Error during go build/run execution - go

I've created a simple go script:
It's fetching some xml from the internet and then starts X goroutines. The X depends on file content. In my case it was 1700 goroutines.
My first execution finished with:
$ go run mathandel1.go
2018/01/27 14:19:37 Get dial tcp socket: too many open files
2018/01/27 14:19:37 Get dial tcp socket: too many open files
exit status 1
I've tried to increase ulimit to 2048.
Now I'm getting different error, script is the same thou:
$ go build mathandel1.go
# command-line-arguments
/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: flushing $WORK/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/a.out: write $WORK/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/a.out: file too large
What is causing that error? How can I fix that?

You ran ulimit 2048 which changed the maximum file size.
From man bash(1), ulimit section:
If no option is given, then -f is assumed.
This means that you now set the maximum file size to 2048 bytes, that's probably not enough for.... anything.
I'm guessing you meant to change the limit for number of open file descriptors. For this, you want to run:
ulimit -n 2048
As for the original error (before changing the maximum file size), you're launching 1700 goroutines, each performing a http get. Each creates a connection, using a tcp socket. These are covered by the open file descriptor limit.
Instead, you should be limiting the number of concurrent downloads. This can be done with a simple worker pool pattern.


how to capture all packet size using windows pktmon

I am trying to use pktmon(built-in windows packet analyzer). However from the documentation they mention that by default packet size is limited to 128 bytes but can be increase with the following command pktmon start --etw -p 0.
But running that command gives me this error Error: '0' is not a valid event provider Id. what could be wrong?
So far I've not seen anything helpful on the internet.
Most of the examples on the internet show
pktmon start --etw -p 0 -c 1
The -p doesn't seem to work and also the -c.
So what worked for me is
pktmon start --etw --pkt-size 0 --comp 1
From the utility help:
Number of bytes to log from each packet. To always log the entire
packet set this to 0. Default is 128 bytes.

Rsync include or exclude directories using text file

I'm using rsync to backup some data from a remote host.
this is how I'm using the rsync cmd:
rsync --dry-run -avhi -e ssh --include-from=/home/rsync_list/test.txt root# /mnt/BACKUP/my_BACKUP/
this is the file /home/rsync_list/test.txt
+ /usr/acs/conf/**
+ /usr/acs/bin/**
+ /raid0/opmdps/TEMP_folder/**
- *
I want to copy only the listed folders excluding the remaining files.
I always get
receiving file list ... done
sent 103 bytes received 48 bytes 302.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 (DRY RUN)
Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong? How should I write the rsync command if I would like to sync, for example, only /raid0/opmdps/TEMP_folder/ without its subfolders?
I wonder if you really only tried with the command you posted?
Not only you are using "--dry-run" option, even the output indicates this:
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 (DRY RUN)
Please consult the manpage:
-n, --dry-run perform a trial run with no changes made
May I suggest you give it a run without --dry-run?

Ruby: Too many open files # rb_sysopen

After opening a file with (without closing it) 1016 times (Ubuntu) or 1017 times (CentOS), it seems there is a limit and it raises:
Too many open files # rb_sysopen - big_file (Errno::EMFILE)
Is there any way to raise that limit?
On my systems, ulimit is set to unlimited.
EMFILE is too many files opened in your process.
ENFILE is too many files opened in the entire system.
So Errno::EMFILE is due to the ruby process opening too many files. This limit is probably set to the default 1024 can be seen with:
$ulimit -n
Instead of:
You can raise the limit using this method.

How to transfer a 60mb file to queue using MQ FTE

I am trying to transfer a 60mb file to queue, but Websphere MQ fte stall the transfer and keep recovering. I am running WebSphere MQ FTE on default configuration.
I have tested following scenario with different results according to configuration changes I made.
These commands were issued to create monitor:
fteCreateTransfer -sa AGENT1 -sm TQM.FTE -da AGENT2 -dm QM.FTE -dq FTE.TEST.Q -p QM.FTE -de overwrite -sd delete -gt /var/IBM/WMQFTE/config/TQM.FTE/TEST_TRANSFER.xml D:\\rvs\\tstusrdat\\ALZtoSIP\\INC\\*.zip
fteCreateMonitor -ma AGENT1 -mn TEST_MONITOR -md D:\\rvs\\tstusrdat\\ALZtoSIP\\INC -mt /var/IBM/WMQFTE/config/TQM.FTE/TEST_TRANSFER.xml -tr match,*.zip
Test was performed on files: 53MB and 30MB
Default configuration (just enableQueueInputOutput=true added to
1) all default
no success, transfer status: "recovering"
for both files
2) added maxInputOutputMessageLength=60000000, destination queue max message length changed to 103809024
result transfer status: "failed" with following exception PM71138: BFGIO0178E: A QUEUE WRITE FAILED DUE TO A WMQAPIEXCEPTION WITH MESSAGE TEXT CC=2 RC=2142 MQRC_HEADER_ERROR
for both files
After reading this: I came with working settings:
3) maxInputOutputMessageLength=34603008 (its maximum value), destination queue max message length still to 103809024
result for file with size 30MB: succcess
result for file with size 53MB: "failed" with following exception PM71138: BFGIO0178E: A QUEUE WRITE FAILED DUE TO A WMQAPIEXCEPTION WITH MESSAGE TEXT CC=2 RC=2142 MQRC_HEADER_ERROR
So according to this I am afraid one can't transfer larger then 34603008 bytes.
If you are transferring file to queue you definitely can't use the default settings. You have to add "enableQueueInputOutput=true" to for agent thet uses queue as source or destination.

Why can I only open 2045 files with Tie::File on Windows?

I have the following code that tries to tie arrays to files. Except, when I run this code, it only creates 2045 files. What is the issue here?
use Tie::File;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
#files{$i} = ();
tie #{$files{$i}}, 'Tie::File', "files//tiefile$i";
Edit: I am on windows
You are accumulating open file handles (see ulimit -n, setrlimit RLIMIT_NOFILE/RLIMIT_OFILE), and you ultimately hit a 2048 open file descriptors limit (2045 + stdin + stdout + stderr.)
Under Windows you will have to rewrite your application so that it has at most 2048 open file handles at any one time, since the 2048 limit is hard limit (cannot be modified) in MSVC's stdio.
On Linux machines go to /etc/security/limits.conf and add or modify these lines
* soft nofile 10003
* hard nofile 10003
This will increase the number of files each process can have open to 10003 (remember that you always start with three open: stdin, stdout, and stderr).
Based on you comments it sounds like you are using a Win32 machine. I can't find a way to increase the number of open files per process, but you might, and I stress might, be able to handle this through fork'ing (which is really threading on Win32).
