Adding an external CAB to an MSI with an internal one - visual-studio

I have a visual studio installer (vs2015) that installs an application. I want it to also install a set of configuration files, the contents of which vary by physical install location, that will be delivered as a cab file in the same directory as the msi. The cab has a known set of files that will be distributed across 2 folders in the install location and is created by a different project than the installer. How do I get the msi to install both its internal contents and the contents of the external cabinet file?

Wise Package Studio
I actually successfully updated MSI files with new files to install using Wise Package Studio back in the day. It added a CAB file to the Cabs table (I don't know if this table is actually a Wise "view" or a real MSI table - it seems missing from Orca if all CABs are embedded in the MSI). There is a corresponding entry in the Media table where the LastSequence value (in the Media table) describes which CAB contains what files. In the File table you will find a field called Sequence which specifies the "order" of the files listed. Essentially your new files will be at the end of the "order" and hence in a new CAB. A bit involved the whole thing.
However, I successfully got Wise Package Studio to both embed a new CAB file, and to use an external CAB file to install the new files during installation, but I don't have the procedure documented and don't recall all the steps. Moreover I don't recommend the procedure - in fact I would never use this approach now. It was just used at the place I worked at the time. In most cases we used a transform to add this content to the main package, rather than hacking the MSI itself.
MSI SDK: Including a Cabinet File in an Installation
The procedure to add a CAB file to your MSI is documented in the MSI SDK here: Including a Cabinet File in an Installation. Quite involved - as I said, but definitely possible. As you will see the lack of a # flag at the start of the CAB name in the Media table indicates an external CAB file.
So I suppose, in short:
Add a new entry to the file table, set the Sequence number to +1 from the highest sequence File entry already there. I would add a new, corresponding entry in the Component table as well.
Add a new row to the Media table, specify the number you set for the file in the LastSequence column. Add the name of your cabinet file to Cabinet. Make sure to not prefix the CAB name with #.
Wise would also add entries in the MsiFileHash table. Not sure if this is required or not. Pretty sure it is not required to add entries here.
As you will see in the linked MSI SDK article, you can embed the whole cab following the last few steps listed in the linked MSDN content.
I wish I had time to test all this, but I don't. Which brings me to the next point:
Default / Instantiate Your Settings?
When I see questions like these I invariably ask myself: what is in these files? Are they "trivial settings" that could actually be defaulted instead of hard coded in config files? This has saved me a lot of work, many times.
The deployment of settings and data files have always been problematic with both MSI and legacy style installers. My philosophy of deployment for such files is to treat what you install as "read-only" and then you copy them to per-user locations or set them in HKCU on application launch, using some sane process of obtaining appropriate values (from settings written to HKLM during installation, retrieved from the user, retrieved from the Internet, etc...). Please see this longer answer on the subject: Create folder and file on Current user profile, from Admin Profile. The best approach, in my opinion, is to retrieve settings on launch from an online database (as you will see if you read that linked content), but that is involved.

It's not clear precisely what you mean, but you cannot alter the MSI to unpack all the files in your separate CAB as if they were in the MSI as the other files are. There is too much internal data on the files inside the MSI file, in the file table, component table, and so on.
So if the CAB file is in the same location as the MSI file then you could create a custom action to copy it to the target system, and unpack if you want. The copy can be told where the MSI location is by using the [SourceDir] property or the [OriginalDatabase] property OriginalDatabase property
You'd parse that location to get the path and then do the copy to the TARGETDIR location.


vsdraCOM causes the codebase path to point to build path

We have a couple of dlls we like to install using an msi.
In our test environment, we are using regasm -codebase to register the dlls.
As I understand from googling, this is accompliched in an msi project by setting the register property to vsdraCOM.
The problem is that when we run the installer and checks the registry, the codebase path is set to the path the file were in when building the msi.
I'm going to expand on Hans' answer and that link info, and it may be more than a comment can hold.
That reg file will contain the path to the file and the link article recommends using [TARGETDIR], which is basically wrong if the file is not being installed to the application folder. The path to your file should be written as [#file-key] in the reg file that you import. In a VS setup project the file-key will be (just an example) something like _B049230C37DE4B6787C578DCEE30252A. Open your MSI file with Orca, go to the File Table and use the file key in the File column that corresponds to your file name.
That comes from here:
the 7th bullet point. It resolves to the file path wherever it is installed to.
The other thing that can be done is to let Visual Studio do its incorrect thing, then go to the Registry table with Orca, find the path and put that [#file key] in it such as [#_B049230C37DE4B6787C578DCEE30252A] and people sometimes do those kinds of updates with a post build script to update the MSI.
None of these are great, but they should work and get you out of using the GAC. VS setup projects really should be using that [#file key] syntax, and it's just a silly bug I assume.
Speaking as someone who's made a full time living writing installs for 18 years, my first suggestion would be to switch to Windows Installer XML. If you insist on using .VDPROJ, I would suggest reading: Redemption of Visual Studio Deployment Projects.
The concept is you use Windows Installer XML to create a merge module and then consume that merge module with .VDPROJ. In Wix, you use Heat to harvest the DLL. It will extract the COM / Regasm metadata and author it as Registry table entries. This provides a nice clean encapsulation using authoring best practices and avoids the need to do any post build hacking of the built MSI database.

MSP file extracts only files that belong to new components

I've created a patch with Advanced Installer by using an old (target image) msi and the new one (upgrade image). Inspecting MSP file I've discovered that it contains both modified and completely new files. The problem is that during the installation it installs only the "added" files. Existing files are ignored. I've already tried MSIEXEC switches like:
REINSTALLMODE=sumo / aums / omus etc...
IS_MINOR_UPGRADE = "1" different order and combinations (i.e. "REINSTALLMODE=aums REINSTALL=ALL"), so don't reply or comment just by telling me to try REINSTALLMODE=omus or something similar.
When creating a patch there is a set of rules that need to be followed, have you checked those? Breaking one of those can lead to unexpected behavior, such as the one you are now encountering.
To check for the rules you can start with a diff between the project files, as they are standard XML ones, and check for their product code, component GUIDs, etc... For example folder synchronization is a common problem encountered when a patch is created, as this changes the component GUIDs.
For some odd reason all the core components (exe, dlls) I wanted to update were set to "Do not register this component with Windows Installer".
I suppose this is some kind of project bug, because it's very old and was migrated through different Advanced Installer versions (7, 8 and 9).
Anyway, I was not able to update my application correctly even with a fixed patch. Windows Installer kept on asking me to browse to target image msi file (cached installer of the previous version).
However not all of my customers keep those files (usually this cached files are stored in %APPDATA% folder). So I found a workaround:
I've applied "Hash files" option in order to create a MsiFileHash table
I've packed my msp patch in a bootstrapper (exe file) that starts it with the TWICE with following command-line parameters:
first time:
"myPatch.msp" /n {150F6CE2-8C12-414B-9377-F087A62E6B67} REINSTALLMODE=c /qb
second time:
"myPatch.msp" /n {150F6CE2-8C12-414B-9377-F087A62E6B67} REINSTALLMODE=dep /qb
REINSTALLMODE=c switch forces file compare algorithm based on hashes, so it doesn't require the original setup sources anymore
REINSTALLMODE=dep restores all the other missing files, files with unknown or different (from target) version
I hope this workaround will be useful to people that use MSI/MSP authoring tools other than Advanced Installer

How to make WIX create files to Program Files folder in the installation? I have "Access defined"

I am creating a WIX installer project. During one managed customized action, I need to create a file (other than the deployed files specified in the components of WIX) in the installation folder, which by default is the Program Files folder. I am experiencing the "Access denied" problem in Windows 7. After some searching, I found out that people say it is not advisable to create files into Program Files folder. Instead, try to create files into for example AppData folder. For example, see this link:
C# Access denied to path in a Windows Application
But my question is, the generated file is crucial to our SW, so it must reside in the installation folder. Isn't it the target of SW installation, I mean, to create file in most of the cases Program Files folder? Does it mean the only files should be added into installation folder, during the installation, are the deployed files (basically the targets of XCopy)?
My file can't be made deploy-able in the WIX, i.e, it can't be made ready before the installation. So what's the proper way or best practice to handle such situation: a file must be generated during the installation, into the installation folder. It is not some log file that I can put somewhere else. I tried to create a Permission element in WIX for the INSTALLADIR, although it seems to be against the rule mentioned in the link, but it still failed. Thanks!
Based one MichaelUrman's commen, some more information. The generated file is needed after the SW is installed and necessary during normal launch of the SW. And I think it needs to be modified during normal use after the installation. And as I mentioned my a comment to #caveman_dick answer, my CA is actually in commit phase, I don't know whether there is any difference between it and normal deferred CA
Set the custom action to Execute="deferred", that will run the command elevated and should give it the required permissions to create the file.
Since you need to update that file from the main application, and I'm assuming your application does not require elevated privileges, you have three options.
The first is the worst: without a manifest, your executable's attempts to write to the Program Files folder will typically result in it being redirected to the Virtual Store (see File Virtualization). It sounds like this isn't happening in your case, so you can't use it.
The second option is to modify the application to store this in an appropriate location such as the ProgramData folder, or Common Documents, or (if appropriate) a per-user location under LocalAppData. This is typically the best approach, but has the highest development costs.
Finally the third option is to create the file and change its permissions (or in some cases to change the permissions on the folder containing the file), allowing limited users to modify this file. See LockPermissions or MsiLockPermissionsEx for the Windows Installer way to approach this. Change the permissions on as few files or folders, as restricted as possible, to keep the system as safe as possible if you go with this option.

Freeware tool for creating a single file installer from an msi file + config file (thats easy enough for an End-User to use)

My installer requires there be two files in the same directory in order for it to install.
The installer (.msi file)
An organization specific config file that the installer copies. (This file is customized by the organization and then distributed to it's end users).
Since there are two files, the file has to be distributed as a zip file. Which presents the issue of if a user tries running the .msi without actually extracting the zip... only the msi file gets extracted. I am able to detect the issue in the install process and tell the user they need to unzip the file... but you know how noone actually reads error messages.
So, I'd like to make it more foolproof and so i was wondering if there was a simple tool that i could let my customers (ie the organization) be able to make modifications to the config file and when finished create a .exe file which when clicked would extract to a temp folder and then run the msi. I know there are solutions for this which require commercial software. I'm wondering if a simple freeware tool exists that can do this.
Edit: Accepted Solution Notes:
The one issue i ran into is the iexpress wasn't designed to be used for .msi files. As a result on the step that asks you for the Install Program. It's a combo box which if you had added a .exe file in the previous step could just select the .exe file from. Instead you have to manually type in
msiexec /i yourinstaller.msi
I was very pleased to find such a simple solution that's built in to windows. The only way this could be better is if it allowed for wildcards so that your iexpress project would be able to handle changes in the msi file's name which occur with each version. And defaulting the Install Program to the .msi file. These minor inconveniences are offset by the fact that end user wouldn't need to install any new software to create the package so I have stopped looking for other tools.
You could try using iexpress.
It enables you to package up a set of files which can be extracted, with the option of running an installation command automatically after extraction. It also has options to enable you to prompt users about things, show a EULA, restart the computer, etc..
I believe it comes as part of Windows (part of IE?) - try running iexpress.exe from the run dialog to get the UI.
The Wix project has a bootstrapper and packager for dealing with this kind of thing.
I've used wix a lot but haven't really looked at the bootstrapper/packager much - last time I had a quick look it wasn't really usable but that was a long time ago so it may be better now.
I'm guessing that the config file is something like a properties file, and that you want users to set the values of the properties "foo" and "bar". You don't need a separate tool to update the file.
I would do this:
Put one or more dialogs in the install that ask the user what the values of foo and bar should be, and set a couple public properties accordingly.
Write a custom action that writes the config file out to whatever location you want, including whatever values you want for foo and bar. This would be pretty easy in vbscript.
Put the custom action somewhere in the execute sequence (ideally as a deferred execution action, since you're making changes to the system).
Add an entry to the RemoveFile table, so the config file is removed on uninstall (assuming you don't want it to be left behind.)
Add an entry to the LaunchCondition table, to prevent users from doing a silent install. Or if you want silent install to be allowed, make the names of the public properties that hold the config data known, and make them part of the LaunchCondition. You would block "msiexec /i myapp.msi", but you could choose to allow "msiexec /i myapp.msi FOO=Something BAR=SomethingElse".

How do I set file permissions for non-admin users in VB6?

I have an old update program written in vb6, which runs as admin. However, because it runs as admin, all the files it downloads and saves are read-only to other users. Even files in public places like the shared application data folder (which is where I'm saving the files in question).
I'm lucky I found this before the 'vista-compatible' release. Vista hides the problem by redirecting non-admin writes and future reads to a sortof 'virtual' folder. But the next update may replace the file, and the non-admin program will still go to the virtual folder and use the old file.
As the admin user, how do I allow other users full control of files I write in vb6?
The way I do this is to make it an Installer responsibility.
Use VSI 1.1 to create an Installer MSI for your application. Create an application data folder under CommonAppDataFolder.
As a post-build step run a script to perform the following:
Set the MSI database for a per-machine installation: Property table, row with ALLUSERS set to 1.
In the Directory table, locate the entry for CommonAppDataFolder and obtain its directory Index. Use this Index to query the Directory table for an entry where CommonAppDataFolder is the parent and obtain its Index (this is your app data subfolder).
Look in the File table to obtain the component Index of your program.
Create the CreateFolder table in the database if it isn't present. Add a row to CreateFolder for the desired application subdirectory by its Index, tying it to your program's component Index.
Create the LockPermissions table if it isn't present. Insert a new LockPermissions row for your application data subdirectory, giving it FILE_ALL_ACCESS for Everyone.
That's about it.
You can do it this way, or use VSI 1.1 and then edit the MSI using Orca, or probably by using a 3rd party MSI authoring tool these entries will be settable via its GUI and can be saved in the Installer project. I just use a small WSH script I run after each VSI 1.1 build.
AFAIK this is the recommended way of accomplishing such things according to Windows application guidelines. If your needs are fancier you might use multiple subdirectories or sub-subdirectories some allowing full access, some read-only, etc.
Your program can locate the folder using Shell Automation objects or by calling Shell32 as a standard DLL (using Declare Function or a TLB).
It's not necessarily who writes the file, but where they write it to. The program files folder and it's sub folders are read-only to all standard users by default. Try using the All Users Application Data folder instead.
This is a little tricky for VB6, since it was not at all designed with Vista in mind. Some of the relevant folders were re-named and there's no way I know to get vb6 to give you the exact folder you want short of using a "Declare Function" alias to call directly into the windows API.
So the easiest reliable way I know to find a suitable location is to use the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% environment variable. That returns "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users" by default on XP and "C:\ProgramData" by default on Vista. From there you can look for an "Application Data" folder. It won't be there and you don't need it on Vista, but creating one if it doesn't exist won't hurt anything. That gives you a consistent folder structure on both systems from which you can create a sub folder for your app to use as a work space.
And one final note: this isn't a new change for Vista. Program Files folders have always been read-only to standard users by default. XP worked the same way. It's just that so many people run as administrators in XP you might be able to get away with it.
