Storyboard screen and sidebar keeps refreshing in Xcode - xcode

In Xcode, the storyboard screen and the side bar of any Swift file keeps refreshing. How can I prevent this?

The sidebar's flickering issue is caused by the constant regeneration of the data while typing in a file and it can be really annoying.
To prevent the refreshing, switch to the Quick Help inspector, which actually stays static while typing:


Where did tabbed controller views go in storyboard?

Forgive but I haven't coded in about a year or two, so I haven't been following the latest update in Xcode.
Anyways, I decided to go back and brush up on some skills and I noticed right off the bat that a lot has changed.
I created a new project using the tabbed view controller set up, usually it shows in storyboard immediately upon creating the project. Now there is nothing there. Where did it go and how do I bring it back?
I attached a screenshot so you can see the simulator running the tabbed apps but not showing in storyboard.
enter image description here
You opened the LaunchScreen.storyboard. This layout appears on the screen for a few moments while the app is launching.
The storyboard that you are looking for is Main.storyboard
Notice, that there is no Main.storyboard if you start with SwiftUI
There are no specialized app templates any more. But there is still a tab view controller object in the storyboard editor's library, so just drag it into the canvas and use it. It gives you same two-child tab view controller as before.

Weird NSOutlineView crash

I'm experiencing weird crash in NSOutlineView: when i click "collapse" button, app crashes immediately and even "exception breakpoint" doesn't help to see where the problem is.
I've tried to run app without debugger, and reproduced the problem. Once app crashed, i've got OSX crash window and was able to extract crash message from there:
The window has been marked as needing another Update Constraints in Window pass, but it has already had more Update Constraints in Window passes than there are views in the window
there also call stack, but it won't help since crash happening inside libsystem_c.dylib, so i'm not posting it here.
It seems there is something wrong going with auto layout. Absolutely have no idea about next steps. Please give me an advice!
Also, one more thing, that began only after update to OSX Mojave.
After hours of debugging and testing, i noticed that that message is caused by "infinite layout loop".
Different code, related to outline view was causing NSSplitView to layout. And delegate method - (CGFloat) splitView:(NSSplitView*)sender constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMinimumPosition ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex has been called about 200 times prior to crash.
It's hard to catch this bcs it's not actually infinite recursion, so just debugger doesnt help a lot.
I just added simple code that helped me to identify the issue:
static int a = 0;
NSLog(#"Layout: %d", a++);
Hope my experience will help somebody else!
For anyone who is having the problem in Xcode 14 and macOS using SwiftUI:
I just had the same crash by hiding a view with an animation. My main view contains two views, one view contained an empty ScrollView, which didn't cause a problem by itself, but by changing it's size it crashed. Just adding a basic Text within the ScrollView solved my problem and the app doesn't crash anymore.
I updated my build to IOS 14 and Mac OS 20.15.6 and the error went away.
try turning off 'Use Auto Layout' checkbox in nib (in File Inspector tab).
May have to disable it for each and every view.
Also, unrelated, but Mojave forces you to use Core Animation.
Most of my nibs have 'set wants layer' turned off.
However, in one of my nibs I had a stray setWantsLayer checkbox checked.
when I unchecked it, the view (NSSearchField) drew properly

Cannot view images in Xcode

I seems to be unable to view images in Xcode. I am not talking about when running an app, nor do I mean UIImageViews (that works) or other views with images set (also works) in Interface Builder, I am simply talking about viewing images by clicking on them in the project navigator (in the left pane) and expecting them to show up on the middle/right (just like when editing code).
Has anyone had this problem as well?
The problem is fullscreen mode. If you exit the fullscreen the images is previewed as expected.
Check this menu and be sure you select Preview :

I see absolutely nothing under Size Inspector in Interface Builder. I want to be able to set the Auto

I see no settings at all under Size Inspector in Interface Builder, it is completely blank for my View, all labels and all buttons. I am using xcode 4.6 and have 'Use Autolayout' unchecked and the metrics (Size, Status Bar, Top Bar, Bottom Bar) are all 'None'. I need to be able to control the autoresizingmask, but why can't I see any size properties?
Once you switch to Size Inspector tab, directly under the icon there is a little header that says "View." If you hover over that some text appears that says "Show," because apparently that section can collapse down. Clicking the header should cause the options you expect to appear.
I wish they would make this more clear, because I completely missed it as well, and restarted Xcode several times.
I ran into this problem using Xcode 5.0 but upon further investigation, discovered the dysfunction ran to a higher degree - all Inspector views in Xcode were blank for every control, and the Navigator buttons didn't work either.
The culprit seems to have been a conflict in versioning. When I re-checked out trunk, Xcode returned to expected behavior.
Resizing the Xcode window made things right again for me - go figure.
This worked for me......
Clear Menu -> Recent Files
i cleared last open storyboard from Recent files
Restart Xcode

Xcode storyboard isn't visible; is it possible to zoom/pan the canvas?

I wouldn't ask if I couldn't find it anywhere else, but I've run into a problem. I have a complete storyboard built in Xcode, but I've lost it on the screen. Pressing the +/- buttons in the bottom right zoom in and out, but nothing shows up. I know the app is there because it runs fine, but all of my views are off the screen and I have no idea how to get them back. And since I'm on a desktop, there's no way to pan (maybe the same issue happens on a laptop?)
How do I get my storyboard back?
I searched for a "zoom all" in the menus but can't find one.
This is so frustrating. Grrr. I can't work on my storyboard until I can find it on the canvas. I can't find it on the canvas because I can't pan and have no idea where it is.
Right click on your storyboard file => Open As => iOS Storyboard
