Does support groovy? - gradle

I cannot get SonarQube to scan my .groovy files on I added the following to my build.gradle:
sonarqube {
properties {
property '', ''
property 'sonar.organization', System.getenv('SONARQUBE_ORG')
property 'sonar.login', System.getenv('SONARQUBE_LOGIN')
property 'sonar.inclusions', '**/*.groovy,**/*.java'
It reports indexing 5 files, but there are 0 lines of code in
My source is in the 'sonarqube' branch at here
My sonar cloud project is at here
Here is a project that is scanning groovy, but I can't find the source code to determine how it is configured: Link

SonarCloud does not support Groovy analysis.
The project you found is an old one, not analyzed for more than a year. It's a left-over from the former version of the service (called at that time) that had some sort of support for Groovy.


Could not get unknown property 'a.b.c' for root project

I got some source code and was asked to build it. It was a Gradle project. So I changed to the project directory and ran:
$ gradle clean assemble
and the following error came up:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'pcase'.
> Could not get unknown property 'postgresql.jdbc' for root project 'pcase' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
There is a settings.gradle file in the project folder too. It contains: = 'pcase'
I took a look at build.gradle and found lots of occurrences like
For example:
buildscript {
dependencies {
// FlywayDB, JOOQ.
classpath "org.postgresql:postgresql:${project['postgresql.jdbc']}"
classpath "org.flywaydb:flyway-gradle-plugin:${project['flywaydb.plugin.version']}"
classpath "nu.studer:gradle-jooq-plugin:${project['jooq.plugin.version']}"
What could be ${project['x']}? Looks like associative array in bash and the build script tries to get the value of the key 'x'.
But I didn't find the place in code where this array would be declared and initialized.
The question is: Is the project buildable or is it better to consult the company that worked at it before me?
From the information provided, the project is perfectly buildable, to some certain extend. First of all, project['a.b.c'] is Groovy syntax to access properties from the project object. They're referred to as project properties.
They can be set via
Project properties via command line: gradle -Ppostgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
System properties via command line: gradle -Dorg.gradle.project.postgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
System properties via org.gradle.project.postgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
All 3 properties (postgresql.jdbc, flywaydb.plugin.version, jooq.plugin.version) denote the version numbers of the particular build script dependencies. However, which versions to use best is beyond my knowledge. I would certainly consult the respective project websites, Maven artifact search or simply ask the company.
org.postgresql:postgresql is the database JDBC driver and certainly depends on the database version.
org.flywaydb:flyway-gradle-plugin is for database migrations. Try with the latest version.
I wasn't able to find gradle-jooq-plugin on Maven central. It's most likely available on the Gradle Plugin Portal.

IntelliJ is using unexpected source directory from annotation processing output

I have a Gradle project that has some annotation processing involved (this time Mapstruct)
If I don't have any additional source directories IntelliJ is generating the classes in src/main/generated
As soon as I add an additional source directory e.g. { "${project.buildDir}/generated-src/1" }
then IntelliJ starts to generate the annotation processor classes in that directory build/generated-src/1. Interestingly if I have additional source locations it takes the first one alphabetically.
Note that I'm using the Build and run using IntelliJ IDEA build option under Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Toosl > Gradle
Example project is available here:
Is this the expected behaviour? When combinging Jooq + Mapstruct I'm getting Mapstruct classes generated under a source directory added by the Jooq plugin.

sonarqube ignores sonar.junit.reportPaths

I have a gradle project which applies the sonarqube gradle plugin, version 2.6.
I run it against my team's sonarqube server, version 6.4 (build 25310).
According to documentation, new versions of sonarqube accept the property sonar.junit.reportPaths instead of sonar.junit.reportsPath.
My build runs 2 test tasks: test and integrationTest. Each test task outputs its xml into a different directory: build/test-results/test and build/test-results/integrationTest respectively.
I configured the sonarqube plugin to pick up both these directories:
project.sonarqube {
properties {
property 'sonar.junit.reportsPath', ['build/test-results/test',
// configure additional integration test properties that seem to be required
Collection<File> integrationTestSourceDirs = project.sourceSets.integrationTest.allJava.srcDirs.findAll { File dir -> dir.exists() }
properties['sonar.tests'] += integrationTestSourceDirs
Collection<File> integrationTestsClasses = project.sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDirs.files.findAll { File file -> file.exists() }
properties[''] += integrationTestsClasses
This does not work. In sonarqube UI I only see unit tests (from the test directory) and don't see any integration tests.
I made sure that my integrationTest directory contains valid test reports, and it does.
It seems like sonarqube still uses the old parameter sonar.junit.reportsPath (which by default is assigned by the gradle plugin with the value build/test-results/test). I can tell this because if I remove this parameter I don't see any unit tests at all in the UI. This is how I removed the old parameter:
project.sonarqube {
properties {
As a workaround, I configured my integrationTest task to put its output into the same directory as unit tests: build/test-results/test. After doing this, all tests, including integration tests are picked up by sonarqube, and I can see them all in the UI.
However, I would prefer to keep outputs of different test tasks in different directories.
Is the described behavior intentional, or is it a bug?
Your SonarJava plugin is too old. The new property is only available from 4.11 on. In 4.10 only the old property is evaluated, so the new one is ignored. The Gradle plugin just sets the properties. The evaluation happens in the code that is downloaded from the SonarQube server and thus ignored.

Project with both java and javascript in sonarqube using gradle

We have a pretty standard web project using Java, which contains also some javascript code in the standard src/main/webapp folder. We are using Gradle 2.14 as our build tool.
We have just installed a brand new Sonarqube 6.0.1 on a fresh server, checked that both the Java and Javascript plugins are installed, and modified the build.gradle file as recommended on the Sonarqube documentation:
plugins {
id 'org.sonarqube' version '2.0.1'
sonarqube {
properties {
property 'sonar.projectName', 'Our-Project'
property 'sonar.projectKey', 'com.ourcompany:our-project'
This doesn't work as expected: the java code is analyzed correctly and we can browse the results on sonar, but the javascript code isn't analyzed.
What are we doing wrong? Thanks.
I have managed to fix our issues by adding this property inside the sonarqube block:
property 'sonar.sources', 'src/main'
Are you sure the sonar.sources is including the js files in the analysis? Can you add the module's gradle config? The file above looks like the app level gradle file. You should have at least one module for your app that also has a gradle file.
Android Studio Project Structure
You need to add the sources to the module's gradle file. Here's an example:
project(":app") {
sonarqube {
properties {
property "sonar.analysis.mode", "publish"
property "sonar.sources", "src/main/java"
property "",
property "sonar.junit.reportsPath",
property "",
property "sonar.test", "src/test/java"

How to use Afterburner.fx with Gradle instaed of Maven 3, while leaving the original project structure of afterburner.fx

afterburner.fx for JavaFX 8 is a minimalistic (3 classes) JavaFX MVP framework based on Convention over Configuration and Dependency Injection created by Adam Bien.
afterburner.fx use Maven 3.
I would like to use it with Gradle.
How to use Afterburner.fx with Gradle instaed of Maven 3, while leaving the original project structure of afterburner.fx ?
In the build.gradle File add dependencies
dependencies {
compile group: 'com.airhacks', name:'afterburner.fx', version: afterburnerfxVersion
In the build.gradle File add the additional Resources (.fxml , .css , .properties)
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/java").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties"])
and (re-)add all the standard Resources (in the resources folder)
Update for Gradle Version 6.8.1 : if you run gradlew with --warning-mode all there is a deprecated Message:
Copying or archiving duplicate paths with the default duplicates strategy has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 7.0.
add this line:
// from
// and
// Java Plugin Task processResources(type: Copy)
processResources.duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE // allow duplicates
Thanks, this helped me a lot. I added the short form of it to dependencies:
compile 'com.airhacks:afterburner.fx:1.6.0'
Additionally I added a second line to include the files from the resources folder and not only from /java. I also added **/*.png to include png files because new Image("filename.png") wasn't working anymore.
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/java").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties", "**/*.png"])
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/resources").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties", "**/*.png"])
I don't know why the above two lines broke the default behavior - seems like I have to add every new file type to the above lines. :/ If anyone has a better solution please tell me.
