Dexiejs advanced search - dexie

I am building a inventory app. I have few search fields (part no, manufacturer etc..). I have been trying to build the search based on the input fields. But nothing seems to be working.
Things i tried.
parts: "++id,partno,description,category,manufacturer,cost,qty,add_date,condition,location"
Search 1:
var searchParams = { 'partno': 'md101', 'manufacturer': 'apple', 'category': 'notebook'}
Search 1:
var searchParams = { 'condition': 'new', 'category': 'notebook'}
Worked, but case sensitive. can i make it case insensitive?:;
var fields = Object.keys(search);
var values = Object.values(search);
Please help me to figure this out. Documentation didn't help
Thank you.{
partno: 'md101',
manufacturer: 'apple',
category: 'notebook'
}).toArray().then(result => console.log(result);
The above query will make an logical and between the criterias and match exact.
To match by case, try the following :'partno').equalsIgnoreCase('md101')
part manufacturer &&
part manufacturer.toLowerCase() === 'apple' &&
part.category &&
part.category.toLowerCase() === 'notebook')
.then(result => console.log (result))
What we do here is utilizing the most spread index only and filter out the rest manually.


RxJS logic which solves a filter/merge issue

This is more a logical problem then a RxJS problem, I guess, but I do not get it how to solve it.
[input 1]
From a cities stream, I will receive 1 or 2 objects (cities1 or cities2 are test fixtures).
1 object if their is only one language available, 2 objects for a city with both languages.
[input 2]
I do also have a selectedLanguage ("fr" or "nl")
If the language of the object corresponds the selectedLanguage, I will pluck the city. This works for my RxJS when I receive 2 objects (cities2)
But since I also can receive 1 object, the filter is not the right thing to do
Should I check the cities stream FIRST if only one object exists and add another object. Or what are better RxJS/logical options?
const cities1 = [
{city: "LEUVEN", language: "nl"}
const cities2 = [
{city: "BRUSSEL", language: "nl"},
{city: "BRUXELLES", language: "fr"}
const selectedLang = "fr"
const source$ = from(cities1);
const result = source$.pipe(
mergeMap((city) => {
return of(selectedLang).pipe(
map(lang => {
return {
lang: city.language,
selectedLang: lang
filter(a => a.lang === selectedLang),
If selectedLang is not an observable (i.e. you don't want this to change) then I think it would make it way easier if you keep it as a value:
const result = source$.pipe(
filter(city => city.language === selectedLang)
map(city =>
There's nothing wrong from using external parameters, and it makes the stream easier to read.
Now, if selectedLang is an observable, and you want result to always give the city with that selectedLang, then you probably need to combine both streams, while keeping all the cities received so far:
const selectedLang$ = of(selectedLang); // This is actually a stream that can change value
const cities$ = source$.pipe(
scan((acc, city) => [...acc, city], [])
const result = combineLatest([selectedLang$, cities$]).pipe(
map(([selectedLang, cities]) => cities.find(city => city.language == selectedLang)),
filter(found => Boolean(found))
map(city =>
Edit: note that this result will emit every time cities$ or selectedLang$ changes and one of the cities matches. If you don't want repeats, you can use the distinctUntilChanged() operator - Probably this could be optimised using an exhaustMap or something, but it makes it harder to read IMO.
Thanks for your repsonse. It's great value for me. Indeed I will forget about the selectedLang$ and pass it like a regular string. Problem 1 solved
I'll explain a bit more in detail my question. My observable$ cities$ in fact is a GET and will always return 1 or 2 two rows.
[ { city: 'LEUVEN', language: 'nl', selectedLanguage: 'fr' } ]
{ city: 'BRUSSEL', language: 'nl', selectedLanguage: 'fr' },
{ city: 'BRUXELLES', language: 'fr', selectedLanguage: 'fr' }
In case it returns two rows I will be able to filter out the right value
filter(city => city.language === selectedLang) => BRUXELLES when selectedLangue is "fr"
But in case I only receive one row, I should always return this city.
What is the best solution to this without using if statements? I've been trying to work with object destruct and scaning the array but the result is always one record.
// HTTP get
const leuven: City[] = [ {city: "LEUVEN", language: "nl"} ];
// same HTTP get
const brussel: City[] = [ {city: "BRUSSEL", language: "nl"},
{city: "BRUXELLES", language: "fr"}
mapp(of(brussel), "fr").subscribe(console.log);
function mapp(cities$: Observable<City[]>, selectedLanguage: string): Observable<any> {
return cities$.pipe(
map(cities => {
return => { return {, "selectedLanguage": selectedLanguage }}
// scan((acc, value) => [...acc, { ...value, selectedLanguage} ])

Made a query in Watson discovery, tried to duplicate via nodejs sdk and the passages array is empty

After doing a simple natural language query in the build query page, set the options for "include relevant passages to Yes. I get back 5 passages and results. All good. When I try from npm ibm-watson 6 nodejs sdk. I get the results, but an empty passages array with the same natural langauge text.
Here is the the url from the query page showing the options, which I tried all of them
Here is the answer from the query builder page
Here is code example,
var discovery = new watson_discovery_v1({
authenticator : new IamAuthenticator({apikey: msg.startup.discovery_password}),
serviceUrl : msg.startup.discovery_endpoint,
version: '2020-09-22'
msg.WDSParams = {
environmentId: "x",
collectionId: "x",
passages: true,
natural_language_query: msg.params.input.text
.then(results => {
msg.WDSResults = results; //your query results
.catch(err => {
console.log('error:', err);
Here is the json that came back from the discovery call
I have tried all of the passage options, duplicated the exact options that the query builder used. The same results come back, but no passages. Anyone have an idea? BTW using the Lite plan until I can prove passages works.
The problem was related to the way I called the query method. Below code resolved the issue. This code is for a nodeRed function node.
const watson_discovery_v1 = global.get('watson_discovery_v1');
const { IamAuthenticator } = global.get('ibm_auth');
const discovery = new watson_discovery_v1({
authenticator : new IamAuthenticator({apikey:
serviceUrl : msg.startup.discovery_endpoint,
version: '2019-04-30'
async function run() {
try {
const result = await discovery.query({
environmentId: 'x',
collectionId: 'x',
passages: true,
passagesCount: 2,
count: 5,
naturalLanguageQuery: msg.params.input.text
msg.WDSResults = result

Mailchimp API Node - create campaign for list based on tags

I'm making an async api request with a firebase cloud function to create a campaign within mailchimp for a specific set of users from a list. I read in the documentation that this can be done with tags this way I can build my own structure. I'm building a donation system for a nonprofit and would like the tag to represent the name of a client who is currently being donated to.
Below is my firebase function. I'm stuck at the segment_opts object. I want to define a segment based on whether the list member has a tag equivalent my clients name.
The doc says segment_opts is "An object representing all segmentation options. This object should contain a saved_segment_id to use an existing segment, or you can create a new segment by including both match and conditions options.". I don't have any other segments set up so I figured I'd create a new one that specifies the tags to contain the client's name.
This post helped me get to this point. Stackoverflow post
I now see that condition is supposed to be a Segment Type but in the dropdown I don't see an option for Tags. Here is a link to the documentation reference. Reference
const response = await'/campaigns', {
type: 'regular',
recipients: {
list_id: functions.config().mailchimp.test,
segment_opts: {
"match": "any",
"conditions": match: 'any',
conditions: [
condition_type: 'StaticSegment',
field: 'static_segment',
op: 'static_is',
value: ??? (Int),
For now I removed segment_opts and will settle on sending campaign to entire list until I figure out how to segment by tags. This version works and creates a campaign within my mailchimp account and from the UI I can see the segment options offered in the documentation but don't see an option to filter by tags
const response = await'/campaigns', {
type: 'regular',
recipients: {
list_id: functions.config().mailchimp.test,
settings: {
subject_line: `${firstName} has been funded!`,
preview_text: `$${goal} has been raised for ${firstName}.`,
title: `${firstName} has been funded`,
from_name: 'Organization name',
reply_to: '',
Here is a screenshot of the dropdown options in Mailchimp dashboard.
This is what I have for my campaign segment options. Here I'm checking for two conditions. Is the SITE merge tag = the site variable I pass in, and also does the member belong to the tag/segment called tagName. However, I can't pass a tagName, only a tagId which I lookup beforehand.
'match': 'all',
'conditions': [
'condition_type': 'TextMerge',
'field': 'SITE',
'op': 'is',
'value': site
'condition_type': 'StaticSegment',
'field': 'static_segment',
'op': 'static_is',
'value': tagId
To get the tagId I use this Python function:
tagId, segments = self.getSegmentIdFromTagName(tagName)
This is the Python code to get the tagId from the tagName, which gets all the Segments/Tags from the system and then looks for the name you pass in:
def getSegmentIdFromTagName(self,reqTagName,segments=None):
audienceId = self.audienceId
reqId = None
if not segments:
segments = self.mcClient.lists.segments.all(list_id=audienceId,get_all=True)
for segment in segments['segments']:
segName = segment['name']
segId = segment['id']
if segName == reqTagName:
reqId = segId
return reqId,segments

SuiteScript 2.0 Filter Operator AnyOf Not Working

I have a SuiteScript 2.0 that load and search transaction saved search with posting period filter. In my filter I am using 'anyof' operator which is not working for 'postingperiod' field
below is sample of my code:
function getTransactionData(datain)
var objSearch = search.load(
id: datain.savedsearchid
objSearch.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "postingperiod", operator: "ANYOF", values: ["42", "43"]}));
//above filter filters only record with internalid 42
result = readAllData(objSearch);
return result;
catch (ex)
log.error("getTransactionData", ex);
throw ex;
let me know if I am missing something here.
Please note above issue is occurring only for saved search, if I search other object for example 'account' object with internalid filter using 'anyof' operator, works fine.
Update: Today after more testing, found that its only happening for 'postingperiod' filter.
Try this code in Netsuite Debugger, Create a SavedSearch in Netsuite, don't add any filter in that , save that and get the id of saved search and use in below script against id value.
Also replace the Period Id with yours.
function (runtime,search) {
var invoiceSearchObj = search.load({
type: "invoice",
id: '<your search id>',
name: "trandate",
sort: search.Sort.ASC,
label: "Date"
invoiceSearchObj.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "postingperiod", operator: "ANYOF", values: ["<your period value>"]}));
invoiceSearchObj.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "mainline", operator: "is", values : "T"}));
var searchResultCount = invoiceSearchObj.runPaged().count;
log.debug("invoiceSearchObj result count",searchResultCount);{
// .run().each has a limit of 4,000 results
return true;
var a=0;

Mongoid Complex Query Including Embedded Docs

I have a model with several embedded models. I need to query for a record to see if it exists. the issue is that I will have to include reference to multiple embedded documents my query would have to include the following params:
{"type"=>"other", "value"=>"", "primary"=>"true"}
{"type"=>"work_fax", "value"=>"(720) 555-0631"},
{"type"=>"home", "value"=>"(303) 555-1978"}
{"type"=>"work", "street_address"=>"6390 N Main Street", "city"=>"Elbert", "state"=>"CO"}
How can I query for all the embedded docs even though some fields are missing such as _id and associations?
A few things to think about.
Are you sure the query HAS to contain all these parameters? Is there not a subset of this information that uniquely identifies the record? Say (first_name, last_name, and an email_addresses.value). It would be silly to query all the conditions if you could accomplish the same thing in less work.
In Mongoid the where criteria allows you to use straight javascript, so if you know how to write the javascript criteria you could just pass a string of javascript to where.
Else you're left writing a really awkward where criteria statement, thankfully you can use the dot notation.
Something like:
UserProfile.where(first_name: "Steve",
last_name: "Grove",
:email_addresses.matches => {type: "other",
value: "",
primary: "true"},
..., ...)
in response to the request for embedded js:
query = %{
function () {
var email_match = false;
for(var i = 0; i < this.email_addresses.length && !email_match; i++){
email_match = this.email_addresses[i].value === "";
return this.first_name === "Steve" &&
this.last_name === "Grove" &&
It's not pretty, but it works
With Mongoid 3 you could use elem_match
UserProfile.where(:email_addresses.elem_match => {value: '', primary: true})
This assumes
class UserProfile
include Mongoid::Document
embeds_many :email_addresses
Now if you needed to include every one of these fields, I would recommend using the UserProfile.collection.aggregate(query). In this case you could build a giant hash with all the fields.
query = { '$match' => {
'$or' => [
{:email_addresses.elem_match => {value: '', primary: true}}
} }
it starts to get a little crazy, but hopefully that will give you some insight into what your options might be. for another example.
