Lumen Login tutorial for web app no API? - laravel

I'm using lumen to make a website. I choose it because it has been told that lumen is a stunningly fast php micro framework. I need login guide. I have created login form and received data, and validated them. Now I need to check user credinals and login user. Auth::attempt($usercredinals) is not working. Fatal error with method not found is thrown. Is there any idea to use middleware and create routes that automatically login user and make available through Auth::user() method.
Thanks in Advance.
I have not found full tutorial or documentation for authentication.


Laravel Vue SPA - Social Authentication

Back Story:
I recently got into Web Development, and I would really appreciate it if you guys could share some great material/tutorials where I could learn, already got a couple of Udemy courses, and searched online but I still have some concerns.
For the first project, I would like to create an App which would be SPA. This would be a basic To-Do App, where users could log in and add To-Dos to their list.
How could I implement logging-in functionality only with Social Accounts (No regular Email/Password method)? If the user uses the login feature for the first time he is registered/added to the database where his data is stored, and for the second time, he would log in and fetch the data accordingly. I was thinking of Laravel Socialite, although, I'm not sure if it is used for SPA (Login without reloading/redirecting) pages? And if it is, do I need any additional forks/plugins?
I have found Universal Social Auth for that, however, I'm not sure if it does exactly what I need, and how to implement/configure it correctly.
All in all, I would really appreciate it if you guys could share some light here and perhaps share some tutorials or articles about that as well.
Vue I18n
Axios, Vue-Axios
You need Laravel Socialite to get data about user from the identity provider (it could be Google, Github, Facebook or something else). It will use Oauth2 protocol.
You will store client_id and client_secret from the third party authentication you want to use. User will click for example Sign up with Google and it will redirect him to Google login page. If he fills correct username and password you will get his user information by using Socialite::driver('github')->user() .
You can use updateOrCreate() method to create user if it doesn't already exist in your database or just to update his data. Email or username fields could be identifiers or whatever is unique and works for your case.
After you found the user in database or created a new one, you should log in him to your application using session cookie or some kind of token.
Whole auth proccess is happening on the backend side, only when you successfully log in user to your app you can issue cookie to the frontend Vue side. So to answer your question, yes you can use Socialite with SPA.
Don't mix Laravel Socialite/Oauth2 with authentication proccess/Laravel Sanctum.
Former is for retrieving user data without registering on your site. Latter is for actually giving access to your API for specific user.

Which Auth is usfull in Laravel / VueJS project?

I am planning a small project and have a question about authentication. I would like to implement the site with Laravel 8. However, as soon as the user has successfully logged in, he should be directed to the user dashboard. The User Dashboard should be a pure VueJS Single Page Application.
Now my question. Which auth should I use here? Session or token for the whole site or is both possible and useful?
If I use the token auth variant, for example, then I can protect the Vue app very well but I cannot access the user information outside the Vue app. For example, the current profile picture of the user should appear in the navbar and not only in the vue app but also on the landing page, contact page etc.
How can I do this and what will be the best practice and thanks for your help!
Use token based Authentication
(Laravel Passport)
Use Token-based authentication system.
In this way, you'll be able to manage the entire application UI and role checking in the frontend only. I would rather prefer to go with JWT []. It's easy to use and the documentation is pretty good. It's even supported by Lumen also. If you wish to integrate any micro-service in your application future, then it's available in Lumen micro-service also.

Laravel Sactum and Fortify - How to use them both?

Im working with Laravel 8 Project I have installed. Jetstream, Fortify, Sanctum, etc..
Now I need to made an app in html and jquery to the user login via API
and the made some processes within from the API
But I cannot understand how to make it.
Where Can i create the user token when he logins.. or if it's good to point my html login to /login of the Fortify Package.
I didn't found anythiing about this on the net.. please if someone made use of it... I will apreciate !

Laravel Passport Oauth Customize page / auto redirect

Hi I would like to ask about laravel passport oauth confirmation page
This is the page when we are asked for authorization, I would like to customize this page, or even possible to skip this page to always authorize anyway since the requestor will be just an internal application
I tried to google this but no luck. Is that possible? if so please tell me how to, or any link will be greatly appreciated
If you want to change the UI you can actually export the view and edit it
For the auto redirection, actually it can be done using laravel passport version ^7.30
But since I was using laravel version that dont support passport ^7.30, I need to create the override
What I did was, I copied this snippets
Creating a new class extending the passport AuthorizationController and overriding the authorize function only

Lumen Socialite authorisation flow

I'm looking for some clearification for using the Socialite package in a Lumen project. I want to use OAuth2 so users can authenticate with theire Google, Facebook or other social account on our applications.
To my understanding Socialite redirects to a page of the selected provider, asks the user for permission and return to the application with the authenticated user object. I made a base setup with a Laravel application and this all works fine.
The problem
I have an authentication API (Lumen based) where user credentials are validated. This is only a backend service. The actual user credentials are received from different front-ends (applications). Do the frontends need to implement OAuth2 / Socialite and send the social user details to my authorisation API or can the API arrange the whole OAuth2 process?
I don't quite get it how the redirection should take place in an if the whole flow is arranged by the API? There is a stateless() option available in socialite and i found some information where socialite is used in Lumen but then i don't get the whole redirect / authentication flow.
Different optios
Like to hear from users if this option is possible, hope my question is clear. :)
Just to update on my own question;
After some research i found the flow to be like this:
-> Frontend handles the user request to be authorised by Oauth2 with a specific provider. (we get redirected to a page of the provider asking about permission for this application). This can be done with socialite (in case of Laravel) or any other package for a specific framwework.
-> An Access token is received by the frontend and send to our Lumen backend service. Here we can use Socialite again to get the user details for this access token. The user details can then be used to create a new user or attach a social login to an existing user. When access token is valid and user is created or found in existing user, the user can proceed in the application.
Hope to help someone in the future with the same questions :)
