spring application start up time - spring

Spring application war file takes more than 15 min to deploy in tomcat server. Our initial finding is that nested dependency of huge number of spring components is attributing to this delay.
Predominantly it is the repository initialization which takes time. Is it possible to lazy load the spring repositories or trigger compilation of named queries before deployment ?


Spring boot 2.0 onwards taking a lot of time to bind configuration properties given size of properties is approx ~7000

We have customized Spring cloud config as a centralized solution for enterprise as a result of which there are around 700 repos onboarded to our config server. It adds up to approx 7000 spring configuration properties and it will keep increasing. This used to work pretty fast in spring boot 1.5 but post-spring boot 2.0 Its taking a lot of time to map the configuration properties.
I am trying to upgrade it to Spring boot 2.1.8 along with spring cloud config 2.1.4 but application startup time and context refresh time has drastically increased when compared to spring boot 1.5.x.
Is there a way we can switch off relax binding or other mapping features and use it similar to spring boot 1.5?
I don't have an experience of managing such a big amount of properties, however I have some ideas that can be useful and point to the solution:
Why do you think its property resolution/relaxed binding rules? Maybe there are some more beans that get loaded and some of them are slow, all the can "contribute" to the slow startup time.
For modern machines 7000 properties is not such a big amount. So the chances are that even there was some performance degradation between spring boot 1.x and 2.x (in which I hardly believe) - it still won't be a "considerable" amount of time.
Since you've mentioned spring cloud config - it has a rest API that can by itself be checked for performance. If you have an actuator on the cloud config server, there is an endpoint that returns 50 last requests along with their execution times. So please check the execution times and compare between spring boot 1.5.x and 2.0.x
Last but not least - try to profile the application and see which beans are the real time consumers.

Spring context cache between integration tests - slow startup times

I have a spring boot application and when I am doing some integration testing I must wait the spring context to load, for example it takes about 4 seconds for the JPA slice (I know this is not too much time). Is there a way to make this instant at least while I am developing?
e.g. something like spring-dev-tools but between integration test runs, or run a separate integration testing application, or lazy init whole spring boot context

Dynamic loading of spring bean from jar along with dependent beans

I am running a spring application.
My requirement is user will be placing a plugin jar file at run time at designated lib folder location.
This plugin jar file will have spring application context file as well. I want to load this jar, means all the classes - spring beans
and all its dependent beans/components(this is important), from this jar file at run time.
I do not want to create new/child application context and want to use the existing spring bean context loaded at application start up.
I reffered to few other similar threads/questions on SO and could resolve the issue of dynamically loading of spring beans.
But i am not able to resolve issue of loading all the dependent beans for the spring beans.
Could you please provide any pointers/hints to dynamically load all the dependent beans of spring bean(which is also)loaded at run time?
Thanks in advance,
If you want to be able to load the plugin after startup you are not going to get away with not creating another application context as a child.
I'd suggest you do exactly this and then create some hooks in parent context whereby your plugin will integrate itself.
The alternative is to include that plugin.jar in the main classpath and then restart the application to include the plugin.

Does spring boot needs a WAS (Websphere Application Server)?

In my theory spring boot is capable of running java web application stand-alone. It says it has a own embedded servlet container and can use JNDI itself.
I built a war file before (spring-mvc, security, gradle built), but Spring boot assemble jar file and it runs on any machine which has JVM.
So my question is, if I made a spring boot based web app (contained JSP files & JNDI for looking up datasource), although it has own embedded servlet container and packaged jar file for running standalone, do I still need to package it as WAR file and deploy it in WAS (Websphere Application Server) or servlet containers for any reasons such as performance, stability, scaling-out etc?
WAS is an full blown Java Enterprise Application Server, on the other hand you have Spring that only requires a Servlet Container (Servlets are a part of full JEE).
Servlet Containers are for example: Tomcat, Jetty, but also WAS.
Spring Boot is able to package the complete application TOGETHER with the code of Tomcat in an JAR, so that this jar contains the Servlet Container and your Application.
Do I need a additional WAS for performance, stability, scaling-out etc?
Performance: No - There should be no important performance differerence between Tomcat and WAS when you run a Spring-Application. (Only that Tomcat needs less memory for itsself)
Stability: Tomcat and WAS are both very mature products.
Scaling: You can build a cluster of Tomcats by your own.
The main features of WAS over Tomcat are:
- WAS supports EJB and CDI (Tomcat would need TomEE for this), but Spring will not use it, because it is its one Dependency Injection container
- WAS has more Monitoring features, but this does not matter, because Spring Boot has Actuator
#See Difference between an application server and a servlet container? for more details
Simple answer is No. You do not need any Full blown application servers for any of the reasons that you mentioned (for performance, stability, scaling-out). You can just do fine with tomcat
Looks like you are using only JNDI feature from the Application server. Do you really need JNDI when you pack your servlet container along with your application ? I don't think so. That days are long gone.
JNDI really shines when you have to move an application between
environments: development to integration to test to production. If you
configure each app server to use the same JNDI name, you can have
different databases in each environment and not have to change your
code. You just pick up the WAR file and drop it in the new
(If you still need JNDI to be used to look up your data source refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24944671/6785908).
No, still I do not really see a reason for packaging your application as WAR and deploy it to traditional application server. That being said, if you have some existing infrastructure lying around and you are being forced to deploy to existing WAS (or WebLogic or JBoss any application server for that matter) server, then I rest my case :).

Persistence Unit Service starting multille times

I am having EAR project which contains 1 EJB 3.0 Project and 2 WAR Project.
I have defined persistence.xml in my EJB project.
However when the application starts it starts persistence unit service 3 times.
As per log on startup I can see
Starting Persistence Unit Service 'xyz-ear.ear/xyz-ejb-1_0_0-SNAPSHOT.jar#xyzUnit'
Starting Persistence Unit Service 'xyz-ear.ear/xyz-war-1_0_0-SNAPSHOT.war#xyzUnit'
Starting Persistence Unit Service 'xyz-ear.ear/xyz-service-war-1_0_0-SNAPSHOT.war#xyzUnit'
Beacuse of this my database schema validation is happening 3 times.
is getting called 3 times.
Has anyone faced this issue before?
Please let me know if you need any other info.
PS: I have declared the EJB as ejb and not as ejb-client in pom.xml of both war module.
Can that cause this issue ?
