Write and debug autokey script in pycharm - debugging

It's definitely difficult to write and debug autokey scripts in it's GUI window. I know that you can run a script using autokey-run --script {script-name}.
But is it possible to use autokey module explicitly in a .py file and write a standalone script and run it independently? That way it would be possible to take advantage of all IDE features like autocompletion, line-by-line debugging, seeing stacktrace in case of exception when writing a script.


How to close JMeter IDE from shell script?

I have a shell script deploying the utility jar file and starting the JMeter with the last test plan. Now I would like to close any existing JMeter IDEs before the deployment.
Ideally, the script should invoke the IDE's save menu before closing the GUI.
This will avoid losing any unsaved work.
Killing the JMeter's process may not work in my use case.
I don't understand how this question is connected to JMeter.
It sounds like you're looking for a desktop automation tool like Appium, Taurus, Sikuli, LDTP, etc.
It might be the case that you "shell" script can also send "Save" signal to running JMeter instances and close them, however it depends on the operating system and "shell" type.

CLion quick run with arguments

I know that I can specify program arguments in CLion with Edit configurations, but I find it quite inconvenient when I want to quickly run the program with new arguments and don't want to store it in a separate run configuration. Is there something like a shortcut displaying dialog with arguments input?
I know I can always use terminal, but I'd like to have an access to CLion's GUI debugger.

Windows command 'start /max' - what is the equivalent for 'call'?

Inside a batch file, I need to run an executable in a maximized terminal.
I've found saveral answers, all suggesting the use of start /max.
However, when using start, the terminal automatically shuts down upon completion.
So I want to use call instead, but I cannot find the equivalent syntax.
I've also tried executing mode cols=200 lines=300 before executing call, but it just opened a large terminal, not setup in full-screen, which made it even less convenient than a small terminal.

How do I run a program within a running JPanel or GUI?

I am trying to execute a simple program, in real-time, WITHIN a GUI window that is already running.
The suggested information is helpful, but not quite what I am looking for. In addition to having the code launched in a console, is there a way to have that console (or GUI) run an outside program? Java or textfile?

Running Java/C++ Programs in Sublime (no command prompt): There is one unaddressed issue

I've gone through the questions and the solution proposed works great. It helps us both compile and run programs in Sublime text editor instead of opening the command line prompt every time you need to run a program.
However, it doesn't work when you have to accept input from the console (Like cin and Scanner(System.in)). How do you fix those?
Running programs within Sublime Text cannot accept input, regardless of the language they're written in. To interact with your program, you'll have to run it through the shell. The only way around this is if you're using an interpreted language like Python, Ruby, Perl, JavaScript, etc., in which case you can install the SublimeREPL package and run your code via an interactive session. Unfortunately, since you're using compiled languages, this is not an option.
