Testing if a docopt command-line option is set in nim - command-line-arguments

I'm trying to write a nim program that can read either from the standard input or from a file given as a command-line option. I use docopt to parse the command line.
import docopt
const doc = """
This program takes input from a file or from stdin.
testinput [-i <filename> | --input <filename>]
-h --help Show this help message and exit.
-i --input <filename> File to use as input.
when isMainModule:
let args = docopt(doc)
var inFilename: string
for opt, val in args.pairs():
case opt
of "-i", "--input":
inFilename = $args[opt]
echo "Unknown option" & opt
let inputSource =
if inFilename.isNil:
echo "We have inFilename: " & inFilename
The program compiles.
It doesn't crash when I give it a file on the command line:
$ ./testinput -i testinput.nim
We have inFilename: testinput.nim
But I get an IOError if I try to feed it from its stdin:
$ ./testinput < testinput.nim
We have inFilename: nil
testinput.nim(28) testinput
system.nim(2833) sysFatal
Error: unhandled exception: cannot open: nil [IOError]
How come inFilename.isNil is false, and yet the execution of the else branch tells me that inFilename "is" nil?
Is there a correct and elegant way to do this, using docopt?

I'm not familiar with docopt, but it seems to create an entry for each option in the doc, not for the options specified by user so your code's been getting args == {"--input": nil} and stringifying the nil.
The following will work correctly:
import docopt
const doc = """
This program takes input from a file or from stdin.
testinput [-i <filename> | --input <filename>]
-h --help Show this help message and exit.
-i --input <filename> File to use as input.
when isMainModule:
let args = docopt(doc)
var inFilename: string
if args["--input"]:
inFilename = $args["--input"]
if not inFilename.isNil:
echo "We have inFilename: " & inFilename
let inputSource =
if inFilename.isNil:
Also note that you don't have to check for "-i" option as docopt knows it's an alias to "--input".

Instead of transforming the value of the option into a string with $, one can keep it as a Value, which is the type returned by docopt.
According to the documentation:
vkNone (No Value)
This kind of Value appears when there is an option which hasn't been set and has no default. It is false when converted toBool
One can apparently use the value of the option in a boolean expression, and it seems to be automatically interpreted as a bool:
import docopt
const doc = """
This program takes input from a file or from stdin.
testinput [-i <filename> | --input <filename>]
-h --help Show this help message and exit.
-i --input <filename> File to use as input.
when isMainModule:
let args = docopt(doc)
var inFilename: Value
for opt, val in args.pairs():
case opt
of "-i", "--input":
inFilename = val
echo "Unknown option" & opt
let inputSource =
if not bool(inFilename):
echo "We have inFilename: " & $inFilename
Another usage of this behaviour is given in this other anwser, and avoids setting the variable, therefore keeping it nil.


what is this line means $runCmd = "cmexec $node1 echo \"\" > ".$logfile;

Code snippet:
my $node = shift;
my $runCmd = "cmviewcl -v -f line -p ".$package_name." | awk -F \"[:|=]\" \'(\$1 == \"script_log_file\") { print \$2 }\'";
my $logfile = $output[0];
chomp $logfile;
#DC1_list = utils::getDC1Host($hash_ref);
#DC2_list = utils::getDC2Host($hash_ref);
foreach $node1 (#DC1_list) {
$runCmd = "cmexec $node1 echo \"\" > ".$logfile;
Please let me know the what's this line means:
$runCmd = "cmexec $node1 echo \"\" > ".$logfile;
it was written before as:
$runCmd = "cmexec $node1 rm -rf ".$logfile;
which probably means remove the file in logfile variable forced recursive, but later changed to the above. so
what's it's doing?
Remove a file is different than an empty file.
The first option keep the file but override the content with "" (2x double quote), the second one remove the file.
Maybe your application need the file exist, because of this you cannot remove it.
If you have really copied this line verbatim, it is pretty nonsense.
Let's assume that the variables mentioned here have the folllowing values:
runCmd has value FOO
node1 has value BAR
logfile has value BAZ
After parameter expansion and making the quoting a bit more legible, this leaves you with a line equivalent to
FOO = 'cmexec BAR echo "" >' .BAZ
This means that a command named FOO is invoked. It must either be an executable file in the PATH, or a function. This command gets three parameters:
First parameter : a lonely equal sign
Second parameter: The string cmexec BAR echo "" >
Third paramete : the string .BAZ
I don't believe that anybody would seriously write such a command; my guess is that you made a typo, or error when doing a copy&paste of this command.

How to write specified arguments in tcl something like -h [duplicate]

Does anyone know a standard package for tcl to easily parse the input arguments ? or a ready proc ? ( I have only 3 flags but something general is preferable ).
The documentation includes an example. Here is a simple example:
package require cmdline
set parameters {
{server.arg "" "Which server to search"}
{debug "Turn on debugging, default=off"}
set usage "- A simple script to demo cmdline parsing"
array set options [cmdline::getoptions ::argv $parameters $usage]
parray options
Sample runs:
$ tclsh simple.tcl
options(debug) = 0
options(server) =
$ tclsh simple.tcl -server google.com
options(debug) = 0
options(server) = google.com
$ tclsh simple.tcl -server google.com -debug
options(debug) = 1
options(server) = google.com
$ tclsh simple.tcl -help
simple - A simple script to demo cmdline parsing
-server value Which server to search <>
-debug Turn on debugging, default=off
-help Print this message
-? Print this message
while executing
"error [usage $optlist $usage]"
(procedure "cmdline::getoptions" line 15)
invoked from within
"cmdline::getoptions ::argv $parameters $usage"
invoked from within
"array set options [cmdline::getoptions ::argv $parameters $usage]"
(file "simple.tcl" line 11)
Unlike most Linux utilities, TCL uses single dash instead of double dashes for command-line options
When a flags ends with .arg, then that flag expects an argument to follow, such as in the case of server.arg
The debug flag does not end with .arg, therefore it does not expect any argument
The user defines the command-line parameters by a list of lists. Each sub-list contains 2 or 3 parts:
The flag (e.g. debug)
The default value (e.g. 0), only if the parameter takes an argument (flag ends with .arg).
And the help message
Invoke usage/help with -help or -?, however, the output is not pretty, see the last sample run.
Update: Help/Usage
I have been thinking about the message output when the user invoke help (see the last sample run above). To get around that, you need to trap the error yourself:
set usage "- A simple script to demo cmdline parsing"
if {[catch {array set options [cmdline::getoptions ::argv $parameters $usage]}]} {
puts [cmdline::usage $parameters $usage]
} else {
parray options
Sample run 2:
$ tclsh simple.tcl -?
simple - A simple script to demo cmdline parsing
-server value Which server to search <>
-debug Turn on debugging, default=off
-help Print this message
-? Print this message
Tcllib has such a package, cmdline. It's a bit underdocumented, but it works.
Here is a simple, native, no-package argument parser:
# arg_parse simple argument parser
# Example `arg_parse {help version} {with-value} {-with-value 123 positional arguments}`
# will return:
# `positionals {positional arguments} with-value 123`
# #param boolean_flags flags which does not requires additional arguments (like help)
# #param argument_flags flags which requires values (-with-value value)
# #param args the got command line arguments
# #return stringified array of parsed arguments
proc arg_parse { boolean_flags argument_flags args } {
set argsarr(positionals) {}
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} {
set arg [lindex $args $i]
if { [sstartswith $arg "-" ] } {
set flag [string range $arg 1 end]
if { [lsearch $boolean_flags $flag] >= 0 } {
set argsarr($flag) 1
} elseif { [lsearch $argument_flags $flag] >= 0 } {
incr i
set argsarr($flag) [lindex $args $i]
} else {
puts "ERROR: Unknown flag argument: $arg"
} else {
lappend argsarr(positionals) $arg
return [array get argsarr]
USE argument parser
# USE argument parser:
proc my_awesome_proc { args } {
array set argsarr [arg_parse "help version" "with-value" {*}$args]
parray argsarr
USE my_awesome_proc :
% my_awesome_proc -help
argsarr(help) = 1
argsarr(positionals) =
% my_awesome_proc -with-value 123
argsarr(positionals) =
argsarr(with-value) = 123
% my_awesome_proc -wrong
ERROR: Unknown flag argument: -wrong
% my_awesome_proc positional arguments
argsarr(positionals) = positional arguments

How to display output of command in python

I want to run the command df -h to display disk information, But when i run my code nothing is displayed in the terminal, I even tried to do "df -h > out.txt" and then cat out.txt but that didn't work either.
import sys
import os
import subprocess
def main():
print("Options: \n")
print("1 - Show disk info")
print("2 - Quit \n")
selection = input('> ')
if selection == 1:
subprocess.call(['df -h'], shell=True)
elif selection == 2:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reading user input with input() returns a string. However, your if/elif statement are comparing the contents of selection with integers, so the comparison will always be False. As a workaround, use this:
selection = int(input('> '))
if selection == 1:

How to provide flags to ruby script like -v , -o and place code accordingly?

I have created one ruby script that I want to run with some flags on console say -v flag prints output on console and -o stores output in new file with file name I am taking from console using gets()
My code has following structure:
puts "Enter filename to analyze:\n\n"
filename = gets().chomp
puts "Provide filename to store result in new text file:\n\n"
output = gets().chomp
filesize = File.size(filename)
puts "File size in Bytes:\n#{filesize.to_i}\n"
pagecontent = filesize - 20
puts "\n\nData:\n#{pagecontent}\n\n"
File.open(filename,'r') do |file|
#whole process with few do..end in between that I want to do in 2 different #ways.
#If I provide -v flag on console result of this code should be displayed on console
#and with -o flag it should be stored in file with filename provided on console #stored in output variable declared above
Use stdlib OptionParser

How do I handle a missing mandatory argument in Ruby OptionParser?

In OptionParser I can make an option mandatory, but if I leave out that value it will take the name of any following option as the value, screwing up the rest of the command line parsing.
Here is a test case that echoes the values of the options:
$ ./test_case.rb --input foo --output bar
output bar
input foo
Now leave out the value for the first option:
$ ./test_case.rb --input --output bar
input --output
Is there some way to prevent it taking another option name as a value?
Here is the test case code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'optparse'
files = Hash.new
option_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.on('-i', '--input FILENAME', 'Input filename - required') do |filename|
files[:input] = filename
opts.on('-o', '--output FILENAME', 'Output filename - required') do |filename|
files[:output] = filename
rescue OptionParser::ParseError
$stderr.print "Error: " + $! + "\n"
files.keys.each do |key|
print "#{key} #{files[key]}\n"
What you want to do is not a good idea. What if you really have a file named "--output"? This is a perfectly valid filename on Unix. Every Unix program's option parsing works the way the ruby one is doing, so you shouldn't change it, because then your program will be arbitrarily different from everything else, which is confusing and violates the "principle of least surprise."
The real question is: why are you having this problem in the first place? Perhaps you're running your program from another program, and the parent program is providing a blank filename as the parameter to --input, which makes it see --output as the parameter to --input. You can work around this by always quoting the filenames you pass on the command line:
./test_case.rb --input "" --output "bar"
Then --input will be blank, and that's easy to detect.
Also note that if --input is set to --output (and --output is not a real file) you can just try to open the --input file. If it fails, print a message like:
can't open input file: --output: file not found
And that should make it clear to the user what they did wrong.
try this:
opts.on('-i', '--input FILENAME', 'Input filename - required') do |filename|
files[:input] = filename
opts.on('-o', '--output FILENAME', 'Output filename - required') do |filename|
files[:output] = filename
opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
puts opts
ARGV << "-h" if ARGV.size != 2
rescue OptionParser::ParseError
$stderr.print "Error: " + $! + "\n"
In this case, the mandatory --output option is missing, so do this after calling parse!:
unless files[:input] && files[:output]
$stderr.puts "Error: you must specify both --input and --output options."
exit 1
OK - this works - the regular expression in the on() call allows any string as long as it doesn't start with a '-'
If I don't pass an argument to --input and there is another option downstream then it will take that option key as the argument to --input. (e.g. --input --output). The regexp catches that and then I check the error message. If the argument it reports starts with '-' I output the correct error message, namely that there is a missing argument. Not pretty but it seems to work.
Here is my working test case:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'optparse'
files = Hash.new
option_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.on('-i FILENAME', '--input FILENAME', /\A[^\-]+/, 'Input filename - required') do |filename|
files[:input] = filename
opts.on('-o FILENAME', '--output FILENAME', /\A[^\-]+/, 'Output filename - required') do |filename|
files[:output] = filename
rescue OptionParser::ParseError
if $!.to_s =~ /invalid\s+argument\:\s+(\-\-\S+)\s+\-/
$stderr.print "Error: missing argument: #{$1}\n"
$stderr.print "Error: " + $! + "\n"
files.keys.each do |key|
print "#{key} #{files[key]}\n"
