Change Similarity per query in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I know that we can set similarity in mapping but I need to change similarity at query time. I need scores to be calculated in different ways by changing similarity. Is there any way to do so.

From Official Doc
The similarity can be set on the field level when a field is first created, as follows:
So no you cant change it at query time. Im not even sure if you can change it by updating your mapping.


Elasticsearch multiple score fields

Maybe a dummy question: is it possible to have multiple score fields?
I use a custom score based on function_score query. This score is being displayed to the user to show, how much each document matches his/her preferences. So far so good.
But! The user should be able to filter the documents and (of course) sort them not only by the custom relevance (how much each document matches his/her preferences) but also by the common relevance - how much each document matches the filter criteria.
So my first idea was to place the score calculated by function_score query to a custom field but it does not seems to be supported.
Or am I completely wrong and I should use another approach?
I took a different approach - in case user applies some filter the I run the query without function_score percolation and use the score calculated by ES and sort by it. Then I take all IDs from the result page and run percolation query with these IDs to get the custom "matching score". It does not seems to cause noticeable slowdown.
Anyway, I welcome any feedback.

Elasticsearch: Add field on the fly like driving distance by a user searching

Is there a way to dynamically append a driving distance of the CONSUMER in ES?
I am trying to create an app and sort PROVIDERS by driving distance.
One thing I could think of is get all the PROVIDERS within a range then put them in an array. Iterate to add driving distance then sort array. But this is not efficient.
Any suggestions?
thank you!
You can use runtime fields to achieve what you want, A runtime field is a field that is evaluated at query time. Runtime fields enable you to:
Add fields to existing documents without reindexing your data Start
working with your data without understanding how it’s structured
Override the value returned from an indexed field at query time
Define fields for a specific use without modifying the underlying
For more information you can check Elasticsearch blog post here, and for runtime fields here.

How to sort (and give weight) by Availability dates in SolR

i'm facing a big problem in my SolR DB.
My objects have a datetime field "Available_From" and a datetime field "Available_To".
We also have a "Ranking" field for the sorting.
I can search correctly with direct queries (eg. give me all the items that are available at the moment) but when i do a regular search i cannot find a way to show the items that result "available NOW" in the first places in the results, usually sorted by "Ranking" field.
How can i do this? Am I forced to write some java classes (the nearest thing i've found is there or is there a way to do with standard SolR queries?
Thanks in advance to everyone!
In your case you actually don't want sorting, since that indicates that you want one field to determine the returned sequence of documents.
Instead, use boosting - apply a very large boost to those that are available now, either through bq or boost, then apply a boost based on ranking. You'll have to tweak the weights given to each part based on how you want the search results to be presented.

Finding the set "max_result_window" for Elastic Search index?

So when querying ElasticSearch, I know you can constrain the size with the "size" parameter. By default, it's 10,000. I was wondering how to know what's the max (if it has been changed from 10,000)?
I have tried "/index/_settings" in hopes of finding the max_window_size, but couldn't find anything. I'm not necessarily sure if that's because it doesn't have a limit at all, or if I am doing something wrong.
So to rephrase my question: I basically want to know how to find the max size when trying to query "size: xx" to an elastic search server. If the size is 10,000/the default, then I want to know where I can find this number.
Any tips or guidance?
If the value isn't specified on the index itself (in _settings where you were looking), then it is 10000. You can change this setting only on the index itself as far as I know. To automatically apply it to new indices you can use an index template.
It appears to be an oversight by the devs to me, if you use rolling indices by date for example then there is no single index for you to query modifications to the value from (sure you could guess one). I think you just have to make sure to match your query code assumptions to your index template. In my opinion there should be a way to just ask for max results possible without needing to know that value beforehand.
You are correct in that elastic search default max query size is 10000. The way to get more is to use the "scroll" api:
This essentially uses pagination to split your result into user defined segments and allows you to "scroll" to the next one using a "Scroll_id" that's returned from the initial query.

Magento Solr: Increase weight of title in schema.xml?

I have a Magento-installation with Solr search. This works fairly well although it doesnt give relevant hits on a few queries. It seems that the the "title" attribute is not weighed higher than other attributes such as "description". Is there any way to define that title should have a higher weight in schema.xml?
Or any other ideas on how to manipulate the search results of a specific product? E.g. adding another attribute with some meta keywords?
I'm new to Solr so any feedback is appreciated!
My schema.xml is located here.
What you're looking for is called 'boosting' .
You can do boosting at index-time (more performant at query time) and at query-time (more flexible)
More here:
How to boost fields in solr
