FFT performance figures - algorithm

I am wondering what time performance one can achieve nowadays to compute 2D FFTs. Just an order of magnitude, for 1K x 1K or 2K x 2K images.
Links or personal experience are welcome.

Rerun simple test for reference:
FFTW library 3.3.5 (2016 year). I've used precompiled dll's, they exploit SSE, but I am not sure about AVX.
Windows 7 32 bit. Intel i5-4670 (Haswell 4 cores)
Single precision, real-to complex out-of place 2D transform (using fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d).
1024 x 1024:
Single thread: 5 ms per iteration
Two threads: 3.8 ms per iteration
Four threads: 2.4 ms per iteration
2048 x 2048:
Single thread: 28 ms per iteration
Two threads: 16 ms per iteration
Four threads: 12 ms per iteration
Double precision, real-to complex out-of place 2D transform (using fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d).
1024 x 1024:
Single thread: 7 ms per iteration
Four threads: 3 ms per iteration


Unenhanced performance of matlab GPU computing

With the intention of comparing the speed of GPU vs CPU computing, I ran the example codes available here (a Mandelbrot set on the GPU) from MATLAB central. Below are the results that I obtained:
Case 1 (without GPU): 6.2 secs
Case 2 (using parallel.gpu.GPUArray): 6.518 secs (1.39 secs in the example)
Case 3 (Using Element-wise Operation): 1.259 secs (0.14 secs in the example)
As can be seen, there is no improvement in case 2 and only slight improvement of around 4 times in case 3. As the example did not state the details of GPU they used, may I know if this is simply due to the "incompetency" of my graphic card or am I missing something important?
The graphic card is also responsible for driving my display (HP Z Display Z23i 23-inch IPS LED Backlit Monitor).
CPU: Intel i7-4790, 3.6 GHz (8 cores)
Name: 'NVS 510'
Index: 1
ComputeCapability: '3.0'
SupportsDouble: 1
DriverVersion: 6
ToolkitVersion: 5
MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024
MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152
MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
SIMDWidth: 32
TotalMemory: 2.1475e+09
FreeMemory: 1.6934e+09
MultiprocessorCount: 1
ClockRateKHz: 797000
ComputeMode: 'Default'
GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1
KernelExecutionTimeout: 1
CanMapHostMemory: 1
DeviceSupported: 1
DeviceSelected: 1
Thank you!
The GPU used in the example here is Tesla C2050. (Credits to #Sam Roberts)
The times on that link are most likely for a different GPU in comparison to yours. They don't specify what kind of graphics card they're using, but my guess is that they're using a more higher end card.
By Googling NVS 510, the specs are similar to the card that I have for my machine. However, your card is geared towards business while mine is geared towards gaming. I have a GTX 660 which is one of the higher end GPUs that are available on the market.
These are the attributes of my graphics card:
CUDADevice with properties:
Name: 'GeForce GTX 660'
Index: 1
ComputeCapability: '3.0'
SupportsDouble: 1
DriverVersion: 6.5000
ToolkitVersion: 5.5000
MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024
MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152
MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
SIMDWidth: 32
TotalMemory: 2.1475e+09
FreeMemory: 1.5357e+09
MultiprocessorCount: 5
ClockRateKHz: 1084500
ComputeMode: 'Default'
GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1
KernelExecutionTimeout: 1
CanMapHostMemory: 1
DeviceSupported: 1
DeviceSelected: 1
The differences between my card and yours are that I have 5 multiprocessors, and my clock rate is about 300 MHz faster than yours. For a side-by-side comparison, check out my card in comparison to yours:
NVS 510: http://www.nvidia.ca/object/nvs-510-graphics-card.html#pdpContent=2
GTX 660: http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-660/specifications
Upon further inspection, I have a much higher memory bandwidth than your card. I also have 960 GPU cores in comparison to your 192.
I decided to run these tests to compare my performance with your timings. My CPU is an i7-4770 3.6 GHz Intel and I have 16 GB of RAM on my machine.
The times that I get by running those examples are the following:
Case #1 - Without GPU: 6.46 seconds
Case #2 - Naive GPU: 0.82 seconds - 7.9x faster
Case #3 - Through CUDA: 0.09 seconds - 71.7x faster
With this, my guess is that your graphics card may be of a lower quality in comparison to those tests that MathWorks performed. Maybe try updating your graphics drivers and see if that helps. However, my guess is that my performance is much better due to the multiprocessor count, faster clock, a higher amount of cores and higher memory bandwidth.

GT200 Single Precision Peak Performance

I was trying to verify the single precision peak performance of a reference GT200 card.
From http://www.realworldtech.com/gt200/9/, we have two facts about GT200 –
The latency of the fastest operation for an SP core is 4 cycles.
The SFU takes 4 cycles too to finish an operation.
Now, each SM has a total of 8 SPs and 2 SFUs, with each SFU having 4 FP multiply units and these SPs and SFUs can work at the same time as they are on two different ports as explained in their SM level diagrams. Each SP can perform MAD operation.
So, we are looking at 8 MAD operations and 8 MUL operations per 4 SP cycles. This gives us 16 + 8 = 24 operations per 4 SP clock cycles as MAD counts as 2 operations. Since 2 SP clock cycle counts as one shader clock, we have 24/2 = 12 operations per shader clock.
For a reference GT200 card, shader clock = 1296 MHz/s.
Thus, the single precision peak performance must be = 1296 MHz/s * 30 SM * 12 operations per shader clock = 466.560 GFLOPS
This is exactly half of the GFLOPS as reported in the specs. So where am I going wrong?
Edit: After Robert’s pointer to the CUDA Programming Guide that says 8MADs/shader clock can be performed in a GT200 SM, I would have to question how latency and throughput relate to each other in this particular SM.
There is a latency of one OP / 4 SP cycles (as pointed out earlier), thus one MAD every 4 SP cycles, right? We have 8 SPs, so it becomes 8 MADs for every 4 SP cycles in an SM.
Since 2 SP cycles form one shader cycle, so we are left with => 8MADs per 2 shader clock cycles
=> 4 MADs per shader clock.
This doesn’t match with the 8MADs/shader clock from the Programming Guide.
So, what am I doing wrong again?
Latency and throughput are not the same thing.
A cc 1.x SM can retire 8 single precision floating point MAD operations on every clock cycle.
This is the correct formula:
1296 MHz(cycle/s) * 30 SM * (8 SP/SM * 2 flop/cycle per SP + 2 SFU/SM * 4 FPU/SFU * 1 flop/cycle per FPU)
= 622080 Mflop/s + 311040 Mflop/s = 933 GFlop/s single precision
From here
EDIT: The 4-cycle latency you're referring to is the latency of a warp (i.e. 32 threads) MAD instruction, as issued to the SM, not the latency of a single MAD operation on a single SP. The FPU in each SP can generate one MAD result per clock, and there are 8 SP's in one SM, so each SM can generate 8 MAD results per clock. Since a warp (32 threads) MAD instruction requires 32 MAD results, it requires 4 total clocks to complete the warp instruction, as issued to the SPs in the SM.
The FPU in the SP can generate one new MAD result per clock. From the standpoint of instruction issue, the fundamental unit is the warp. Therefore a warp MAD instruction requires 4 clocks to complete.
EDIT2: Responding to question below.
Preface: The FPUs in the SFU are not independently schedulable. They only come into play when an instruction is scheduled to the SFUs. There are 4 FPU per SFU, and an SFU instruction requires 16 cycles (since there are 2 SFU/SM) to complete for a warp. If all 4 FPU in both SFUs were fully utilized, that would be 128 (16x4x2) flops produced during the computation of the SFU instruction, in 16 cycles. This is added to the 256 (16x2x8) total flops that could be generated by the "regular" MAD FPUs in the SM during the same time (16 cycles).
Your question seems to be interpreting the observed benchmark result and this statement in the text:
Table III also shows that the throughput for single-precision
floating point multiplication is 11.2 ops/clock, which means
that multiplication can be issued to both the SP and SFU
units. This suggests that each SFU unit is capable of doing
2 multiplications per cycle, twice the throughput of other
(more complex) instructions that map to this unit.
as an indication of either the throughput of the FPUs in the SFU or else the number of FPUs in the SFU. However you are conflating benchmark data with a theoretical number. The SFU has 4 FPU, but this does not mean that all 4 are independently schedulable for arbitrary arithmetic or instruction streams. Seeing all 4 FPU take on a new floating point instruction in a given cycle may require a specific instruction sequence that the authors haven't used.

Calculating CPU Performance in MIPS

i was taking an exam earlier and i memorized the questions that i didnt know how to answer but somehow got it correct(since the online exam using electronic classrom(eclass) was done through the use of multiple choice.. The exam was coded so each of us was given random questions at random numbers and random answers on random choices, so yea)
anyways, back to my questions..
There is a CPU with a clock frequency of 1 GHz. When the instructions consist of two
types as shown in the table below, what is the performance in MIPS of the CPU?
-Execution time(clocks)- Frequency of Appearance(%)
Instruction 1 10 60
Instruction 2 15 40
Answer: 125
There is a hard disk drive with specifications shown below. When a record of 15
Kbytes is processed, which of the following is the average access time in milliseconds?
Here, the record is stored in one track.
Capacity: 25 Kbytes/track
Rotation speed: 2,400 revolutions/minute
Average seek time: 10 milliseconds
Answer: 37.5
Assume a magnetic disk has a rotational speed of 5,000 rpm, and an average seek time of 20 ms. The recording capacity of one track on this disk is 15,000 bytes. What is the average access time (in milliseconds) required in order to transfer one 4,000-byte block of data?
Answer: 29.2
When a color image is stored in video memory at a tonal resolution of 24 bits per pixel,
approximately how many megabytes (MB) are required to display the image on the
screen with a resolution of 1024 x768 pixels? Here, 1 MB is 106 bytes.
When a microprocessor works at a clock speed of 200 MHz and the average CPI
(“cycles per instruction” or “clocks per instruction”) is 4, how long does it take to
execute one instruction on average?
Answer: 20 nanoseconds
I dont expect someone to answer everything, although they are indeed already answered but i am just wondering and wanting to know how it arrived at those answers. Its not enough for me knowing the answer, ive tried solving it myself trial and error style to arrive at those numbers but it seems taking mins to hours so i need some professional help....
n = 1/f = 1 / 1 GHz = 1 ns.
n*10 * 0.6 + n*15 * 0.4 = 12 ns (=average instruction time) = 83.3 MIPS.
I don't get these, honestly.
Here, 1 MB is 10^6 bytes.
3 Bytes * 1024 * 768 = 2359296 Bytes = 2.36 MB
But often these 24 bits are packed into 32 bits b/c of the memory layout (word width), so often it will be 4 Bytes*1024*768 = 3145728 Bytes = 3.15 MB.
CPI / f = 4 / 200 MHz = 20 ns.

how to tell if a program has been successfully parallelized?

A program run on a parallel machine is measured to have the following efficiency values for increasing numbers of processors, P.
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
E 100 90 85 80 70 60 50
Using the above results, plot the speedup graph.
Use the graph to explain whether or not the program has been successfully parallelized.
P E Speedup
1 100% 1
2 90% 1.8
3 85% 2.55
4 80% 3.2
5 70% 3.5
6 60% 3.6
7 50% 3.5
This is a past year exam question, and I know how to calculate the speedup & plot the graph. However I don't know how to tell a program is successfully parallelized.
Amdahl's law
I think the idea here is that not all portion can be parallelized.
For example, if a program needs 20 hours using a single processor core, and a particular portion of 1 hour cannot be parallelized, while the remaining promising portion of 19 hours (95%) can be parallelized, then regardless of how many processors we devote to a parallelized execution of this program, the minimum execution time cannot be less than that critical 1 hour. Hence the speedup is limited up to 20×
In this example, the speedup reached maximum 3.6 with 6 processors. So the parallel portion is about 1-1/3.6 is about 72.2%.

optimal number of CUDA parallel blocks

Can there be any performance advantage to launch a grid of blocks simultaneously over launching blocks one at a time if the number of threads in each block is already larger than the number of CUDA cores?
I think there is; A thread block is assigned to a Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) and the SM further divides the threads of each block into warps of 32 threads (newer architectures can handle larger warps) that are scheduled to be executed (more-less) sequentially. Considering this, it will be faster to break each computation into blocks so that they occupy as many SMs as possible. It is also meaning full to build blocks that are multiples of the threads per warp that the card supports (a block of 32 or 64 threads rather than 40 threads, for the case that SMs use 32-thread warps).
Launch Latency
Launch latency (API call to work is started on the GPU) is of a grid is 3-8 µs on Linux to
30-80 µs on Windows Vista/Win7.
Distributing a block to a SM is 10-100s ns.
Launching a warp in a block (32 threads) is a few cycles and happens in parallel on each SM.
Resource Limitations
Concurrent Kernels
- Tesla N/A only 1 grid at a time
- Fermi 16 grids at a time
- Kepler 16 grids (Kepler2 32 grids)
Maximum Blocks (not considering occupancy limitations)
- Tesla SmCount * 8 (gtx280 = 30 * 8 = 240)
- Fermi SmCount * 16 (gf100 = 16 * 16 = 256)
- Kepler SmCount * 16 (gk104 = 8 * 16 = 128)
See occupancy calculator for limitations on threads per block, threads per SM, registers per SM, registers per thread, ...
Warps Scheduling and CUDA Cores
CUDA cores are floating point/ALU units. Each SM has other types of execution units including load/store, special function, branch, etc. A CUDA core is equivalent to a SIMD unit in a x86 processor. It is not equivalent to a x86 core.
Occupancy is the measure of warps per SM to the maximum number of warps per SM. The more warps per SM the higher the chance that the warp scheduler has an eligible warp to schedule. However, the higher the occupancy the less resources will be available per thread. As a basic goal you want to target more than
25% 8 warps on Tesla
50% or 24 warps on Fermi
50% or 32 warps on Kepler (generally higher)
You'll notice there is no real relationship to CUDA cores in these calculations.
To understand this better read the Fermi whitepaper and if you can use the Nsight Visual Studio Edition CUDA Profiler look at the Issue Efficiency Experiment (not yet available in the CUDA Profiler or Visual Profiler) to understand how well your kernel is hiding execution and memory latency.
