How to accept RequestBody of different class types dynamically - spring-boot

I am using Spring Boot . Writing rest api's
where for the same api url , the request json structure varies
Is there any way we can apply Factory design or some thing else
#RequestMapping(value = "/myservice/{type}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> myServiceApi(#PathVariable String type,
#RequestBody SomeClass1 somereq) {
// here based on type , the RequestBody can be either SomeClass1 or SomeClass2
// both the SomeClass1 and SomeClass2 has nothing in common .
The above code will work only if the request json is in SomeClass1 format , but i needed it to accept among {SomeClass1 , SomeClass2}

You could do this by passing the JSON as a String into your controller method and then mapping this to whichever object you expect to need:
#PostMapping(value = "/myservice/{type}")
public ResponseEntity<?> myServiceApi(#PathVariable String type,
#RequestBody String somereq) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
if (<something that indicates SomeClass1>) {
SomeClass1 someClass1 = mapper.readValue(somereq, SomeClass1.class);
} else if (<something that indicates SomeClass2>) {
SomeClass2 someClass2 = mapper.readValue(somereq, SomeClass2.class);
Although to be honest if you really are expecting bodies with completely different structures my advice would be to just make separate API calls for these.


Issue with Spring Rest #RequestMapping when negating params

I have two spring controller methods :
#RequestMapping(value="/requestotp",method = RequestMethod.POST,params = "!applicationId") //new customer
public OTPResponseDTO requestOTP( #RequestBody CustomerDTO customerDTO){
return customerService.requestOTP(customerDTO);
#RequestMapping(value="/requestotp",method = RequestMethod.POST,params = {"idNumber","applicationId"}) //existing customer
public String requestOTP( #RequestParam(value="idNumber") String idNumber , #RequestParam(value="applicationId") String applicationId) {
return customerService.requestOTP(idNumber, applicationId);
using "!applicationId" , I am expecting that when I call the url with applicationId parameter there that the second method will be called , but actually when I pass a request like this :
The first method gets called
This is the part of the params paremeters documentation that I rely on :
Finally, "!myParam" style expressions indicate that the specified
parameter is not supposed to be present in the request.
Can't you just simply delete first request params?
#RequestMapping(value="/requestotp",method = RequestMethod.POST) //new customer
public OTPResponseDTO requestOTP( #RequestBody CustomerDTO customerDTO){
return customerService.requestOTP(customerDTO);
The issue actually wasn't with negating the parameter, the issue was that I was sending {"idNumber":"345","applicationId":"64536"} in the POST body and I was expecting the variables to be mapped to the method parameters annotated with #RequestParam ... this is not correct ... #RequestParam only map URL parameters .... so the controller was trying to find the best match so it was using the first method as it contained #RequestBody

DTO has only null with GET request params, but not POST #RequestBody

I'm trying to get my query params in a DTO like in this question but my DTO has always null value.
Is there anything wrong in my code ? I made it as simple as possible.
GET http://localhost:8080/api/test?a=azaz => null
POST http://localhost:8080/api/test with {"a":"azaz"} => "azaz"
Controller with a GET and a POST:
#RequestMapping(path = {"/api"}, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class MyController {
// GET: dto NOT populated from query params "?a=azaz"
#RequestMapping(method = GET, path = "test")
public #ResponseBody String test(TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString(); // null
// POST: dto WELL populated from body json {"a"="azaz"}
#RequestMapping(method = POST, path = "test")
public #ResponseBody String postTest(#RequestBody TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString(); // "azaz"
public class TestDto {
public String a;
public String toString() {
return a;
Thanks !
Full Spring boot sample to illustrate it
The problem is that you are missing setter for the field.
public void setA(String a) {
this.a = a;
should fix it.
I'm assuming that you have done required configuration like having Jackson mapper in the class path, consume json attribute, getter and setter in DTO classes etc.
One thing missed here is, in RequestMapping use value attribute instead of path attribute as shown below
#RequestMapping(method = POST, value= "/test", consumes="application/json")
public #ResponseBody String postTest(#RequestBody TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString();
And, make sure that you set content-type="application/json" while sending the request
I think what you are trying to do is not possible. To access the query Parameter you have to use #RequestParam("a"). Then you just get the String. To get your object this way you have to pass json as Parameter. a={"a":"azaz"}
Kind regards

Map #CookieValue, #RequestHeader etc. to POJO in Spring Controller

I have a bunch of params in my controller and want to map all of them to a separate POJO to keep readability. There is also a #CookieValue, #RequestHeader I need to evaluate and aim for a solution to also map them to that POJO. But how?
I saw a possible solution on a blog but it doesn't work, the variable stays null.
#RequestMapping(path = MAPPING_LANGUAGE + "/category", produces = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE)
public String category(CategoryViewResolveModel model) {
And my POJO is this:
public class CategoryViewResolveModel {
private String pageLayoutCookieValue;
public CategoryViewResolveModel() {
public CategoryViewResolveModel(
#CookieValue(value = "SOME_COOKIE", required = false) String pageLayoutCookieValue) {
this.pageLayoutCookieValue = pageLayoutCookieValue;
... some other RequestParams, PathVariables etc.
According to the documentation it's not possible for #CookieValue and #RequestHeader.
This annotation is supported for annotated handler methods in Servlet
and Portlet environments.
Take a look at:
instead of using getParameter to access request parameters you can use getHeader to retrieve the header value and so define your CategoryViewResolveModel just as you were requesting

Spring model and request objects

In Spring, why can't we simply use a request object to carry data around in the application? Why did we switch over to using a model object? Also I read on a popular Spring book that it is still a request object (even in a Spring application) that does most of the hardwork of carrying data. Does it mean that the models we create in Spring are somehow linked to a request object underneath the hood?
In Spring, why can't we simply use a request object to carry data
around in the application?
You can use HttpServletRequest or even WebRequest as method argument and then inspect those two in order to extract the data out of it. For example, if you want to get the value of a query string named page:
public void listUsers(HttpServletRequest request) {
String page = request.getParameter("page");
Why did we switch over to using a model object?
You can simply read from a HttpServletRequest and finally write to a HttpServletResponse in any controller method but spring also provides nicer abstractions for handling typical web scenarios. For example if your page parameter is a required int parameter with the default value of 1, you can simply write:
public void listUsers(#RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer page) {
Spring automatically does all the string to int conversion and populating with default values for you. Or suppose you want to automatically validate your json or xml Request Body and return validation errors. With these higher abstractions you will define a model object that contains all the validation logic in it and simply add #Valid annotation before its reference it method arguments, that's it!
#RequestMappting(value = "/users", method = POST)
public void addNewUser(#RequestBody #Valid User user) {
// automatically validates the user
// and send validation error, if user wasn't valid
Of course you can do the same by inspecting HttpServletRequest but it would be so cumbersome.
Does it mean that the models we create in Spring are somehow linked to
a request object underneath the hood?
They're not necessarily link to them but usually these model objects will be populated from request parameters.
For example, spring convert the request body to the method argument by using an HttpMessageConverter. HttpMessageConverter is responsible for converting from the HTTP request message to an object and converting from an object to the HTTP response body. For instance FormHttpMessageConverter converts form data to/from a MultiValueMap<String, String>. This class has a read method that reads the request body and converts it to a MultiValueMap<String, String>. This method looks like this:
public MultiValueMap<String, String> read(Class<? extends MultiValueMap<String, ?>> clazz,
HttpInputMessage inputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotReadableException {
MediaType contentType = inputMessage.getHeaders().getContentType();
Charset charset = (contentType.getCharSet() != null ? contentType.getCharSet() : this.charset);
String body = StreamUtils.copyToString(inputMessage.getBody(), charset);
String[] pairs = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(body, "&");
MultiValueMap<String, String> result = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>(pairs.length);
for (String pair : pairs) {
int idx = pair.indexOf('=');
if (idx == -1) {
result.add(URLDecoder.decode(pair,, null);
else {
String name = URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(0, idx),;
String value = URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(idx + 1),;
result.add(name, value);
return result;
By String body = StreamUtils.copyToString(inputMessage.getBody(), charset);, it actually reads the request body and converts it to a String.

how to capture multiple parameters using #RequestParam using spring mvc?

Suppose a hyperlink is clicked and an url is fired with the following parameter list myparam=myValue1&myparam=myValue2&myparam=myValue3 . Now how can I capture all the parameters using #RequestParam in spring mvc?
My requirement is I have to capture all the params and put them in a map.
Please help!
#RequestMapping(value = "users/newuser", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveUser(#RequestParam Map<String,String> requestParams) throws Exception{
String userName=requestParams.get("email");
String password=requestParams.get("password");
//perform DB operations
return "profile";
You could use RequestParam in the above mentioned manner.
It seems you can't get
because all your params have same name "myparam"
Try this instead:
public ModelAndView method(#RequestParam("myparam") List<String> params) { }
To get all parameters at once try this:
public ModelAndView postResultPage(#RequestParam MultiValueMap<String, String> params)
This feature is described in the #RequestParam java doc (3. Paragraph):
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request parameter. Supported for annotated handler methods in Servlet and Portlet environments.
If the method parameter type is Map and a request parameter name is specified, then the request parameter value is converted to a Map assuming an appropriate conversion strategy is available.
If the method parameter is Map<String, String> or MultiValueMap<String, String> and a parameter name is not specified, then the map parameter is populated with all request parameter names and values.
As of Spring 3.0, you can also use MultiValueMap to achieve this:
A rudimentary example would be:
public String someMethod(#RequestParam MultiValueMap<String,String> params) {
final Iterator<Entry<String, List<String>>> it = params.entrySet().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
final String k =;
final List<String> values =;
return "dummy_response";
If anyone is trying to do the same in Spring Boot, use RequestBody in place of RequestParam
Spring mvc can support List<Object>, Set<Object> and Map<Object> param, but without #RequestParam.
Take List<Object> as example, if your object is, and it like this:
public class User {
private String name;
private int age;
// getter and setter
And you want pass a param of List<User>, you can use url like this[0].name=Alice&users[0].age=26&users[1].name=Bob&users[1].age=16
Remember to encode the url, the url after encoded is like this:
Example of List<Object>, Set<Object> and Map<Object> is displayed in my github.
You can use for multiple Params as such
public String saveUser(#RequestParam("email") String userName, #RequestParam("password") String password) throws Exception{
//your code
//perform DB operations
return "profile";
For params with same name, you can use MultiValueMap<String ,String>. Then all the values would be present as List
You can use multiple #RequestParam annotations as shown below.
#RequestParam(value="myparam1", required = true) <Datatype> myparam1,
#RequestParam(value = "myparam2", required = false) <Datatype> myparam2,
