Injected mocked Spring WebServiceTemplate to return predefined value - spring

Our web service updated on their end. I updated our client code using Spring web service.
Problem is unit test failed at return since injected mocked WebServiceTemplate returns null.
My question is "Is there a way I can make the return some predefined value?"
public class TestConfig {
public WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate() {
WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate = mock(WebServiceTemplate.class);
return webServiceTemplate;
public TheServiceClient client() {
return new TheServiceClient();
public class TheServiceClient {
private WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate;
public TheResponse getResponse(TheRequest request) {
// logic handles the request need to be tested
JAXBElement<?> element = (JAXBElement<?>) webServiceTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive(request);
return element.getResponse();
#ContextConfiguration(classes = TestConfig.class)
public class IdalClientTest {
private TheServiceClient client;
public void testGetResponse() {
TheRequest request = new TheRequest();
TheResponse response = client.getResponse(request);

Because you are not injecting the mocked WebServiceTemplate to TheServiceClient.
You should do like this
#ContextConfiguration(classes = TestConfig.class)
public class IdalClientTest {
private TheServiceClient client;
WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate;
JAXBElement jaxBElement;
public void setUp() {
// You can create a TheResponse object with success = true;
public void testGetResponse() {
TheRequest request = new TheRequest();
TheResponse response = client.getResponse(request);
You don't need that Configuration class.
Ideal way to do it to use Constructor Injection instead of Field Injection. Like this
public class TheServiceClient {
private final WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate;
public TheServiceClient(final WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate) {
this.webServiceTemplate = webServiceTemplate;
Then in your test class instead of InjectMocks you can do like this
private TheServiceClient client;
WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate;
public void setUp() {
client = new TheServiceClient(webServiceTemplate);


Is it safe to call something in my RestController from my WebSocketHandler?

I guess this is a bit of a threadsafe question, as I'm not sure how Spring Boot handles beans and web service calls and incoming websocket data.
Is it safe to call controller.doSomething() from McpWebSocketHandler, if I know also calls it?
Also, if I have the GameUnitService Autowired in both MCPController and McpWebSocketHandler, will there be any thread contention?
public class MCPController implements MqttListener {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MCPController.class);
#Autowired private JdbcTemplate jdbc;
#Autowired private GameUnitService gameUnitService;
public Object ping(HttpServletRequest request) {
String remoteAddr = request.getHeader(FORWARDED) == null ? request.getRemoteAddr() : request.getRemoteAddr() + "/" + request.getHeader(FORWARDED);"Got ping from {}", remoteAddr);
return new Response(true, ErrorCode.OK, "pong");
public String doSomething() {
return gameUnitService.doSomethingWithDatabase();
public class McpWebSocketHandler extends AbstractWebSocketHandler {
private ApplicationContext appContext;
private GameUnitService gameUnitService;
private MCPController controller;
public McpWebSocketHandler(ApplicationContext appContext,GameUnitService gameUnitService) {
this.appContext = appContext;
this.gameUnitService = gameUnitService;
controller = (MCPController)appContext.getBean("MCPController");
protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception {
String payload = message.getPayload();
String response = controller.doSomething(); //is this safe?
session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(response));
#ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = McpApplication.class)
//public class McpWebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer, MqttListener {
public class McpWebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(McpWebSocketConfig.class);
#Autowired private ApplicationContext appContext;
#Autowired private GameUnitService gameUnitService;
public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
registry.addHandler(new McpWebSocketHandler(appContext,gameUnitService), "/socket").setAllowedOrigins("*");
registry.addHandler(new McpWebSocketHandler(appContext,gameUnitService), "/").setAllowedOrigins("*");

#MockBean with Junit Jupiter concurrent mode

I am trying to use
along with #MockBean from Spring Boot. However, the tests starts to fail when I set to concurrent mode. I tried setting
#MockBean(reset = MockReset.NONE)
However, it also does not help. Seems like mocked bean is reinitialized / reset even though MockReset.NONE is set.
Is that possible to use #MockBean allow with concurrent mode or is it a known limitation?
Bean I am mocking:
public class SampleService {
public Mono<String> processCall(String call) {
return Mono.just("ok");
The controller I am testing:
public class SampleController {
private final SampleService sampleService;
public Mono<String> processCall(#RequestBody String body) {
return sampleService.processCall(body);
And tests:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {SampleController.class})
class SampleTest {
#MockBean(reset = MockReset.NONE)
private SampleService sampleService;
private WebTestClient webTestClient;
void givenSampleServiceWorksFineExpectOkResponse() {
String randomBody = "1234";
void givenSampleServiceFailedExpectErrorResponse() {
String randomBody = "9876";
.thenReturn(Mono.error(new RuntimeException("error")));
private ResponseSpec callService(String body) {
return webTestClient
uriBuilder ->
I set concurrent mode for Jupiter in file

How to set up an automated integration test to check an aspect functionality with Spring-Boot

I've added an AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) Aspect to my working project. It does work, but it won't be called when trying to Test it's functionality with an Integration Test.
The problem is, that the aspect is not called when the tests runs through. When using it normally it works fine.
I've tried to create a custom context which is supposed to be loaded for the integration tests, as I thought that the Aspect might not be loaded in the default context for these tests.
As this didn't work i also tried to manually proxy the bean of the aspect, but this didn't work neither.
Here's my integration test class:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "package.aspects" })
#SpringBootTest(classes = ZirafyApp.class)
#ContextConfiguration(classes ={ IntegrationTestAOPConfiguration.class })
public class CellResourceIntTest {
private static CellTestHelper helper = new CellTestHelper();
private PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver pageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver;
private ExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator;
private EntityManager em;
private BusinessFacade businessFacade;
private CellRepository cellRepository;
private AspectModule aspectModule;
private MockMvc restCellMockMvc;
private MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jacksonMessageConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
private Cell cell;
private Cell parentCell;
public void setup() {
final CellResource cellResource = new CellResource(cellRepository, businessFacade);
this.restCellMockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(cellResource)
public void update_cellDtoWithEmptyName_returnsHttpError422AndCellInDbIsNotUpdated() throws Exception {
AspectJProxyFactory factory = new AspectJProxyFactory(cellRepository);
CellRepository cellRepository = factory.getProxy();
CellDto cellDtoToUpdate = new CellDto.Builder().id(2).name(null).x(-10).active(true).parent(1).build();
Cell parentCell = helper.createCell(1L);
Cell cellToUpdate = helper.createCell(2L);
Cell updatedCell = cellRepository.findOne(2L);
assertEquals(cellToUpdate.getX(), updatedCell.getX());
Here the configuration file for the integration test:
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {"package.repository"})
#EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true)
public class IntegrationTestAOPConfiguration {
private ExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator;
private EntityManager em;
private CellConverter cellConverter;
private CellTreeService cellTreeService;
private CellService cellService;
private CellRepository cellRepository;
private BusinessFacade businessFacade;
private AspectModule aspectModule;
public CellConverter returnCellConverter() {
return cellConverter;
public AspectModule returnAspectModule() {
return null;//Aspects.aspectOf(AspectModule.class);
public PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver returnPageableArgumentResolver() {
return new PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver();
public ExceptionTranslator returnExceptionTranslator() {
return exceptionTranslator;
public EntityManager returnEntityManager() { return em; }
public BusinessFacade returnBusinessFacade() {
return businessFacade;
public CellTreeService returnCellTreeService() {
return cellTreeService;
public CellService returnCellService() {
return cellService;
And here my aspect-file:
public class AspectModule {
private BusinessFacade businessFacade;
AspectModule(BusinessFacade businessFacade){
this.businessFacade = businessFacade;
private void update() {}
#Around("update() && args(cell)")
public Object checkIsValidCell(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, CellDto cell) {
System.out.println("Aspect was run");
final String message = canUpdate(cell);
if (message.equals("cell_valid")) {
try {
return pjp.proceed(); // Calls the usual update() function, if the cell is valid
} catch (Throwable e) {
System.out.println("Something went wrong with the aspects");
return null;
} else {
return ResponseUtil.unprocessableEntity(message);
The aspect should keep working as it does right now but it should also work in the integration tests, at the moment it isn't called at all inside those.

Spring - How to test Controller with ApplicationEventPublisher dependency?

I have a Controller which is publishing an event
public class Controller
private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
public void get()
publisher.publishEvent(new Event());
Now I want to test that the event is published. First I tried to #MockBean the ApplicationEventPublisher and verify the method call. But this does not work according to
So I am doing it like this:
#WebMvcTest(controllers = Controller.class)
public class ControllerTest
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void getTest() throws Exception
static class Listener
public static Event event;
void listen ( Event incoming )
event = incoming;
Is there an easier way for this common use case?
You can do it like this
public class ControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
public void setup() {
Controller someController= new Controller(publisher);
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(someController).build();
public void getTest() throws Exception
ArgumentCaptor<Event> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Event.class);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
Event value = argumentCaptor.getValue();
//assert if event is correct
return null;
verify(publisher, times(1)).publishEvent(any(Event.class));
And also change Field Injection to Constructor Injection in your controller class(It is a good practice).
public class Controller
private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
public Controller(ApplicationEventPublisher publisher) {
this.publisher = publisher;
im facing the same problem, and for now i solve the problem using TestConfiguration:
class MyUseCaseIT {
#Autowired private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
#Autowired private MyService service;
void callUseCase() {
var event = mock(MyEvent.class);
static class MockitoPublisherConfiguration {
ApplicationEventPublisher publisher() {
return mock(ApplicationEventPublisher.class);
Another possiblity would be that you replace the ApplicationEventPublisher instance on your controller with the mock instance using reflection in your test:
public class ControllerTest {
// Collect your controller
private Controller controller;
// Use the mock publisher
private ApplicationEventPublisher publisherMock;
// E.g. in setup set the mock publisher on your controller
public void setup() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "publisher", publisherMock);

How to consume protobuf parameters using Spring REST?

I'm trying to pass a protobuf parameter to a REST endpoint but I get
org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException: 500 null
each time I try. What I have now is something like this:
public class TestTaskEndpoint {
#PostMapping(value = "/testTask", consumes = "application/x-protobuf", produces = "application/x-protobuf")
TestTaskComplete processTestTask(TestTask testTask) {
// TestTask is a generated protobuf class
return generateResult(testTask);
public class AppConfiguration {
ProtobufHttpMessageConverter protobufHttpMessageConverter() {
return new ProtobufHttpMessageConverter();
public class JavaConnectorApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
and my test looks like this:
public class JavaConnectorApplicationTest {
public static class RestClientConfiguration {
RestTemplate restTemplate(ProtobufHttpMessageConverter hmc) {
return new RestTemplate(Arrays.asList(hmc));
ProtobufHttpMessageConverter protobufHttpMessageConverter() {
return new ProtobufHttpMessageConverter();
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private int port = 8081;
public void contextLoaded() {
TestTask testTask = generateTestTask();
final String url = "" + port + "/testTask/";
ResponseEntity<TestTaskComplete> customer = restTemplate.postForEntity(url, testTask, TestTaskComplete.class);
// ...
I'm sure that it is something with the parameters because if I create a variant which does not take a protobuf parameter but returns one it just works fine. I tried debugging the controller code but the execution does not reach the method so the problem is probably somewhere else. How do I correctly parametrize this REST method?
This is my first stack overflow answer but I was a lot to frustred from searching for working examples with protobuf over http and spring.
the answer from Jorge is nearly correct.
Like the comments mention: "This won't work in itself. You need to add a converter somewhere at least."
Do it like this:
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
ProtobufHttpMessageConverter protobufHttpMessageConverter;
public void extendMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
The ProtobufHttpMessageConverter will do his job automatically and add the object to your controller methode
public class ProtobufController {
#PostMapping(consumes = "application/x-protobuf", produces = "application/x-protobuf")
public ResponseEntity<TestMessage.Response> handlePost(#RequestBody TestMessage.Request protobuf) {
TestMessage.Response response = TestMessage.Response.newBuilder().setQuery("This is a protobuf server Response")
return ResponseEntity.ok(response);
Working example with send and reseive with rest take a look:
Here it's the complete answer
public class JavaConnectorApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Then you need to provide the right configuration.
public class AppConfiguration {
//You need to add in this list all the messageConverters you will use
RestTemplate restTemplate(ProtobufHttpMessageConverter hmc) {
return new RestTemplate(Arrays.asList(hmc,smc));
ProtobufHttpMessageConverter protobufHttpMessageConverter() {
return new ProtobufHttpMessageConverter();
And finally your RestController.
public class TestTaskEndpoint {
#PostMapping(value = "/testTask")
TestTaskComplete processTestTask(#RequestBody TestTask testTask) {
// TestTask is a generated protobuf class
return generateResult(testTask);
The #RequestBody annotation: The body of the request is passed through an HttpMessageConverter (That you already defined) to resolve the method argument depending on the content type of the request
And your test class:
public class JavaConnectorApplicationTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private int port = 8081;
public void contextLoaded() {
TestTask testTask = generateTestTask();
final String url = "" + port + "/testTask/";
ResponseEntity<TestTaskComplete> customer = restTemplate.postForEntity(url, testTask, TestTaskComplete.class);
// Assert.assertEquals("dummyData", customer.getBody().getDummyData());
