CRM 365 Business Rules Deactivated but still running on forms? - dynamics-crm

I am in the process of re-writing the Business rules for our CRM Installing on Office 365. The problem is, the old ones I have decided to turn off due too the changes that are taking place on the new versions of the form.
However, when I deactivate the business rules the fields that were effected by the rules, are still effected.
The fields even know that the rules have been deactivated but continue to run.
I have also cleared my browser cache and used different machines so I'm pretty sure its not a client machine problem.
For security reasons I can't share the names of the business rules but I have attached an image to show they are deactivated.
In the design view of the form, for example there are these 3 fields:
However in the live view this is displayed:

Verify if "Visible by default" is unchecked for Tab/Section/Controls, that may be the reason why its hidden.

After disabling your business rule, you have to click on the "save" button. This is tricky. If you only disable it, you will get a message saying that the business rule is disabled, you also see the status of "disabled", but it is actually still running. As soon as you click in "save", the business rule stops running.


CRM Dynamics Ribbon Workbench: FormStateRule for Active/Readonly screen not working

I have started working with the Ribbon Workbench for CRM Dynamics 365 and am having some problems. Specifically, I am need to hide a button if the form in question is Read Only and Active.
I've started by creating a DisplayRule that is assigned to the button in question. The DisplayRule consists of a FormStateRule with the following criteria
Default: False
State: ReadOnly
InvertResult: True
For some reason it isn't working. The button continues to display whether the Form is Read Only or not. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can get it to work? A requirement this simple shouldn't be this difficult to do!
I should add that I can make the DisplayRule toggle the button in general based on other criteria, it's this exact set of circumstances that I can't figure out.
Probably you have to use the below snippet to refresh the Ribbon controls, once you set your form to ReadOnly mode.
This is needed as you are loading ReadOnly form on certain circumstances, where the record is still active.
It turns out the problem was that I was using a DisplayRule instead of an EnableRule. EnableRules provided me with a RecordPrivilegeRules. This provides the ability to determine the rights to the exact record in use as oppose to general access that you would get with a FormStateRule.
I'm a little mad at myself that it took so long to figure out something so simple, but hopefully this will help somebody else down the road.

How to automatically resubmit the form in Firefox on error

In case a (say login) form POST submission fails and Firefox displays "Try Again" message.
Is there any way to click this "Try Again" automatically or through any settings in Firefox about:config that it clicks it?
"Clicking" the Try Again button is relatively easy. There is an extension that does just that, and lets you set the number of seconds between retries.
The real rub here is that you want to "blindly" retry form POSTs. As we all know, just because you didn't get a response, that doesn't necessarily imply that nothing was changed on the server.
Re-submitting a login form sounds harmless enough, and usually is. But if you imagine forms that result in orders being placed or money being moved, it's easy to understand why browsers have implemented this kind of warning:
This is what you'll see if you enable an extension like TryAgain and a form post fails. It's the same behavior you'd get by pressing F5 yourself. The extension will dutifully try to POST again, but the browser is going to intervene with an alert, and refuse to send the POST until "Resend" is clicked.
This kind of safety feature does a fair amount to protect end-users and developers from poor implementations and network hiccups. However, it's really going to work against what you're trying to accomplish.
That said, if you could figure out a way to modify the extension to detect the alert and somehow click "Resend", you'd be in business. I can't say for sure that this is impossible, put it kind of looks that way, at least for now: this issue was marked as "won't fix", and this issue is still open.
Here is an extension for firefox:
auto reload
but i would warn you. because you could auto send any sensitive data. usually web browsers ask reload because the dont want any sensitive data to be submitted without user discretion.

Weird customization behaviour for e-mail entity in MS Dynamics CRM

We are using Dynamics CRM 2016 on-premise.
We want to send an e-mail from a workflow.
We got a lot of experience creating workflows, so this is probably not a newbie question.
We have a weird behaviour when we try to send an e-mail.
We tried the "Send E-Mail task" and also "Create entity record" of type "E-Mail". Both show the same behaviour.
I am attaching two screenshots. In that example we are attaching the workflow to a custom entity "Anlagenteil" but the error is the same for all entities we tried. When we try to configure the e-mail, it is not possible to set any values. So, on the second screenshot, the list below "Anlagenteil" is always empty.
This is also true when we try to set the value of the subject/topic which is just text.
(We know that we can't add text to the To/CC fields)
The same workflows works just fine when we try "phonecall" or some other activity entity.
The misbehaviour is the same for all users and on different computers.
There seems to be something broken with the e-mail entity in our environment and we have no idea where we could start looking for a fix. Any ideas?
Update: We found out that this is a rendering issue. It doesn't work in Firefox or Edge but it does work in Internet Explorer.
Have you tried creating a new Form for the Email entity and using that one in the Workflow Designer? We've experienced problems like this in the past due to Form Customizations and it was solved by using another form.
Keep in mind that the Workflow Designer uses the Sticky Forms, so in order to change the form used in the Workflow Designer, just switch forms in the UI.

Business Rule not working

I have made Business Rule for CRM and activated it, but it doesn't perform any action it should. It is activated, by the way.
I have checked the conditions multiple times and the look fine. I have also made JS Web Resource with the same conditions and it works.
The entity I am working with is custom entity(not activity). Is there anything I should enable on my entity to enable business rule, something like: Business Process Flows, Activities, Connections etc. or should I look for problem solver somewhere else?
When Business Rules have issues, they simply don't run (no errors, no nothing).
Make sure the scope of the Business Rule is correct (if you're not sure, pick the all forms option and safely forget about it).
Also, all the fields appearing in the business rule must be placed in the form body, if even only one is missing then the rule will not run. They can be locked and/or invisible if that's an issue.
Business rules that will be applied to Main and Quick Create forms, and to an entity, in the Web application and Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets. It is applied to the Main and Quick forms in the Outlook client in online and offline modes. (
If all is good and the rule still doesn't run, clear it out then test it after each single change you make.

How to disable registration email in joomla 2.5 and 3

When registering a new Joomla user, an email is sent to the new users email address containing the username and password. Does anyone know how to disable this functionality, so that new users does not recieve this email?
Important to note that there are two scenarios to consider, each with different answers.
Scenario 1) An unregistered user registers a new user account for by using the frontend, where represents the user's own email address.
Scenario 2) An admin registers a new user account for using the backend, where represents someone else's email address (i.e. the email address of the account you are trying to create).
Based on comments from the OP, this question is targeting situation 2 - i.e. in this situation we do NOT want Joomla! sending emails to after creating an account for her in the backend.
Solution to Scenario 2
Login to the admin backend and then go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager.
From the Plugin Manager, locate the the plugin called User - Joomla! (Plugin type is user and Element aka Plugin file is joomla). Click on the title of the plugin to go into the configuration for this plugin.
Set Notification Mail to User to No.
Click Save.
Finding this setting feels like discovering an easter egg. After you do find it you will see the seemingly straightforward description of the configuration setting, which, after rolling your mouse over the text at a moderate but not-too-fast velocity, triggers a popup balloon to begin a mocking fade in sequence, which, after finished, explains to you in a condescending tone exactly what the setting does. But before you've found this, you've most likely already visited the global configuration and played around with the email disable function there (but why would you want to globally disable emailing??), and you've probably also visited the User Module configuration, which also has a suspiciously named email configuration setting which however NOT apply to this situation (e.g. see You might have also searched around on the Internet and found some forum posts which suggest to disable this by hacking the Joomla! core (e.g. Seriously, with the recent discovery of the location of this configuration parameter I have to wonder what kind of altered state of mind the Joomla! folks had to have been in in order to come up with some of the weird ways in which things are organized in this strangely convoluted piece of software.
Check this,
In Joomla 3.x and Joomla 2.5 there is option for avoid sending username/password to the new registered users.
You can check this,
Login to admin -> Users Menu - > Options from tool bar -> Send Password (Yes/No).
Customizing core file do not recommended.
Hope its helps..
