YARN-Specify Which Application to be Run on Which Nodemanager - hadoop

I have a Hadoop YARN cluster including one resourcemanager and 6 nodemanagers. I want to run both Flink and Spark applications on the cluster. So I have two main question about YARN:
In case of Spark, Should I install and config Spark on resource manager and each nodemanagers? When I want to submit a Spark application on YARN, in addition to YARN resourcemanager and nodemanagers, should Spark cluster (master and slaves) be run?
Can I set YARN such that run Flink in some special nodemanagers?

For the first question, that depends on whether you're using a packaged Hadoop distribution (like Cloudera CDH, Hortonworks HDP for example) or not. The distros will likely take care of this. If you're not using a distribution, you need to consider if you want to run Spark on YARN or Spark stand-alone.
For the second question, you can specify special Node Managers if you are using Capacity Scheduler with the node-labelling feature enabled and if you are using Hadoop 2.6 and higher.


Understanding mapreduce.framework.name wrt Hadoop

I am learning Hadoop and came to know that that there are two versions of the framework viz: Hadoop1 and Hadoop2.
If my understanding is correct, in Hadoop1, the execution environment is based on two daemons viz TaskTracker and JobTracker whereas in Hadoop2 (aka yarn), the execution environment is based on "new daemons" viz ResourceManager, NodeManager, ApplicationMaster.
Please correct me if this is not correct.
I came to know of the following configuration parameter:
possible values which it can take: local , classic , yarn
I don't understand what does they actually mean; for example if I install Hadoop 2 , then how can it have old execution environment (which has TaskTracker, JobTracker).
Can anyone help me what these values mean?
yarn stands for MR version 2.
classic is for MR version 1
local for local runs of the MR jobs.
MR V1 and MR V2 are just about how resources are managed and a job is executed. The current hadoop release is capable of both (and even in local lightweight mode). When you set the value as yarn, you are simply instructing the framework to use yarn way to execute the job. Similarly when you set it to local, you just telling the framework that there is no cluster for execution and its all within a JVM. It is not a different infrastructure for MR V1 and MR V2 framework; its just the way of job execution, which changes.
jobTracker, TaskTracker etc are all just daemon thread, which are spawned when needed and killed.
MRv1 uses the JobTracker to create and assign tasks to data nodes. This was found to be too inefficient when dealing with large cluster, leading to yarn
MRv2 (aka YARN, "Yet Another Resource Negotiator") has a Resource Manager for each cluster, and each data node runs a Node Manager. For each job, one slave node will act as the Application Master, monitoring resources/tasks, etc.
Local mode is given to simulate and debug MR application within a single machine/JVM.
EDIT: Based on comments
jps (Java Virtual Machine Process Status)is a JVM tool, which according to official page:
The jps tool lists the instrumented HotSpot Java Virtual Machines
(JVMs) on the target system. The tool is limited to reporting
information on JVMs for which it has the access permissions.
jps is not a big data tool, rather a java tool which tells about JVM, however it does not divulge any information on processes running within the JVM.
It only list the JVM, it has access to. It means there still be certain JVMs which remains undetected.
Keeping the above points in mind, if you observed that jsp command emits different result based on hadoop deployment mode:
Local (or Standalone) mode: There are no daemons and everything runs on a single JVM.
Pseudo-Distributed mode: Each daemon(Namenode, Datanode etc) runs on its own JVM on a single host.
Distributed mode: Each Daemon run on its own JVM across a cluster of hosts.
Hence each of the processes may or may not run in same JVM and hence jps output will be different.
Now in distributed mode, the MR v2 framework works in default mode. i.e. yarn; hence you see yarn specific daemons running
Apache Hadoop 1.x (MRv1) consists of the following daemons:
Note that NameNode and DataNode are common between two, because they are HDFS specific daemon, while other two are MR v1 and yarn specific.

How to set up Spark on multi-node Hadoop cluster?

I would like to install Hadoop HDFS and Spark on multi-node cluster.
I was able to successfully install and configure Hadoop on multi-node cluster. I have also installed and configured Spark on master node.
I have doubts that I have to configure the spark in slaves as well?
I have doubt that I have to configure the spark in slaves as well?
You should not. You're done. You did more than you had to to submit Spark applications to Hadoop YARN (which I concluded is the cluster manager).
Spark is a library for distributed computations on massive datasets and as such it belongs solely to your Spark applications (not any cluster you may use).
Time to spark-submit Spark applications!

Spark cluster - read/write on hadoop

I would like to read data from hadoop, process on spark, and wirte result on hadoop and elastic search. I have few worker nodes to do this.
Spark standalone cluster is sufficient? or Do I need to make hadoop cluster to use yarn or mesos?
If standalone cluster mode is sufficient, should jar file be set on all node unlike yarn, mesos mode?
First of all, you can not write data in Hadoop or read data from Hadoop. It is HDFS (Component of Hadoop ecosystem) which is responsible for read/write of data.
Now coming to your question
Yes, it possible to read data from HDFS and process it in spark engine and then write the output on HDFS.
YARN, mesos and spark standalone all are cluster managers and you can use any one of them to do management of resources in your cluster and it had nothing to do with hadoop. But since you want to read and write data from/to HDFS then you need to install HDFS on cluster and thus it is better to install hadoop on your all nodes that will also install HDFS on all nodes. Now whether you want to use YARN, mesos or spark standalone that is your choice all will work with HDFS I myself use spark standalone for cluster management.
It is not clear about which jar files you are talking to but I assume it will be of spark then yes you need to set the path for spark jar on each node so that there will be no contradiction in paths when spark run's.

Is spark standalone scheduler or Yarn scheduler better for a Cloudera 5.4 hadoop cluster?

In regards to being able to run machine learning jobs with Spark. Which is a better choice the Yarn scheduler or the Spark Standalone scheduler?
There is no difference when it comes to run the actual spark job.
Yarn/Mesos helps you to schedule resources if you have different spark applictions running and/or other components running in your cluster (which support Yarn/Mesos of course).
The Spark standalone cluster cannot manage resources. That is if you start a Spark application and it uses all the ressources, the second application will not find any resources left. That means you have to do this by yourself (e.g. adapting Spark config accordingly)

How to install Apache Spark on HortonWorks HDP 2.2 (built using Ambari)

I successfully built a 5 node cluster of HortonWorks HDP 2.2 using Ambari.
However I don't see Apache Spark in the installed services list.
I did some research and found that Ambari does not install certain components like hue etc. ( Spark was not in that list, but I guess its not installed).
How do I do a manual install of Apache spark on my 5 node HDP 2.2?
Or should I delete my cluster and perform a fresh install without using Ambari?
Hortonworks support for Spark is arriving but not fully complete (details and blog).
Instructions for how to integrate Spark with HDP can be found here.
You could build your own Ambari Stack for Spark. I recently did just that, but I cannot share that code :(
What I can do is share a tutorial I did on how to do any stack for Ambari, including Spark. There are many interesting issues with Spark that need to be addressed and are not covered through the tutorial. Anyways hope it helps. http://bit.ly/1HDBgS6
There is also a guide from the Ambari people here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=38571133.
1) Ambari 1.7x does not install Accumulo, Hue, Ranger, or Solr services for the HDP 2.2 Stack.
For Installing Accumulo, Hue, Knox, Ranger, and Solr services, install
HDP Manually.
2) Apache Spark 1.2.0 on YARN with HDP 2.2 : here .
Spark and Hadoop: Working Together :
Standalone deployment: With the standalone deployment one can statically allocate resources on all or a subset of machines in a Hadoop cluster and run Spark side by side with Hadoop MR. The user can then run arbitrary Spark jobs on her HDFS data. Its simplicity makes this the deployment of choice for many Hadoop 1.x users.
Hadoop Yarn deployment: Hadoop users who have already deployed or are planning to deploy Hadoop Yarn can simply run Spark on YARN without any pre-installation or administrative access required. This allows users to easily integrate Spark in their Hadoop stack and take advantage of the full power of Spark, as well as of other components running on top of Spark.
Spark In MapReduce : For the Hadoop users that are not running YARN yet, another option, in addition to the standalone deployment, is to use SIMR to launch Spark jobs inside MapReduce. With SIMR, users can start experimenting with Spark and use its shell within a couple of minutes after downloading it! This tremendously lowers the barrier of deployment, and lets virtually everyone play with Spark.
