Gradle - How to execute command line in doLast and get exit code? - gradle

task executeScript() {
doFirst {
exec {
ignoreExitValue true
commandLine "sh", ""
doLast {
if (execResult.exitValue == 0) {
print "Success"
} else {
print "Fail"
I'm getting the following error
> Could not get unknown property 'execResult' for task ':core:executeScript' of type org.gradle.api.DefaultTask.
If I move the commandLine to configuration part everything works fine. But I want commandLine to be in action block so it wont run every time we execute some other gradle tasks.

Use gradle type for your task
task executeScript(type : Exec) {
commandLine 'sh', ''
ignoreExitValue true
doLast {
if(execResult.exitValue == 0) {
println "Success"
} else {
println "Fail"
This will work for you...
You can read more about the Exec task here

Alternative syntax to execute external command and get its return code:
doLast {
def process = "my command line".execute()
println "Exit code: " + process.exitValue()


Stop execution of finalizedBy task, or only execute follow-up task on a condition

I'm using the gradle plugin, which has a task appengineDeploy.
I have two tasks that configure the appengineDeploy task before executing it. My current solution looks something like that:
task deployTest() {
doFirst {
appengine.deploy {
version = 'test'
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
task deployProduction() {
doFirst {
appengine.deploy {
version = '7'
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
Now I wanted to add a security question before the deployProduction task is executed, like this:
println "Are you sure? (y/n)"
def response =
if (response != 'y') {
throw new GradleException('Task execution stopped')
The problem is, by defintion the finalizedBy task is executed even if my task throws an exception, and that is exactly the opposite of what I want.
I can't change it to appengineDeploy dependsOn deployTest and call appengineDeploy as I have two tasks with different configuration.
And I can't change the appengineDeploy task as it comes from a plugin.
Is there any other way I can either stop the execution of appengineDeploy, or use something other than finalizedBy to execute that task after my deploy task?
One option is to leverage onlyIf to decide whether to execute the task, for example by examining a project property.
Here's a litte demo, given that task appengineDeploy is a task contributed by a plugin (see comment for details):
plugins {
id 'base'
ext {
set('doDeploy', false)
appengineDeploy.configure {
onlyIf {
task deployTest() {
doFirst {
println 'deployTest()'
project.ext.doDeploy = true
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
task deployProduction() {
doFirst {
println 'deployProduction()'
println "Are you sure? (y/n)"
def response =
if (response == 'y') {
project.ext.doDeploy = true
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
Another option is to disable the task, which goes like this:
task deployProduction() {
doFirst {
println 'deployProduction()'
println "Are you sure? (y/n)"
def response =
if (response != 'y') {
project.tasks.appengineDeploy.enabled = false
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
I modified the answer from thokuest a bit (thanks for the help!), to prevent executing any tasks inbetween.
I created it as extension method since I needed it more than once:
ext.securityQuestion = { project, task ->
println "Are you sure you want to execute ${}:${}? (y/n)"
def response =
if (response != 'y') {
project.tasks.each {
if (it != task)
it.enabled = false
throw new GradleException("Execution of ${}:${} aborted")
and my task now looks like this:
task deployProduction() { task ->
doFirst {
securityQuestion(this, task)
finalizedBy appengineDeploy

Fail Jenkins pipeline stage if some file contains specific strings

I need to fail one Jenkins pipeline stage when one file contains 'errors'
I do not know how to return an error from bash to Jenkins
stage('check if file continas error and exit if true') {
steps {
sh "grep 'error' filetocheck.txt"
reference Is it possible to capture the stdout from the sh DSL command in the pipeline
This worked for me,
def runShell(String command){
def responseCode = sh returnStatus: true, script: "${command} &> tmp.txt"
def output = readFile(file: "tmp.txt")
return (output != "")
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('check shellcheck') {
steps {
script {
if (runShell('grep \'error\' file_to_parse.txt')) {
sh "exit 1"
you can try using String.count(charSequence) where String could be a file or string.
def file = 'path/to/file.txt'
if ( file.count('error') > 0 )
return stageResultMap.didB2Succeed = false

Execute task.dependsOn only on a Condition in Gradle

I have two tasks Task-A and Task-B
This is my Task-A
task Task-A () {
doLast {
def fileName ='fileName')
if (fileName !=null) {
println 'success'
My Task-B is dependent on Task-A and I should make it dependent only on the Condition that'fileName') should exist and should not be null
So I wrote my Task-B this way
task Task-B () {
doFirst {
def fileName ='fileName')
if (fileName !=null) {
dependsOn 'Task-A'
It throws an Error
Cannot call Task.dependsOn(Object...) on task ':Task-B' after task has started execution.
How to execute dependsOn on a condition ?
You must set dependsOn directives during the configuration phase
try :
task Task-B () {
def fileName ='fileName')
if (fileName !=null) {
dependsOn 'Task-A'

Change global ext property in gradle

I'm trying to write a build script for different environments. But the global property is not updated for specific tasks.
Here is the script:
ext {
springProfilesActive = 'development'
angularAppBasePath = '/test/'
task setActiveProfiles {
doLast {
if (project.hasProperty('activeProfiles')) {
springProfilesActive ='activeProfiles')
task setProperties(dependsOn: ':setActiveProfiles') {
doLast {
if (springProfilesActive != 'development') {
angularAppBasePath = '/'
println springProfilesActive
println angularAppBasePath
task buildAngular(type: Exec, dependsOn: ':setProperties') {
workingDir angularPath
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', "npm run -- --base ${angularAppBasePath}"
If I run buildAngular -PactiveProfiles=integration the properies are correctly set. But the angularAppBasePath is still the old /test/ value in the npm command. Output:
Executing external task 'buildAngular -PactiveProfiles=integration'...
> angular-seed#0.0.0 C:\myapp\src\main\angular
> gulp --color --env-config prod --build-type prod "--base" "/test/"
Why the propery are changed in the setProperties task but remains the old value in the buildAngular task?
Try to rewrite your setActiveProfiles and setProperties tasks as follows:
task setActiveProfiles {
if (project.hasProperty('activeProfiles')) {
springProfilesActive ='activeProfiles')
task setProperties(dependsOn: ':setActiveProfiles') {
if (springProfilesActive != 'development') {
angularAppBasePath = '/'
println springProfilesActive
println angularAppBasePath
This behavior is caused by different build lifecycles. You modify your variable during execution phase (within doLast closure), but use it at the configuration phase, which happens just before the execution.You can read about build lifecycle in the Gradle official user guide.

Gradle task doLast if task fails

I want a clean build, where you can see exactly what happened, but all information is preserved - so essentially for every task, I want it to write the output to a file, and only display it if the task fails.
I've tried to achieve this in gradle - but am being defeated because doLast doesn't run if the task fails. Here's my "almost" working pattern:
task fakeTask( type: Exec ) {
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'silly'
doLast {
new File("build.log") << standardOutput.toString()
if (execResult.exitValue != 0) println standardOutput.toString()
is there any alternative to doLast that will run any time? Any other way of doing this? - especially as I want to do this for every single task I have?
this is my final solution:
tasks.withType( Exec ) {
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
ignoreExitValue = true
doLast {
new File("gradle.log") << standardOutput.toString()
if (execResult.exitValue != 0)
println standardOutput.toString()
throw new GradleException(commandLine.join(" ") + " returned exitcode of " + execResult.exitValue )
Add a ignoreExitValue true to your task definition to suppress throwing of an exception when the exit value is non-zero.
You can use the task graph as documented at to execute code after a task has run.
gradle.taskGraph.afterTask { task, state ->
if (task instanceof ExecTask && state.failure) {
file('gradle.log') << standardOutput.toString()
