How to append a string to where clause in APEX Interactive Report SQL - oracle

I am a newbee in Apex and I am using apex 5.1.3. I am creating a report through sql query and where clause of the query should be dynamic which needs be taken from another table column. On page load i loaded this where condition string from table and set that as page item :P5_NEW
I tried like this:
select * from EMPLOYEES where :P5_NEW
Page item :P5_NEW contains the string which should be appended to where clause. But apex throws error ORA-00920: invalid relational operator.
Can some one please advice how I can append a string to where clause in APEX report query?

P5_NEW (well, why not P5_WHERE?) should be a Text field with "Submit when Enter pressed" set to YES. It should contain the whole WHERE clause, including the WHERE keyword. If you put it as you did, you'll get the ORA-00936 missing expression error.
Query would then look like this:
select *
from employees
&P5_WHERE. --> pay attention! Ampersand (&) followed by field name
--> followed by a dot (.)
What next? Nothing ... run the page & enjoy. If you enter something like
WHERE department_id = 10 into the P5_WHERE field and hit Enter key, output should change.


Squirrel SQL - user input prompt

I am a first time user of Squirrel SQL client for Oracle DB.
When I am executing the below queries it is not popping up with a user input dialog box, instead just displaying empty rows
Select * from employees e
Where in ('&emp_id');
The same query when executed in SQL Developer gives an user input dialog pop up.
Tried with = and other minor tweaks, nothing has worked for me
I don't use Squirrel SQL, but - from my point of view - your code doesn't work because the engine searches for ID values that are equal to string, literally '&emp_id'.
If you want to be prompted for a parameter value, try colon:
select * from employees e where = :emp_id;
You used IN; that's OK as long as you enter a single value for a parameter. If you planned to use several values (e.g. comma-separated list of values), that won't work just because. There's a way to do it - for example, you'd split those values into rows and use them as a subquery, but - that's beyond your current problem. First try to make it work with a single value passed as a parameter.
Squirrel SQL does not support input prompts in the way that SQL Developer does. One way to achieve similar functionality would be to use a prepared statement instead of a prompt.
You can do this by replacing the prompt with a bind variable, like this:
Select * from employees e Where = ?
Then, when you run the query, Squirrel SQL will prompt you to enter the value for the bind variable (in this case, the value of emp_id). This will be done in a separate window in Squirrel.

Crystal report query to Oracle with Allow multi value parameter

I use Crystal report 2011 to create report from with data from Oracle database. I have a Allow multi values parameter name userid (userid is string).
I want to query
Select ... from table where userid in {?userid};
I try {?userid}, ({?userid}), '{?userid}' ... but it's not working.
what should I do?
Put the cursor on the place where you want it, and double click on the parameter.

Delphi Adoquery SQL add or text

I'm trying to update my database in Delphi, but I'm not getting it right.
What I want is simple. This is my code:
form1.ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Update Table1 set mark=' +Form1.Edit4.Text);
So basically, what I want is the Text written in the Edit to go into my database with the UPDATE function, where my database table is table1 and the field is named mark.
There is not enough information in your question to provide a definitive answer. However, I can make an estimated guess.
What you have shown would only work successfully if mark is defined as an ordinal or boolean field, and the user is entering appropriate numeric/boolean values into the TEdit.
But, if the mark field is defined as a textual field instead, you need to wrap the Text value in quote characters, otherwise you will produce invalid SQL syntax.
Imagine you entered a Text value of 'hello world'. Your original SQL statement would end up being the following, which is invalid syntax:
Update Table1 set mark=hello world
You need to wrap text values in quote characters instead:
Update Table1 set mark='hello world'
Update Table1 set mark="hello world"
For example:
form1.ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Update Table1 set mark=' + QuotedStr(Form1.Edit4.Text));
form1.ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Update Table1 set mark=' + AnsiQuotedStr(Form1.Edit4.Text, #34));
It is important to use a function like (Ansi)QuotedStr() to avoid SQL injection attacks. This is done by ensuring any embedded quote characters in the input text are escaped property. Otherwise, if you just did something like this instead:
form1.ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Update Table1 set mark="' + Form1.Edit4.Text + '"');
The user could enter a text value like '"; <arbitrary SQL here>' and really reek havoc with your database.
The safer approach is to use a parameterized query instead, and let ADO handle any necessary SQL formatting for you (make sure TADOQuery.ParamCheck is true):
form1.ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Update Table1 set mark=:Mark');
form1.ADOQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('Mark').Value := Form1.Edit4.Text;

Named Parameter with AND/OR in CONTAINS query is not working

I am using Oracle Text for searching in my web application. I have configured Oracle Text by creating Data Store and Index.
This is my query
select * from PROFILE where CONTAINS(FIRST_NAME,:firstName OR :secondName,1)>0;
Every time I get the following exception ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis.
But after replacing :firstName and :secondName by any string it's working perfectly.
Also its working perfectly with one parameter.
select * from PROFILE where contains(FIRST_NAME,:firstName,1)>0
The above code is working. But after adding OR :secondName, the result is ORA-00907
From the Oracle Text documentation, it seems CONTAINS is a defined as a regular function with three parameters (the last one optional):
text_query [VARCHAR2|CLOB]
[,label NUMBER])
The text_query parameter is a regular string interpreted as a phrase. Thus you should write:
select * from PROFILE where contains(FIRST_NAME, :search_query, 1)>0
And bind the value FOO OR BAR to the variable search_query since the OR keyword is not part of the SQL query in this case.
You should better use
select * from PROFILE where CONTAINS(FIRST_NAME,:firstName ,1)>0

parameter in sql query :SSRS

I am using oracleclient provider. I was wondering how do I use a parameter in the query.
select * from table A where A.a in ( parameter).
The parameter should be a multivalue parameter.
how do I create a data set?
Simple. Add the parameter to the report and make sure to check it off as multi-valued. Then in the data tab and go in and edit the query click the "..." button to edit the dataset. Under the parameters tab create a mapping parameter so it looks something like this (obviously you will have different names for your parameters):
#ids | =Parameters!ContractorIDS.Value
Then in the query tab use the coorelated sub-query like your example above. I have done this many times with SQL server and there is no reason it should not work with Oracle since SSRS is going to build an ANSI compliant SQL statement which it will pass to Oracle.
where A.myfield in (#ids)
You can't have a variable in list in oracle directly. You can however, break apart a comma seperated list into rows that can be used in your subquery. The string txt can be replaced by any number of values seperated by a comma.
select * from a where a.a in (
SELECT regexp_substr(txt,'[^,]+',1,level)
FROM (SELECT 'hello,world,hi,there' txt -- replace with parameter
The query works by first counting the number of commas that are in the text string. It does this by using a reqular expression to remove all non commas and then counts the length of the remainder.
It then uses an Oracle "trick" to return that number + 1 number of rows from the dual table. It then uses the regexp_substr function to pull out each occurence.
Firstly in SSRS with an Oracle OLEDB connection you need to use the colon, not the # symbol e.g. :parameter not #parameter but then you aren't able to do this as a multi-valued parameter, it only accepts single values. Worse, if you are using an ODBC connection you have to use the question mark by itself e.g. ? not #parameter and then the ordering of parameters becomes important, and they also cannot be multi-valued. The only ways you are left with is using an expression to construct a query (join() function for the param) or calling a stored proc.
The stored proc option is best because the SSRS can handle the parameters for stored procs to both SQL Server and Oracle very cleanly, but if that is not an option you can use this expression:
="select column1, column2, a from table A where A.a in (" + Join(Parameters!parameter.Value,", ") + ")"
Or if the parameter values are strings which need apostrophes around them:
="select column1, column2, a from table A where A.a in ('" + Join(Parameters!parameter.Value,"', '") + "')"
When you right-click on the dataset, you can select "dataset properties" and then use the fx button to edit the query as an expression, rather than using the query designer which won't let you edit it as an expression.
This expression method is limited to a maximum limit of about 1000 values but if you have that many this is the wrong way to do it anyway, you'd rather join to a table.
I don't think you can use a parameter in such a situation.
(Unless oracle and the language you're using supports array-type parameters ? )
The parameters in oracle are defined as ":parametername", so in your query you should use something like:
select * from table A where value in (:parametername)
Add the parameter to the paramaters folders in the report and mark the checkbox "Allow multiple values".
As Victor Grimaldo mentioned… below worked for me very fine. As soon as I use the :parameter in my SQL query in SSRS dataset1.. it asked me to enter the values for these parameters, for which I choose already created SSRS parameters.
SELECT * FROM table a WHERE VALUE IN (**:parametername**)
Thanks Victor.
