IntelliJ Idea lombok doesn't appear in intellisense - maven

My problem is that I have lombok used in my project and intellisense doesn't recoginze it's packages and annotations.
What I have done:
dependency added to maven pom.xml (jar appears in "External Libraries")
lombok plugin installed via "Settings -> Plugins -> Browse repositories"
"Enable annotation processing" enabled in "Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors"
IntelliJ Idea restart with invalidate cache
Project rebuilded
Strange thing is that project get's builded without any errors and works perfectly. I just can't see this package in IntelliJ and it's cumbersome, because a lot of code is "red". My current IntelliJ IDEA version is 2017.3.1.
I've looked up in every post simillar to my problem and tried every method (including reinstalling plugin, doing everything again, changing order in things that were done etc.), but it still doesn't work.

I've solved issue. The problem Was that IntelliJ Idea mistakenly created projects from my main project and they were in conflict. Under "File -> Project Structure" I had 5 different projects which were created from and they still were included in this one that was separate from them. All I had to do was to delete those wrong projects.


Modules, Gradle Subprojects, and IntelliJ Woes?

I am trying to make use of modules and gradle subprojects and either receive compile time errors or complaints from IntelliJ.
My project structure is as follows:
- settings.gradle
- core
- build.gradle
- desktop
- build.gradle
- src/main/java/
The desktop build.gradle file as a requirement on core as:
dependencies {
implementation project(":core")
There is no reference to the "core" project in the files.
In this configuration, IntelliJ doesn't like usage of classes from the "core" project in the "desktop" project (I see a lot of red), but running gradlew.bat desktop:run works with no issues. Bug with IntelliJ? I am using microsoft's openjdk, but hopefully that doesn't matter.
My best attempt to fix this, was to add a file to the core project as well and reference the core project in the desktop project's file. Unfortunately this configuration, while making IntelliJ happy, renders me unable to run the desktop from command line anymore. I get errors about the core project being unable to find required modules that are the exact same as the required modules I pull in for the desktop module. I think this might be an error on my part, but I'm not sure how or what to do to fix it.
Would appreciate any insight.
P.S. Of these issues, I think I would prefer to get IntelliJ working with the first setup, because I intend to have this core library be shared between the desktop project and an android project, and while I haven't looked into it yet, I am not sure Android supports new java modules?
I think terminal should be the first priority. If your original setup made it compiled successfully under terminal, then there is no problem in your project. Do not add extra files for just making the IDE happy.
There's still something you can do. The first step is compiling your project successfully under terminal. This step downloads all the necessary dependencies before IntelliJ, reducing the problem scope to IntelliJ's linking and indexing. Then there are some options:
In the Gradle tool window, click the top-left button Refresh all Gradle projects.
Delete all the .idea folders in your project. Then open the root folder of your project via UI or CLI.
Click the invalidate caches/restart in the main menu.
You can also also create a new Gradle multi-module project with command gradle init, and open it with IntelliJ. It should be analyzed by IntelliJ normally. Then you can compare its project structure with yours. Maybe there's something different.
Hope these steps could help you.

spring initializr: Cannot import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory for Gradle projects

I'm trying to learn how to build "Spring Web" web-applications using IntelliJ IDEA, and I'm encountering a very frustrating issue when I try to create a new project using "Spring Initializr".
For some reason when I choose to create a "Gradle Project", Java or Kotlin, I'm not able to import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
If I manually add the import statement, it doesn't resolve, and if I try to get InteliJ to automatically add the import, it instead adds the following...
This satisfies the editor, but it won't compile. It errors with...
Symbol is declared in module 'java.xml.crypto' which does not export package ''
If instead I create a "Maven Project", either Kotlin or Java, then it works as expected.
I'm keeping the other settings in spring initializr set to default values, Spring Boot=2.4.2, Java=11
IntelliJ IDEA says there are no updates available.
I've made various attempts to manual add the slf4j dependencies to build.gradle (for Java) or build.gradle.kts (for Kotlin), and nothing I've done has made any difference.
I've also tried various different options for Spring Boot and Java version, and again it has made no difference.
I've confirmed that it only happens on one of my computers, my primary development desktop computer. My laptop is working fine.
I can't find anything that's different between the 2 IDEA installations.
Things I've tried so far to fix it...
Invalidate Caches / Restart
Manage IDE Settings -> Restore Default Settings
Removing and re-adding JDK's
Uninstalling and re-installing IntelliJ IDEA
I've tried everything I can think of to fix this, but the problem persists.
Basically I can't use logging in any new Gradle Spring projects. It just won't load the org.slf4j library.
Update 2...
The nature of the problem isn't exactly what I thought it was initially. It turns out the code compiles and runs just fine with the correct import, but the IDE is reporting it as unresolved.
So it seems it's just an issue with the IDE's intellisense. This seems less serious, but it's still quite inconvenient having the editor incorrectly showing errors.
After identifying that the problem was just with the IDE editor intellisense, rather than with the code dependencies or project, I was eventually able to resolve it by closing the IDE, and then deleting the system folder "C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2020.3"
After restarting IntelliJ IDEA, the folder was re-created automatically and the issue resolved itself.

Why refresh of Maven repository is not enough for IntelliJ?

I had a NoClassDefFoundError problem with some test, launched from IntelliJ. In order to repair the situation, I had to make several changes in many poms of the project - adding new packages and excluding some old ones for to escape the overlapping of them. Also, I reapired the situation with different versions. But the situation did not improve. Again, some package, declared in pom, was not found where it should be.
I refreshed the maven repository by
mvn -e clean install -U
, as is advised in - so old and upvoted answer, that it surely looks as Santa.
The problem remained unchanged.
I output the maven map. It was correct and it contained all needed.
I looked at the list of the External Libraries of the project. It was the old uncorrected list of overlapping jars with same names and different versions, and without good packages I added just now, and well seen in maven tree output!
Already hapless,
I reimported packages in IntelliJ
Ctrl+Shift+A, Reimport All Maven Projects.
Ho! The list of libraries got repaired. And the problem, mentioned in subj, disappeared.
The question is: How it could happen, that the same project has that very pom for everything, but gets packages differently being launched in maven and in IntelliJ?
I know about that feature "delegate IDE build to Maven". And I keep it turned off. But I am NOT talking about the different SW for building. Whether they are different or not, they should be up to the actual pom's. And whereas maven, if turned off from the automatic building won't know about changes in poms, IntelliJ KNOWS about them. It could have jars up to pom, or up to maven - it has sense, but it simply has some old rubbish. Was there some deep thought under that construction?
Every time you manually change the pom.xml file, including the dependencies you need to load these changes into IDE. IDE does it on Reload from Maven action. See also Import Maven dependencies.
Intellij doesn't use maven to bulid and run a project except you are delegating build and run action to maven:
Since, IDEA doen't really use maven to run and build, it uses the pom.xml to import the project structure and "tries" to build the project the same way was maven does.
Actually, there are quite a few differences between these to build processes.
Generating sources or filtering resources (don't know if this is still an issue) aren't done during building the project with Intellij IDEA.
In case you are using code generation you have to build the project via maven first and then - when all the resouces are filtered and additional sources are generated - you are able to run, debug aso. the project with Inellij IDEA.
That's an important thing to be aware of and that's the reason why maven and IntelliJ IDEA project structures might get out of sync.
You can enable the "Reload project after changes in build scripts" feature and select the Any changes checkbox to keep your project structure updated:
Why should you disable this feature anyway
If you are working on a build file (gradle or maven is not important) reloading the structure on any change can be very anoying. It's cpu intense, dependcies are fetched aso.
Therefore, I prefer to reload project structure only in case of an external change. This happens when pulling an updated version of the build file for example.

NetBeans doesn't recognize that dependency is a local project - how to fix?

I have two pairs of projects that I develop in NetBeans, both of which have a GUI project, and a library project, where the GUI project depends on the library one. In one of them, NetBeans recognizes that the dependency is local, and indicates as such with an Ma symbol, as seen below, with the dependency project in green:
This provides some nice functionality, most notably that the "Navigate to" (ctrl+click) functionality from the GUI project takes me to the source code in the library project. I also don't have to manually rebuild the library project for the GUI project to pick up any changes.
However, for the other pair of projects, NetBeans will pick up that the dependency is in my local Maven repo, but does not recognize that the source code is a Maven project that it also has open:
I've tried looking through all the right-click menu options, removing and re-adding the dependency from the NetBeans GUI, comparing the pom.xml, comparing nb-actions.xml, and nb-configuration.xml, but cannot find any explanation of why one library is recognized as local, but the other is not. The only information I've found online is at, where it notes:
"Hint: If you open a project that other projects depend on, the icon in other projects changes to a "maven project" icon to denote that the IDE knows about link between the projects. However such a link is only established when the groupId, artifactId and version all match in the dependency and project declaration. Frequently occurring problem is that you change an API signature in your library project, but the application is not picking up. Often it's caused by the fact that the application is using an older version of the library artifact. The artifact icon can help you track down these problems."
However, I've verified that the pom.xml of the GUI project depends on the version being built in the library project, and even made the versions identical between the GUI project and library, and the "maven project" icon still doesn't show up.
Does anyone know how to debug this issue, or if there's a magic setting somewhere that I'm missing for how to make this link work? I've been trying with both NetBeans 8.2 and 8.1, and am compiling with Java 8 for both the successful pair of projects, and the unsuccessful ones.
Revisiting the project a couple years later, I finally figured out a way to get the dependency to connect locally.
Change the artifact ID of the dependency, and update the dependent pom to match the new name.
This is admittedly bypassing the root issue rather than addressing it, but given the inability to pinpoint the root cause, seems the best option at this time.

Intellij gradle import Issue

I'm having a lot of issues w/ my intellij project to recognize 3rd party libraries I've imported with gradle. Let me outline some steps I've tried.
The code compiles properly in the terminal.
Invalidating and restarting intellij does nothing.
The import, seems to be in the project dependency folder.
I've tried removing the import and resyncing gradle, then adding it back in.
Tried deleting the intellij app and re-installing (I think I may have done this wrong given my configurations were saved upon re-download).
I've tried unticking offline mode, and doing all this in gradlew preferences.
I've tried increasing memory allocation in both intellij and for gradle.
No one else on my team seems to be having this issue.
I have no idea what else to try or where to look. Would LOVE some pointers. Happy to edit. Thanks!
Intellij Version: 2019.1.3
