How to check voice.mark-done-on-release option from custom code - genesys

In our Workspace customization I need to check if the voice.mark-done-on-release option is set to true. Using a decompiler I can see that this option is exposed in Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Voice.VoiceOptions object as property VoiceMarkDoneOnRelease - but how can I get to that?
I can see that all I would need to do is get the value from the ConfigManager but it would be nice to reference the public property instead so that if it ever changes the compiler will know about it.
namespace Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Voice
public class VoiceOptions : Options
public bool VoiceMarkDoneOnRelease
return this.configManager.GetValueAsBoolean("voice.mark-done-on-release", false);

The best way I could find is to inject the IConfigManager and instantiate your own instance of VoiceOptions:
using Genesyslab.Desktop.Infrastructure.Configuration;
namespace YourNamespace
public class YourClass
private readonly IConfigManager _genesysConfigManager;
public CAMSessionService(IConfigManager genesysConfigManager)
_genesysConfigManager = genesysConfigManager;
private VoiceOptions GetVoiceOptions()
return VoiceOptions.CreateNewInstance(_genesysConfigManager);


Should I use dependency injection to bring in a class with constants into my Xamarin Forms application or is there a better way?

I have a class containing constants:
namespace Test.AppService
public static class Const
public const bool Tmr = false;
public const int Pti = 10;
I was wondering if this would be a good candidate for dependency injection or would it be better to leave it as it is and just add using for Test.AppService into every page? Would appreciate advice on this.
Reading your comment about needing to use a different set of constants if that is something you see happening then Dependency injection makes sense. For example if you are using different environments like DEV, QA, Release comes to mind.
You would need to declare an interface with all your public fields. Implement that Interface in different classes with all the possible different scenarios. Then you can register your interface and the class with your desired set of values that you would be able to swap as needed.
For example:
public interface IConfiguration
public string ConnectionString {get;}
public class QaValues : IConfiguration
public string ConnectionString
{ get
return "qaconnection";
public class ReleaseValues : IConfiguration
public string ConnectionString
{ get
return "releaseconnection";

How to use #ConfigProperties with a Converter class

I tried to implement a custom config type and it worked. However, when I use the custom type with a group of config using the #ConfigProperties it fails to automatically recognize the property by its name and instead treats the property as an object with a nested property.
How can I implement such a behavior correctly? (I am new to Quarkus, so please correct me if I am doing something wrong here)
Here is a code snippet that converts a custom type:
public class Percentage {
private double percentage;
public Percentage() {}
public Percentage(double percentage) {
this.percentage = percentage;
public void setPercentage(double percentage) {
this.percentage = percentage;
public double getPercentage() {
return this.percentage;
public class PercentageConverter implements Converter<Percentage> {
public Percentage convert(String value) {
int percentIndex = value.indexOf("%");
return new Percentage(Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, percentIndex - 1)));
/// this works ------
public class Hello {
#ConfigProperty(name = "custom.vat")
Percentage vat;
public Hello () {
// .....
/// however, this fails
#ConfigProperties(prefix = "custom")
public class CustomConfig {
public Percentage vat;
public Percentage profit;
javax.enterprise.inject.spi.DeploymentException: No config value of type [double] exists for: custom.vat.percentage
at io.quarkus.arc.runtime.ConfigRecorder.validateConfigProperties(
Unfortunately, I believe this does not work because Quarkus #ConfigProperties, handles these cases as if they were subgroups and try to map nested properties with the configuration (and not use the Converter).
Feel free to open up an issue in Quarkus GH if you feel this should change:
Alternately, you can use SR Config #ConfigMapping: It covers a few more cases, including direct Conversion and in the future it may replace Quarkus #ConfigProperties.

Windows Phone - Using generic class for PhoneApplicationPage

I have a Page which consist of AddPage.xaml and AddPage.xaml.cs. I want to create a generic class AddPage which extends from PhoneApplicationPage to outsource some repetitive code like Save or Cancel.
If I change the base class from PhoneApplicationPage to my new generic class, I get this error: Partial declarations of 'AddPage' must not specify different base classes.
To accomplish this you need to do the following.
First, create your base class
public class SaveCancelPhoneApplicationPage : PhoneApplicationPage
protected void Save() { ... }
protected void Cancel() { ... }
Then, your AddPage needs to be modified to inherit from the base class. The main places this is needed is within the code (AddPage.xaml.cs) AND within the xaml
public partial class AddPage : SaveCancelPhoneApplicationPage { ... }
<!-- other xaml elements -->
UPDATE: Info added based on comments
If you need to have generic like functionality and you must use the Page to do this (rather than a ViewModel) then you can still do this using generic methods
public abstract class SaveCancelPhoneApplicationPage : PhoneApplicationPage
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(blaa,blaa)
var obj = CreateMyObject();
// You should know what your objects are,
// don't make it usable by every phone dev out there
protected MyBaseObject MyObject { get; set; }
protected T GetMyObject<T>() where T : MyBaseObject
return MyObject as T;
public class AddPage : SaveCancelPhoneApplicationPage
public AddPage()
MyObject = new MyAddObject();
In order to outsource some functions you just declare some add class which does the common work. Having another page doesn't do that work.
public class Add
public bool SaveContent(string filename, string content)
....//some content
return true;
public string ViewContent(string filename)
string content="";
return content;
Add this part of code where you thought it is redundant.
Add obj=new Add();
obj.SaveContent("myfile.txt","Hello.This is my content.");
string content("myfile.txt");
Tell me if this is what you intend or not.

Why is an item in the ViewBag not propagated to the _Layout page?

I have a SiteNavigation class that is being updated in the Initialize event of my base controller e.g.
public class SiteNavigation
public SiteNavigation()
IsSummarySelected = true;
public Model.Dtos.Folder[] Folders { get; set; }
public bool IsSummarySelected { get; set; }
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
var siteNavigation = new SiteNavigation();
siteNavigation.Folders = GetMeMyFolders() as Folder[];
ViewBag.SiteNavigation = siteNavigation;
and in the controller the IsSummarySelected property is changed to this value.
ViewBag.SiteNavigation.IsSummarySelected = false;
When I access the property in the _Layout file with this line of code, the value is ALWAYS true. It's as if the nav object is being New'd up again and the constructor is setting it to true.
#if (ViewBag.SiteNavigation.IsSummarySelected)
I've tried casting the nav object back to a variable and setting the property that way too, no dice. Any help would be appreciated.
Call me baffled!
Thank you,
I just copy pasted your code into my sample mvc project, and changing IsSummarySelected in my action correctly was reflected in the _Layout file. Are you certain your controller's assignment is getting hit, and you're not reassigning it afterwards somewhere else?
Edit: Your issues are an example of why I think it's a bad idea to use ViewBag for anything other than a localized quick fix. Debugging dynamic global objects is no fun. Refactoring suggestion: Make a site Navigation property in your base controller
SiteNavigation siteNavigation;
public SiteNavigation SiteNavigation
return siteNavigation;
siteNavigation = value;
and replace all references to ViewBag.SiteNavigation with this. Then create a custom WebViewPage and put in it.
public SiteNavigation SiteNavigation
return ((BaseController)ViewContext.Controller).SiteNavigation;
This won't fix your problem, but now you can just stick breakpoints on the get and set properties of SiteNavigation, and it should be very easy to debug your issue now.
I fill my TempData["SplitterIsCollapsed"] when Filters are invoked then via OnResultExecuting method. Additionally i fetch a property state from my UserContext class, which is registered only once per session: builder.RegisterType().As().CacheInSession(); .
Basic info: I use DependcyInjection!
Assignment of the Filter to the Controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
FilterAttribute class:
namespace MyProject.Web.Infrastructure.Filters
public class LayoutTempDataAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private readonly IUserContext _userContext;
public LayoutTempDataAttribute()
_userContext = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IUserContext>();
public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext context)
if (context.Controller.TempData.ContainsKey("SplitterIsCollapsed"))
context.Controller.TempData["SplitterIsCollapsed"] = _userContext.LayoutInformation.SplitterIsCollapsed;
context.Controller.TempData.Add("SplitterIsCollapsed", _userContext.LayoutInformation.SplitterIsCollapsed);
The Splitter part of the _Layout.cshtml looks like:
.Panes(panes =>

Accessing ninject kernel in Application_Start

I am using Ninject and the MVC3 extension installed with nuget. My kernel setup code is in the App_Start/NinjectMVC3.cs file. Everything works great in controllers, but I can't figure out how to (properly) bind interfaces in the Global.asax.cs MvcApplication code.
I ended up using a hack (creating a public NinjectMVC3.GetKernel() method that returns bootstrap.kernel). However, that will be deprecated, and there must be a proper way to do this that I am not seeing.
Here is my code:
public class LogFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private IReportingService ReportingService { get; set; }
public LogFilterAttribute( IReportingService reportingService )
this.ReportingService = reportingService;
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters( GlobalFilterCollection filters )
filters.Add( new HandleErrorAttribute() );
filters.Add( new LogFilterAttribute() );
protected void Application_Start()
RegisterGlobalFilters( GlobalFilters.Filters );
// NOTE hack:
var kernel = NinjectMVC3.GetKernel();
var logger = kernel.Get<ILogger>();
var bw = new BackgroundWork(logger);
Application["BackgroundWork"] = bw;
There are two interfaces I am interested in. The first is just binding an object to a Global variable (the ILogger for the BackgroundWork).
And the second is for an ActionFilter. I read, but I don't see how it plugs into the actual registration (filter.Add).
I don't want to use the Property Inject if I can avoid it.
Any thoughts on the proper way to do this?
MVC 3 introduces the DependencyResolver which is populated into a singleton, and the Ninject extension supports it. You could use that in your MvcApplication class if you need it:
protected void Application_Start()
// ...
var logger = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<ILogger>();
Now I should point out that it is unnecessary to do this with action filters. In Ninject.MVC3 you are supposed to use the BindFilter syntax, like so:
// Declare empty attribute
public class MyFilterAttribute : FilterAttribute { }
// Dependency module
public class MyModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
// Other bindings
// ...
this.BindFilter<MyActionFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 1)
Note that you have to use this because BindFilter is an extension method, and you also have to reference the Ninject.Web.Mvc.FilterBindingSyntax namespace.
