CKEditor 5: icons not visible - laravel

I'm just trying new CKEditor 5 and after compiling the code with laravel-mix, which uses webpack, the icons are extracted to the public directory under fonts directory, but when I load the editor - they are not showing.
Is there any webpack configuration I could use to specify where I want them to be saved and I'm not quite clear on how to fix the issue with icons not showing.


how to add custom Icons fonts on nativescript

I am trying to use Icon Fonts on my NativeScript app.
So I followed the oficial documentation and those were my steps:
(1) - Downloaded the ttf files into my app/fonts folder:
(2) - On my app.css I declared the font global class like so:
.fa {
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free", "fa-regular-400", "fa-solid-
.fa-solid {
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free", "fa-solid-900";
(3) - Then on my html component:
<Label text="" class="far"></Label>
But My Icon does not appear on the screen. I am using NativeScript 6+ with Angular 8.
Any Help ?
I figure it out why the Font Icons wasn't showing up!
I was using NativeScript 5.1 and since version 6.0 was released I migrated the project:
tns migrate
The problem is that I was using NS with Angular 8 and according to the docs I have to place my fonts on the project's root folder.
In your root application folder (This is the app folder for NativeScript Core, and the src folder for Angular 6+), create a folder called fonts and place the .ttf there.
So, Clearly the problem was that my fonts folder was inside /app when it should be inside /src folder.
It took me too long to realize that because for some strange reason my imported text fonts like 'Montserrat.tff' was working just fine. So I thought the problem was related with NativeScript or whatever.
In short, the Wrong way to do it with NativeScript and Angular 6+:
The right way:
I hope this helps newcomers who may stumble in the same problem/situation.

Editing an imported SASS file is not updating page in Chrome DevTools

Like many developers I am using SASS as a preprocessor. I want to edit my stylesheets in Chrome. I've setup Source Maps to do this, and I know Chrome now supports SASS.
I have a SASS file, style.scss, used to create style.css used on the page. It's mainly just imports of other SASS files. Eg:
#import "colors";
Clicking an imported SASS file, like _colors.scss, it shows a green 'active' icon and shows it is linked to a source map.
However when I edit a SASS variable - like the $dark-blue in the screenshot below, where I've made it a red instead - the file doesn't change, nor does the page update.
How do I edit an imported SASS file in Chrome DevTools?
Edit: note the 'Linked to' on the imported file doesn't seem correct. The only way _colors.scss is used is part of style.scss which is turned into style.css. I suspect this is the cause of the problem. I've opened to see if this is the case.

Magento 2: File path for changes in css

I am new to magento 2 and I am making css changes in luma theme on below path.
But after content deployment I lost my css changes.
Please help me in that.
You should not edit/modify files within pub/* or vendor/* directory.
Pub is for deployment and vendor is for default structure, which you
override via your template or custom modules
create a new theme inside app/design/frontend/{vendor}/{yourTheme}/.
You can use Blank or Luma theme
You can also create new theme which inherites from Blank (inheritance
is defined within theme.xml). If you are already using some theme
then skip this step.
edit .less within your theme so the changes stay visible and don't
get replaced when clearing the cache or upgrading the system.
Use grunt to compile your .less into deployment files.
You can also setup sourcemaps to pin point your styling within the
theme .less files so you can be more productive.
if you want to override only css file then you don't need to compile it. so follow above steps , change your css and clear the cache. it will worked.

CKEditor loads unwanted skin and icons files

We're using CKEditor on a project where assets are handled by Grunt.js.
Grunt manage and compile CKEditor JS+CSS alongside other libs and our own code.
We've chosen to use an iconic font for our toolbar elements.
In production, assets are uploaded on S3.
Unfortunately, CKEditor has a "loader" feature which loads skin and icons files, based on the current path. Of course, the skin (the basic "moono", already loaded) and icons are not used.
Is there a way to disable this "loader" ?

Icons path altered in built editor

I've made a couple plugins for ckeditor and added icons for them. These icons show up when I embed the unbuilt code on a test page, but, when I build the editor, the minimized code thinks the icons at 'original/path/to/the/icon.png?t=D5AK' instead of 'original/path/to/the/icon.png'. This error does not occur when I copy an icon from another plugin in the src code. At the moment the only way I am adding the icon is through "icon: this.path + 'icons/icon.png'," in plugin.js. Is there somewhere I need to add a reference to the icon?
This is an intentional addition to resources' paths. It ensures that every two CKEditor releases have different paths to the same resource what disables cache. And this works perfectly unless you're trying to load CKEditor from local file system than from a web server.
