rand(Range) - no implicit conversion of Range into Integer - ruby

A follow up on the question How to create a random time between a range
Kernel#rand works with Time range:
require 'time'
rand(Time.parse('9 am')..Time.parse('11:30 am'))
But when I tried with a custom class, I ended up with the error:
`rand': no implicit conversion of Range into Integer (TypeError)
class Int
include Comparable
attr_reader :num
def initialize(num)
#num = num
def succ
Int.new(num + 1)
def <=>(other)
num <=> other.num
def to_s
def to_int
alias_method :inspect, :to_s
puts rand(Int.new(1)..Int.new(3))
Why? What am I missing in the custom class? Can we use such a custom class in rand(Range)?

I don't know of any documentation for what specifically Kernel#rand expects from a Range argument but we can get a look at what's going on by overriding respond_to? in your class and then watching as things fall apart:
def respond_to?(m)
puts "They want us to support #{m}"
Doing that tells us that rand wants to call the #- and #+ methods on your Int instances. This does make some sense given that rand(a..b) is designed for working with integers.
So we throw in quick'n'dirty implementations of addition and subtraction:
def -(other)
self.class.new(to_int - other.to_int)
def +(other)
self.class.new(to_int + other.to_int)
and we start getting rand Ints out of our calls to rand.
I'm not sure where (or if) this is documented so you'll have to excuse a bit of hand waving. I normally spend some time rooting around the Ruby source code to answer this sort of question but I lack the time right now.

To add a bit more to #mu-is-too-short's answer, I checked the source of Random#rand and the following is the current implementation logic for rand(Range):
Get the begin, end, and vmax from the Range object (call range_values), where vmax is computed as (call id_minus):
vmax = end - begin
vmax will be used as the upper bound of the random number generation later.
This requires the custom class to have - method defined.
Generate a random number based on the type of vmax:
If it is not Float and can be coerced to Integer (rb_check_to_int), generate a random Integer less than vmax.
In this case, the - method should either return an Integer, or an object which responds to to_int method.
If it is Numeric and can be converted to Float with to_f, (rb_check_to_float), generate a random Float number less than vmax.
In this case, the - method should return a Numeric number which can be converted to Float with method to_f.
Add the random number to begin to yield the result (call id_add).
This requires the custom class to have + method defined, which accepts the result of the random number generated in step 2 (either Integer, or Float) and returns the final result for rand.

I believe this error is because you are trying to use rand() on objects of your custom class.
`rand': no implicit conversion of Range into Integer (TypeError)
This error message clearly mentions that ruby was unable to convert your range into integer. Based on your code snippet, following works and might be what you are looking for.
puts rand(Int.new(1).to_int..Int.new(3).to_int)


Is it possible to use methods from Ruby library in my own class?

I am trying to define Ruby classes for vectors and matrices. I intend to define two classes, MyVector and MyMatrix, with methods as hinted below. MyVector should represent a row vector, MyMatrix should represent a matrix, internally organized as an array of MyVector objects. Intended methods for MyVector:
#initialize method, that takes an array of integers as argument.
#length method, that returns the size of the vector.
#* method, taking argument a, that:
if a is a vector, returns the inner product, validating that the size of a matches the receiver.
if a is a matrix, then it returns the product of the receiver and the matrix, validating the size compatibility.
#to_s method, that returns a string representation of the receiver.
Methods for MyMatrix:
#initialize method, that takes an array of arrays as argument, converts the inner arrays into row vecotrs (MyVector class), and arranges them into a matrix.
#transpose method, that returns the receiver transposed.
#* method, that takes MyMatrix object argument and returns the matrix product, validating size compatibility of the argument.
#to_s method, that returns a string representation of the receiver.
This code I have written so far is below, but it doesn't work at all. I tried to define some method followed by the library class method (in matrix and vector class, they already define those method), but seem this way doesn't work because it always asks you to define something new. Could you please help me? Thanks!
class MyVector
def initialize (a)
if !(a.instance_of? Array)
raise "must be an array"
#array = a
def array
def to_s
def length
def each2(a) #
raise Error, "Integer is not like Vector" if a.kind_of?(Integer)
Vector.Raise Error if length != a.length
return to_enum(:each2, a) unless block_given?
length.times do |i|
yield #array[i], a[i]
def * (a)
Vector.Raise Error if length != a.length
p = 0
each2(a) {|a1, a2|p += a1 * a2}
class MyMatrix
def initialize a
def to_s
def transpose
arr= Array.new(size)
while i<size
while j<a.length
def *m
if !(m instance_of? MyMatrix)
raise Error
while (i<#array.length)
A great question, and a great exercise for a newbie. As you might already know, Marc-André Lafortune has written the basic Matrix / Vector library, that is a part of Ruby standard library. While after the amount of effort that a programmer and mathematician, that Marc-André is, has put in the project, it is no longer possible to say that it sucks, it is also fair to say that stdlib matrix nowadays does not yet conform to that heavenly, dream-like quality that we expect of Ruby libraries.
My major criticism is that, just like you, Marc-André also makes a distinction between Vector and Matrix classes. This distinction shouldn't be: Vectors are simly matrices, whose second dimension is equal to 1. Separating Matrix and Vector leaves the user at loss as to which one to use, and that led me to banning Vector completely in the code that I write.
Neveretheless, it will be stdlib's matrix, that is going to be the answer to your post. If I understood it well, the question mark statement in your post seems to be:
"I tried to define some method ... but seem this way doesn't work because it always asks you to define something new. Could you please help me?"
In order to help you, I would answer: Start by using the matrix standard library. Simply type
require 'matrix'
In the next step, you will make a private copy of matrix library, that came with your Ruby installation, you will rename it to my_matrix, and require it no longer by require 'matrix', but by:
require './path/to/my/project/directory/my_matrix'
In the third step, you will start changing the behavior of the library that you just copied, and see when it breaks. Next, you will learn about unit testing, and learn to use stdlib's minitest. With that, you can define the desired behavior, and change the code until it meets the requirement.
In the 4th, 5th, ... nth step, you will be making a lot of big and small mistakes. And should your dedication to matrices and vectors in Ruby survive, you will be warmly welcome as a member of NMatrix team, the future grand version of representing matrices in Ruby.

ruby and references. Working with fixnums

I know a bit about ruby way to handle objects and references. The replace stuff, ect ...
I know it d'ont work on fixnum, cause the var is the fixnum. But i wish to change the value of a fixnum inside a function, and that the value changed in the ouside var.
How can i do this ?
I guess i can use a string like this "1" but that's quite dirty.
Ruby will always pass-by-reference (because everything is an object) but Fixnum lacks any methods that allow you to mutate the value. See "void foo(int &x) -> Ruby? Passing integers by reference?" for more details.
You can either return a value that you then assign to your variable, like so:
a = 5
def do_something(value)
return 1 #this could be more complicated and depend on the value passed in
a = do_something(a)
or you could wrap your value in an object such as a Hash and have it updated that way.
a = {:value => 5}
def do_something(dict)
dict[:value] = 1
do_something(a) #now a[:value] is 1 outside the function
Hope this helps.
You could pass an array with a single number, like [1], or a hash like {value: 1}. Less ugly than a string, as your number itself remains a number, but less overhead than a new class...
When I was building a game I had the same problem you have. There was a numeric score that represented how many zombies you've killed and I needed to manually keep it in sync between Player (that incremented the score), ScoreBar and ScoreScreen (that displayed the score). The solution I've found was creating a separate class for the score that will wrap the value and mutate it:
class Score
def initialize(value = 0)
#value = value
def increment
#value += 1
def to_i
def to_s

Why does Ruby give this large precision decimal result?

I want to convert a subtitle time code:
begin="00:00:07.71" dur="00:00:03.67
to pure seconds:
begin=7.1 end=11.38
I wrote a Ruby code:
def to_sec(value)
a = value.split(':')
which resulted in 11.379999999999999.
Can anybody tell me why this happens?
Is there any Time library that can do this conversion?
It'll probably be easiest for you to represent your underlying datatype as integer hundredths of a second (centiseconds):
def to_csec(value) #if you had CSec < Integer this would be `def self.[](value)`
a = value.split(':')
#tacking on a couple zeros to each
a[0].to_i*360000+a[1].to_i*6000+(a[2].to_f * 100).to_i
You could add some helpers for dealing with the durations and pretty printing them as well:
def csec_to_s(csec) #if you had CSec < Integer, this would be `def to_sec`
"%.2f" % (csec.to_f / 100)
class SubtitleDuration < Range
def initialize(a,b)
centi_a = to_csec(a)
super(centi_a,to_csec(b) + centi_a)
def to_s
"begin=#{csec_to_s(self.begin)} end=#{csec_to_s(self.end) }"
Then your answer is just:
puts SubtitleDuration.new("00:00:07.71", "00:00:03.67").to_s
#=> begin=7.71 end=11.38
This sort of thing can happen in just about any programming language. It's because of how floating point numbers are represented. They're not stored as decimals under the hood, so sometimes you get odd rounding errors like this.

In Ruby, how does coerce() actually work?

It is said that when we have a class Point and knows how to perform point * 3 like the following:
class Point
def initialize(x,y)
#x, #y = x, y
def *(c)
Point.new(#x * c, #y * c)
point = Point.new(1,2)
p point
p point * 3
#<Point:0x336094 #x=1, #y=2>
#<Point:0x335fa4 #x=3, #y=6>
but then,
3 * point
is not understood:
Point can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError)
So we need to further define an instance method coerce:
class Point
def coerce(something)
[self, something]
p 3 * point
#<Point:0x3c45a88 #x=3, #y=6>
So it is said that 3 * point is the same as 3.*(point). That is, the instance method * takes an argument point and invoke on the object 3.
Now, since this method * doesn't know how to multiply a point, so
will be called, and get back an array:
[point, 3]
and then * is once again applied to it, is that true?
Now, this is understood and we now have a new Point object, as performed by the instance method * of the Point class.
The question is:
Who invokes point.coerce(3)? Is it Ruby automatically, or is it some code inside of * method of Fixnum by catching an exception? Or is it by case statement that when it doesn't know one of the known types, then call coerce?
Does coerce always need to return an array of 2 elements? Can it be no array? Or can it be an array of 3 elements?
And is the rule that, the original operator (or method) * will then be invoked on element 0, with the argument of element 1? (Element 0 and element 1 are the two elements in that array returned by coerce.) Who does it? Is it done by Ruby or is it done by code in Fixnum? If it is done by code in Fixnum, then it is a "convention" that everybody follows when doing a coercion?
So could it be the code in * of Fixnum doing something like this:
class Fixnum
def *(something)
if (something.is_a? ...)
else if ... # other type / class
else if ... # other type / class
# it is not a type / class I know
array = something.coerce(self)
return array[0].*(array[1]) # or just return array[0] * array[1]
So it is really hard to add something to Fixnum's instance method coerce? It already has a lot of code in it and we can't just add a few lines to enhance it (but will we ever want to?)
The coerce in the Point class is quite generic and it works with * or + because they are transitive. What if it is not transitive, such as if we define Point minus Fixnum to be:
point = Point.new(100,100)
point - 20 #=> (80,80)
20 - point #=> (-80,-80)
Short answer: check out how Matrix is doing it.
The idea is that coerce returns [equivalent_something, equivalent_self], where equivalent_something is an object basically equivalent to something but that knows how to do operations on your Point class. In the Matrix lib, we construct a Matrix::Scalar from any Numeric object, and that class knows how to perform operations on Matrix and Vector.
To address your points:
Yes, it is Ruby directly (check calls to rb_num_coerce_bin in the source), although your own types should do too if you want your code to be extensible by others. For example if your Point#* is passed an argument it doesn't recognize, you would ask that argument to coerce itself to a Point by calling arg.coerce(self).
Yes, it has to be an Array of 2 elements, such that b_equiv, a_equiv = a.coerce(b)
Yes. Ruby does it for builtin types, and you should too on your own custom types if you want to be extensible:
def *(arg)
if (arg is not recognized)
self_equiv, arg_equiv = arg.coerce(self)
self_equiv * arg_equiv
The idea is that you shouldn't modify Fixnum#*. If it doesn't know what to do, for example because the argument is a Point, then it will ask you by calling Point#coerce.
Transitivity (or actually commutativity) is not necessary, because the operator is always called in the right order. It's only the call to coerce which temporarily reverts the received and the argument. There is no builtin mechanism that insures commutativity of operators like +, ==, etc...
If someone can come up with a terse, precise and clear description to improve the official documentation, leave a comment!
I find myself often writing code along this pattern when dealing with commutativity:
class Foo
def initiate(some_state)
def /(n)
# code that handles Foo/n
def *(n)
# code that handles Foo * n
def coerce(n)
class ReverseFoo < Foo
def /(n)
# code that handles n/Foo
# * commutes, and can be inherited from Foo

Existence of right addition/multiplication in ruby?

I've seen how to overload + and * in Ruby, so that
my_obj + other calls my_obj.+(other). In Python, you do this with __add__, and there's a corresponding __radd__ for overloading other + my_obj. Is there really no equivalent right-sided addition/multiplication in Ruby, and does that make it necessary to redefine + for each potential class of other?
In brief: say I have an object X which belongs to some new class defined by me. It's easy to write code for X + 5, but it seems that in order to handle 5 + X I'd need to redefine Fixnum.+. Is this true?
No, you don't need to redefine Fixnum#+ (or any other arithmetic method of ruby's numeric classes). The arithmetic methods of the numeric classes will call coerce if the two operands are not the same class. So if you define a coerce method for your class, 5 + instance_of_your_class will work fine without any changes to Fixnum#+.
Edit: Here's an example of using coerce:
class MyNum
attr_accessor :num
def initialize(num)
#num = num
def +(o)
lhs, rhs = coerce(o)
MyNum.new(lhs.num + rhs.num)
def coerce(o)
if o.is_a? MyNum
[self, o]
[self, MyNum.new(o)]
MyNum.new(5)+3 #=> #<MyNum:0x87fca08 #num=8>
3+MyNum.new(5) #=> #<MyNum:0x8807980 #num=8>
The RHS is coerced and needs to implement the to_i method which needs to return an appropriate value. The Numeric's classes implementation of to_int will end up calling it as part of the process of addition where other classes are involved on the RHS than strict Numeric descendants.
Yes. If you want to alter the behavior on 5 + x, you have to redefine + on whatever 5 is, since you're in fact calling 5.+(x) because of Ruby treating these kinds of operations as mechod calls.
