Run mvn exec:exec without a pom.xml - maven

I am trying to find a way just to fetch a library from maven repository and run it. I want to define everything by command line and ignore the pom. I am trying following:
mvn exec:exec -Dexec.mainClass="org.main.Class"
When I try to run it with pom.xml, it starts to fetch all the dependencies described in the pom. Which I really don't want. When I run it without the pom.xml, it says Goal requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory. Please verify you invoked Maven from the correct directory. Is there a way to run it without the pom or at least ignore it?
My goal is just to start my application from anywhere without sources or jars.

One possible workaround would be to:
first get the jar
then execute it
For that, the maven plugin dependency:get is handy, and can be executed without any pom.xml/project (so from any folder you want)
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:get -DrepoUrl= -Dartifact=<group>:<artifact>:<version>
Once you have copied the artifact to the folder of your choice, a plugin like dependency:copy-dependencies could, reading the pom.xml of the artifact you just got, copy said dependencies to the same folder of your choice.
Finally, a java -cp . yourArtifact.jar can execute it.
I realize this is not as straightforward as just "exec:exec", and that it fetches dependencies from the pom.xml, but here at least:
the first step does not require any pom.xml,
the second step needs the pom.xml of the very artifact you want to execute, and those dependencies might be needed at runtime: you would need those anyway if you want to 'exec' your artifact.

Nope. It's impossible. Mvn Exec is, in fact, Maven Pluging dedicated to execute something as part of maven-nature project. If you need to execute Jar outcome why not use just java ***.jar ?


How to get all the specified jars mentioned in the pom.xml and transitively dependent jars?

I have only the POM file using which I need to write a script to automatically download all the dependency files and output to custom mentioned path.
I just want to achieve the above using mvn command in command line.
It sounds like you're looking for mvn dependency:copy-dependencies:
dependency:copy-dependencies takes the list of project direct dependencies and optionally transitive dependencies and copies them to a specified location, stripping the version if desired. This goal can also be run from the command line.
From the project root, invoking on the command line
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=...
will copy all your project direct and transitive dependencies to the specified output directory. If those dependencies are not already in your local Maven repository, they will be downloaded from Maven Central (or from a custom repository).

mvn's classpath doesn't contain the project's own jar

I'm trying to start up an snapshot instance from Jenkins for a maven projectA. In order to get the correct classpath for the instance, the following command is executed under the same dir of projectA's pom.xml
mvn exec:exec -Dexec.executable=./ -Dexec.args='%classpath'
Where the script takes advantage of getting class path from '%classpath' var from mvn and append it to a file and then starts the instance.
My problem is the %classpath only contains projectA's dependencies, but doesn't have projectA's own snapshot jar, which makes it not able to start up, I need to manually add the /path/to/projectA/verion-SNAPSHOT.jar to the classpath. I think I'm missing something here, is it possible to get the classpath for all dependency jars PLUS projectA's jar?
Just get this resolved, in my Jenkins job, I didn't build the project, was just pulling the pom.xml and execute the mvn exec:exec on top of it, this makes maven fail to add target/classes that're generated by 'mvn install' the job.
Problem solved after I change the jenkins job to a standard maven build job that do mvn install first and mvn exec:exec later.

Run tomcat project without pom.xml (like yum or apt-get)

For a presentation purpose and installation handbook i like to run a tomcat-project directly with only maven installed.
I googled around an found:
a way to download the dependency directly my mvn dependency:get
a way to start the war by mvn tomcat7:run
Is there any way to have a short shell-command who download the dependency from the server, compile and start it?
Actually i got this:
mvn dependency:get tomcat7:run
But mvn still try to find the plugin from the official maven repository.
Any Idea?
Are you maybe missing this:
Caveat: will always check the central repository defined in the super pom
From the little information here, you make it look as if you're distributing files already (the repository stuff) so why not provide a POM as well, opening you up to doing whatever nifty Maven stuff you desire. Then you can do:
mvn install -f <path to your POM>

What is the most common way to unpack a jar file after jenkins maven build?

I am new to maven and Jenkins so I do not know what is the most common way to extract the JAR file build by maven in the same Jenkins job.
Running mvn install in a Jenkins job outputs the file /home/user/.jenkins/workspace/$JOB_NAME/project/target/package-2.0.0.jar.
I want to extract it to some directory like /opt/project and call /opt/project/
I thought of a post-build shell script calling jar -xvf <path>/package-2.0.0.jar but how to get the version number (2.0.0) then? Maybe there is a maven goal to do this?
define that artifact as a dependency in some other module (the module that will run the shell script) and use the dependency plugin to unpack it
that would mean you'd have (at least) 2 modules in your maven project - one that produces the jar, and the other that does something with the artifact produced by the 1st.
if that doesnt fit your need you could bind the unpack after the install phase (the artifact makes it into the local repository at the install phase, and the dependency plugin only deals with artifacts from the local repository) and do it there.
if youre still not satisfied you can get the artifact name in a maven pom.xml file by using ${}. the default is ${artifactId}-${version} as you can see here (look at the super pom). if you need it with the suffix it'll be something like ${artifactId}-${version}.${packaging}
if you are running on linux based systems something like
jar -xvf `ls <path>/package-*.jar`
will do the job.

Maven: Deploying a jar/war with built in pom.xml file

I don't have a Maven project. What I have is a jar with the pom.xml embedded in the file. When I deploy this via the Artifactory GUI, Artifactory finds the pom and deploys it with the jar. It even recognizes the groupId, artifactId, and version.
When I try using mvn deploy:deploy-file it fails. If I extract the pom, and run mvn deploy:deploy-file with the -DpomFile=pom.xml, it works. Is there a way of deploying this jar with the embedded pom via the Maven command line? Or, do I need to extract the pom.xml first?
I have not heard of the possibility to specify the pom file from archive. I think it is unlikely to be an option, because Maven itself is just a light-weight program, which runs with plugins; and it needs some configurations to run with; and all references to plugins to be used are in those files.
Consider writing an Ant script that will extract the file, run mvn deploy:deploy-file -DpomFile=pom.xml and then delete the file.
The solution looks not very nice, I know, but it should help.
This is an Artifactory feature and not standard Maven behaviour.
Keep in mind that, for example, if you use dependency:unpack-dependencies or the assembly plugin to create some sort of über jar there would be multiple pom.xml files within the jar under the /META-INF/ path so it would be very difficult to select which pom was the true pom.
