How to get position of a threejs mesh using jsartoolkit? - three.js

So I am using something like this to get the position of an object in my jsartoolkit threejs code:
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
position.getPositionFromMatrix( selObj.matrixWorld );
var oX = position.x;
Anyway, as I move my object with my marker, the vector value is not changing because the position is relative to the marker. So there should be a way to get the position of the object, otherwise collision detection is impossible...


Make children of imported Three.js group follow pointer when their canvas gets hovered

In Three.js, I have a group of meshes that is loaded from outside with help of FBX loader. The group has six meshes inside. My task is to make this meshes follow pointer when they get hovered. More precisely, I'd like to have a sort of magnetic effect (just like navbar items in this pen, but with meshes in Three.js).
I think, firstly, I have to detect, where currently pointer is, i.e. get position of cursor in world coordinates system, and then translate meshes towards it. But when I try to get the position of cursor, it seems to be wrong.
Having said that, I have two questions:
How to get proper cursor's position relative to the world coordinates?
How to change position of each of the group's meshes so that they get translated against the cursor?
Here is what have I done so far:
Hi everyone.
In Three.js, I have a group of meshes that is loaded from outside with help of FBX loader. The group has six meshes inside. My task is to make this meshes follow pointer when their canvas get hovered. More precisely, I'd like to have a sort of magnetic effect (just like navbar items in this pen, but with meshes of Three.js).
I think, firstly, I have to detect, where currently pointer on canvas is, i.e. get position of cursor in world coordinates system, and then translate meshes towards it. But when I try to get the position of cursor, it seems to be wrong.
Having said that, I have two questions:
How to get proper cursor's position relative to the world coordinates?
How to change position of each of the group's meshes so that they get translated against the cursor?
Here is what have I done so far. Function that translates meshes isn't written yet. Mousemove callback returns pretty big digits, though:
// Load object and play a third-party animation
loader.load("Object_001.fbx", (object) => {
mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(object);
const action = mixer.clipAction(object.animations[0]);;
object.traverse((child) => {
if (child.isMesh) { = texture;
child.material.needsUpdate = true;
// log coordinates of the pointer
const mouse = new THREE.Vector3();
const position = new THREE.Vector3();
function onMouseMove(event) {
(event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1,
-(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1,
const distance = -camera.position.z / mouse.z;
wrapperElement.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);
Thanks in advance.
Made a codepen here:
The cursor only exists in the canvas dom element which is a rendering of the camera view frustum.
The easiest way to make the object follow a mouse is to get the point of intersection of the mouse with another object in the 3d scene and set the object position to the intersection point. The above codepen showcases that.
raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camera );
const intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects([ground]);
if(intersects.length) {
const { point } = intersects[0];
You could also position it at a fixed distance from the mouse but it looks odd in my opinion:
const distance = 10;
raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camera );
const { origin, direction } = raycaster.ray;
Documentation for raycaster:
Raycasting is used for mouse picking (working out what objects in the
3d space the mouse is over) amongst other things.

How to set camera coordinates to object in three.js? Using example "webgl obj + mtl loader"

I have a 3D model in .obj format. However the coordinates for this 3D model are not (0,0,0). This a 3D render of drone imagery so the coordinates are actual georeferenced coordinates.
I'm following the example in Three.js on how to load an obj with its mtl on webgl. I use the original HTML except that I simply replace the obj listed as male02 by CerroPelaoLow and the files are placed in the obj directory. Firefox displays the model correctly but the position is the problem.
Note that this render is generated by a program this way and even though I can manipulate the model with a program such as Meshlab I'd still prefer the minimum manipulation possible.
So how can I use local coordinates of my object or focus the camera and then use a different set of controls?
You can use the boundingSphere or boundingBox of your object's geometry to determine the position and of your camera. I have already implemented a functionality to focus an object or a set objects. So, here I share some code:
// assuming following variables:
// object -> your obj model (THREE.Mesh)
// camera -> PerspectiveCamera
// controls -> I'm also using OrbitControls
// if boundingSphere isn't set yet
var sphere = object.geometry.boundingSphere.clone();
sphere.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );
// vector from current center to camera position (shouldn't be zero in length)
var s = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors( camera.position, );
var h = sphere.radius / Math.tan( camera.fov / 2 * Math.PI / 180 );
var newPos = new THREE.Vector3().addVectors(, s.setLength(h) );
camera.position.copy( newPos ); );

ThreeJS cant move camera

Im trying to move camera by changing its world matrix. But it doesen't seem to work. No matter what the camera wont move.
camera.matrixAutoUpdate = false
camera.matrixWorld = portal_view(camera,port1_quad,port2_quad)
i have tried using the matrixupdate = true but still nothing. What am i douing wrong ?
function portal_view(camera, src_portal, dst_portal) {
var inverse_view_to_source = new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(camera.matrix).multiply(src_portal.matrix);
var new_mat = dst_portal.matrix.clone().multiply(inverse_view_to_source);
return new_mat;
matrixWorld of an object is computed from its position, quaternion and scale. You cant directly change the 'matrixWorld' of an object. In other words, if you change the matrixWorld, the change wont be reflected on position of the object. You have to change the position of the camera.
What you can do is, extract the translation and rotation from the matrix and change the camera position and quaternion according to it.

How to find the scene position of an object, within a rotating parent object

Within my THREE scene i have an Object that rotates. The child object is positioned at (92,92,92) within the rotating Object, so it orbits the centre position (0,0,0) is a spherical path with my mouse movement. How can i find the global position of the child object in respect to the scene as it rotates. I'm fairly new to THREE.js and thankful for any support in advance.
My code:
ObjectParent = new THREE.Object3D();
scene.add( ObjectParent );
ObjectChild = new THREE.Object3D();
ObjectParent.add( ObjectChild );
ObjectParent.rotation.y -= (target.y + ObjectParent.rotation.y) * 0.08;
ObjectParent.rotation.x += (target.x - ObjectParent.rotation.x) * 0.07;
First of all, you usually do not need to call
inside your render loop. The renderer will do that for you.
To find the world position of a child object, you can use this pattern:
var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
vector.setFromMatrixPosition( child.matrixWorld );
The renderer should have previously updated the scene matrices for you. If you have changed a parent's position since the last rendering, you will have to first call
to update the relevant matrices.
It is a good idea to look at the three.js source code so you understand what these functions do.
three.js r.67

Get exact Intersection-Point of a Ray and a Sprite

I want to get the exact intersection point of a ray and a sprite. But when I do this:
var ray = new THREE.Raycaster( camera.position, vector.sub(camera.position ).normalize());
var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spriteMaterial);
var intersect = ray.intersectObject(sprite);
then intersect.point is just the position of the sprite, instead of the exact point that I need.
I need this so I can check if the part of the texture that has been clicked is visible or not. (Alpha value)
Is there a way to get the exact intersection, or is there a better way to achieve my goal?
This is not currently supported. See Raycaster.js if you want to try to hack your own solution. Sprites can be rotated (turned on their side), so the solution is not trivial.
A reasonable work-around is to create a Mesh from a PlaneGeometry and set
mesh.quaternion = camera.quaternion.
three.js r.64
