Send variable from one IVR to second - ivr

I want to send "call_language" variable from main IVR to second one. I am using blind transfer to connect this two IVR's. For both of them I have two different VDN's. Right now, the connection is going as illustrated in a picture. After transfer, main IVR goes to "SM"(Session Manager) and then to "CM"(Communicatin Manager). In "CM" it looks for VDN and then goes back to "Experience Portal" through "SM", where it finds the corresponding VDN, and transfers to second IVR.
1)Is there a way to send a variable from main to second IVR?
2)Is there a way to connect these two IVR's directly, without going back to SM and CM?

You stated the requirements as passing the chose language but not the whole context, so I give you my wild guesses:
You can have a key-value pair store. The first script sets the
chosen language as value, the key is the UCID. The second script
reads the value from the store with the key UCID. Since the call
does not leave the CM the UCID should be the same for the whole
If the goal is to have the second script to speak the language the caller chose in the first one then you can use several VDN-s for it. For example the use chose 1 [en] then you transfer the call to VDN 2001. If the use chose 2 [de] then you transfer to 2002. For both VDNs the same script starts but it can decide which language to use.
You can start the second script from the first directly but you need to use hooks and some hacking in the source code so this is the most complex and needs the knowledge.


Is there a different way to create variables that don't terminate after the program ends?

Right now, I am creating files to make unterminating variables. But I'm curious if there's a simpler way to create variables that don't terminate.
I find Redis invaluable for persisting data like this. It is a quick and lightweight installation and allows you to store many types of data:
strings, including complete JSONs and binary data like JPEG/PNG/TIFF images - also with TTL (Time-to-Live) so data can be expired when no longer needed
numbers, including atomic integers, floats
hashes (like Python dictionaries)
sets, and sorted (ordered) sets
streams, bitfields, geospatial data and esoteric hyperlogs
PUB/SUB is also possible, where one or more machines/processes publish items and multiple consumers, who have subscribed to that topic, receive the published items.
It can also perform very fast operations on your data for you, like set intersections and unions, getting lengths of lists, moving items between lists, atomically adding/subtracting from numbers and so on.
You can also use it to pass data between processes, sub-processes, shell scripts, parent and child, child and parent (!) scripts and so on.
In addition to all that, it is networked, so you can set variables on one computer and read/alter them from another - very simply. For example, you can PUSH jobs to a queue, potentially from multiple machines, and run workers on multiple machines that wait for jobs on the queue, process them and return results to another list.
There is a discussion of the things you can store here.
Example: Store a string, then retrieve it:
redis-cli SET name fred
name=$(redis-cli GET name)
Example: Increment views of page 2 by 10, and then retrieve from different machine on network:
redis-cli INCRBY views:page:2 10
views=$(redis-cli -h GET views:page:2)
Example: Push a value onto a list:
redis-cli LPUSH shoppingList bananas
Example: Blocking wait for next item in list - use RPOP for non-blocking:
item=$(redis-cli BRPOP shoppingList)
Also, there are bindings for Python, C/C++, Java, Ruby, PHP etc. So you can "inject" dummy/test data into, or extract debug data from a running Python program using the redis-cli tool even on a different computer.
Use environment variables to store your data.
ABC="abc"; export ABC
And the other question is, how to make environment variables persistents after reboot.
Depending on your shell, you may have different file to persist the veriables.
if using bash, run this command containing the variable's last value before reboot.
echo 'export ABD="hello"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
I think this is a good time to be using an SQL Database. It's more scalable and functional than having a fileful of "persistent variables".
It may require a little more setup, and I admit it isn't "simpler" per say, but it will probably be worth it in the long run. You will be able to do things with your variables and that may make your future scripts simpler.
I recommend going to YouTube and find a simple instruction on how to set up a local MySQL or MSSQL. There is a guy, Mike Dane, who makes really beginner-friendly instructions. Try searching "GiraffeAcademy SQL Beginner" and see if that helps you.

Parameterise Parm File name In Informatatica

I want to know how to (or can I) parameterize the parm file name in informatica?
little bit of background. I am building a standard map in informatica. Which business users can call directly after selecting the standard filters they want to apply in the map using a GUI.
The parm file name will be given by business users and all the filters that he/she selected will be in parm. The file will be dropped in the parm folder in informatica server.
This is a good case scenario, when only 1 users is using it at 1 point of time.
Also, I want to find out what should I do when multiple users are working on GUI and generating the parm files and invoking the informatica map. How do I get multiple instences of the same map running at the same time?
I hope I am making sense here....
You can achieve this by using concurrent execution of the workflow. Read about it and understand how can you implement it.
Once you know how to implement it, use a backend script/code by the gui to assign an instance name to each call through GUI. For each instance name, you can have an individual parameter file. (I believe that there would be a finite set of combination of variable values in your case). You can use below command to call individual instances, (either through you GUI or by any other backend code.
pmcmd %workflow_name% %informatica_folder_name%
-paramfile %paramfilepathandname% -rin %instance_name%
It might sound a bit confusing, but once you understand how concurrent workflows work, you can build on it based on the above input.
It'll be only possible if you call the Informatica from external tool, not the Client tools. One way is described by #Utsav, the other is when you use Informatica WSH to call a Workflow - you can indicate the parameterfile you want to be used with the workflow, as well as desired instance name.
I Think this guide to concurrent workflows May be what you are looking for:

Safely execute command (avoid remote execution) with Golang

I have a small app in go that handles http requests by executing a process and providing it with some input from the query string that a user supplied with the request. I was wondering what is the best way to filter that input against remote execution. The PHP alternative for example would be something like:
Right now the input should be a valid URL if that makes it easier, but ideally a generic filter would be preferred.
Generally magic functions like that are very hard to get right and often they will leave your application open to attacks if you rely heavily on them.
I would recommend that you use a smart URL/request scheme to get the commands you need to run and put some level of interpretation in between the user request and your shell execution so no parameters given by the user is used directly.
You could get request that contain ?verbose=true and translate them to -v on the command line eg. When dealing with user input like strings that need to be directly given to the command being run you need to do simple escaping with quotes (with a simple check to see if the input contain quotes) to ensure you don't run into a "Bobby Tables" problem.
An alternative way would be to have your program and the underlying command exchange data through pipes or files eg. which would reduce the likeliness of leaving command input an open attack vector.

Implementation of Fifo in GNU-GUILE

I would like to do the following :
I want to imple,ment the concept of FIFO in normal files using GUILE.
Two processes should communicate via a normal text file, that a third process , if needed, can access.
The subordinate of the original two processes should write in the file, line after line, that is append. So far so good. (implemented in c++)
The master proces however, should treat this file as a FIFO, it should read the first line, and do somethong corresponding to it, and delete the first line leaving the rest intact.
The problems are :
While the Master is accessing the file, the subordinate may come to a point where it must write there, leading to a conflict.
Popping the first line may need reading the whole ile out, in a string, poping the first thereof, and then saving it, which is memory intensive, and the second saving action may again conflict with the child trying to write there,
I wanted to implement this in GUILE, because since it is the official OS extension language, there might be better ways which addresses the above two issues.
But in the web I do not find much to orient myself. Please help, sorry for the lewss than concrete question, then I dont have a code snippet to show.

Design to distribute work when generating task oriented input for legacy dos application?

I'm attempting to automate a really old dos application. I've decided the best way to do this is via input redirection. The legacy app (menu driven) has many tasks within tasks with branching logic. In order to easily understand and reuse the input for these tasks, I'd like to break them into bit size pieces. Since I'll need to start a fresh app on each run, repeating a context to consume a bit might be messy.
I'd like to create an object model that:
allows me to concentrate on the task at hand
allows me to reuse common tasks from different start points
prevents me from calling a task from the wrong start point
To be more explicit, given I have the following task hierarchy:
I'd like an object model that lets me generate an input file for task "A1b" buy using building blocks like:
START -> do_A, do_A1, do_A1b
but prevents me from:
START -> do_A1 // because I'm assuming a different call chain from above
This will help me write "do_A1b" because I can always assume the same starting context and will simplify writing "do_A1a" because it has THE SAME starting context. What patterns will help me out here? I'm using ruby at the moment so if dynamic language features can help, I'm game.
EDIT: after re-reading your question, I realized I misunderstood it. Let me answer what you actually asked...
I would create a hierarchy of classes. The simplest ones would be have functions like "do task A1b" that would output the appropriate steps to accomplish this. On top of that, I would build functions that would call the sub-tasks in specific orders to accomplish specific goals.
Pretending VIM was the program being controlled, the first level tasks would be things like 'Enter insert mode' 'Enter command mode' 'write the file' or 'input this arbitrary set of inputs'. On top of this I would build functions like 'insert "foobar" into the open file at the start of line 5' which would call the lower-level tasks.
