Terminal.app On macOS Doesn't Preserve Preferences - macos

I used to work with mac os a while ago an now I am coming back. What I noticed is regular preferences update doesn't work for at least Terminal.app. This happens on any High Sierra.
Start Terminal.app
Go to your Preferences either through a menu or Cmd-,.
Change something, e.g. use different profile as a default.
Quit application
Start Terminal.app again. Your preferences changes are reset.
What's going on ? Looks like a bug to me, perhaps I have missed something since Lion release.

It could be that your preferences are "stuck." Preferences in macOS has been broken for awhile now and can sometimes get into a state where the app can't read changes made, or changes never get applied.
Try deleting your ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist file along with any com.apple.Terminal.plist.lockfile and com.apple.Terminal.plist.<RANDOM> companion files you find. Restart your system and try it again.
Another way is to look at the ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist permissions. You may see something like this
Now if you run something like
sudo chown evgeniy.sharapov:staff ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist
And restart the Terminal.app, it seems to go back to normal and able to save changes in Preferences.


Why are shortcuts in my xcode not working after upgrade macos

I had several xcode extensions, which were activated by certain keyboard shortcuts.
It worked fine and dandy, and then i upgraded my macos to macos bigsur
and they stopped working.
How do I turn it back on?
I went through the manuals of the extensions and redid the steps they gave to activate, and it still did not work.
Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/ it is supposed to be a Keybindings profile such as default or "lena" for example.. Let`s say it lena:
It is supposed to be there lena.idekeybindings file open this XML file and check if something wrong with your shortcuts. If it is already deleted or changed with default one, You lost your shortcuts. :(
Note : I always keep a copy of that XML file which has my unique short cuts. Also i use Karabiner to keep other shortcuts for my MacOS.
The issue was that the extensions stopped being compatible with macOS BigSur, after receiving an update, they started working

Verifying "Xcode" on every macOS boot

every time I start or restart my MacBook, macOS verifies Xcode.
This is not a picture from me I took it from another post but its basically the same just with "Xcode" (the app) instead of the image file.
It takes a while and for the time macOS is verifying Xcode the fan of the MacBook goes like to 100%. While its verifying I can't really use other applications because they freeze and will unfreeze when the verification is finished.
I tried to remove the quarantine xattr from the Xcode.app and recursively from all package components but there never was one set xattr: /Applications/Xcode.app/: No such xattr
I also tried to to reinstall Xcode. When booting into safe mode the same verification window appears.
This happened after I updated my mac to macOS Catalina. If you have any idea what I can try next, let me know.
Ok so apparently in my case there was something messed up with my system. I couldn't find any solution and besides the Xcode problem Reminders always wanted to access a keychain of mine. Not the login, the system or iCloud Keychain but a keychain I created myself just to store and organise some password. And when I clicked on "Deny" Reminders would ask again so I only could close this window and be able to do other things when I allow access.
Anyway after I completely reinstalled macOS (first erase the whole Macintosh HD and then reinstall Catalina) everything works fine.
So if any of you doesn't have that much of data on their Mac just a few files to back up I'd definitely try a reinstall. Took my 3-4 hours and now it works again.

Xcode failed to download. Use the Purchases page to try again. Xcode 9.3. MacOS High Sierra

After upgrading MacOS to High Sierra, I tried to update Xcode and get this:
Xcode failed to download. Use the Purchases page to try again
I uninstalled Xcode and try to install again with no success.
I read some tips to solve this but nothing helps...
Remove ~/Library/Cookies/com.apple.appstore.plist (no such file)
Use AppStore Debug menu... (menu never appears with the command to enable it)
defaults write com.apple.appstore ShowDebugMenu -bool true
Remove contents of /private/var/folders///C/com.apple.appstore (folder located, contents removed, nothing changes)
"wiping all caches, cookies amd such like" (how to do that?)
Reset AppStore (uh?)
LogOut, quit, restart Mac (done, no changes)
Quit AppStore process and try again (done, no changes)
Review payment options (done, no changes)
Yes, the drive has enough space
I had the same issue and finally got this working, however I'm not sure exactly which step made it work, so I'm posting all of them.
From https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/245406/how-to-fix-reset-app-store-app-on-mac-osx-el-capitan:
I didn't have some of those folders, but I did have a couple of extras that looked fishy, so I deleted them too:
Run sudo softwareupdate --clear-catalog [Note: I did this but I don't think it helped]
From http://osxdaily.com/2016/10/08/mac-app-store-temp-cache-folder/ (paraphrasing):
Quit out of the Mac App Store
Open Terminal and run open $TMPDIR../C/com.apple.appstore/
Hit Return and the com.apple.appstore folder will open in the Finder of Mac OS
Delete the contents of this folder
And finally:
Navigate to ~/Applications in Finder and move Xcode to the Trash [Note: This step was necessary for me, but ymmv]
Launch App Store. Search for Xcode. Install it fresh.

XCode won't update from App Store

This night I've update my iPhone which I use to test my applications but that caused a problem of "Developer Disk Image", which, as I understood, basically means that Apple wants me to update my Xcode.
However, when I try to do so from "updates" tab in App Store, after I press "update" button, it just simply goes to "waiting" and then back to no progress at all. It does not update after that and the icon of the app in Launcher becomes grey, has a progress bar below it and stays at 0bytes.
I tried to delete the app and download it from the App Store again, but it all ends with Xcode.appdownload file being downloaded and that's it. Even if I try to launch that file (I know it's dumb, but should have tried) nothing happens. How do I get my App Store to work again?
Ok, I solved the issue - even though it does not mention System Updates anywhere, all I had to do is to update OS first. C'mon, Apple inc. get your scheiße together, just bugging away is not an answer!
The Mac App Store is broken beyond repair. You can try to reload the update page using CMD-R. That helps sometimes. In addition, Launchpad normally shows the progress correctly.
You can also update from Terminal.app using the command
softwareupdate -l
Good luck!

Stop Xcode from memorize my previous opened projects

This really drives me bunker! At any time, I work on multiple projects. When I quit Xcode, the next time I open Xcode, all my projects from the day before open automatically one by one.
Often I end up editing the wrong file, AHHHHHHHHHHH!! The only way I could stop this behavior is by closing all projects before quitting Xcode, go to Open Recent, select Clear Menu, and go to Organizer to delete all projects one by one. There must be a easier way to stop Xcode from "memorizing" my projects.
I had asked Apple numerous times, but Apple people kept telling me to go to Xcode Preferences to turn it off and often they seem to have confused it with the Mountain Lion's Reopen Preferences which I had it turned off. I found no such option in my Xcode 4.5.2 and Apple people insist it is there.
Does any of you have that option on your Xcode 4.5.2? Or did Apple single me out to omit that option, just to piss me off? Mostly importantly, how can I stop this nuisance? When I restart the Xcode, I want a clean start >:|
You can modify the setting whether an application reloads its windows as shown in this question.
Xcode's identifier is com.apple.dt.Xcode so the command for changing the default is
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool NO
In my testing it can take one or two re-launches to stick.
If you just want to close all windows once you can also use Quit and Close All Windows (⌘⌥Q)
System Preferences > General > Close windows when quitting an application
Here you can find a checkbox to disable the "feature". Also, see this similar question.
For Xcode Version 6.3 (6D570)
Delete this directory
~/Library/Saved Application State/com.apple.dt.Xcode.savedState
