Angular Material Sidenav inside custom component doesn't render right sidenav properly - angular-material2

I'm having a problem using a mat-sidenav with position="end" inside a mat-sidenav-container that is part of a custom component. The custom component is essentially the mat-sidenav-container, the left side mat-sidenav, plus ng-content slots for the left sidenav content, page content, and an optional right mat-sidenav.
The problem is that the right sidenav backdrop does not display. A DOM inspection shows that the right mat-sidenav is added inside the mat-content element which is probably why the backdrop is missing. If the same kind of layout is set up without a custom component for the mat-sidenav-container, the right side mat-sidenav is a sibling of mat-content and the other mat-sidenav.
Can anybody see what I might be doing wrong? Or does this seem like a bug in Angular Material?

According to, this usage isn't supported. The workaround is to to include the second mat-sidenav element in the custom component and provide just the content for it instead of the mat-sidenav itself. This kind of thing:
<mat-sidenav #sidenavStart>
<ng-content select="[sidenavStartContent]"></ng-content>
<mat-sidenav #sidenavEnd position="end">
<ng-content select="[sidenavEndContent]"></ng-content>


Kendo UI Angular 2+ Sortable drag handle

I am using the sortable component from the Kendo UI Angular 2 library to create a list of custom components which the user can drag and drop to rearrange as they need. By default, the sortable's items can be dragged by clicking anywhere within the item. My question is: can we specify a handle like we would in the classic Kendo UI? I want the user to drag the item only when using the header of the item, not the body.
I could not find anything in the documentation and I was hoping that if anyone had done it they can point me in the right direction.
Without access to the TypeScript source code (only have access to the transpiled JavaScript), it's hard to tell, but based on my quick examination the answer is no. It doesn't support options like the Kendo UI JavaScript version does where you can specify a handle selector.
If you have a handle element, according to the docs, you're supposed to add the draggable="true" attribute to your element in the Sortable's template.
<kendo-sortable [data]="items">
<ng-template let-item="item">
<button draggable="true">
My experience with this Kendo Angular component is it's not that great. I have my own open issue with it. It doesn't seem to work well outside a narrow scope.
For now, at least in my project, we'll be using Dragula. There is an Angular2+ wrapper for it available. It does support handles and such in its options.
I know it has been years since this original question was asked, but as of this writing, Kendo still does not support a "handle" mechanism natively. There is, however, a way to implement the "handle" feature, which I will write here in hopes that someone in the future may find this helpful. Note I don't believe this is the right solution, because I believe Kendo's API should have this feature.
Using a Mouse
Prevent Drag Start
When we start to drag on the widget, we only want dragging to occur if our mouse is over a valid handle.
Define a flag in your component's code.
/** whether we should allow dragging **/
allowDrag: boolean = false;
Listen for dragStart on the kendo-sortable element
<kendo-sortable (dragStart)="onDragStart($event)">
Stop the default dragStart event when the flag is true
/** handles the starting of dragging */
onDragStart(e: DragStartEvent): void {
if (!this.allowDrag) {
Toggle on mouseover and mouseleave
When your mouse is over the handle element, enable the flag. When your mouse leaves the element, disable the flag.
<div (mouseover)="allowDrag = true" (mouseleave)="allowDrag = false" class="drag-handle"></div>
Incorporating Touchscreen Users
The philosophy of the above approach relies on only listening for the mouseover and mouseleave events on the handle, and ignoring everything else. For mobile - it's a bit trickier, because there isn't a mouse-position that specifically defines whether a user in position to make a drag. So, we have to add a listener to handle elements, as well as to all other non-handle elements we don't want dragging on. This approach could have been employed for mouse clicks as well, though I believe only attaching to the handle elements is the better approach.
Note: I haven't fully tested this approach yet, and it may not be suitable in all conditions, and may not work as expected for all users.
Add the touchstart Event
In your view, listen for touching the handle
<div (touchstart)="allowDrag = true" (mouseover)="allowDrag = true"
(mouseleave)="allowDrag = false" class="drag-handle"></div>
Also including touching all things that aren't handles
<div (touchstart)="allowDrag = false">
My non-draggable thing

Vaadin & Spring Boot, Reset/Refresh a Component

I have many layouts that extends VerticalLayout. I am removing all of them from a main layout add adding one of them to the main layout, to change the "page". First, is there a better option to this ?
My main question is, since I am adding the same component created in another scope, the content of the layouts doesn't change until I refresh. I want it to change after I click the icon in the menu bar.
So what I am looking for is a method like component.refresh() or something like this.
How can I achieve this ?
What your missing is this:
1. You can not add one component to two or more parents. The moment you add a component to parent2, its removed from parent1 (You get to see this when you hit refresh)
2. You are not using #PreserveOnRefresh on your UI class

How to Stop bubbling of STYLES in a partial view which is render through AJAX call to main view, in MVC SPA

In my MVC/SPA project I want to stop Bubbling of styles which are in a specific partial view.
It's hard to copy the hole code from project I will try to describe in short with an example.
I have Main view currentpage.cshtml in which I have 3 buttons(Button1, button2, button3), onclick of each button I make an Ajax call(3 separate AJAX calls for each button) to show different POPUP's(_partial1.cshtml, _partial2.cshtml, _partial3.cshtml).
here comes the issue. in one partial(_partial1.cshtml) view I have a some styles which should be applied for this POPUP only, but the CSS in that Partial is bubbling to Main View which is effecting the Styles of my other popups.
Suggestions Please??
What you are looking for, I think, is the scoped attribute on a style tag. But as you can see,, it isn't supported very well in all common browsers.
The best thing you can do for now is adding scope to your CSS by yourself with an unique wrapper (class, id, name).

AJAX Page Loader navigation bar

My site is:
And i'm having trouble with AJAX page loader integration. When you click on a link in "secondary-menu", it adds it the "current-menu-item" class, but it doesn't remove de "current-menu-item" class from the other ones.
I'm trying to do it with this code:
// highlight the current menu item
jQuery('secondary-menu li').each(function() {
but it isn't working. There must be something wrong with the removeClass selector. Could you help me?
Firstly, thiss doesn't exist (unless declared somewhere else). It must be this. In addition try something more like...
This is saying "Remove the class current-menu-item from any objects with the class current-menu-item, then add the class current-menu-item to the parent li of the clicked item"
In addition, make sure that in your CSS, .current-menu-item{...} appears after any styling for the non-currently selected item.
See Fiddle:
Also, unless you have a specific conflict with using the $ sign in place of jQuery, I suggest doing exactly that.

onclick does not fire in first Item in GalleryView 1.1

So I have a page using GalleryView 1.1 here. I like the behaviors just fine except that the left-most item's onclick event won't fire for some reason.
I also grabbed the 2.1 version from the GoogleCode page; the author's page at has gone. So here is a page implementing 2.1.
Since 2.1 has a bunch of behaviors I hate and seems to completely prevent my onclick events I would like to sort out the issue with the left-most item's onclick in the v1 page.
I have read through the code but failed to find what is interfering.
The function looks like this:
$('.myslides').click(function() {
$('#big_pic').attr("src", $(this).attr('alt'));
return false;
and the items like this
<li><img src='g/weddings/slides/1.jpg' width='165' height='110' alt='/g/weddings/slides/1_big.jpg' class='myslides'/></li>
I have tried moving the class attribute to the LI, and also adding an anchor around the image and giving it the class but neither of these had a visible effect.
// Edit
The page validates and yes I know the big pics are blurry. Don't have them from GD so did best I could stretching thumbs.
Does anyone have an idea of how I should pursue debugging this?
So when inspecting the elements in question I found that the working thumbnails were all image elements but the non working first thumbnail was a div with id "pointer".
Since the author's site with the docs has evaporated I can say what function #pointer has in my filmstrip slides but in jquery.galleryview-1.1.js on line 319 I changed its width to 1px in the JS CSS and this resolved the issue of the obstructed onclick. #pointer may have a function I am not employing here. At any rate the issue is resolved.
Width was previously set to
Now set to
'border':(has_panels?pointer_width+'px solid '+(opts.nav_theme=='dark'?'black':'white'):'none')
Also tried adding display:none but this resulted in jerky animation.
