code.exe ignoring command-line arguments - windows

I hope this is an easy fix, but I couldn't find any documentation or other posts on the matter. I'm trying to write a script (cmd or pwsh) that will launch vscode with my preferences on a portable install.
When trying to execute vscode's code.exe with any arguments, it ignores them and just launches the program as if I had typed nothing else. I'm following this doc in my testing. Using alias switches doesn't work, either. The only argument that does seem to process is if I include a path.
code.exe --help
code.exe --version
Additionally, after launching code.exe, the console kind of hangs, then vscode status messages are sent to that console (even without use of the --wait switch). If I close the console, vscode shuts down. Is there a way to work around this?

When using Code via shell (cmd or pwsh), it does not use Code.exe, but the script/batch files located under Bin folder (code.cmd). These are the applications which really recognizes the command line switches.
This is not entirely clear in the Command Line Documentation page, but looking closer at the Note you will see that it does say the Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin folder.


Stop command prompt from opening when running exe file built from haskell project

I have created a small application that uses the gloss library for a GUI. When typing "cabal run [cabal file]" the project is built and run, and only prompts the GUI. When I instead go and click on the .exe file that was generated from the build, the GUI opens but so does the command prompt. I want to stop the command prompt from opening and only have the window from gloss open.
By default on Windows GHC builds console programs, which open a Command Prompt terminal if one isn’t open already. If you want to build a GUI-only program, you can pass -mwindow to the linker by giving the -optl -mwindow flag to GHC. If you’re using Cabal, you would add this flag to the ghc-options field in the executable stanza.
Beware that if you use this flag, your program will not have any stdin, stdout, or stderr file handles, so actions like putStrLn, print, and getLine will not work, since they’re equivalent to hPutStrLn stdout, hPrint stdout, and hGetLine stdin. If you want to do any logging or printing, you’ll need to open a handle yourself (e.g. a file, terminal, or socket with another program reading the other end); however, Debug.Trace will still work if you need temporary tracing for debugging.
You can find more helpful reference information in the GHC User’s Guide §16. Running GHC on Win32 Systems.

How do you make .sh or .bash files open with Windows Terminal Ubuntu?

I really like coding in bash, but there used to be many limitations of bash functionality in Windows. Though now there are many benefits to the bash windows users now rather than how it was pre windows 10. However, with all of the improvements, there is one thing that I feel leaves to be desired for me. The default behavior of the double-click of .sh files never really was able to do anything in windows, the .sh file extension isn't even available in the "choose default apps by file type" section of the settings. I had a desire to be able to change the default action for .sh files but neglected it and shook it off for a while, but this link finally gave me hope.
Before Ubuntu terminal and the addition of Windows subsystem for Linux, there was really no way to access bash terminal on Windows without a VM. Now with the addition of Windows Terminal which combines Microsoft Azure Terminal, Command Prompt, Powershell, and Ubuntu, it is really awesome for people like me, but despite the new awesome additions to windows allowing further integration of Linux terminal into Windows, even being able to edit the C: drive with Ubuntu.
I am sure there is a way to allow double-click of .sh files to open in windows terminal Ubuntu, but I don't know how. This question helped me on my journey to figure out how to do it and helped me make the default .bat file behavior change to Windows terminal, but I still have come to an enpass where I truly believe that it is not possible. So here is where I go when I have given up, the magical land of Stack Overflow :)
So far I have looked into the "Choose default apps by file extension" section of settings and could not find .sh in there nor could I find it in any of the default apps sections of normal settings.
After I couldn't find anything about .sh in settings, I looked into the registry and looked for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and looked for sh or anything bash file related in HCR alone, HCR\*\shell, HCR\*\shellx, and HCR\*\Openwithlist and could not find anything.
I then tried to do ftype, but I could not find how to use ftype with .sh. I tried doing ftype .sh="C:\Users\asian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe" -p "Ubuntu" "%1" %* but i got the error "File type '.sh' not found or no open command associated with it."
I Also tried just clicking the .sh file so it brings up the "How do you want to open this file" menu and went to Windows Terminal but it opened the bash file in powershell with the error [error 0x800700c1 when launching `C:\Users\asian\Desktop\']
These where everything I could think of and none of it was working. Help and pointers are appreciated. Thank you!
I suggest you install the Git for Windows package, as it comes with a light-weight bash environment. This is likely to be able to be in the list of available apps when right-click -> Properties on a .sh or .bash file and say Open With and click the Change button next to Open With.
Other options are Cygwin or WSL for a 95% pure Linux environment on Windows.

How to run VSCode from the command prompt

I for security reasons cannot run VSCode plainly. I have opened it in the past, but now due to specific reasons, I may only run VSCode from the command prompt. I've tried
start "path/to/file" code and start code "path/to/file"
but none work I'm on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.407]
how may I run this by going to Windows+R then 'cmd' then start/ run?
Also it would be great if I could use this for a separate user.
I'm looking for something like:
Runas /user:user\admin /savecred "C:\Program Files (x86)\vs-code.exe"
The use of start is useless if VSCode is in the environment variables.
You can use code C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\File.c for exemple.If it doesn't work, I advise you to use a vbs script instead
You also don't need to run VSCode as an administrator unless you need to edit a file in a protected folder.
Maybe not the exact answer to the question, but...
To start Visual-Studio-Code from CMD into the current folder write:
code %cd%
The environment variable cd tell VS-Code to open it with the current folder
just open a cmd terminal and type code followed by
just open a cmd terminal and type code followed by return keyborad key.
Well shoot, as it turns out that after doing some experimentation I found out that there's a way. Do this:
Simply stick this:
runas /user:Techtiger255\admin /savecred "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe"
inside of a shortcut (.lnk file)
Open your command line of choice (Powershell or Cmd) and enter the exact file path of your shortcut ex:
"C:\Users\Standard\Desktop/VSCODE.lnk" and hit go, stupidly simple really, just had to find the code.exe file path.

how to make my console in python not to close?

I'm making a application in python from Windows. When I run it in the console, it stops, shows an error, and closes. I can't see the error becase its too fast, and I can't read it. I'm editing the code with IDLE (the program that came with python when I instaled it), and when I run it with the python shell, there are no errors. I would run it from IDLE, but when I use the console, it has more features.
I don't know why this is happening. I need your help.
Run the program from an already-open terminal. Open a command prompt and type:
For that to work you need the python executable in your path. Just check on how to edit environment variables on windows, and add C:\PYTHON26 (or whatever directory you installed python to).When the program ends, it'll drop you back to the CMD windows prompt instead of closing the window.Add code to wait at the end of your script. Adding ...
... at the end of the script makes it wait for the ENTER key. That method is annoying because you have to modify the script, and have to remember removing it when you're done.
Run your program from a Windows command prompt. That will not automatically close when the program finishes.
If you run your program by double-clicking on the .py file icon, then Windows will close the window when your program finishes (whether it was successful or not).
Create a text file in the program directory i.e. wherever your script is located. Change the extension to .bat for example text.bat. Then edit the text file and write:
python main.exe
Now you can run the program without typing into the command console by double clicking the bat file, and the console window will not close.

From within a Rhino JS console run CD produces exception

When attempting runCommand("cd", "..") from inside a js.jar console an IOException is thrown.
I believe it's because in the command prompt the CD command is actually built into the console and not a separate .exe file. The runCommand("notepad") works fine, and that .exe can be found on the classpath in the usual location.
Is there a work around for this?
I was thinking that changing the directory through java instead of through the command prompt it might solve this problem, but I don't recall how to do that from java, but I plan on trying to figure that out.
To sum up: Is there a way to run "cd" from within a Rhino JS console on windows?
Multiple issues to solve here; it depends what you are trying to do.
runCommand actually runs executable programs. cd is not an executable on Windows; it is a command in the command shell. So you would need to execute something more like this:
runCommand("cmd","/c","cd <target-directory>")
However, the underlying Java runtime does not allow you to actually change the working directory anyway. See this StackOverflow discussion. So shelling out cd just changes the directory for the subprocess (the process running cd), which is probably not what you want.
