How to copy dependencies which are also in type - pom into a location using maven dependency plugin - maven

following dependencies need to be resolved and copy child dependencies into a specific location.
But when i copy using maven dependency plugin, only the pom files get copied, not the dependencies defined in those poms.
my plugin is as below,
any clues?

Using <scope>import</scope> manage dependencies from other projects. See this on Maven documentation for detail solution.

I had the same problem and struggled for a whole day. The scope <scope>import</scope> does only work with dependencyManagement section, we don't really want here. The answer is simple, let the Maven dependency:copy-dependencies plugin get you all transitive dependencies for you - except the pom files.
As the docs state set <excludeTransitive>false</excludeTransitive> and <excludeTypes>pom</excludeTypes>, that should do the trick.
There's also a way to do this without the plugin configuration in your pom, but on the commandline:
mvn --batch-mode --no-transfer-progress -f /path/to/your/pom.xml dependency:copy-dependencies -DexcludeTypes=pom -DoutputDirectory=/Lib
Here's a GitHub gist with a full example. As the default in Maven for excludeTransitives is false, you're example should have worked, but also included the pom files.


Declaring of maven dependency check as plugin vs dependency

what is the difference between declaring the maven dependency check plugin as:

How to build and package two jar's with different versions having same groupId and artifactId under maven pom.xml

How to build and package two jar's with different versions having same groupId and artifactId under maven pom.xml.
Basically I need to package both the version jar file under my war file lib directory.
Assuming both versions have different packages and class names i.e no class naming conflict issue.
yeah its Possible the thing needed is just add some rules in pom.xml as that looks similar to this:
<!-- configure the plugin here -->
I Hope this will help you at least up to the level

How to exclude a dependency defined in the pom.xml from a plugin defined in the same pom

I have a pom.xml in which I have a dependency defined as:
I want to define a new plugin in the same file, for which I need a higher version of the same dependency. How do I make my plugin use a higher version of the dependency and ignore the lower version defined above?
I tried adding the dependency of the newer version in my plugin definition like this, but it didn't work:

Can't get QueryDsl / APT to generate Q classes

I'm trying to use QueryDsl in a new Spring project. I'm new to QueryDsl, and pretty new to maven and Spring, so I may be missing something fairly basic, but I can't get QueryDsl / maven-apt-plugin to generate my Q classes. The Querydsl reference makes sound so easy; I think I did exactly what it said:
I configured pom.xml with:
I have two #Entity's in that project.
mvn clean install does not result in any output to target/generated-sources/java/
What am I missing?
I tried mvn apt:process, and it results in:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.mysema.maven:maven-apt-plugin:1.0.3:process (default-cli) on project logging-implementation: Either processor or processors need to be given -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal com.mysema.maven:maven-apt-plugin:1.0.3:process (default-cli) on project logging-implementation: Either processor or processors need to be given
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
Any suggestions?
OK, I got it.
I don't understand it (I'm a Maven noob), but here's what worked:
In the parent pom.xml, I have
the maven-apt-plugin definition shown above
and in the project's POM I have:
the **exact same** maven-apt-plugin definition shown above
without the <pluginManagement> level betweeen <build> and <plugins>, following the instructions at
You are calling the goal directly, but the configuration is execution specific. So either use apt via the standard maven lifecycle or make the configuration general.

how to exclude GWT dependency code from OSGI bundle generated by MAven+BND?

I have several Maven modules with Vaadin library dependency in the root pom.xml file.
I'm trying to build a set of OSGI bundles (1 per Maven module) using Maven+BND.
I added this to my "root" pom.xml file:
unfortunately, the resulting JAR files (bundles) include GWT ( classes. This
1) makes the bundles huge, with lots of duplicated dependencies.
2) generated thousands of build warnings about "split packages".
QUESTION: how to prevent adding GWT classes into my Jar files?
I tried setting "scope" of GWT to "provided", setting "type" to "bundle", and even optional=true - didn't help.
here's the part of my root pom.xml, which is responsible for Vaadin/GWT stuff:
<!-- <Bundle-Activator>com.alskor.publicpackage.MyActivator</Bundle-Activator>-->
<!-- Compiles your custom GWT components with the GWT compiler -->
<!-- Version 2.1.0-1 works at least with Vaadin 6.5 -->
<!-- if you don't specify any modules, the plugin will find them -->
<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
<!-- Updates Vaadin 6.2+ widgetset definitions based on project dependencies -->
<!-- if you don't specify any modules, the plugin will find them -->
The wildcards in your Export-Package and Private-Package statements strike me as exceedingly dangerous. It's possible that the GWT packages are being dragged in because of the *.impl.* pattern in Private-Package.
Also you should never use wildcards in Export-Package: exports should be tightly controlled and versioned.
use mvn dependency:tree to see where the gwt dependency comes from
Add an <excludes/> element with an appropriate <exclude/> to the dependency in question to suppress it.
I've had similar problem, as final war file exceeded almost 90MB !
One of the culprit was aforementioned jar, so I did this :
