now it works...
it may be a solution for your issue!
Did you resolved the issue already?
I bumped onto the same issue today. I tried opening Xcode on Mac and it says it need to install additional tools. I let it install and try open/quit Visual Studio for Mac, Xcode, Simulator again (not sure if it is related)
Now to remote simulator works fine again.
I had the same issue and i resolved it by realizing that my PC with VS was on a different network than my Mac with Xcode. Once i put both machines on the same network the issue went away. Hope it helps.

build ios app with visual studio using xamarin, without mac build host

I am a new user to xamarin.
I installed Xamarin.IOS on visual studio. When i create a new project and want to build it, vs says that you should select a "mac build host".
Is it necessary for building ios application?
May I do that in a simulator? because I don't have a Mac machine.
Thank you very much.
You must have a Mac to act either as a build host or your primary development machine in order to build an iOS app. The iOS build process relies on the Apple iOS SDK and tools that are ONLY available from Apple on OS X.
If you are completely refused any idea of buying Mac here the solution. In my case I use next tools:
Windows 8.1 x64
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 (Xamarin inside)
VMWare Workstation 12
Inside VMWare Workstation:
OS X 10.11 El Capitan
XCode 7.1 (Xamarin's developers recommend 7.3)
Xamarin Community 6.0.1
General advice is to use latest versions and updates of all tools.
Install El Capitan as it described here.
On VM install latest XCode (you probably need Apple ID for it) and iOS part of Xamarin Studio. If Xamarin Installer generates error on downloading JDK 7 then download and install it before Xamarin Studio
Enable Remote Login in MacOS settings and allow access for your user
Configure VM network as NAT and make port forwarding for port 22
Run Visual Studio on Windows and create iOS project.
Connect to Mac using IP and type your Mac's username and password
Select appropriate iOS emulator in Visual Studio and run.
Here the proof pic
Regarding this topic I've tried many approaches. I spent too many hours trying to install hackintosh on a VM on my MS Windows 10 system... I tried a lot of receipts... I could install it free times but I couldn't reboot it none of the tries. ##£%&!!!!
Before this anoying "R&D" I searched for a cheap second hand Mac and I also searched after but without getting good results...
Today I want to share my next step with you all before starting with it because I guess (I hope indeed) is going to be the solution for my next 4-6 months to do iOS developments with xamarin using VS on a Windows machine without owning a Mac, use a Mac hosting already prepared for dev purposes:
For setting up Xamarin iOS with Windows and Visual Studio, you'll need to have MAC to run / test the application in the simulator.
Please review the limitation here
You can either install MAC OS X in your windows PC using VM Ware and setup MAC OS
